HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 06 1983r. M HUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
June 6, 1983
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday
June 6 1983 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the
meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmember Busse, Schweich,
Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner
Graser and Parks & Recreation Director Mangan.
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance.
The minutes of Ma 23 1983
There was further discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor Stock called the
question, and upon a vote taken this motion was duly passed.
Mayor Stock told Mr. Huemoeller that he could get an extract of the minutes
,. in the morning. . i J
Page 1
y were reviewed.
The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of May 23, 1983.
Page 2, Paragraph 3: SPELLING construction
Page 3, Paragraph 6: SPELLING Norton
Page 3, Paragraph 12: SHOULD READ- Motion by Busse to schedule a
public hearing for the purpose
of considering Options #3 & # F2.
Page 3, Paragraph 16: SPELLING Don Schussler, Colleen Ottman
Page 3, Paragraph 16: DELETE but he had not been able to get
ahold of her yet.
Motion by Thorkelson to- approve the minutes of May 23, 1983 as amended, and
to approve the list of invoices that are scheduled for payment on dune 7, 1983,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.`
The next item on the agenda was to review the municipal commission order for
Louis Stassen's property.
Bryce Huemoeller reviewed a letter that was sent to Michael McGuire dated
May 26, 1983. He stated that Mr. Stassen petitioned at the same time as the
park property was _petitioned: for annexation. The annexation board has said
that this property is suitable for annexation on one condition, that is that
Mr. Stassen has to find access to a public road within the city and file some
kind of evidence of that,with the annexation board by dune 8, 1983. For
several months Mr. Stassen has been trying to find access and has had no luck.
At the.time.bhe municipal commission had their hearing, Spring Lake Township
expressed concern, that if Mr. Stassen was to build a higher density project
on this land, that the access would be the Township Road (Mushtown Road), and
that it would cause the Township to incur maintenance expense.
Mr.Huemoeller then referred to the map that was attached to the letter. He
stated that the line on the map indicates a possible access, it is fifty feet
in width, and runs to Vine Street. That land however was deeded to the City
of Prior Lake by I.D.S. in June 1981, with a restriction that states "this
property, shall be used for ponding purposes only, and in the event that the
property shall,no longer be used, or in the event that the grant to use the
property for other purposes the title sahll revert to the grantor ". He
further stated that the lawyer for I.D.S., Tom Kelly, has stated that I.D.S.
would be willing to consider signing a consent to the grant of the easement
for the area that Mr. Stassen is asking for. He then stated that what Mr.
Stassen is asking for is Council approval to grant an easement that could be
used for -a road and for a utility corridor to his parcel. He further stated
that the easement would terminate if Stassen Construction acquires other direct
access to a City street or if not used within 7 years from the date of the
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
Motion by Thorkelson that the City of Prior Lake will provide an access to
the property in question, at Mr. Stassen's expense, prior to allowing the
property being developed, seconded by Busse.
There was further discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor Stock called the
question, and upon a vote taken this motion was duly passed.
Mayor Stock told Mr. Huemoeller that he could get an extract of the minutes
,. in the morning. . i J
Page 1
MINUTES of the Proceedings of 1-ity COUI:L"
County of Scott and S!.,, e of Minnesot
said Council.
:4th OF JULY
the City of Prior Lake in the
including all accounts audited by
Page 2
The next item on the agenda was Mr. Al Coburn discussion on the status CO
4th of July Celebration.
Mr. Coburn stated that he is the president of the Prior Lake Association,
and that f or many years the association has sponsored and has done most
of the planning and coordinating of the activities that put the 4t h of July
Celebration together. The celebration has been held at the Willows, this
year with the high water arid the problems of the- water - front, and knowing
that is has been a year by year approval because of the Increasing number
of eople and the possibility of damages at the Willows, the association on Is
looking for a new location for this years celebration. He then stated that
the association would like to write a letter to the Willows thanking them
for their consideration and the approval of having it on the beach again this
year, which came before the high water, that the association would to
save their property and protect the fact that the association could use it In
other years by'being considerate and trying to find a new location for this.
Mr. Coburn then reviewed the options that the association has considered.
1)Moving t ' be 4th of July Celebration into Lakefront Community Park, where
the fireworks could still be done and have the concessions and maybe some games
and other Items. 2)Have only the fireworks from the Yacht Club with no
activities. With the water level'being where it Is at, it Is unsafe for C
waterskilng activities. It is the associations request that the Council
consider the use of Lakefront Community Park for this 'years celebration.
Parks and Recreation Director Mangan then commented. , He stated that Staff
as met with Mr. Coburn last week to discuss areas concerning the use of
akefront Park. The problems that would need looking into are pj�oblems
Pa security would be provided by Scott County Police Reserve, beer
concessions and the location of the fireworks. He then stated that all could
be worked out prior to the celebration.
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
4otion by Schweich to authorize and approve the Prior Lake Association to
Nork with Parks & Recreation Director Mangan, and to hold the regular 4th
af July Celebration at Lakefront Park this year, seconded by Scott.,-
arks & Recreation Director Mangan brought up the concern of the beer con-
ession r.
ayor Stock stated that would be a separate permit. He then called the
esion on the first motion, and upon a vote taken It was duly passed.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the one day temporary 3.2 beer permit for
the 4th of July Celebration at Lakefrorit Park and that the fee would,be
waived, contingent upon the bonding and insurance being submitted, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed.
Mayor St6ck'then called the Spring Lake Townsite Road'Vacation Public
Hearing to order. He read the pu"blic notice for the record. He then asked
City Manager McGuire if he had received any writen or oral comments.
City Manager McGuire stated that he had Rot,
Mayor Stock then asked City Planner Graser to review tht. f th Council
City Planner Graser stated that he had received a letter from Frank WeAken
Detitioning for the vacation of the described piece of City right I -of�way,
Sack In 1970, Spring Lake Township vacated a section of Hlgb Street of 21
of It. High Street of which there is only about 10 feet left is
iot an Improved road surface and Is not needed for any purpose, it would
)e in the Cityfs tiest Interest for it to be vacated.
fayor Stock ask
- egardlng this. ed If there was any one would like to make any continents
_arty Be asked where 'exactly was this road located.
Page 2
MMUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
Mayor Stock asked We Beuning to come forward and look at the map.
c -
- Mayor Stock asked if there was any other comments or questions.
s There were none.
r Notion by Busse to approve the road vacation as legally described in the
' publication in the.Prior Lake American, seconded by`Thorkelson and upon'
a vote taken it was duly passed.
Notion by Thoi.elson to adjourn this public hearing, seconded by Busse
and upon a vote taken this public hearing was adjourned.
REGIONAL TRAIL The next item,"on the agenda was to review the regional trail corridor
CORRIDOR Don King and Greg °Mack were, present to discuss this. They reviewed the
amended plan that start yat Murphay Hanrahan.Park to Cleary Park, through
c, the City of _Prier lake to Spring Lake Park through Shakopee and then to
the Minnesota River
° There Was'd scus on by Council and Staff.
Ma or Stock ;thanked Mr. Kin and Mr. Mack for coming
- Y 9 out and giving the
Council an to on the corridor.
° LIQUOR'LICENSE The next item on the agenda was-the 1983/64 Liquor License; requests. City'
REQUESTS FOR. Manager. McGuire reviewed this;, '
/ 1 A 983/8 9e uor st that the Liquor License Committee met on these
4, a followin g
Approval ,for the following "ON SALE INTOXICATING" Liquor Licenses for 1983/
INTOXICATING 84.; Anchor:Inn;:B tr Bar and Restaurant, Extra Innings, Freddies on the
Lake and.the,woodlands Edge.
Notion by Busse to approve the "ON., SALE INTOXICATING". Liquor Licenses for
1983/84 as recommended by the Liquor Committee; seconded by Scott and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
Approval for the following "OFF SA'LL Liquor Licenses for
INTOXICATING : - 1983/84►:] 8.8'` D Bar and Pestaurant B e D Bottle; Shop Dakota 'Ll ' uors
Extra'jnnings, Norling Liquor and Viking Liquor.
Nation by 1'hoi >keslson to approve "the "OFF SALE INTOXICATING" Liquor Licenses
,. qr `1983 /8w.as recommended by the "Liquor Committee, seoonded by Busse and
span. a note 'taken It was duly 'passed.
SUtIDJ1Y " ° pp al. for' 'the following "SUNDAY" Uquor 'Licenses for 1983/84: ' Anchor
Irin� D Bsr and Restaurant, Extra Innings, Freddies on the Lake and the
Motion 'by Y Busse. to ap#rowe the 'tSUJDAY" Liuor Licenses for 1983/84 as
irecommended'by the liquor C6ft*Ittee seconded by Scott and upon a vote taker..
4 it was dul 'passed. h r
' +lpproval .for the following "SET 4!P ", Liquor Licenses for .1983/84: "Country!'
Hills Colt Co��rse, Craig! s ResPr't "y; H611ywood Inn, and the VFW.
Motion r by Busse tc,approvr too, "SE1T ;" Liquor Licenses for 1983/84 asp.
Al ,recommended by, the Liquor Committee, seconded by Thonkelson and upon a'vote
t 14pp it. was` duly passed:
ON "SALE - Approvab for the following "` "ON• SALE 'NON - INTOXICATING" Liquor Licenses for
INTOXICATING 1983/84`: Anchor Inn, B & flak and "Restaurant, Country Hills Golf Course,
h Craig's Resort, Extra Innings, Freddies on the Lake, ''Hollywood I'nn and the
t VFw
Notion by Thorkelson to approve the "QH - NON - INTOXICATING" Liquor Licenses
for 1983 /84 `as =reeomuiended by: the, Liquor Committee, seconded by Schweich, and
k,upon a vote taken it wa, -Y passed:
Page 3
MdUTLS of the Prop.-, Wit: he Ci t y of Prior Lake i. n the
County of Scott G State of Mi, ota, inclAing all accounts audited by
said Coul)cil.
Approval for the following "OFF SALE NON - INTOXICATING" Liquor Licenses
for 1983/84: B & D Bar and Restaurant, B & D Bottle Shop, Country Hills '
Golf Course, Craig's Resort, Dakota Liquor, Extra Innings, Freddies on
the Lake, Huasers, Holiday Stationstores, Hollywood Inn, Norling Liquors,
Prior Lake Gas -n- Grocery, P.D.V., Radermacher's Food, VFW and Viking,
Motion by ,Busse to approve the "OFF SALE NON - INTOXICATING "Liquor Licenses
for 1983/84 as recommended by the Liquor Committee; seconded by Stock and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Approval for "CLUB" Licenses for 1983/84: VFW.
Motion by Busse to approve the "CLUB" Liquor Licenses for 1983/64 as reconi -'
mended by the Liquor Committee, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it
Was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire then stated that Woodlands Edge needs approval for an
SALE NON- INTOXICATING" and the E -Z Stop Store, needs approval foran -
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the "ON SALE NON-INTOXICATING Liquor,,
License for Woodlands Edge as recommended by the Liquor Committee, secork. o
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Busse to approve the "OFF SALE NON- INTOXICATINGII L14u6r License
for 1983/84 for the E -Z Stop 'Store 'as recommended by the Liquor Committee,_ ,
seconded by,,Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire then stated that the Council should note that on the
list of requests that the Prior Lake Bowl has not been included in the "ON
",'at this point they do not have a completed application,'they are in '
the process of changing managers and until such time, that a manager is
approved by the Liquor Committee and brought back to the Council, their,,
license will terminate at the-end of June. They are planning on ire- applying.
Councilmember Schweich asked if another establishment was to come in�and
apply,' who would have first rights to the license.
City Manager' McGuire stated that if it was after July 1, 1983, the Council
would have to consider both. '
The next Item - on the agenda was the quotes for'Sandblasting /Tuckpointing
of Hall. City Manager McGuire reviewed the 3 qu s that were rec-
City Manager McGuire stated that 3 quotes were received, 1)All States Tuck -
ng.Company submitted a quote for $7,650 %0. 2`)Universal Renovation
submitted a`quote for S8,400.00. 3)Macpherson -Towne Company subAItted a
quote for $11,343.00. He then reviewed - what would be done.
There was r. discussion by Council and Staff.
Council that upon completion of the work, the City would have the opportunity
to inspect the work dons"nd that the compnay would be responsible for the
clean up:
Motion by Thorkel3o6to award to All State Tuckpointing Caapany the contract
for cleaning; and tuckpointing the Prior Lake City Jall for-the amount dr
$7,650.00, condioned upon 1)the insertion of the City's satisification,, 2)
that the'final clean -up be the responsibility of the contractor, seconded by
Busse and °upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was under Other Business. Mayor Stock statet3
u .
that this was a request for 2 sailboard regattas at Sand Pointe Beach.
He•further stated that Jerry Young has requested that the.,City Authorize 2
sailboard regattas at Sand Pointe Beach the first being on June 25 with 40'
participants, and the seconded be held on August 27 with 100 participants.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the use of the property at Sand Pointe
Beach as Mr. Young has requested, seconded by Busse.
Page 4 ✓
M ..F
MIAUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
There was±further discussion by Council and Staff.
Mayoc:.Stock called the question and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Engineer Anderson then brought to the Council, a request for approval
of a Developers Agreement for Sand Pointe Addition for phases l do 2. The
plans, and specifications have been reviewed and have been given approval. !
The developer
has bid with the contractor and will be, installing. the utilities
for a11.,Lhree phases. The develo would like to start this prior to the
r I & 2
hardshell being approved. He further stated that he has the signed
Developers Agreement for the northern section which would be Sand Pointe 4th
Mayor Stock asked what „the amount was.
City Engineer Anderson stated that the amount was $3,909.20.
Notion by Busse to approve the signatures for the Developers Agreement for
the 4th Additionof Sand Pointe, seconded.by Thorkelson and upon ' a vote taken
It was duly passed.
City`Engineer Anderson then spoke ,about Calmut Avenue, the extension north %5
of, Gralawi6od Circle, the City acquired the right -of -way through condenw-ia� bn
last year: `The request is to have the authorization for OMS to finish the
feasibility study and to conduct a;public hearing for the paving of Calmut
tion±by`Thorkelson to authorize pSM to finish the Fea31bility',S udy for the
paving of Calmut Avenue as requested by City Engineer Ander�,�seconded by
*so and upon .4 vote taken it was duly passed.
ilmember Scott asked about the mud on the streets out in the Sand Pointe.,:'
Add ition. ,
C ity Engineer Anderson stated that the developer requested that the City Staff
o the clean up at the developers expense, and that the Maintenance department
ould be out cleaning the mud up tomorrow morning at 4:00 M.
ouncilmember Busse asked about the policy that the 'Police department has
on funerals.
C ity Manager McGuire commented. He stated that they are provided when a
squad can be made available.
ouncilmembet Thorkelson asked what the proposal was for the access from
Tower Street past the bowling, alley and then through the McNaulty property.
City Engineer Anderson stated that the proposal is that Wednesday of this ”
k the City Maintenance Crew will start removing the trees on the south
property line of the Highwood' Housing, which would be the northerly 60 feet `
f the MoNaulty property. The City has contacted the contracts ,and the
can has informed the 'City that it will take 10 working days before-he
can actually move di -t, The City is proposing to construct a 22' wide,
bituminous curb. He further stated that if the Stassen Propertyls developed
the street would have to be widened and overlaid in place of the concrete
curb and gutter.
There was further discussion,by Council and
Mayor Stock- directed City Engineer Anderson to prepare a cost estimate for
concrete curb and gutter for the segment being 30' vs the cost estimate for a
22' bituminous base surface.
Councilmember Thorkelson then commented on the fishermen along County Road 21
and the wagon Bridge, he asked if an area could be reserved only.
Mayor Stock directed Parks do Recreation Director Mangan to look into something
like this for the people (a fishing area):
City Manager McGuire brought up the idea of having a gift book, where the
Page 5
MI�VUI: of LrIe Prrn!eedings _ �1 Ly ^ounc^ ' Li ty of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and to of Min. -.,ta, in icing all accounts audited by
said Council. o
citizens of Prior Lake could make donations towards the purchasing of
items for the parks and other areas in the City. He further T`
stated that other cities have done this and that it has worked out well.
Mayor Stock directed Parks 6 Recreation Director Mangan to check into the
gift book idea: -
City Manager McGuire then reviewed the letter that he had received Mr. Julius_
Collier, regarding the petition from P:M. do Mrs. Stenzel and Mr., & Mrs. Space.
He then read the motion from the meeting of May 9, 1983 last time this
was brought before the Council.
Mr. Space commented ,on the letter.
Mayor Stock directed City Manage-r.,McGuire to place this petition back on
the agenda in two weeks. �)
City Manager McGuire stated'tha't the City Attorney should look into this
item before it is placed on the agenda.
Mayor Stock stated that the Stenzel's and the Space's are requesting that
this be placed back on the agenda, and recomnended` be`seheduled
for_June 26, 1983. 'He further stated that he would request that the
City Attorney make contact with _Mr.'Coller,'and that the Council recetvci
a copy of the memorandum of the conversation.
Mayor, Stock then referred to a letter that he had received,, dated June 1,
1983, from
John Kalton addressing a meeting that would be held on Thursday
June 16, 1983 at 7:30 PM, involving all government officials.
With no other comments, motion by Busse -to adjourn, seconded by Scott and
upon'a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9:21 PH.
9221 PH
Michael A. McGuire
City 'Manager
c w
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