HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 27 1983MIiNJtES � . fl of the City Counci l" of the City of Prior- Lake- in the
,t State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
June 27, 1983
The Common; Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,
June; 27., 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers." Mayor Stock called
the meeting'to order. 'Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Scott,
Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, `City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director
Teschner and Consulting Engineer,Norton. Councilmember Schweich was absent.
Mayor, ; Stock asked everyone to please rise for the ,pledge of allegiance.
The niinuLes of June 20, 1983 were reviewed.
Motion.by,8usse to approve the minutes, of June 20, 1983 as submitted,` seconded,
by Scott.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next ,item on the agenda was the request from Bill Terry to build on Lots.
1,2 ",* 3, Hlock 24, Spring Lake.Townsite. Mayor Stock asked City Engineer
Mdeson to. review the request for the Council.
.City' Engineer Anderson stated that Mr. Terry presently owns Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block
24, Spring =Lake Townsite. The parcel is separated from Center Road by Lot3.4 &
5. Legal Accessxto the lots is from the unimproved Sixth Street. Mr. Terry is:'
s , "
at 4 to at[* termine how access can be provided so that the property can be
ao d; in sites. He then referred to the maps that were attached to
the aaendapackages. He further stated that W. Terry had been asked to negotiate
with <t he' pro petty owners of Lots 4 and 5 to combine Lots l through 5 into one
parcel`, and:; then split the parcel Into two separate lots. `Mr. Terry had informed
the !City that h' had been unable to negotiate an acceptable price for the two lots.
City_jEnginee:c,Anderson further stated that Mr. Terry's request was to receive
Council's.;permission to split the three lots Into two lots and to provide,'gravel`
access. the alley.1or the west lot and a gravel access.on Sixth Street for the
east.lot. He then stated that Mr. Terry was present and'that.he could answer
any of the.Council's, questions.
Mr.. Bill Terry confirmed City Engineer Anderson comments regarding the purchase
of Lots,4 and 5. He further stated that he would grant a sewer and wateiyeasement
across the 6kk edge of the east lot in order to serve the west lot.,
The Council then discussed the request.
Councilmember Schweich joined the ,Council at this time.
Notion by Busse to authorize the, City Engineer to prepare a feasibility study for
the.extenson of Sixth Street and the utility easements, and that Mr Terry try to
contac other property owners regarding the purchase and split of the other
two '.parcels; seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote takew It was Atilt' passed.
t . .
The. next. item=on_the-.agenda; was to review the 1982 financial Audit.' Dick Ellsworth
frAm`Gegrge`N. Hanson Co. was,present,:to discuss the audit and to answer any
questions that the Council should have.
1982 Financial
Motion 'by Thorkelson to approve and accept the 1982 Financial Audit as presented,
and to Manager direct City M McGuire to prepare information for the Council regard -
ing the „:accumulated unpaid vacation and sickpay and to report back to Council,
seconded by Scott and. "upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was the Public Hearing for the North Shore Sewer and
Water"Project. Mayor Stock, called the public hearing to order. He then: read
the.publioinotice,for the record. He then asked Consulting Engineer Jim Norton
to review the'Feasibility Report and City Engineer Anderson to review the Project.
City Engineer Anderson reviewed the project being sent out for bids. He stated
that all projects are sent out and bid on separately, this project would not be
Included,with•any.other projects and that the costs that Mr. Norton would be
`speaking about are for this project. He further stated that the scope of the
project is if the public hearings approved, the plans and specs would begin
immediately and the City would start acquiring easements for 'the placement of
sanitary sewer, watermain and paving.
Page 1
h1HUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of ti City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
The ma of the work would be done in 1984 with the completion of the
sewer and water and the first course of blacktop pavement in 1984. A weal,
course would be placed down, which would be a layer of pavement that is
intended to correct any- settling that would occur.in the first year and that
would be completed in 1985.. The contractor when installing the utilities will
first come through and install sanitary sewer, this is the deepest section,
then he will come back and install the watermain,, -and if stormsewer is in front
of the
street he would then install the stormsewer. After the contractor has
Installed these, the services are then installed to the individual homes.
Generally speaking; it takes one year from the time the contractor starts to
completion of the project. At the end of the project there is an assess -
ment hearing and'the actual cost of the project is assessed to the people.
Consulting Engineer Norton stated that the type of work would be the installation
of municipal sanitary sewer, watermain, blacktop streets and concrete curb and
gutter. The description: The proposed utilities will provide the benefited pro-
perties with City Sewer and Water. In those areas where right -of -way exists,
the utilities will be installed within the right -of =way and a new blacktop
street constructed with concrete curb and gutter. - Where no right - - way exists,
permanent easements will be acquired for installing the sewer and water.
Location: This project is located along'the North Shore of Lower Prior Lake
,from approximately Crest Avenue on the east to Eagle Creek Avenue(County Rd. 771:
on the west. Also, there are two watermain installations on the so4th 31e
the lake. He
then referred to a map showing the areas. Length of Project. _"`,
This project has a total length of approximately 9 feet for the sanitary
sewer line. The length of'watermain is approximately 6,800 feet, not including
the`,two watermain installations on the south side of the lake. Feasibility:
From an engineering standpoint, the project is feasible a6d can be made as
'proposed and does
not need to be in conjunction withzany other project.
cost: These costs do not include connection: (1) Sanitary,Sewer...
$1,326,000.00. (2) Watermain...$891,000.00.
(3) Streets ... $190,000,.00. Total
project co3t...$2,407000.00. He then reviewed the property that would be
assessed. All that part of Section 25, T115,, R22 W in the City of Prior Lake'
County, Minnesota lying north of Lower Prior Lake and west of Meadow
z , �
Avenue and North Shore Drive except to the Northwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter and the west 860 feet of the northeast
} quarter of. the .northwest quarter,..
also that
all part of Section:26, T115 N,, R22W, in the °City of Prior Lake, ;.
County, Minnesota lying north of Lord's Street and west'of Manitou Road' "(, -I!,
Consulting. Engineer Norton reviewed the'estimated assessments per fr%jnt fo6t
x h ;,
for each utit . ,
City Engineer Anderson then commented on the three methods of asessng a
:l) Acreage Charge: The charge is $2,500.00 Total h" `
per acre. cost for sani,t� .
sewer, watermain, and . paving was based on $98.7 1 per. toot:, this is for Franz..
;;footage for the lot and there is a $350.00 per unit connection °which is ,paid at they.
time that the resident connects
to sanitary sewer and water.` These three costs
are used to pay _the-entire project cost.
Mayor Stock then,asked if there were an questions or comments on. engineering
portion of the project.
The following are comments or questions from the affected residents.„
Mr. Lloyd Berggren, 4853 Beach St. N.E., stated that; City Engineer' Anderson was out
talking to the
residents in Chatonka Beach area about a month'.ago; and at'that
time, :mentioned, that where the line `the °hill,
goes -under that it was so deep that
there was no way you would be able to trench, and that it would' "have to ^be jacked
throw,. He asked if this was still the plan for that area.
City Engineer Anderson stated that this was correct.' He further stated that we
propose that the location
of the water tower='at that point we would Jack the
sanitary sewer line through the'hil1't that there-would not be an 'at
that point. open cut
Dick Cushing, a summer< resident on Chatonka' Beach stated that his concerns
regarding the 80th swath through tree
woods, and what it would do to-the woods.
He asked if there was
any possibility;that we could look at some lower lying
Hand that is just north
of us and that this might cut down the width of the
swath, through. He also asked if there were some options of looking at possibly
other courses for the sewer that would not be as devastating to the woods.
Page 2
HNUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council
Consulting Engineer Norton responded to this nuestion. He stated that as deep_
as we are on Shore Trail, once we reach the east side of Chatonka Beach, the
pipe would virtually come right out of the ground and that is how varied relief
is in this area. He then referred to the map and furth*er commented.
Mrs. Earling Johnson,. 14535 Pine Road NE, asked what will happen to those
residents that are right off of Shore Trail.
Consulting Engineer Norton stated that they would be involved in the trenching,
but there are two profiles. The profile for Pine`Road p• above (he indicated on
the map). The way that we have anticipated picking that is with the gravity
sewer. He further stated that there are three houses that would not be able to
be picked up by gravity. (He again indicated on the map.)
Mayor Stock asked what we would do in the case of the three that would not.be
picked up.
Consulting Engineer Norton stated that one of the alternatives would be to lower
the whole Sine. In other cases where this happened individual pumps have been used.''
Nancy Zywotko, 5535 Shore Trail NE, stated that she was representing many of the 's.
Shore Trail home owners, and that they are not opposing the water and sewer coming
in or this project, but they are opposing it at this time. There is no federal or *"
state funding or government aid at all to help aut. The cost of this assessment
alone is more than many of the people originally paid for their property; She
felt that there is a need to have water and sewer, but also felt that the City
should,help out when the payment comes through or at least to >aid in some way_:
to' cost a little 'less.. She also felt that the City should wait until
thee'is..some kind of federal funding available. She stated that there was only
one other project in the City that the people were asked to pay for entirely and
that Martinson Island, and that was not nearly the cost of this one. Every-
one else had some kind of help.
Mayor Stock stated that this was not true.` Mayor Stock stated that there was only
one project for which the City received a federal grant and that was the Spring
Lake /Wagon BrAdge project.: �y
City Manager' that he had talked with Nancy about the last three
projects. Martinson Island did not receive funding and all the projects before
(and there were three large ones) did not receive funding either.
Mayor Stock stated that the City, had received funding for one project and there
have been many sewer and water pro since 1972
Nancy Zywotko asked if there is some way we could'wait' until we could get help;
Mayor Stock stated that on the funding- .availability for ihis,p articular - area,
the City has applied twice for grant money. In`both cases it was denied. At
oil this. time providing,
,funds are not providing funds to local governments'.'to provide for
water quality or sanitary sewer. They have cut back on all funding.
Nancy Zywotko'asked why we feel: we need to do this project now. {$
Mayor`Stock stated . that the indicationiwas that there has been a longstanding need, N
that AAtea, b k to 1983. He skated that he hail" ppeaeed before the Metropolitan
' Waste Control Commission Board and regUested' that they provide the necessary '
funds to build what is known as Prior Lake interceptor to take the sewage
away from Prior, Lake. At the particular time,c►f documentat1on, needs were
justified and It was on that basis that our community was willing and ready to
establish a complete de- sewering of the entire "Jake - of Prior Lake, 'We, at that
time, felt that ths`.should be done in pha3" es, it so happensthat the north
shore had the least amount of population. The most cost way °would be
to serve the :area with tZ highest population first and then come to thn'area
with- a'lower population toward the end of the phasingoof the project, With that
in minds the .City of. Prior Lake proceeded and we have had ma sewer projects
just about every year.,, Now we ace at the final link of °sewer dnd watep in Prior
Lake:" We have let two years pass ,because we were hopeful that we would qualify
for some grant monies. If we continue to wait for,funding the funds that we
might receive will be eaten up on -the inflation process.
Marion Bradach, 5267 Shore.Trail NE, stated that she only gets $400.00 through
Social Security and asked how she would pay for sewer and water.
Mayor Stock asked if we could wait on the method of financing, finish up on the
engineering questions and get back to that as soon as possible.
There were further questions and comments. (The tape of the entire public hearing
including alh "ydest'ions and answers will be kept on file in the City Offices).
Page 3
MINUTES, of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County'of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council"
Finance Director Teschner then reviewed the actual financing of this projer }.
He stated that the interest rate would be 11 %. The sewer and water costs
would be spread over a 20 year assessment and the paving costs over a 10
assessment. He gave two- for the public; one on a 75' lot and anot-4—
on a 100' lot.` He further stated that in addition to this charge there would be
another $1,496.00 added for Municipal Sewer' and Water Connection Fees. All of
the charges.must be paid at the time of hookup with the exception of the sewer
and;water. connection fees, whereby an individual has the optiop of paying 25%
imaediately and $175.00 each year by August lst for 3 Years at'8% interest.
Net.eftecti*ould be to pay $971.00 initially with the remaining $525.00 spread
over "three year period. Connection to the municipal system is mandatory
within one year of the date of the assessment hearing. It is also the respon-
sibility of the property owner to contract'°privately for the installation_ of the
individual'sewer and water services from the street to the house. He viewed
this information on the opaque projector for the public.
There were questions on the assessing of the project.
Dick Marks, a resident of Prior Lake off of County Road 42, asked the Council
If they were aware of Minnesota State Statute 429.
Mayor Stock stated that yes they were aware of the statute.
After further discussion, Mayor Stock closed this portion of the meeting and
asked the Council for their comments.
Counei luie!Mber Busse asked City Engineer Anderson if it would be more:feasi rte"
to move ahe sewer line further to the "north In Chatonka Beach.
Consulting Engineer Norton state'that the sewer route when originally laid out
was'laid out with the most efficient -use of the natural ground. The comment
was`made that if the sewer line was moved north we would be in open property,,
no trees.` Unfortunately, when looking at the topographic map, when you move
north you;go in elevation, which would result in a deeper cut for the
installation of pipe,. He further commented that this is not cast in stone;
if a better location is brought to our attention and it is investigated and
considered workable, something could be done about moving it.
Councilmembee commented, on the increase of the assessment if we were to
continue waiting. She also asked if there were a Jot of people in favor of this
* this
pr`ofect at time. She stated that only those against it have spoken.:,
'Mayor Stock asked City Manager McGuire to read the letter that was received:
'City.Manager.McCuire read the letter that was received from Mr. Lloyd Berggren
for the record.
.Councilmember,Thorkelson commended on the history of the sewer and water i'- '�11a
. -e
tion in the City of Prior Lake and what if we.were to hold off. He Cxprc 5."
that.he agreed some the comments that,were heard, but
with of that everyo#
made aware oii the'fact that sewer and water would be coming to the North Sniiie.
He felt that the project should go ahead and that we have looked at the possibilf
ity oi',' Just installing water and that does not seem to be the appropriate
thing to do., , The .ultimate :cost would be higher.
Councilaiember'Schweich asked if the Sand Pointe development is being assessed at ;
all 'for this project.
City Engineer Anderson stated that this project will be assessed an acreage
charge against the Sand Pointe project for a trunk charge.
Councilmeinber Schweich then commented on the benefits of the looping of the
water and the =project itself'.
Mayor Stock then stated that it would be his position at this time to consider
this as w,0ofect we,should undertake at this time for the following reasons;
(1) The, need.ot'the water looping. (2) Beneficial to the.::<homeowners beeause of -
the fire hydrants that will be placed in the area. (3) The increase In cost if,?
water only`*as;:done. and not sewer. The interest alone would'be partially paid
tiff, if done now:
Page 4
NIMJTES of ?fie Proceedings of the 'City Council of the City of Prior Lake in _the
COdnt of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
sa id Council.
`He fwtherstated that he felt again in good faith, the 1973 commitments
r� :�
were; made to completely de -sewer the City of Prior' Lake. He further stated
that is was indicated that the City )`would be more than happy to work with
the neighborhoods on the roadways and alternative routes. Finally, the city
has been concerned about the cost of this project, this City Council applied
for funding )twice and each time we were refused'. We will continue to be
conoeir.• about costs, and this is only one of the phases the council will -
go through; ''If this project is approved tonight, the next phase will be the
authorizat" on ot, the final plans and specifications, then the bidding process
for ih'e construction and when those bids come in they will be reviewed and
whatever we can, dojto help reduce the cost of this project we will do so.
North Shore
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Morth Shore Sewer and Water Project,
seconded by Busse and vote taken it was duly passed.
Councilmember Thorkelson stated that one individual commented that she felt`
that this would be a severe hardship, and there should be something that we
can"do. If there`are' any others that feel the same they shob1d contact City Hall
so the Council can get a feel for what we will be dealing with, maybe we can
find a way to held.
fk O A
Mayor Stock called a`rthree minute recess.
Mayor,5took, called the meeting back to order.,
Motion,by,Busse to authorize the Consulting Engineering Firm, OSM to prepare
Final Plans $
the final plans and specifications for the protect, seconded by Thorkelson and.
upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. n
"Adjourn, P.H.
Motion.by Scott to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Busse a4 upon a
11:11 P`:M.
vote taken this public hearing was adjourned at 11:11'PM.
'The next item on the agenda was the games =lst Addition Project 82 -1, 81 -2, and--
82-11, change order #3. Mayor Stock °asked City Engineer Anderson to brief the
Council on this.
City ;,Engineer Anderson reviewed this for the Council.
After discussion by Council and Staff, Mayor Stock asked that this be tabled for
one week, for the purpose of getting more information and that City-.Engineer
Anderson could speak with the 'developer.
Mayor Stock then stated that at this time he asked for some comments from Cleve
Mickley, regarding the lake level and the problems that the City is having with
the high water.
There was discussion by Council and the members that were present from the Water -
shed Board.
Mayor •Stodw hated that if the members that were present would stay after the
Cotmcil meeting, a meeting to discuss the concerns of the lake level could be
scheduled. ,
Mo`zi' by Busse to.direct City Manager McGuire to contact City Attorney Kessel
= "no wake"
and.have °him prepare a speed zone / "no wake" ordinance for the entire lake, seconded
by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.'
Mayor StocK then asked if there was any other business that needed tb"be discussed.
Counctlmember Scott asked about high weeds at County Road 21 intersection an
West Avenue.
City Manager McGuire brought up a request from the Prior Lake Association. This
request was for a donation of $250.00 for the 4th of July's fireworks. He further
stated that the City had donated $500.00, but because of the cancellation of the
4th's activities they are requesting half."
donation of
Motion, by Scott to approve the $250.00 donation to the Prior Lake Association
for the fireworks for -the 4th of July, seconded by Thorkelson and uoon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Page 5
; ],.s..X. .'A xx
MIdUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
Finance Director Teschner stated that the City had taken bids on the 1981
COtlas Diesel`, the old squad car. The bids were opened today and Staff
;` o
recommends to award the bid to the highest bidder, Laural Bathel for the
amount of $1,250.51.`
bid of car
Motion by Thorkelson to award the bid for the car to Laural Bathel for the
amount of - $1,250.51, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly -
Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken this
12:15 A.M.
meeting was adjourned at 12:15 AM
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager`
n .
Page 6