HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 23 1983MINUTES of Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. , r _ t May 23, 1983 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake meat in regular session on Monday, May 23, 1983 at 7:30 PM In the Council. Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmember Busse, Scott, Thorkelson, ' City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and Finance Director Teschner. Councilmember Schweich was absent. ' �r Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. MINUTES The minutes of May 16, 1983 were reviewed. The following correction is to be made to the minutes of May 16, 1983." Page 5 Paragraph 3• SPELLING Don Beuch Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of May 16, 1983 as amended, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item on the agenda was to consider entering into a Police Training POLM 'AINING Agreement with Dakota County. City Manager McGuire reviewed this request from Police Chief Powell. City Manager McGuire stated that each police officer must have a minimum of 16 credits to keep their license. In an effort to cut costs_it is recommended that Prior Lake join in with Dakota County in their Police Training Program. This "ould program w be paid, for by a new fund mandated by the State:of Minnesota for I police training only. : There was discussion by Council and Staff. Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the-Prior Lake Police Department to enter into a Police Training Agreement 'Dakota with County, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. SECTION 9 -1 -4 " CITY CODE The "next item on the agenda was an update on Section 9 -1 -4 of the City Code. City Planner Graser reviewed this for the Council. City Planner Graser stated that the committee met last Thursday and made the following recommendations. What Paragraph "E be omitted completely. 2)That the word "easements" be included after the word "streets" in paragraph "A ". There was discussion by Council and Staff. j Motion by Thorkelson to direct City Attorney Kessel to prepare an amendment to Section 9 -14 of the City Code, seconded'by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LEN.CRAgSINI The next item discussed was the request from Len Grassini for a- Conditional Use= QONDTTIOP4IL USE Permit. City Planner Graser -PERMIT reviewed this for the Council. City Planner Graser stated that the applicant is proposing two land use changes in Woodview lat. Addition. The lots involved are Lots 13 and 20 Woodview lst Addition. The application entails constructing two twin homes on lots 13 and 20. Staff recommends to approve the request since the developer and applicant still owns the majority of Woodview Ist Addition and there appears to be no land use conflicts and the proposal would not increase the density and would actually aid in land use 'transition. Me further stated that approval, if given, sh�uld be contingent on, 1)A lot split being filed with the City for Lots 13 and 14, indica- ring a;minimum of45,000 square feet for tot 13. On 4/21/83 the Plann Commiss- Ion �} gave approval provided that the minimum required square footage be 15,000 and that this be arrived at by either taking from Lot 12 or Lot 14 and that a survey or replat is submitted to staff. There was discussion by Council and.Staff. Motion by Busse to approve the Conditional Use Permit request subject to Lot � 13 being brought to up a minimum of 15,000 square feet via a single subdivision process, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. � o s 3 MINUTES of the Pro,-, is of L e Ci V Cot , the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scc, and StatL if Minw including all accounts audited by said Council. SYNDICATED City Planner Eraser then reviewed the request from Syndicated Properties PROPERTIES for a Conditional Use Permit. He stated that the developer is requesting t CONDITIONAL to construct 8 townhouse units on 1.4 acres of R -2 Zoned property. The USE PERMIT subject site is located northwest of intersection Grainwood Trail and County Road 21, and consists of Lots 1,2 and all but the west 10 feet of Lot 3, Blohm's Addition. A similar proposal came before,the Planning Commission in August of 1982 and received conceptual review for a townhouse development similar to the one now being proposed. He further stated that current stand ards- require each lot to front a public road. The pan handle access to lots 2,3 and 4 which is about 50 feet, also serves a utility easement. He stated that he has suggested to the developer a public street serving this parcel and the rest of the Grainwood.peninsula. It is recommended that the site plan be changed to incorporate a public street to the end of the plat. _ City Engineer Anderson commented -on the street. he stated that County Road 1 would soon be developed into a major road and if you have all these drive- ways it could cause some problems, City Planner Graser then stated that the overall landscaping plan is lacking and must include spot finished grades throughout the development. He further` stated that staff has permitted this plan to be developed with 907.5 low i slab elevation and that the majority of the site is very low and would Ank need filling. It is anticipated that the City Code will be amended to 907.5 prior to consturction of these units. Staff recommends the following;, t. 1)The_ land use plan should be adjusted to include a- public street over the 50 feet private access drives. This will require the middle block to be -.bout 23 feet closer to the lake. 2)Require the developer to produce a landscaping plan showing finished spot elevations. The 907.5 .contour should be extended at least halfway between the 904 contour and the units. 3)The site must reveal a smaller driveway opening to the street for the middle block. 4)'The City should undertake a feasibility study.for doing the entire ,street as one project. Mayor Stock asked that City Planner Graser mark the plans with todays date for the record. City Planner Graser marked the plans as follows: Council Exhibit "A" Site ' Survey, Council Exhibit "B" - Site Plan, Council Exhibit "C" Area Wide Land se, and "D" Floor Plan. it Weber then reviewed the actual structures. There was discussion by Council and Staff. tion by Busse to- approve the Conditional Use Permit contingent upon: feasibility study be done for a public road. 2)The lake recreation.Activ ties e designated. 3)That a detailed landscaping ° p g plan be submitted.:, What the inimum living elevation shall be at 909 and that a detailed grading plan Indic ating a 907.5 contour ,halfway' between the lake and the units. 5)That individual driveway openings toathe public road shall be 24 feet or less, seconded by Scottlland upon a vote taken it was duly passed. OLD BANK The next item on the agenda was to review the pur c hase agreement for the former BUILDING Bank Bnjilding. City Manager McGuire °reviewed this for the Council. PURCHASE AGREEMENT" Pat - 'Ferris then reviewed a letter from the "Friends of the Library ". There was discussion by ncil and Staff. Motion by Thorkelson,to autY +brine the City Manager and Mayor to enter into the purchase,agreement.for the former Bank, Building, seconded by Busse. Councilmember Scott asked about a.,elause in the; Manager McGuire state' city , 9 r! that this was so that the City would not turn` around and "sell the building 3r: 2 years, a quarantee that the l=ibrary woula j be housed in the buiVt i for at ;least 5 years. i A L layor Stock called t,iP question any upon a °vote taken it `was dul passed. 1 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. City Manger McGuire then stated that the City would have to give notice to Mr. Schweich on the lease of the present library. Motion by Busse to give written notice to Mr. Schweich on the present library lease,,seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Pat Ferris thanked the City. Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to work with the "Friends" on the timing: of the move. , {:NORTH SHORE SEWER /.WATER Then next item on the agenda was to consider the options on the North Shore Sewer and Water Project. Jim Nortion, the Consulting Engineer, handed out to the Council an amendment to the November 22, 1982 Feasibility Report. Motion by Thorkelson to accept the amendment to the November 22, 1982 Feasibility Report, dated May 23, 1983, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. City Manager McGuire and Consulting Engineer Norton then reviewed the alternatives R for the North Shore Project. The options for the project were: Option #1, Shore Trail Sewer and Water - cost would be $845,000.00, but does not include the upgrading of lift stations 18, 19 U and 20. Option #2, North Shore Watermain Only - cost for water main. only would be $300,000.OQ. Option #3, North Shore Sewer and Water - this would be sewer,and water as.'shown in the November 22, 1982 Feasibility Report, cost would be $2,087,000.00. Option #4, is to -do nothing at this time. There was discussion by Council and Staff on each of the options. Staff's requested action is to establish a public hearing date: to consider further information-and solicit response. public ESTABLISH A' Motiony�by Busse to schedule a public hearing for the purpose of considering Options #3 PUBLIC HEARING and #1 and that this public hearing would be field on June 27, 1983 at 8:00 PM, DATE FOR THE seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. NORTH SHORE ' 'PROJECT, The next item on the agenda was to review the policy for dust control. City Engineer.Anderson reviewed the areas that would be.needng the control, and the »; cost for this. The areas that are proposed are the section of Crest Avenue ad- ac to.Sand'Pointe DUST Beach Park for the road in the park between the parking lot CONTROL and Crest :Avenue, for Memorial Trail and Memorial Park Parking lot, for Vine; Street and for the road in the Pond Athletic Complex. Costs for one application areas follows: Crest Avenue and Park Road - $482.00, Memorial °Trial and Parking Lot - $490.00, Vine Street - $488.00 and the Pond - $536:00 for a total of = $1,996.00,.depending ' on weather' conditions, a second application of•`oil may be necessary later' on in the summer. ; 3 There was discussion by Council and Staff.-,. Motion by Busse to authorize staff to,go ahead with the dust control as listed, t seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. :y INDUSTRIAL/ The next'tem was to consider the member for the Industrial /Commercial Committee. III COMMERCIAL COMM Mayor Stock read the list of names to be considered. Bob Barsness, Mark Stromwall, " Jim ;;Hill, Don Schusslar, Coleen Ottman, Gary Gibbish, Mike Babcock and Prindle ut`he had not been able to get ahold of her yeat. =r otion by Tho'kelson to a' oint the people that y :t PP P p at Mayor Stock had suggested to the Prior Lake Industrial /Commercial Committee, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item discussed,was not _a scheduled item.; City Planner Graser reviewed a STORAGE SHED' COMPLAINT' complaint that was received from a resident. The complalnt was regarding a storage shed that Mr. Bit l Peterson had built on his property without a building permit. Mrs Peterson also did not comply with the City's Building,(.ode and built shed ` +� this 10' x 14'. He further stated that Mr. Peterson was requesting a variance tO comply with the building code.- AAA t '' , t �„ �Iµliq1. x' MINUTES OF . uc«,'ings .f L ie -I Ly CO, Cow of Scott J State of Minnes saiu ,:ouncil. i Ly of Prior Lake in the including all accounts audited by Mr. Peterson presented to the Council letters from the neighbors stating the positives towards this shed. He stated that he is new in the City and did not realize that he needed a building permit for this shed, since he was tearing down the old one. He also presented to the Council pictures of the structure. Council reviewed the letters and the pictures. Council then discussed this. Motion by Scott to approve a conditional use for the structure on the basis of the letters stating that. 'this was indeed an improvement and also that a variance be granted for the additi hi and upon a vote taken it was duly oval square footage, seconded by'Thorkelso' yt passed. t Mayor Stock asked that Mr. Peterson come in in the morning and take out a building permit for the shed. DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT The next item on the agenda was to review the Developers A ree for Shangri -La City Engineer Anderson SHANGRI -LA reviewed this for the Councilt City Engineer Anderson stated that he had received a Developers Agreement, dated' May 23, 1983. The Developers Agreement was for the installation of Sanitary Sewer, water and paving of Mayes Trail, Lost Horizon Circle The and Ellen Cir developer is going to do the project himself under Plan "A" of the Developers Agreement. The City has received the performance bond from th Developer in the amount of $198,673.50, although the 6% Developers Agreement fee of $12,070.41 has not been received. The be requests ,City that this fee received and that some changes in the specs and grading plan be made. Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Developers Agreement contingent upon the City receiving the 6% Developers Agreement fee > and the changes as requested` by City Engineer be implemented, seconded by Busse and was duly passed. upon a vote taken it s Mr. Lawrence Schweich stated that the City Staff has been very helpful on this project and that he appreciates Engineer Anderson. H then addressed s to s the cCouncil h his e Intentions of ity building on 2 corner.,lots on 150th and Haves Trail. He stated that =150th is not being constructed at this time, and would like to know how the assessments would be paid when this is completed.. There was discussion by Council and Staff, An agreement was reached by Council and Mr. Schweich that.Lot 8 Block 5 and Lot; 1, Block 6, Shangri -La, would have.funds escrowed for future construction of 150th Street. This would be done by letter ' a of credit to the City in the amount of 150% of the actual contract amount of the Shangri -La Improvement project. Mayor Stock asked if there was any other business.. E REFUSE MAULING 'PERMIT REQUEST City Manager_ McGuire stated that he had received a request for a refuse hauling g permit from Disposal BUCKINGHAM mp y• Company. The license fee. of $125.00 is for the 1st truck and one roll off. He DISPOSAL then stated that staff recommends approval and that it would become effective duly 1.,;1983. Motion by Scott to approve the Refuse Hauling Permit for Buckingham Disposal Company, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. TOM;,FOSTER ' RESIGNATION Mayor Stock then read a letter received from Planning Commissioner Tom'Voster asking that the City Council P.L. P. COMMIS. accept his later of resignation for the City of Prior Lake's Planning Commission. Motion by Busse to acce t T F ' 3 and that City Manager McGuire sendea lettereto City's appreciation for the years of service, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly.passed. With no other business, motion by Scott to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9`x50 PM. Michael A. McGuire City Manager E MIJUTES of the Proceedings of the City, Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON WEDNESDAY,"IJULY 5, 1983. MISC. DEPTS.: State Treas. -PERA City Share of PERA 4,380.28 State Treas. -FICA City Share of FICA 2,097.26 Delta Dental Insurance 690.30 Coast t6 Coast Misc. Supplies 211.21 Valley View Insurance Insurance 48.00' Minnegasco' Utilities 154.54 ` Northern States Power Utilities 5,099.98' "Minnesota Valley Electric Co -op. Utilities 846.00 Ames'Office Supply Misc. Supplies 110.92 # Valley Tire & Auto Service Tires 747.76 Albinson Copy Duplicating Products Machine Rental Copier Supplies 50.00 50.05 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Orr- Schelen- Mayeron & Assoc.' Engineering 407,86 Carol Scott Prior Lake American Reimbursement for Exp. 11.00 Oakes Stump Removal. Publishing Stump Removal 11.25 21.50, Zanmiller's Lawrence Schweich Equipment Repair 250.60 Prior Lake Assn. Library Rental July 4 Donation 400.00 250.00 MN Assn of Civil Def. Di. Dues 3.00 League of MN Cities Dues 2,568.00 ` Ramona Mennen Bev Appenzeller Cleaning -City Hall 100;00 Dolores Berens Cleaning -City Hall Library Cleaning & Supplies 100,00 56.73 3oe =Mahoney Geo. M. Hansen Co. Retainer Refunds 300.00 Auditor 1,000.00 CONTINGENCY Industrial Diversified Serv. rf Economy,;Dictation Property Purchase 41,907,60 Phone System 449.00 ENGINEERING Churchill Truck Lines Freight 38.90 x Copy Equipment Inc. _ Drafting Table & Supplies 496.29 PLANNING MN Planning Assn. Dues 20`,00 POLICE Bullseye Reloading Ammunition 110.00. Civic Supply Supplies 35.55 Intercity 011 Mahb*ald Motors Gasoline 18.50 Lommen, Nelson et al Repair Supplies Attorney fees 10,,39 1,863.00 Communication Auditors Radio Repairs 63.27 Scott Co. Sheriff's Office Radio Repairs 34.90 FIRE AND RESCUE Smith- Martin Service & Supply Rescue Supplies 440.45 PARK AND RECREATION Triareo'Arts & Crafts Misc. Supplies 75.01 Moorlane Inca Vaughn's Misc. Supplies 61.40 - Prior Lake 1!76" Misc. Supplies Repairs 100.70 MN Toro, INc. Repair Supplies 15.50 241.80 Northland Saws and Stoves Al Friedges Small Tools & Equipment 38.00 MN °Rec. & Park Assn. Reimbursement for Dues Workshop 15.00 Quality Waste Control Rubbish Hauling 72.00 82.50 Vicki Anderson Park Program Refund'' 12,50 Adeline Lyons Gopher Fence & Park Program Refund 12.50 Mfg. Co. Damage Repairs 1,217.50 - .- _.. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. PARK AND RECREATION continued : 1 Minnesota Twins Park Program 200 .' Sohn Clay Jackie Case Casey Playground Leader 183.33 Debra Stacker Playground Leader Playground Leader 208.33= 183.33 z Douglas Garner Playground Leader 183.33 Lisa Landkammer Playground Leader 183.33' Eric Pratt Kaari Anderson Playground Leader 183.33 x. Louise Anderson Playground Leader Park Program Instructor 183.33 120.00° ,I McDonalds Park Program Supplies 8.50 STREETS `1 J. L.'Shiely Berg Bag Co. Street Repair Supplies 297.74 Edward Kramer & Sons Sandbags Street Repair Supplies 2,973.00 262.78 Carlson Tractor & Equipment MN Valley Electric Repair Supplies 182.48 Ziegler Tire Service St. light installation Repairs 165.00 Metro'Alarm Rental 48.50 54.00 Warnino Lights of MN Rental 248.00 Dustcoating< Dust control 180.00 SEWER l Water Products Tri -State Pump & Control Pipe 'Repairs 94:80 Metro Waste Control Comm. SAC Charges 9 62.00 11,360"25 Aid Electric Service Repairs 64.14 WATER ti Public Pension Serv.Assn.: Dues 5.00 VanWaters & Rogers Chemicals 349.50, Layne Minnesota American .,Cast Iron Pipe Co. Repair Supplies Repair Supplies 75.21 219.30 Serco Lab Analysis 35.00`, PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND Orr- Schelen- Mayeron & Assoc. Engineering 7.965.90 CAPITAL, PARK FUND George's Used Equipment Railroad ties 1,650.00 a 0