HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 13 1983nim ica o L ne rroceeai of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the ' 'County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. i ,K June 13, 1983 k The Common Council of the City of=Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 13, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmember Busse, Schweich, Scott,!Thorkelson, City Manager "McGuire, City Planner Graser and Parks and <a Recreation Director Mangan. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Stock then stated that the minutes of June 6, 1983,would be reviewed at next week's meeting. SWEARING IN OF The first item on the agenda was the swearing in of the Summer Community SIMMER COhlMUNIT Service Officers. OFFICERS Police Chief Powell introduced the officers to the Council. Mayor Stock asked that Jeffery Brunson and Lawrence Doheny come forwardfor the swearing in. Mayor Stock then swore them in. The next item on the agenda was to review the lids that were received for the REVIEW BIAS FOR Park Shelters. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan reviewed this for the Council. PARK SHELTERS Parks & Recreation Director' Mangan reviewed what was being asked in the bids that were opened on 6/9/83 at 11:00 AM. He stated that bids were being asked.:forltmaterials on a 20' x 44 shelter and for either a 24' -hexagon or 20' v hexagon shelter. A separate bid was being done on the actual construction Two different companies `bid on the materials. For the 20 " x 44 shelter Cedar } Forest Products submitted a bid for $13,601.00 and Hamele Recreation submitted one for $17,777.77. For the 24' hexagon shelter, =Cedar Forest Products submitted a bid for $4,967.00 and Hamele Recreation submitted one for $5,555.55.- For the 20' hexagon shelter, Cedar Forest Products submitted a bid for $3,453:00' and Hamele Recreation submitted one for $4,572.00. He further'stated that only one company submitted a bid for the construction. KENO Construction submitted a bid for the construction of a 20' x 44' shelter - cost $15,840.00, for a 24 hexagon is $6,330.00 and for 20' hexagon is $5,820,00. Staffs recommendation , was to award the material.bid to Cedar Forest Porducts. Material would be for the 20' x 44' shelter and the 20' hexagon, also that the construction bid would be awarded to KEHO Construction. There was discussion by Council and Staff." CEDAk rOREST Motion by Thorkelson to award the materials bid to Cedar Forest Products for PRODUCTS the 20' x 44 'Shelter, amount $13,601.00 and for the 20' hexagon shelter, amount $3,453.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' Notion by Thorkelson to award the bid for construction of the shelters of KEHO ` KENO CONSTRUCT. Construction, for the amount of $15,840.00 for the 20' x 44' shelter' and $5,820.00 for the 20' hexagon shelter, seconded by Scott. There was further discussion by Council and Staff. There was questions on why the construction bid was so high for the 20' hexagon shelter. Parks ,, *Recreation Director Mangan stated that it was because of the wpy the materials and the structure would be brought down to the site. WITHDRAW KENO After discussion by Council and Staff, Councilmember Thorkelson withdrew his f motion and Scott her second.:.. ¢ T,ABLE Motion by Thorkelson to table the construction bid for one week at which time Parks & Recreation Director Mangan could contact KEHO to review and negotiate " CONSTRUCTION BI1 the bid, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. :k Mayor Stock directed Parks & Recreation Director Mangan to contact KEHO Constru- ction to review and negotiate the bid. �L Page 1 _ ... two ... MIVUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the "County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. t. Parks &Recreation Director Mangan then stated that Staff was directed to look into a sealed system as opposed to City,Sewer placed in at I_, SEALED SYSTEM Watzl's park area. He further stated that he had contacted the consult -` ing Engineer today and his opinion was that it would run approximately $20,.00 a foot plus an additional $10.00 a foot for .clean out for sewer connecting front the shelter to Rutledge Street, it is approximately 1200 feet, it would cost about $24,000.00 total. A sealed system for the area, would run about $1,100.00. The holes could be dug by the maintenance ? department. Two 1,250 gallon tanks could be supplied at 475.00 a piece. Cost of the (sealed system would run $1,100.00 with everything done opposed to the $24,000.00 for running the sewer line only, Councilmember Schweich asked about the maintenance costa Parks & Recreation Director Mangan stated that after talking with Mike McKinley, given a normal traffic pattern, it would be once a month system at somewhere between $50.00 to $75.00, depending on what kind of traffic we would;be putting.through. Councilmember'Busse asked how much more would that cost then the satellite. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan stated that satellite services runs $58.00 per unit per month, so for 2 units for .4 months the cost would be L , $464,00• -' There was further discussion by Council and Staff. t Motion by Busse to authorize Parks & Recreation Director Mangan to acquire and purchase necessary equipment for the sealed units for the park shelter area at Watzl,!s, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was .duly passed. APPOINTMENTS The next item on the agenda was to consider the appointments for the Planning � FOR PLANNING Commission. Mayor Stock stated that first he like to handle the two COMMISSION . would terms of Dave Roseth and Chuck Arnold.for two years - that `are expiring this month, and that both have been contacted and that they have both agreed to stay on for another two year term. Motion by Zhorkelson to re- appoint Dave Roseth and Chuck Arnold�to the Planning Commission -for two, year terms, seconded by Busse and upon a rote taken it was duly passed. - Mayor -Stock then stated that he had acquired a list of names for the fillip of the two vacancies on the Planning Comnisslon. It was his recommendati �} that the Council appoint Tom Loftus for a two year term. - Motion by Scott to appoint Tom Loftus fora two year term to the Planning - y Commission, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock then stated that his recommendation for` he other Planning Com6issiofier position: would be Doug Larson,, this would be for a one year - term: Motion b Busse to a ppoint ppoint Doug Larson for the one year term to the Planning Coaimission, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly; passed. WINDSONG PUD Mayor Stock then asked City Planner Graser to rlview the. Windsong P;. U. D. City Planner Graser stated -that the requested acf:ion by the developer; Sunny Enterprises, is Planned Un-It Development Prieliminary On. April 21, 1983 the Planning Commission considered the Schematic Plart and recommended approval for a concept of Joining both a residential and equestrian atmosphere on approximately 34 acres. The developer for Sunny Enterprises reviewed the proposed plans., j There Was discussion by Council and Staff, City Planner Graser then passed out to the Council pictures of two similar developments that he and City Engineer Anderson had visited. HN commented _ on these and told the Council the pros and cons of having them., Page 2 k g., MIiVUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the , County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. City Planner Graser then stated that the Planning Co-An ssion gave preliminary approval contingent upon the following: 1)That` the Engineering considerations ; from 'Larry Anderson be worked in. 2)That the six nuisance items outlined (dust, ; ,noise, odors, lights, traffic, storage) in the 'staff report shall not become k� problems or cause any condition that may bedangerous, noxious or produce a .. negative visual impression. 3)That the Park Dedication be in land, located directly north of Lord's Street and that the final location, dir�nsion and i deed be delivered to the City prior to Final Plat Approval. *,I)That a detailed architectural plan be submitted for the barn, outlining construction materials_ exactly. What the developer shall submit the drainage plans to the PCA and '- f the Soil Conservation Service for their comments, and that a copy of their comments be submitted to Staff. Also that the Watershed District's comments E will be submitted to Staff. 6)That an ongoing monitoring system shall be ' implemented to catch potential pollution problems. 7)That Planning Consult- ant Charles Tooker's recommendations for landscaping be submitted and approved. What a complete plan in final be submitted to the 'Planning Commission in the finale preliminary plat, i There was further discussion by Council and Staff. �•t_,3 Councilmember Thorkelson asked if something could be added to the associations bylaws, regarding future use of this development if and when this should no longer be a residential /equestrian development. City Manager McGuire stated that the final covenants can be reviewed by the City Attorney, Motion by Busse to approve the Preliminary P.U.D. for Windsong on the 8 contingencies of the Planning Commission and that one additional be added. } 9)Something be addressed in the documentation that would regard future oper- ation or changes; and that on the basis that this development is consistant with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and that at this point and time there has ' been no adverse impact on the neighboring community, seconded by Scott. } There was further discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor, Stock called the question and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CONSTRUCTION The next item on the agenda was to consider the construction cost estimates, for e COST ESTIMATES the road to the Athletic Complex. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan stated that Staff was requested to make a cost comparison between a 22 foot wide temp- orary park access and a,30 foot wide permanent street with concrete curb.andd He to gutter. referred the map that was attached to the agenda packages. He stated that the .section of Toronto Avenue between 170th Street and Tower Street can be constructed with a 22 foot bituminous surface and curb for $9,894.00, and that this same section could be done with a 30 foot permanent street with concrete curb and gutter for $17,925.00.- He further stated that the remaining section of 170th Street from Toronto AvetoGe to the park would cost $27,500,00 to construct a3 a temporary access. There was discussion by Council and Sitaff. Mayor Stock asked if the permanent surface for the 30 foot could be financed. City Manager McGuire stated that it could be from the Contingency, Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the City,Engineer to proceed with the 30 foot permanent street with concrete curb and gutter for an estimated cost of $17,925.00 for the Toronto Avenue extension, seconded by Schwelch, r: Councilmember Schweich asked when the completion of this would be. City 9 p in 2 Cit Manager McGuire stated that it would be possible to have this done 3 weeks. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan stated that the trees are being removed now. FREE .REMOVAL Mayor Stock called the question and upon a vote taken it was dulyppassed. ' The next item on the agenda was to consider the request from the Lions and Page 3 MINTES of;;the et ings of the .uuncii f the City of Prior Lake in the County of ct and State a innesota, ;ncluding all accounts audited by said Counc GAMBLING PERMIT Sportsmans Clubs for a gambling permit. SPORTSMANS CLUB " Motion by Thorkelson to 'approve the gambling permits for the Prior Lake Lions Club and the Sportsmans Club,= seconded by Busse. City Manager McGuire stated that the permits should be issued contingent Q r, upon the $50.00.'fee' being received and that both club should get.a copy of the City's Ordinance. tt Mayor Stock called the question and upon a vote taken it was ,duly passed.. Mayor Stock asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken care of Councilmember Thorkelson "commented on the parks, ,regarding the condition that they are in. There was discussion by Council_and Staff. ". Councilmember Schweich commented on the parking problems and the speed control- in Prior. South area. SIGN REQUEST Councilmember then brought up the "Fire Water" Liquor Store sign located '.; FIREWATER on County Road 42. LIQUOR City PlannerGraser stated that the'lreservation has been notified. With no other comments,'motion by Thorkelson adjourn, seconded by'Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was ad ourned.at 9.23 PM.' P 9 f, " ADjOURMNENT :' -9 =23 ON „ 'Michael A. McGuire City Manager r a 1T w! ^'. ^ #xTMnxaar. ...:- s+ .,-- .- .- ,..,.. .,...®— .+ +- .'=dwP aa.. e w ^Y.•v`y�4,7� a•Tb.:i. w - kr�3'a.nu.a -. .'..�."3,,.,. w .va :_r.s... NNUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. . FIRE AND RESCUE George M. Hanson Co. „Auditing 550.00 Dave's Towing & Auto Body Vehicle Repairs 37.10 Vol. Firemen's Benefit Insurance 102.00 PARK AND RECREATION Triarco Arts & Crafts Misc..Supplies 120.97 Bob's Sport Shop Misc. Supplies 59.97 Pepsi Cola Bottling Concession Supplies 276.75 Lano Equipment Repair Supplies 4.10 Lakeside Pl mg. Repair Supplies 13.40 ! Gopher Fence Equip. Repairs 295.00 � Bryan Rock Products Park Repair Supplies 318.79 Port -O -Let Internat'l. Portable Toilet Rental 165.00 Eric Pratt Mileage 16.40 Shakopee Pub. Util. Utilities 8.51 Long Lake Ford Tractor Rental 175.00 Cross Nursery Park Supplies 143.90 ,Harold's Repair Red Owl Stores Cap. Outlay Equipment 225.00 Supplies 17.10- STREET J. L. Shiely Co. Street Repairs 546.83 Valley Tire & Auto Serv. Tires 73.88 Ziegler Tire Service Tire, ,Repair 10.00' Prior Lake Blacktop Rental 504,00 Du3tcoating, Inc. Street Maintenance 1,030.50 SEWER Karen Kalal Sewer Repair 447.60 Metro Waste Control Sewer Installment 20,415.90 .. Metro Waste Control SAC Charges 9,256.50 WATER Water Products Water Meters 3,226.40 DEBT SERVICE . American National Bank Debt Service .159,182.65. Norweat Bank Mpls. Debt Service 299,368.70 PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND Brown and Cris Contract 'Payment 41;872,81 4► i MIJUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE ? SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, June 21 MISC.. DEPTS Weber's Auto Supply Misc. Supplies 61.97 BAnkers Life Insurance 2,711.43 Ames Office Supply Misc. Supplies 78.30 Hauser's Super Valu Misc. Supplies 54.40 Scott -Rice Telephone Telephone Service 558.27 F Monnens Supply Repair Supplies 262.16 °Copy Duplicating Products Copier Supplies and Rental 199..22 Albinson 'Tooker Rental 50.00 Charles Consultant Planner 650.00 Uniforms Unlimited Misc. Supplies 422.25 Parts Dept. Inc. Misc. Supplies 38.93 Prior Lake Aggregates Park do St. Repair 1,624.12 Carpenter Lumber Misc. Supplies 244.57 Computoservice, Inc. Computer Service 1,157.53 Norwest Bank Mpls. Debt Service 22,295.35 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Petty Cash Supplies 64.36' _ Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 350.00 Scott County HRA Professional Services 795.60' E. H. Newstrom Building do Plumbing Inspector 2,235.00 " Prior Lake American Publishing 145.23 Creative .Graphics Printed Supplies 87.95 !ssn. of Metro Municipalities Dues 1,207.00 American Linen Supply Building Maintenance 49.38' " Mayor and Council Salaries 1,050.00 Mike McGuire Car Allowance 275.00 , CONTINGENCY , Nelson Woodcraft Cabinet Work 65.83 ENGINEERING: s " Snyder Drug Supplies 5.98 3 Velishek Service Dept. Vehicle Repair 127,64 " PLANNING Tom Foster Planning Comm. Salary 90.00 John Fitzgerald Planning Comm. Salary 100.00 t" Center-for Urban,Pol. Research Supplies 13.95 " POLICE Economy Dictation Systems Dictaphone 245.00 i Liberty Photo Service Supplies > 51.41 i Dick Powell Clothing Allowance 193.50 Steve Schmidt Clothing Allowance 193.50 `Dennis Leff Clothing Allowance 193.50 LeRoy Rabenort Clothing Allowance 193.50 4 Eugene Smith Clothing Allowance 193.50 Joseph VanDe^' om Clothing Allowance 193.50 Richard Klugherz Clothing Allowance 193.50' r Robert Boe Clothing Allowance 193.50 n+ Northland Graphics Printed`Supplies 237.00 Burnsville Printing Co. Printed Supplies 154.90 Communication Auditors Equipment Repairs 90.00" " Paul Nelson -Car washes 45.50` Nahowald Motors Vehicle Repairs 380.67 i 9