HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 03 1983MINUTES, of the Pro eedilrgs of the City Council�'v�f the City of Prior Lake in the
'County of Scott and State of Minnesota, i eluding all accounts audited by
said Council.
January r3, 1983
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
{Monday, January 3, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the Prior Lake f=ire Hail.' Mayor r
Stock ca I I ed tfte meet 1ng to order. `Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Busse, Schwei. Thorkelson, Wat.kidi and City Manager McGuire,.
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge,of allegiance...-
The minutes of December 2.7, '1982 were' reviewed -.
The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of December 27,,1982.
s _
Page'i, Paragraph 12, Motion by Watkins to approve the fee schedule for
1983' as presented by City Manager`�McGuire. The
_ folIOwi =ng fees are to be brought back for discussion,
Liquor L`Icenses, Well Permits and a Sprinkler fee,
seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was '
duly pased. 1
y `\ -
" Page 2, Paragraph 18, Under invoices to be paid add to Misc. Departments
! f
Motion f;y Busse�,to approve the mintues:of December 27 1982 as amended
seconded, by Watk`•i,ns and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.; j
The next item on the pp agenda. was to a rive the various appointments for ,
9 1983.
`Ci'ty Manager McGui�re`',reviewed the I ist o appointm,�nts. a I
ACTI[NGi ilAYOR Mot'i�n - by Busse to appo'i,nt Keith Thor kel son as Acting Mayor . for ' 1983, seconded
b W
y : at�ki ns and upon a vats � aken; it was -du I y, passed.
Mnt'Ion by qusse to - appoint the Prior Lake American the offi'ci.aI newspaper•
NEWSP ¢� for 1983, with the rates for the regular Tines 4 -o be biIled at 31.81 per line,
\�� ex��ra compos t iron I 1 nes to be b,i ]' I ed at 42.'4a anc ,any subsequent insertions _
• be -b I I;ed` -at 21 c,2 p3r_ 1 i ne, seconded by' tki ns and upon a „vote taken it °was `nom
du l y',\ passed.
:�W` �� �\ �. t r
} Motion by' Watk i`ns to 'app'ai nt the Pr i or Lake State Bank as the of f i s a I .
” .,4
for 1 ��83 and to' authorize ,Staff to invest i n the i nst i tuti' p 5��l ng . t6 highest
r, rate o�f'`return, seconded by-Thorke1son'and upon a;vote taken [t'�was OuIy ��ssed'.
t on ,y thorkeicon o. appoint 'the full Counci I as' the Equal r''zation Committee
#IMh�.w�ott E f� rCOrtded by jBdsse.d upon s v
` fe taken it was ~du I y% Passed.
l ICENSE Mof'i on c1\ Thbrke l son to appoint th6 Mayor, City Manager, Po !ice. d i ce Chief and City
" Attorney as the Liquor License•Committee for,1983, seconded�by`Watk ns an upon
�4 a vote, taken >it'was du{y'passed.
CITY TREASIIItER Motion by W'atki`ns to appoint Ralph Teschner 'as ° City�T'reasurer for 1983,
seconded 'by\ \Busse and upon all, vote taken 1tvwas d'u passed.
�\ INSPECTOk ' Mot ;ion; by i hnrke I son' to apps i��i nt Don Jhnston as Tree I nspector for 1983,
.. seconded by �Piusse and'upon, vote taken it was duly passed.
FI�EL St�PLIER , Motion by Tf,orkel Is to award -the gz;s and diesel fuel purchased for 1983, to H
Mue l ken OlI �Company i�th' p r i ces as of t- yL183._tie i ng; Regu f ;ar Gas $1.08.9 I �
p l us G�> State. Tax, U Ieaded Gas �` '$1. 12.9 0:1 us .13d State Taxi .Premier
Di l Fuel .1
513.8 and ,1Et Di Fuei- 3fb 9;. seconded by- Busse and upon
a •t
vote ake'n „
It was duly passed ""
Moti on' by'Watkins to appoi'ht Bob Mertens zs Fire'MarshaI -and LyIe Anderson as
Assistant Marshal for 1983, their salaries be;i per year and $100:00 a
per year -respect]vely, seconded by Schweich and "upon a vote taken it was duly
�r Motion by T<horkeI son ,to appoint Lyle Andersoq,as v -il Defense Director with
Ii1IL TENSE, hats salary being $200.00 per year;; seconded,. "by Wa ns and upon a vote taken
At was dully passed.
b j''' i
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, inclUding'al'I accounts audited by
said Council.
Motion by Busse to appoint Dr. Lukk -,s Health Officer for 1983, seconded
by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mofion.by Busseto appoint the firm of LOMMEN, NELSON, SULLIVAN & COLE as
the City Attorneys and that Glenn Kessel would be the Attorney directly for
the City for 1983. The rates would be the same,as in previous years,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Watkins to appoint tharles Tooker as Consulting Planner for 1983
with the rates being $650. 00 r per month, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Schweich to appoint Gene Newstrom as Building Inspector
for 1983 with the rates being the same as last year, seconded by Stock and
upon a voto taken it was duly,passed.
Motion by Thorkelson to appoint Bob McAllister as Dog Catcher for 1983,
seconded by Busse.
There was discussion byCounci I and Staff.
- Mayor Stock dire.dted City Mana'er McGuire to meet with'the Chief of Policr.-
and discuss dog policy. He then called the"question and upon a vote
taken lit was duly passed.
Motion'Lby Thorkelson to appoint Mayor Stock as Weed Inspector for 1983,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Thorkelson :to appoint George Algren'as Police Commissioner for
a 1963-85,term, seconded by WatKins; and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
INFORM1kTi_ONAL.-, - 'Bob Busse /11981-83,. Henry Schrader /1982-84.
en�a wa's,to schedule a date for the Townships to me
The next item on the,ag et
for the signing of the Fire and Rescue Agreement.
City Manager McGuire recommended that the Townships meet on January 24, 1983
at 8: 30 PM'for the signing-af the agreement, and fhat,th6 Indian Reservation
be asked to attend this meeting.
City Manager McGuire then reviewed the progress of the City Hail Project.
Mayor Stock, asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken
care of.
City Manager McGuire stated that tfi -p ar4�, wod] d be a C - tegr+6g ,- on January�
21, 1985at 4:30 PM regarding the Community Development Biock Grant Second
Round. He ;then repQrt6d the Garbage Ordinance.
There was discussion by CdUnc i-land Staf
Councilman Busse reported on the snowmobiling ii Park. He asked
that something be done about the snowmpbilers staying on the +rails.
Manager McGu I re and ,Par. . �-Re&eat ion Direct or
Mayor Stock d I rected C ity ' -ks.-A
Mangan to contact the prds,iJents of the spowmoblle' c I U,bs.
Councilman Thorkelson,asked If theroadsyinthe City could be widened. The
roads that needed it the most,a,re Duluth, in,front-of Michael's and at the
inte ion of DuAuth and-Kighway 13 i front of the Methodist Church and
rsect n
then along the roads by'P,rior Place.
Councilman,14'af'kins complemented the maintenance cre for the fine job of
'n Lowi ng.
the '�n� City Manago
Mayor Stock asked about -InO.-Ibn Reservati on Annexation.
McGuire stated that City Attorney Sullivan is w l i rking on it now.
Mayor Stock,asked'if something could be pl aced - "In the paper regarding the
digging out of the fire hydrants in the neighbbrhoods�s
t' MINUTES of the Phoceedin9s of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts
audited by
id Council.
W,ith no other comments, motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by
and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:31,
Michael A. McGuire
City ,Manager
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