HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 13 1982t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City,of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.. t i x September 13, 1982 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regualr segsion on Monday, September 13, 1982 at 7 :30 PM inithe'Council Chambers r Mayor Stock; called the meeting to order. Present were 'Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Infatkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, Finance Director i Teschner,' City Planner Graser and City Planning Consultant Tooker. ,3 Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of September 7. 1982 were reviewed. *' Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of September 7 1982 as submitted, 1 seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. s Mayor Stock then_asked Barry Meyer, Chairmanof the Cable TV Committee to review the final request for proposals for cable franchise. i There was general discussion by Council and`Staff. n Motion by Thorkelson to ° approve the request for proposal as here outlined by Barry Meyer and submitted to,Council, and'to authorize the Cable TV Committee /Consultant to release this to the interested parties, seconded' by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. _ Mayor Stock then asked City Planner.Graser to update the Council on the Dust Control at Lakeside Marina. City Planner.Graser stated that the chloride has been placed on the ,roadway. City Manager McGuire stated that he had received a request to consider r changing the City's Sunday Liqumr Ordinance, which now states that establish - ° /,,�,^ �} menfs can not open and serve liquor until 12 :00 noon to '12:00 midnight as w ' P er,State Statute 340.1,. The state ate aw was `changed last year allow' -i ng the opening to be at 10 :00 AM until 12 :00- midnight. City Manager.MeGui a rec- ommended that the ordinance be changed and effective immediately. l " Motion b - Busse to amend the Cit ' y City 0 s ordinance to,�have it comply with the state law``relat'ive to Sunday Liquor and to direct the Gity Attorney to draft an Amendment as far as the hours -of operation'of our local Sunday Liquor Establishments,, :seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken i t was duly passed. Mayor Stock then asked for recess until 8:00 PM. ; Mayor Stock called the meeting back to 'order at 8 :00 PM. j Mayor Stock called the Revenue Bonds for the Ice Arena Hearing to order. The published notice was read. He then, asked Fl,nance Director Teschner to review the request for Council and the public. There was comments Steve Marriot,'President of the Prior Lake Sports Arena. Steve Mattson, Vice President of Juran and Moddy also had comments. Mayor Stock then opened the public hearing to'the'Council for discussion. '= Motion by Watkins to adopt the resolution for the Revenue Bonds for the ' Prior Lake Ice Arena, contingent upon the Bond Counse =I' drafting a disclaimer ° v stating that the investors are aware of the fi'nacial projections and risks, seconded_ by Busse,, There was further discussion by Council. 1 lit, 1 , MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of `the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: It was asked that a amendment be made to the motion, stating that there be a time frame up to 12 months, accepted by Watkins, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. The next item on the agenda was a general discussion on Revenue Bonds. City Manager McGuire ceviewed the present resolution that the City follows for the issuance of revenue bonds 79 -25. There was general discussion on the 14 points that are listed in the resolution. Steve Mattson had comments for the Council. It was Council's opinion to add point.15 which would be putting a time limit on the bond: This would be heft flexible. ' There was general discussion by Council and Staff. x Mayor Stock dieected'City Manager McGuire to prepare a revised resolution and °prese nt ' it to the Council for final approval a "t a future meeting. { Motion by Watkins to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a ' vote taken this public hearing was adjourned at 8:42 PM: 'Mayor Stock .then called the information meeting for the Public Access discussion- t with' the DNR to order, Mayor Stock asked Del Barber to join the Council at the Council c.. Table? Mayor Stock reviewed the order that the hearing would foi'low. 'l4 City Planning Consultant Tooker reviewed the pros and.cons of the 3 possible sites. He stated that it would 'be staffs recommendation that Lakefront :Park be removed from the choices. The reeommende'd� site from staff would be West Avenue. • ;i' #, Pei. Barber gave a presentation on the pros and cons from the DNR's poini of view. R DNR's recommendation would be to drop Lakefront and' West Avenue' stating that. A t would not be available because the owners are not willing'to sell. The recommended` s. site from the DNR would be Visions "8". { Ma'yo'r Stock then opened the meeting to the floor for'the audience comments. After hearing the comments from the aud'ie rice, Mayor Stock asked the Council to voice r their comments.' j Mayor Stock stated that he had received a letter from.Mr. d Mrs., Moeller re- l ` galrding the objection of using Visions 11 8" as a public access. R< ' _ City Manager McGuire commented on the sites. Councilman"Schweich questioned the need for another'access. y ' Councilman Watkins stated that'he`waslin favor 6f Lakefront Park being used.as.a public access and would IIkei"to see - it go to a referendum. . Councilman: Busse agreed with'. the City's recommendation, and stated that he was con- cered about where the funding would` ^ome'from. i Councl;lman Thorkelson suggested that the Council make a recommendation to the DNR to..check more into Visions 11 8" or West Avenue. ^ (Mayor Stock viewed the problems of using Lakefront Park as the access. Motion by Thorkeason.to remove Lakefront Park from further consideration as a pub 1 i c boat , I aunch access: s i te, seconed by Busse and upon' -a vote taker';, it was passed. Councilman Watkins voting nay. , 1 MINUTES of the,Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the i x County of Scott and State of Mi'nnesota,, including all accounts audit by said Council. M, Mayor Stock then stated that -with the other two sites C ouncil should do two things. Direct the ONR to continue the search on the �. other two sites and also to do a preliminary plan for each area to u show how it would be possible to have an access site In those areas.' " In agreement with the statement that was made earlier, that a census - boat and traffic, of the lake should be included with that so the City knows what the traffic is on the lake, Mayor Stock further stated that he thought our lake had been stocked, and if a report could also be given on the past actions and further plans for the stocking of fish in' Prior Lake. Mayor Stock then entertained these points as a motion. c ' Motion by Thorkelson to have Mayor Stocks i;omments looked into and followed through, seconded by Busse and upon a -vote, taken it was duly passed. { ,t I Mayor Stock then thanked everyone for coming i;n and voicing their.e. ° opinion. r s s ' The next item on the agenda was to review the report from the Industrial v,r Committee, Mark ,tromwall was present on behalf of the Committee. Mayor w Stock asked that this item be tabled until October 4, 1982 at which time it could be ;discussed inTfull Motion by Watkins to table the review of the report for the lndustriai'- Gommi,.ttee untIIOctober 4, 1982 at 7:35 PM, seconded by,Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. "{ ts> The following invoices are scheduled for payment.on'Tuesday, September 1 _21, 1982: '.- MISC. DEPARTMENTS i i Scott -Rice Telephone Co: Utli'ites' - 720.85 ' { k y Ames Office Supplies Office Supplies 26.06 Locomen, Nelson, Sullivan $ Cole Attorneys 2674.25 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies .402.60' Bankers Life insurance 2698.92 � I Delta Dental Insurance 606.00 United Insurance,Services Insurance' 16.00 Minnesota Valley Electric Utilities 475.46 Aibinson Machine Rental 50.00 Parts Dept. Inc. Misc.- Supplies 183.87 ' Prior Lake Lumber; Misc. Supplies 280.34 OK Hardware Misc:I.Supplies 418,56 1 ra' Weber's Bumper to Bumper Misc. Sun+.lies. 788.40 Charles Tooker Planner 600.00 GENERAL`GOVERN 1, Eleci'sion Judges T� Salaries 1708.67 Hauserl.s Super Valu Misc. Supplies 16.85 E.H. NewstroW., Bldg, & Pimg..lnspector 1380.00 Robert 11 ister ` ,McA jj Dog > Catcher ?70.00 Star b 'Tr i burie Publishing 211.72 ' Ptfor Lake )American, Publishing- 108.65 .. Minnegasco Utitli'tes 2.26 f City Of Savage's #cost"�Uniform"Bi -dg. Cade :61.95 American Linen r. Bldg. Mai- ntenance 91.85 v Petty Cash Misc. 63.32 Va446y Engineering, Engineering 165.•00 .. B'Iohm & Associate -,, CatrIe TV Franchise 75.00 ' Mayor�6 Council Salaries 1050.00 Mike.McGuire Car Allowance 275.00" 0 . : Nj , I f , � ' I r,F MINUTES of the Proceedings of the'City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County. of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. `i ENGIN ,. Larry Anderson Reiimb. for Mdse. 39.93 Snyder Drug Film 9.48 Liberty Photo Service Battery" 4.19 PLANNING Copy Equipment Supplies 76.23 POLICE :I i Rich Klugherz Mileage 14.40 Gene Smith Mileage - 4.80' 9 Robert Boe Mileage 4.80 .James Singewald Vehicle Maintenance 94.50 FIRE Tarps Inc. Tarp Repa3t 27.67 i PARK b RECREATION z . Sloheid Candy -Co. Concession Supplies 1896.35 i Pepsi -Cola Co Concession Supplies_ 297.00 Bi'` an Rock Products Repaflz • Supplies 118.09 :. NW BeII Telephone Utilities 48.11'' i Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities 24.36 I Satellite Industries Rentals 260.00 WM. Mueller & Sons Capital Outlay ,Parks 269.50 !' Linda Haeg Refund for Park program 3.50 John R. SebaId Refund for Park.Program 15.00. i Computoservice (4 Label,i 94.76 '4 "> `Hennepin Co, Park Reserve„ Park Rental 22.00` _. Coast to.,Coast Supplies 10.17 = Steve r s Red Owl; Supp l i e`s 5. 13 NW National 'Bank Debt Sorg j ce 259. "00 STREETS 11 I� Edri,.F. Andersen Signs 8 Supplies 54.71 Brock Whift Co.` Street Re air P 28:` 05 �x Flexible : Pipe Tool Repair Supp it e s 1119. 81 ., Neenah Foundry , Repair Supplies 72.93:',( ' J..L. Shiel Co. Y Repair Supplies p„ PP 11.21,_ t SEWER 0 }� Netro Waste Contro I 'Comm, Installment 1931'8.58: j Mero Waste "Control, Comm. SAC Charges 15988:50 ` Tr e ; Dr I) l i ng d F i p me nt Repa i rs 1336.00 ' { WATER 0 ( c3 layne Minnesota Trans ort l ear'i n s Repair Su rr6 i 251`.03; ,,C j P, 9 9 ht 30.30 (' Water Prgduc#s , Repair Supplies '759.89 13 , Dynamic ,Slis4ems NW Nat i o�a l Bank „ 'Repairs Debt Service 1116.00 " 2 t, 25. i Y ic� I DEBT „_ SEW 1�.CEx� i r NW Nationa;l ;Bank Debt Service -Bond Payment :309529.30 _ r , t Iii it f A ( k r MINUTES of the Proceedings 'of the City Council of the City of Prior lake to the r k County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited - by sald Council. T / EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES OF 1982 Nelson Woodcraft Co. Wood Suryey Box 300.00 Briggs _8 Morgan Professional Services 800,00 CONSTRUCTION FUND Brown b Cris, Inc. Estimate No, 2 73519,43 Bohsack 3 Hennen Stump Remoya,l. 40.00 - Briggs and Morgan 99 9 >> r Prof °Serpices 850.00 Motion by Watkins to adjourn,.seconded by Busse and a vote ` taken this meeting was adjourned at 11 :10 PM Mi.chae.l, A. McGu f. City Manager ➢,� C Y J f 1 q4 1 �� # ,iryryi. fi r' I MINUTES of. the Proceedings Of the City Council of the City of Prior lake In the ' County of Scott and`'State of Mtnnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council. Y EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES OF 1982 , Nelson Woodcraft Co. Wood Survey Box 300.00 i Briggs b Morgan Professional Services 800,00 CONSTRUCTION FUND r Brown b Cris, Inc. Estimate No, 2 73519,43 Bohsack 8 Hennen Stump Removal 40.00 Briggs and Morgan Professional Seryices " 850.00 Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and ,upon a vote ;�• taken this meeting was adjourned at.11s10 PM M`i chae l A. McGu City Manager ,£ E G a 0 a„ W e f . i O C � e