HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 12 1982[}INUTES of ;the Proceedings -of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Nlnnesota, Including. all accounts audited by said Council. October 12, $982 ` - == ti The Common Council of.�the City of Prior Lake met in regular' session on Tuesday, October 12,, 1982 :at 7:30 PM. Ma'yor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Counciljien,,Busse, Watkins, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser; and Parks & Recreation Director Mangan.` Councilman Thorkelson was absent: t The minutes of October 4, 1982 were reviewed. Motion.by Watkins to approve the minutes of October 4, 1982 as presented, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was', passed. 3 The next item on the agenda was Larry Hafermann to construct a 1280 square foot pole building. Mayor Stock asked City Planner Graser to J review this request._ Larry Hafermann °was present for comments. He presented to the Council a v letter from Bruce Burnham, Mr. Hafermann's neighbor to the north. Mr. Burnham's letter was in support to the request. Mr. Hafermann' also had > pictures of the proposed site showing where the pole building would be,:,if ' granted. There was general discussion by Council and Staff. ` q Motion by Watkins to grant Mr. Hafermann's request for the variance because }� ` of unique character of the property including the size of the parcel (11 acres) and that it is well buffered by trees and the topography, its agricultural in nature and use, and the letter from Mr. Burnham supporting the request, and contingent that some combination of materials be used and be approved by Staff, that it not be used for commercial-purposes, that it i will be torn down if subdivided or the character of the land changes in any way, and the proposed trees'be planted immediately following the construction, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item on the agenda was to consider the bids received for the Bathouse /Concession Stand at Watzls Point, Z Parks & Recreation Director.Mangan reviewed the bids that were received. `Motion by Watkins to award the bid to the low bidder, John Klingelhutz, for the amount of $41,450.00, seconded by Busse and upon acvote taken it was duly passed. The next item on the agend& was to review a letter from Bryce Huemoel.ler on Utility and Drainage Easement Vacation for Lakeside Estates. Councilman Schweich asked to be excused from discussion. City Manager McGuire reviewed the Easement vacation to the Council, he ;.stated-that there must be a Public Hearing for this vacation. f Motion by Watkins to hold a Public Hearing for Lakeside Estates for the purpose of vacating the public'Utility and Drainage Easements on November 8, 1982 at'7:35 PM, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. u .{ At this time Councilman Schwei;.h.L.eturned to his seat at the Council table.. -i The next item on the agenda was to review a letter from Laural Bonk - regarding an Annexation Request. � City Manager McGuire read the letter to the Council. a There was general discussion by Council. .�i Motion by Watkins to have Staff draw an appropriate contract for Ms. Bonk to sign for payment in lieu of assessments for the Sewer and Water, and to send the letter from Ms. Bonk to the Municipal Board, seconded by Busse _> and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. The next item for discussion was the Hardshell for Lakeside Estates 2nd Addn. Councilman Schweich asked to be excused from the discussion of this item, t k City Planner Graser reviewed the Hardshell from Schweich Construction for the Council. "Motion by Watkins to approve the Hardshell of Lakeside Estates 2nd Addition based on the recommendations of the Planning Commission, contingent that the hardshell not be filed until the previous easements are vacated, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 9 Councilman Schweich returned to his seat'at the Council table at this time. At this time City Planoer Graser brought up for discussion the Asphalt Plant in # the City of Savage adjacent to the City of Prior Lake's boundary line. He stated' that the City of Prior Lake should be aware of the Asphalt: Plana proposal There was general discussion by Council and Staff. Notion by Watkins; to have the Planning Staff check into the Asphalt Plant and to keep abreast on what is occuring at the Public Hearings in Savage and to report back to Council with their findings, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken ' it was duly passed. The following invoices are scheduled for a ment on P y Tuesday, October 19, 1982: MISCELLANEOUS Bankers Life Insurance $2,647.47 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 222:12 Coast to.Coast Misc. Supplies 2.12 Prior Lake Lumber Co. Misc. Supplies 98.49 Parts Dept. Inc. Misc. Supplies OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 86.05 Weber Auto Supply Mi sc. Supplies 448: ;22 Scott-Rice Telephone Co. Utilities Co 670.05 py Duplicating Products Copier Supplies & Rental 230.82 € Albinson Rental 50.00 Charles Tooker Consultant Planner 600.00 Prior'Lake "76" Repairs & Repair Supplies 48.00 Prior Lake Aggregates Maintenance Suppplies 121.15. Computoservice Computer Service 952.74 GENERAL GOVT ' Hauser's Super Valu Supplies 83.66 Snyder Drug E.H. Newstom Supplies 90..27 Building & Plumbing Inspector 1,740.00 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 270.00 f ' Valley Engineering Engineering 86.75 ` Prior Lake Travel Service ICMA Conference 385.00 Prior Lake American Publishing 285.79 Minne asco g Utilities 9.93 Teri -Jo's Floral Planter 18.00 American Linen Building Maintenance 88.68 Economy Dictation Systems, Dictation Machine 359.00 City of Savage Prior Lake Share of'1972 Bonds 2,354.45 Developers Construction, Retainer Refund 100.00 Mayor and Council Salaries 1,050.00 Mike McGuire Car Allowance 275.00 Govt. Training Service Seminar Fee 50.00 Calhoun Vacuum Vacuum Cleaner 250.00 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ali accounts audited by said Council. CONTINGENCY Television-Digest Cable Franchise $160.00 Stern, Levine, Schwartz, Lifson Attorneys -Cable Franchise 900.00 Close Associates Cable 'Franchise 174.23 ENGINEERING Raul Wermerskirchen MN Dept. of Transportation Microfilm copies Road Design Manual 1.50 39.25 PLANNING Creative Graphics Printing 39.95 POLICE Mahowald Motors Repairs 61.22 FIRE & RESCUE f Advance 'Ambulance Supplies 188.94 JSR Enterprises. Tarps Inc. Rescue Supplies 200.63 . Repairs 22.00 j PARKS & RE:CREATION J &D Sporting Goods Supplies 14.i 95 Harold's Repair' Repairs 7.00' M -V Gas Co. Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities Utilities 328.00 MN• Toro ='Co. Repairs 19.30 - 508.42 • Satellite Industries Tim'Grayoe- Rentals . 130,00' Gert Sylvester. Refund -Park Program Refund -Park Program 24.00', 4.00 Kathy S ylvester Y y Don Niosi Refund -Park Program 4.00 Ann Trends Refund -Park Program Refund =Park Program 2 ".00 12.00 Maureen Jandorff Mpls. Chapt. American'Red Cross Instructor -Parks Program 180.00 Supplies 32.50 f STREET West Weld Supply Co. Misc. Supplies 320.93 WM.,Mueller & Sons J.L. ; Shiely Co. Supplies 866.25' /- arl F. Andersen &Associates Supplies Signs & Supplies 245.96 1,587.85 - Edward Kraemer & Sons G.L. Hennen Construction Co. Repair Supplies Rental 122.10 =, 112.50' SEWER RicMar Industries Repair Supplies -Sewer 72,40) James & Joyce Conroy Plumbery Nome Center Sewer Repair 115.00 Metro.Waste Control Commission Sewer. Repair Installment 475:00 f. 19,318.;58 Metro Waste Control Commission _ SAC Charges 8,415.00 WATER Serco Lab Analysis 21::00 CAPITAL PARK 4 Johnson & Saulon Architects 1,250.00 i MINUTES of the.Proceedings of the C ty Council Of the City Prior Lake in - the County of r`a M Scott and state of Minnesota. Including all: :accounts auJfited'by said - Council. I DEBT SERVICE x First Bank of St. Paul First Bank of St. Principal, Interest & Fee $11;,875.00 .Paul NW National Bank of Mpls. Principal, Interest Interest & Fee &.Fee 18,342.50 3,871.25 I With no further comments, motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse ands upon a °vote-taken this meeting was adjourned at 8;50 PM "I e , Michael A. McGuire City Manager a } x i G r 4 i