HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 27 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the Ci of Prior Lake In the a County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council., September 27, 1982 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake mat in regular session on Monday, September 27, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock - called`tne meeting td order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Thorkelson, Schweich, City s Ma nager McGuire, Finance Director Teschner and City Engineer Anderson. Councilman Watkins was absent. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of September 20, 1982 were reviewed. s The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of September 4 ; «' 20, 1982. Page 1, Paragraph 8: ADD :, Direct Councilman Busse and City Engineer � Anderson to review the feasibility, M report with the residents and to report:,I back to the Council before a Public Hearing would be called. Motion by Busse to.approve °the minutes,,of September 20, 1982 as amended, - seconded by Thorkelson and upo.n.a vote , ,taken it was duly passed:` �1 The next item on the agenda was thiO James .lst Additioh Assessment.; Hearing. Mayor Stock called the hearing to order. The published notice was read. Mayor Stock asked Finance Director Teschner�to' review the Assessment roll. Gt Finance Director Taschner reviewed the`?.rolf for the'Council. He stated that the total cost fo:r the project would be $ 195,651.,:13 that is the :amount that would be essessed. The 'developer requested that. It be spread on a square footage basis, the amount came to S.45 per I square foot. The assessment would take effect beginning,on the Tax i Statements o.f 1983 and will ba spread over-a time period of ten years ' F at 13% interest. Mayor Stock asked if there was any comments from Mr. James or a repre - i sentative. There were none. Motion by Thorkelson to adopt the roll and authorize the City Manager = to certify,to the Scott County Auditor the assessment roll for James 1st Addition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken .his assessment,:_. hearing Was adjourned. `' The next item on the agenda was the Gateway Storm Sewer,�Assessment Hearing, Mayor Stock called the hearing to order. The published notice was read. Mayor Stock asked FinancemDirector Teschner to review-.the t ' roll. 7 Finance Director Teschner reviewed the assessment ro l l for the Council. 4 ,p, , " 10 He stated that the total project cost for�the Storm Sewer Project amounted to $56,264.67. The assessment method is similar to that chosen - for James 1st Addition. It would be spread;'on'a square footage basis at $.00 per square foot. The assessment term Is ten years at an int- erest rate of 13 %. The first years interest would be 365 days plus additional 95 days from the term of adoption, ' ' Mayor Stock asked the ana - ence if they had any comments regarding the z assessments for this projec;F. . Mr. 'Rai ph Blakeborough had quastsons for Council and Sfaff regarding the assessment on his property. City Engineer Anderson, verified the reasons for assessing on a square footage basis. a w MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, .including all accounts audited by said Council. Pam Mayor Stock then asked City Manager McGuire to review the Council's policy' regarding the difference in zoning /assessments. City Manager McGuire stated that the Council's policy does not directly address the difference between ~ residential and commerical or multi - family zoning, it would be Staff's recommendation to make the 1 ' change for Mr. Blakeboroughs assessment to $1,722.49 with the amount of - $2,583.74 be defer- red until the , ' ro ert P p y.is either subdivided or rezoned,�and only those two items not if it is sold. However, if Mr. B1 akeborough or some new owner were to change the property by subdividing it or 'then i rezoning it the $2,583.74 would be called down. ' There were comments by •Council. Mr. Tom Fostetr,had questions for Council.` r City Manager 9 stated that Jim Norton from O.S.M, and City En Anderson were present for gineor ! any comments. '� , There was further discussion by Council. ti.. Mayor Stock requested that a "note" be added. If the band was to b6 used for a residential 1'ot that `receive o it would the same 40% coefficient factor. Finance Director' esc,hner had comments. w` i Mr. BIakeborough asked`ewhy there had`b een a increase in the amount of the project. � " City Engineer Anderson stated that there was basic a p roj ect increase because 'that a structure was added fo.the' 'Franklin east side of Trail: ".. , x _Motion;b Busse toammend the assessment roll on, Ralph Biakeboroughs assess r'n read a as - current assessment of 51,.076:50, that the ,remainder be def- erred until the time that theLiand is rezoned or that >the Land use be changed and that ttie balance be called \down on the'use f basis,�seconded by_Schwei'ch. , Staff. i" There were further comments by CoinciI and �t " C ity= Manager McGu i re, requested that the word "or subd iv,J ded" - be added to the motion. Ammenda'ent F t accepted by Busse, seconded" by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " d Mayor Stock asked if there were an asse nt rol I: y other changes that should be made to the ssme City Engineer Anderson stated that there`was one other - change. Page 2, Duane_ Olson the area the being on roll 68,600 square feet :,I s incorrect ;and should be 40,625 square feet making the Storm Sewer assessment n $2,437.50 the total assess-' Mot cost $1,713.05, Motion by'Thorkelson to amend the assessment roll, for Duane'0lson in the area of square feet'for.the total assessment of $1,713.05 with thefinal` assessment after the credit of previous Storm 'Sewer assessment of $1,713..05, seconded:, by Busse.,and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' l Mayor Stock.a'sked if there were any further•' comments, statements or questions regarding the Gateway- rStorrm Sewer Project. There were none. . Motion by Thor approve the assessment roll "for the Gateway Storm Sewer Project and that•the assessment be certified 'to City the Scott C ounty Auditor by the "1 y Manager,.seconded by Busse and upon . a vote taken it. was (au'i,y passed. s Motion by Busse to adjourn assessment hearing for the Gateway Storm Sewer Project, :seconded by Thorkeison and-upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. z. i z r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City :Council of the City of Prior lake In the County of Scott and 'State of Minnesota, including all audited ,accounts by said Council. } � t The next item on the agenda was the Pleasant,Avenue Curb and Gutter Assessment Hearing. Mayor Stock called the hearing to r }�` order. The published notice was read. Mayor Stock asked finance Director Teschner to review the assessment roll. t ".= Finance Director Teschner stated the total project cost amounted i to $15,754.70. In this there were two additional items for a driveway aprons that individual residents requested that amounted i to $1,255.80 and a sidewalk portion that.is to be assessed sep- f erately also for the amount of $409.40._ This.brought, down a net Curb and Gutter assessment of $14,089.50. This represents a front footage rate of $17.27 per front foot. ;Public Hearing cost wo`s $18.37. Assessments would be spread out over a ten year € basis with tho annual interest rate of' 13%. Mayor Stock asked if there were any oral or written comments re= + � garding the Pleasant Avenue Assessment. City Engi Anderson stated that he had received ,a Ietter,from Cp,.therine Roach and Marry Lyons stated that they intended -to pay their assessment howaver, there was an apron that was broken and - requested that it be replaced. It was city's intention: to replace the apron. He further stated, there were two addit- ional parcels, one owned by Robert LaMay,,. the other belonging to Wallace Langhorst. Those two parcels were not originally in- cluded in the Public Hearing. They both signed a waiver of Public Hearing and a sidewalk was added to Wally Langhorst's parcel and Curb and Gutter was added to both parcels on the area of Duluth i and'Pl_easant. Mayor Stock asked if there were any comments, statements or questions from the audience. "There were none. n I Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to.notify the nee- essary residents the op:tion,to pay bafore October 10,1982. Motion by Schweich to adopt the assessment roll for the Pleasant ` Avenue,Curb and Gutter Project and that the City Manager, bee' authorized to certify to.the -Scott County Auditor the assessment rol seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly ,passed. Mayor Stock then asked City Manager McGuire to,review the pre - liminary�plans for the upgrading of City Hall. City Manager McGuire stated that it was Council's request to � fx- have Close 3 Associates to do a preliminary plan quote for "i - he. remodeling, of the current City Hall. The plans have been re -: «' viewed by Staff with the- necessary changes made. He further stated that this was only a prelimi -nary plan. Staff recommends after Counc,11's review authorization be given to Close,4 A.ssd- ci ates -the approval to prepare final plans'. Ms. Elizabeth Clese present. She presented - plans for the ., remodeling of City Hall.,` There was general discussion by Council an&Staf. f . It was asked °how the Ci planned on funding the improvements., r . City Manager McG,u'ire stated there was three sources that would be used. If total costs of improvements is app "roximately $100,000.00, the Binding would come partially out of the Capitol _ Improvement Fund, 1982 Contingency and ,1983 Contingency fund. If substantially over $10,0,000.00 it would have to be brought f back under a referendum. '; There was further discussion by Council.> MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Inc all accounts audited by said Council. x t =' E Motion by Thorkelson to accept the preliminary plans and to authorize final plans and specifications for Council review, seconded.:by.Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i The next item on the agenda was to cons'i'der the Grant App.li.cat:i;on for North Side Sewer and Water Project. , i1! Mayor.Stock asked City Manager McGuire to review the request. a 1 �K Merk Nagel from- the.Scott County HRA was present for comments. He, stated IN l that the Grant.must be submitted by October 12,, 1982 City Manager.McGuire stated that resolution 82- 18,wouId need :to -be adopted ' by the Council !« Mayor Stock read resolution 82, ='18, a resolution adopting 'the 1982 Community Development G,:ant'Application for the record. = Motion by Busse to adopt the Resolution 82 -18, Resolution adopting )982 :Development Block.Grant Application, seconded by Schweich 'ta,ken and- upon -a vote itt , was - du I4 passed.: , The,next item on,the agenda was to review the Treasurer's report for the month of August. t Motion;by 'Thorkelson to approve the Treasurer's report for =the month of i - August as „submitted,.seconded by.Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The foIIowIng invoices are scheduled for payment October 5 MISC. .DEPTS,. „ Delta Dental Insurance 663.75 Ames Office.,.Suppl =ies” Supplies 57.68 NSP Uti =I itIes..'.. Mue ken 01 Co.' Fuels and Lubricants. 5,013.82 13,219.63 Creative UraphJcs.. Misc Supplies _ : 418.95 Copy Dup ng Products,,, i ert,;irenta I and supplies­ '214.16 Ben Franklin:Stores Supplies °. a. 53.81 . ' -,; ,, Prior Lake Aggregates Maant. Supplies 68.25 •, State Treasurer -Para City Share of PERA 3,9813:60` State jreasurer-FICV City 'Share ;'of FICA � 1,806.61 DaW s Towing d Auto Repairs rr 287.21 AC Q GENERAL GOVT. • W soh! Office Supplies Office. Supplies #. .. 58.50 American 'Press Supplies' w ?.50. , St'. 1 Paul Book G &` .Stat I onery Supp l ies 16.97 Scott County Assessor Assessing Fee's 13,500.00 OSM' Engineering Minneagasco 1,15;1.34 ° Ut11`iti.es Lawrence: Schweich Library Rental. 41. 85 400.00 State of Minnesota 1982 Statutes Ramona Hennen 101.00 . Cleaning Bev Appenzeiler Cleaning 87.50' 87.50 Dolores Berens Cleaning 50.00 C5 Close Associates « Architectural Services Titsch Publishing 2,372.31 Gable Franchise Expense Sherry L. Bl.ohm 'Ex 135.00. + ° ' Cab'Ie Franchise ense Mi ke, Peters 937.54 }' ,� Retai ner Refund. 100.00 ` # - MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City, Council of the City of Prior Lake in the h County of Scott and State, of Minnesota,, Including all accounts sudtted by said Council. . -� ENGINEERING US G e o l o g i c a l Survey Maps 39 >: ?.5 o Copy Equipment P.W. Wermerskirchen 118:00 Copies, POLICE Farwell, Osmun, Kirk $ Co. Paint 25'.12 FIRE DEPARTMENT i Minnesota Fire Co. f Clarence WOber Clothing 171.75 _ Fire Engineering 9 Reimb.for Fire RQscue $ch. 150.00 9 Subscription 1d_.95 { PARK & RECREATIO Midwest Wholesale T i r e d Inc. T i rep; 217.60 Ronaid,Kubeszews.ki Clutch b U -Joint of Burnsyille Tree `hrimmir.9 : Repairs 15.00, -' s Quality.Waste Control Rubbish Removal 137:42 109.00 -" Eileen Lattere Refund 13.:50 Jennifer Hesch Refund 16.00 ' Pat Felton - Mary Mraz Refund c 16:00 Luanne Kuboushek Refund 13.00 y � Madeleine Nicho1-son:= - Cindy- Binger" ,Refund Refund 16:00 . 12.00 i Refund 12.00 Lynda Gross Kathy Smith r ° Refund 12: -00 Judy Christy Refund Refund 15.00 3.00 STREET '1 , Vew J.L. Shiel, Co. Y. Prague Lumber Co. Repair d Maintenance"Supp. 66.27 . Me'tro Pone Repair b Maintenance Supp. 72:'50. =' - Metro Alarm Rental Rental 32.00 J ngberg Bus Co. _ Bus Sery i ce 54.00 48.00 Paul Wermeesk _ � North Star Concrete Co: Serv�i'ces . 204.21 Capital Outlay - Improv. 1,611:b1 d : SEWER Brock White Co. Aid Electric Service Freight charge " Repairs -' 28.00 Tri -State Drilling $ Equipment - Repair Supp_i -les Labor., 703.52 302.75 WATER! ° Van Waters d Rogers Chemicals_ 279.39 'f Larry Kerkow a Welding 80.00 .. LaHass Mfg. Serco ; Re a irs p 'Lab 43.46 American,Water Works Assn. Analysis Membership Dues 42.00 48.00 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE Truck Uti I ities ,d Mfe;. v Snow Plow'' 1,243`.00 MacQueen Equipment Mahowald Motors Eductor 16,870.p0 a Pickup Truck 11 190.00 l f e <, MINUTES of t!~e Proceedings of the City Council of the Clty of Prior Lake 16'`the County of Scott and State of Minnesota,, Including all accounts audited'by said Council. , r CONSTRUCTION FUND Instant Testing Prof., Services V 587.35 OW En ineerin 9 9 19,845.44 CAPTIAL PARK Albinson Blueprints $ Specs 161.31, With no further comments, ° and motion ly Thorke[son to adjourn, seconded by Busse lm upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9 :1`I PM . Michael A. McGuire' City Manager I { t 6 , a. e r a }4 r} '6 1Z � r o 0 DD e 4 I U i