HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 08 1982{ MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of ysorhaks to the ' County of Scott and State of Ninnesota, including all accow+ts audited by isid Council, i November 8, 1982 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session L on Monday, November 8, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. 'Present were Mayor Stock,, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Schweich, Thorkelson, City ManagertMcGui're, and City Engineer Anderson. 1 Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of-allegiance. a The minutes of November 1, 1982 were reviewed. E The following correction is to lie made to the minutes of November 1,,"'1982 .. lira Page: t Paragraph: 4 DELETE: "Seconded by Watkins" n. ADD: "Seconded by Busse` Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of November 1, 1982 as emended, i'- • -, °Y; seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly Y passed. , : ry i' At this time Councilman Schweich asked to be dismissed from his`fseat� at the Council table for the next item. ,_ { r The next item on the agenda was the Public Hearing on Utility ;Vacation for part�of Lakeside Estates. Mayor . Stock called the Public Hearing to order. City Manager McGuire reviewed the Utilit Vacation request from,Schweich' Construction Company for the Council. ' `Mayor Stock read Resolution 82 -21, a Resolution - providing for the p Vacation of Utility and Drainage Easements. Mot i'on by Busse toj t adopt., Resolution 82 -21 as submitted; sec. -pied by; Watkins and upon ,.a vote taken it was duly passed. `* Mayor Stock then reviewed the:Hardshell for Lakeside Estates stating that it -w ill now show the new aaignments- for'the easements. f City Manager McGuire reviewed'a map that,was presented to the Council. There was general discussion by the Council. Motion by Watk ns to authorize the slgriatures of the Mayor, -City Manager, and City Attorney to approve the second addition to Lakeside -Estates ?, hardsheil, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn the Public Hearing on the Utility Vacation for part of Lakeside Estates, seconded by Watkins and upon, a, vote taken this Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:40 PM. At this time Councilman Schweich returned to his _seat at the�Council table. i The next item on the agenda was to review the sewer and water agreement with Laural "Bonk. . City Manager McGuire reviewed the sewer and water agreement -for the Council. A There was general discussion by Council. a\ MINUTES of the Proceedings' w-the City Council of the Citj! of Prior Lake in the County of Szott' end t'ate of Kinnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.,: n Mayor. Stock 'then. read Resolution 82 -22, a adopting an `agreemeht dated November - 1, 1 between Laural Bonk and the City of Prior Lake. Motion by Thorketson to adopt Resolution 82 - 22 as submitted; seconded by Watkins and upon 'vote a taken it was duly passed The nect item on the agenda was to consider the West Avenue Acquisition. J City Manager McGuire reviewed the acqu- isition for the Council stating that the ONR'stli' . feels that the Visions "8" would be the best sight a for a public access, but'the dol ther lar value .. seems to be rather high and they are willing to further consider West Avenue, and'.su West, �--' Avenue as long as the City_cont inues, with ` the step of the condemnation r which has been authorized ' and our City Attorney has been working on, and secondly, that we consider some type of re- a road alignment for Point Beautiful road which could be accomplished through the park w�l abuts it. He further stated that the request tonight simply that we would be authorized to negotiate along :,with the DNR for`rhe 50 foot ' lot adjacent'to: the West Avenue Extenti r Mayor Stock then opened the discussion to the floor for the audience's opinions. L Jan Baliar from Point Beautiful stated her objections for the extension { of the ,,West' Avenue Acquisition. ' Other comments were made by members of the audience. City Manager MCSUire stated that the City currently owns 90 "feet of lake- shore immediately adjacent to the West Avenue extension as',part of Lake- s frcnt Park and -by the road being blocked off,'the Cit�v - ho longer has to part :of�Lakefront Prk. access a = s Jan Ballard further requested to know "Who had the legal title to that triangle piece of property ? ", o a 064hcilman Schweich stated that "It's a cloudy title because of the over- of the property" ' y i' There was general discussion by Council and Staff. : fF i € For the record, the ?4e5t Av4nue `expansion title matter will be cleared, and at that;point x and'time when that is completed ahe item will be brought back to.,the Council for discussion 1, ' on whether to proceed wi'fh expanding; the access`at the point of Test Avenue," ' ; The next ;item on the agenda was to review the status Paving. ; a of ` Lakes "de Mar i na i "Mayor Stock stated for the record that Lak'esi,.de Mari r na Paving is in the process and no further acti`bn is necessary from the Council_ j l At'this time City Miinager McGuire read a letter from the .Minnesota Municipal Board in response to the Laurai o 1 CI ' Bon k's request for'Srnexation 1� Manager McGui-rle 1 requested that the Council �nof initiate +he hearing tr at this �me. air � 7 � = :. ; `City EngIneer';4nderson brought up to the .Councilss attention-the'Brooks- 01 ` 6th° Aod It i on bu i :I ding permits that were " he I d, ' then" read a letter ti receivso,from Scott land, Inc an extension until' June 30, 19$3 for the completion of the final =wear`course and paving 'in Brooksv 1A 1'e H i I Is 6th Add i ti o c� ° I f i u p , MINUTES of the Proceedings of tha City Couneli of the C ty. Prior Lako In the County of Scott and State of Onnesota,' Ineludln all accounts ouditad by sold Council.. o Motion by Thorkelson to extend the completion for the final wear - course for Brooksville Hills 6th Addition until June 30, 1;983, and all building permits taken out after that date would ti:e es- crowed at 150 of the estimated cost, seconded Busse arjtd upon a vote taken it was duly passer. At this time the Prior Lake Fire Department made a presentation on the "91'1" system to the Council. The Council felt that the "911" system is going to be beneficial to the puolic and is anxious to get it underway. The n following invoices are scheduled for payment on,Monda.y, Nov. MISCELLANEOUS ; State Treasurer City hare -FICA Y 1,790.;47 j tl t State Treasurer City Share -PERA Ames Office Suppl Office 3,906.92 i Su Iles �OK Hardware ., Misc.'Supplies Charles Consultant Planner 170.15 Tooker 600.00' i United Insurance Services Insurance 134.00 }' Scott -Rice Te Telephone Service '' 670.70 ,t Weber Auto Supply Supplies 240.07' Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental 236.38 Albinson Rental 92.00 American National Bank Debt Service 16,473.25' GENERAL GOVERNMENT <: Election Judges Salaries 7,,496.68 Hau, -erIs Super Va I u Suppl R McAI'Iister 33.72 -' Dog Catcher E H.4iewstrom 420.00 Build. $ Plumbing insp. OSM 1,935.00 Engineering Prior Lake American Publishing 5;132.14 3214 Northe'n States Power Utilities 31.98' Minnegasco " Utilities 1.35 n's Flowers Te Ter "i' =Jos 20.90 r Floral ' Flowers 31.00 1 Prior Lake Rotary Club Dues 85.25 Star and Tribune - Subscription 13.00 Ames can Linen a Building Maintenance 148.16 Schweich Construction Retainer Refunds 500.00 Mayor and Council Mike McGuire Salaries 1,050.00 x� . Car Allowance 27,5.00 F i r CONTINGENCY , ' Edward Kraemer 3 Sons Supplies 7 1.54 �? Clerk of District Court Judgments 15,575.32', ENGINEERING „ Action Me- `s serjger ,, Messenger Service 22.00 ± City Engineers il Assn. of Minn. Membership 'Dues 10.00 POLICE II' _ w r Liberty Photo Sdrvice Film Denni's Left - Mileage %t 145.46 9.60.. Gene Smith Mileage 4.80 Robert Bo e Mileage }4..40 `. ? �► Gordon KlingbeiI Court Time' La kern Auto 'RF 'pa ir' � Vehicle Repo 0 Paul Nelson 705.97 „ Vehicl -e Maintenance 33.50' MINUTi:S of the Proceedings of "the City Council of �a%Z the City of Prior Lake In the County of. ;Scott of Minnesota, Including all accounts and ted by said Council,. POLICE CONT Naflonal Camera Exchange Her�,\.,' Co. Chiefs of Police T Cameras 217.01z aJning Fee 60, F I RE?`j RESCUE VikinS Industrial Center Supplies h Barten,Standard Service Y Conway `Fi Safety Inc. Fuels 8 Lubricants 34.40 22.60 Rinq•Firq tin uisher Co. , ` R 9 Supplies Chemicals 61.94" Dave!! Towing and Auto. Body Repairs 20.00 281.79:` =` PARKS d ECREATION Y ` Bryan Rock Products ' tz Crooks Amos 'rush. Maintenance 130.00 Prior Lake 'Lumber " B Park Hauling Supplies \162.09 :Shakopee Public'Utilities Util Utilities Sate l 1 i to , l ndustr i es Rentals 10.76 Southwest Suburban Pub_I'i sh i ng " Wantd 130.00 i Burnsville Sanitary', r MN Recreation $'Park Assrr'.• Rubbish Hauling 45.00 25.00 „ Northwestern,Nati ;ona�l..Bank = Conference Fees Debt Service Fee 40.00 a' 4 .. First Bank of Paul,, 'Mary 61 "akeborough� Debt Sery i ce 12 50 ; 16,901. Louise!'Andarson Nancy Sheehan -Park_ Program Refund Park Program Reimbursement 4„ 52: 1v ., KI inglierg Bus Company Park Program l.nstructor� 1,5,00 >.. Old. Loa; Theater Charter' Trip 100.00 Park Programs 284:,00 r STREETS% Auto ,Cen� I Supp l y Prior"Lake Blackto SU pP lies 43.54 P J . L. Sh i ejl y Co. Bobcat Rental Street 75.00, Prior LakEt "Ag9rega #es Maintenance Street Maintenance 298, 9'3 " 1,7$5.80 SEWER \1 e 1 } " Schrader BI'�ck Tri- St ate Puinp & Control' Pum in p 9 Repairs" 45.00 �` Metropolitan�Waste Control installment ' 367.00 I` Metropoi iian Waste Control 19,318.58 SAC Charges G' 6, 311.25 WATER ` Parts Dept. 1 n -Repa i t -Supp I i es , Davies Water E ui ment 9 R American Cast Iron Repair Supp I ices 10.20 150.67�'� S.erco Repair Supplies 35,12 1_ab ,Ana I ys i s 21.00 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES Astleford Equipment Truck 18,630.00 Johnson Radio Communications Radios 1 493.00 i " DEBT SERVICE Northwestern' National, Bank 7 U Debt Service 1 •� PRIOR LAKE CONSTRICT I ON 33,549,05 y General' Fund Brown] b'' Cri s, Administration d EngInewI ng 12,724.05 G° Contract Work - 33,152.25 t 1 .