HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 11 1983a °'*` ateih' table, Mot size. is, 50 X .7O feet deep' for a total of. about 3500 square =feet, The. zoning. code recently incorporated. an'apprgval criteria °'and a. process by which the3el be, eYaiyated'prior to ' 4 the, ntroduetion•to a; neighborhood: Mr. 041 1 1 evaluation. was reviewed br, the Planning Commission:; there ater..15 points io.the � =motonqthat need to be met, He then passed around 'photos of the house N u 2 i'or >the .Council and reviewed the 15 points, , ' ,;° Mayor StQckvasked ifi�,Mr. 'Otting was present and if he had any comments„ T for -the Council. Mr. ;Ottt statd that whatever Mr. Graser had stated was fine. z., Mayor 'Stook. asked ,if there was anyone in ,the audience 'that would like to make � • eomments.. Mfr ,aims trniger :stated' that he was here representing several.nei4hbors. s Tt was th ,r r�squest that the Council deny this. request. In . t6e past when r t4cs Otting Nas moved, houses =in, they have sat "for o�V±er a year uncompleted. rther!watated,,that,;Mr.., Otting has, been cited py 'the County _on• several ovcasfons� =:for not conforming :to coOe,on his. buildings and:kcon truction, Ne` 1 k #Or her comments. Mayoic Stock asked.that Mr.. Winiger give a list ,of the:xnames of the people that. he: is .representing. Mrs 0' rilynDakis'.presented Ito .the Council pictures of a house next ` dor:ao' her home that -Mr-: Otting moved in. She commented' uo� how Mr. OL�ting„ built up the yard and the problems that she is havirtq with water run' from tihat proFArt M s.. D k stated that; 0.46 Y•. r a is further 'house ne kr`4 r was 'sittingIFthere. for almost a year ' befol•t.any - work was s °. done omit. P.age 1 nr t'Aw e,.• -rl : �'V� A'4�i�1S�;. MINTES r ot the Proceedings of the City Council 'of the City of Prior Lake in the Coum* of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by Soid Council, r J July 11, 1983 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the Council. Chambers, Mayor Stock.cal!led tha meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Council— meP0ers',8usse, SchWeich, Scott, Thorkelson,;City_Manager McGuire, + +. City , ` ,Engineer A Mayor Stook asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. The'minutes' July 5, 1983 were reviewed. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of July 5, 1983: PAGE Z' PMAGRAPH 3: SHOULD 'READ:: "When the total shoreline became part of theTCity,of. E E Prior 'Lake, it was his under- standing that we had an agree -! «' m ment with the County to enforce the Ordinances." r� ' 1 1 M3nui:es. M Motion by:,66;r elign,to approve the minutes of July 5, 1983 ai amended, seopntlad'by Busse and upon a vote: taken it was duly' uly passed. 3 The next item on the agenda was to consider the.request from 83,11. Otting • - t to Move a'house; into the City. Mayor Stock asked City Planner to review the reque3t for the Council. City Plannr+,krGraser stated that Mr. Otting has petitioned the City to moves a.ohWiii� Vito "the". City. of Prior Lake Lot 25, Butternut Beach. The ' ' �• -,,� applicant `is proposing to move a,24 X'34 foot house onto. 2566 Butternut r B Be i, ,T ,Putternut Beach .area, is an older e3ta6l'ishedaiae1ghbprhood zoo . ..w MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the -, County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council., Mr. Otting then commented.` { Mayor Stock asked Mr. Otting if he was licensed for moving houses. Mr,.Ytting stated that he was licensed and his Minnesota License is #Ell. I�. There were further comments made by Mr. Winiger and Mrs. Dakis. Mayor Stock then asked the Council for their comments. µ 4 Councilmember Scott stated if all 15 of the criteria 'set up, by the Planning Commission were met, she would have no problem with thi's request going through. Councilmember Busse asked if Mr. Otting understood the 15 points that were set by the Planning Commission. He then asked Mr. Otting• about the drainage and if Mr. Otting would submit a drainage plan. ` Citiy.Engineer Anderson stated that a drainage plan should be added to the list of criteria. ' Councilmember Thorkelson state that Mr.. Ottin ' g;'s past. record should 6e con -y4 ` sidered. The - other two hoi! es that he has moved to are a disgrace to the neighborhood: „,and if Mr. ' Otting intends to handle; 16•'the ;,"me manner, .° ,Orebenting'ka letter of creditor stating that he hill. adhere to the .other 15 ` criteria may , not not - make• a differ.-ence. Unless Mr. ' Ottirig can show that his properties are g r ng to, be - improved•# he felt that it was. unacceptable. fon” Aim to move °any` more homes in.:<. Councilmember Schweich recommended 'a hammerhead driveway be installed if approved. He further commented -,on the other points. There were further comments by Council and Staff. ,Mayor Stock stated.that'his greatest °concern is what °Mr.�Otting 'ras done in the'past ;He further stated that before hc�could approve this he would like " t "t5a see,.Y,making,'this a recommendation to the '£ouncil, that before we A prove the permit for moving 06',house that we receive from. Mr. Otting a Landscaping and,Drainege Plan for this lot and'that Mr. Otting,g ve to the 'Council some criteria in which he is going to meet the obligations.ahat ' have been set _ foith by the planning` Comnission;. Mr. Otting stated that he' planned on fixing the house before `it was mop " 'Mayor'Stock stated that was fine, but before the Council would issue the = permit to move the house into the City, he *culd have to bring to the Council " a copy,,of his drainage, plan for this specific ='lot. He further asked;thatl he also submit a drawing o *'the, /hammerhead driveway, and also that he work with Mr. Dakis regarding the water run off of the house situated next `to the Dakis' Continuation Motion; by Thorkelson Ab continue this request from Mr. Otting for two weeks, , MrvOtting` at that meeting Mr'. Otting will. presentto the Council - with the satisfaction - house.,move of the city Engineer, a- drainage and landscaping plan;and'also a` driveway - `plan showing the hammerhead dr,ive.and'a•�proposal to solve the drainage ., aproblem whi.,Ch-vas'done to the,Dakis:v, seconded by- ftpsse and upon a'voie takerf yeas duly passed. Mayor Stock stated that he would like the recommendation added to the Notion- o that " a memorandum as to the evaluation process that would. be under- " taken for the current 15 items outlined by the'`' Planning Commission.` i ' u, n r•i Page 2 d k..��aYd„�.dfjS`� ".,y .±v.�ztw..(�._..�,tai,cx :":. rra � 11111111 ( -.� 54�• IP Mli1UTES of '1:14 P,rae�edings -of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the t < Couni�r "of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council; 15 items added �.` to r mo i %tion by Thorkelson and seconded by Busse to approve this being added, Mayor Stock then called the Public Hearing for the Mike Broderick Road Vacation to order. The published notice was read. Mayor,Stock asked ' City Manager McGuire. 4f he had received any written or oral,comments regarding this. " ti City "Manager McGuire stated that he had received one call `ind' nformed i the'individual of the time of this meeting. Mayor Stock then asked City'Planner Graser to review this for the Council. City'Planner'Graser stated that he had received a petition from Attorney Frank Muelken, to vacate a section of privately dedicated unimproved 'road- way n' thA' "plat Hof Maplewood. Tracts A, 8, C-_and •D are being torranced : parecipitating. this request. Tract E "now defines,the right -of -way :being used by`the public.. Staff recommends the subject roadway be vacated on the 666dition.'that Tract E' be dedicated to the public. Mayor" Stock asked about the`tria'ngie that goes over_the private road. c t, ; C#Y _Planner Grayer stated: "What will happen is that the City will be vacti ii and .then the public will get it back." ;. May'bt Stock, asked if that "was indeed a fact. Frank Muelken was in the audience, and confirmed City Planner's explanation. ` Frank MUelllen also stated that _the portion of the roadway that 13 now being traveled will continue to retain its public status. .The portion that ' one `'would have to ' drive through a house, and just . that portionas the: <. portion that is tieing °vacated. There was further discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor Stock then read Resolution 33- 16. a Counailmember Scott stated that in the last sentence, there is a,typo k it should read 85 59' `O1" r t Resolution 83 -1 Motion by adopt. Resolution 83 -16 as amended, seconded by. Scott and upon' a vote taken it was duly passed.' Adjour7 Motion by.,Thorkelson adjourn. this Public Hearing, seconded •by Busse and" ' a ,l.H, upon vote taken this Public Hearing was adjourned. Mayor; `alld h Stock then,ce the BartcPorter Road Vacation Public Hearing ,to ordae: the published'notice was read. Mayor Stock asked 'City Manager Mcui=e'�if`he I ° ' received any or oral comments regarding this. Q { written City Manager ^McGuire' stated that he had not. received 4ny comments. ` City Planner Graser then briefed the Council,on this request. He stated' d that Mr. Porter is requesting that a part of,Sxth Street as platted' In Spring'l,ake;Townsite and one half of a platted alley also°as platted - in Spring Eake.Townsite. Sixth Street °is unimproved,, has -no public utilities In, Q y it ad is now being maintained by the abutting property owner to, the north- i Bx i west. The alley vacation is an unusual request since only 6 of the lley 's being The vacated. alley is of no importance to the City and'servet'no purpose. However; the City should either vacate the entire width or, none., o at Staff recommends to vacate only that'portion of Sixth Street`as petitioned,- o` j `10 • Page 3 C � MMUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior,,Lake in they County of Scott and State of Minnesota,, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock asked if Mr. Porter had any comments. Mr. Porter' stated that if the City approves this vacation, he could' better situate his house on the lot. Mayor Stock then stated that in order to vacate the alley, you either = vacate it all or none, it wo not tae in,<ahe best interest of the public to vacate only half of an erley A Mayor Stock asked if`there , 'were.any:commen 's from the Council. Coun'cilmember Thorkelson stated ihat'he sees nolobjedion'to Vacating ' ' thii" portion of Sixth'5t et, but the entire. section of'Spring, Laki` `Townsite should aha ,reviewed :' Pieces are being vacated all .over the : pYace ari' .�;hzre i�3 no map or overall pian ' showing, wfiere, they are 1 4F1 c r, !' Mayor "Stock sugoeiied this is completed, a separate m directing Charles - Tooker, Consulting Planner to reviewand present an overall plan. for streets and alleys in Spring Lake,•Townsite,'anc also r indicatig9' -t ose that are not In the public inter,.e, t. Mayor Stock asked if City "Engineer Anderson had any comments on this , portion of Sixth Street being vacated. City Engineer Anderson stated that the City has no need for 'that section,' of the street,; s ;. Resolution '' Motion by Thorkelson to adopt Resolution 83 -17, regarding'`the vacation 83 : $; -17. of that portion of Sixth; Street,'seconded by Scott and upon a taken x !, it "° was.`Culy passed. Adjo -rh' P.H.. n Motion by,ausse to adjourn the ,Public Hearing, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken,this Public;Hearing "was adjourned., streets $ alld 5'prins "Lk :. Motion by Thorkelson to request City Manager to have Charles Tooker., Town site Consulting Planner to review and present an overall flan for all the »r -� streets and •alleys ,in, Lake Townsite and that he �11st them gas a public need', seconded by Stock °and upon a vote' taken it was. =441y passed. , The next. iti m on the agenda'wss the request; from .Bart Porter to moves P, . a house into the .City. a City Pla this for Graser reviewed t for the Council. f City,Plannar Graaer; passed pictures of the -house around for the Councih ' ' { ,i to` review. He stated that this - request is very similar to the ane for ir. Otti;ng; the Planning 'Gonmission also acted on, this 66:6/6i:83 jF t r tfe following recommendations and findings. He then rediewed the 7r.points that would need•to'be met by ° Mr. Porter. t' `r Bart. Porter commented. x t , Mayor Stock -asked Mr. Porten wrhq ' the mover was r . G � t ° Mr., Porter stated it,i43 8311. Otting. ,This`, was through the realtor, .done 'have a' choice it' was;'done pr to him buying the house,. f . Councilmembbr Thorkelson asked if he was just moving the house and,notO de`tt n° of tlje fixing :up of the necessary, items. 9A ��s y Mr. Porter stated that tie was•just moving the house to the foundation. Councilmemtier Scott asked if "'the backyard shall be seeded"be added to " item 0. Page 4 .,,.� rr��"""'h ^ �; t«.' etw: a+ .' �4�;'+ xJ• s. a ++.:K''o':t�...- .,,nF..�„� F +s°� MIATES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the s County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by a said Council, Councilmember Thorkelson stated that Staff should also apply She same aesthetic objective'criteria to the final approval on this house`move as they do on any other house move. Councilinember Schweich asked that a hammerhead drive be added to the list of criteria. Mayor Stock then commented. He stated that in addition to the 6 items suggest' e F " by the Planning Commission, he would like to add the following: To Item #E2, that the rear yard "be seeded. A7, the mover employed must be " ` licensed by the State of'Minnesota and that he has to show`proof of license prior to the issuance of the permit. #E8, Prior to the final inspecting of the house, it be in accordance with and in relationshlp to the street elevation and this must be approved by the City Engineer. #E9, Hammerhead = driveway will be installed, ' * i house move Motion by Thorkelson to approve the request to move the house 'Into the { B. Porter City by Mr. Porter contingent upon the Planning "Commission's criteria and Mayor Stock's comments, seconded by Busse and "upon 'a vote it was duly passed. ' Mayor Stock then directed staff that the list of criteria that we are preparing for the ether homes that are being moved into the City would be applied-to this one as well. The next item on the "agen0a was to consider the feasibility report for ° the•road` improvements. City Engineer Anderson Stated that ,it would be staff" recommendation to table Shis for one week. He.did however review; F t the project costsfor the Council. Mayor Stock stated that for the record, the feasibility Report for Bill Terry, will be tabled for:one week, it will be reviewed on July 18, '1983. ' ' The.next item on:the agenda was to review the preliminary plat for Towering woo ds. Mayor 'Stock asked the developer of the Towering Woods,. Mr. Israelson to give the Council a presentation. ; Mr. Israelson reviewed the proposed project. !f City Planner Graser then commented. He stated that the applicant is re- t questing preliminary plat approval for two lot Subdivisiors in an R =3 Residential Zone. 'The applicant came before the Planning Commission on June 16, 1983 which was a`Public Hearing. The Planning Commissions recomm- endation was to grant preliminary plat approval for` Towering,Woods subject to:; The density for lot 2 be a maximum of 29 units, the utility plan be acceptable to staff, the parking ratio be a minimum of 2.1: however, that the appl cantrwork with staff to consider a higher ratio. He further _ stated that the applicant has revised his preliminary plat. Staff's . recommendation in accordance with the revised site plan would be: Breakdown of building coverage for both lots 1 and 2, Incorporationof a- tot -lot in the development and an acceptable drainage plan be submitted to staff. He further stated that the existing house which•is located on .44 acres will be turned into a day care facility which will require a conditional use permit. There was discussion by Council and Staff. Council suggested that 2.5 parking spaces be provided instead of what ehe developer had proposed, also that the density be changed to accomodate 31 units ' +` Wrelisinary instead of the proposed 29 units. Plat Motion by Thorkelson to approve the preliminary plat contingent upon: l)That an' acceptable drainage plan -be worked out to the Staffs approval. ',2)That . ' the park dedication requirement be developed and worked out along with the l developer. 3)Thae the preservation of trees and the natciraf topography be worked through the landscaping plan, seconded by Scott. There were further comments. o Mayor Stock called the question and�upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' Page 5 r_ , tr :'�• % . w Errls *,o ,' M110HES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior-Lake in the CouilW of Scott and'State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Counci ti 9 } Mariis Bluedorn asked about the construction area up at Brooksville Center.' ` 4 Mayor Stock asked the Council if they had 'any other business: ^, Counciliaan or.. Scott extended a thanks to the City for all thr work and hours h ' that they lad put in helping their neighbor „with the sandbagging and controlling � of .high iirater. city Jk r McGuire stated that he reeeiveda letter from the DNR regarding the­otiininoe that was approved by the-.City �%t lastr.week's meeting: He then read the letter for the record. He then stated th4t the City's ordinance will 4o into affect on Jul � 20 1983 'at that , stated that t? he,will notify Tim 0.'Laughlin,requesting thatthe, accesses be reopened, Mayor Stock then stated that the Spring.: Lake /Prior Lake Watershed'D13trict met on Saturday, regarding the meeting with the Governor's office.; <The.Watershed was informed at that time that they were the governing body with jurisdiction also,' there':have,1been two banks'thai have indicated that they would'- provide th necessary funds for them to make repairs that were estimated by the Waterahed,!!s Engineer to amount to' approximately $53,500.00. r ft i/ There was further discussion on this. f i ,�,,'� 'Bud Miller *meorwented,. on the high water /the closing of the 'public... and private. accesses.: � Mayor; Stock then”' read a letter that he had,,received from Mr. Richard. Eye for therecgrd The letter was "commending, the City Staff for keeping their street � :•. .' open.duringi.all the high water. Mayor Stock then excused himself from'th6 Council table and asked Acting Mayor .T continue with the agendas Acting Mayor Thorkelson asked if there was any other business. Ad ouroment N►ith •no other coaNneilts, motion by Busse o adjourn, seconded by ;Scott and upon 10 M. P a vote taken this meeting was adjourned, at 10:10 PM,' = =. r .I Michael A. McGuire City Manager 1, t, '1 o- OP c , r; Page 6 r. x M1,4 TES of the Proceedings of the City council of the City of Prior lake in the r County of Scott and State of Minnesota`. including all accounts audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED'FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, duly 9, 1983 MISC DEPTS. Bankers,Life Insurance 2,744.42 J Ames Supply Office Supplies 24.81 Hauser's Super Valu Misc. Supplies 51.05 _ OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 545.09' Klingberg,:Sus Co. Bus Trips 232.50' Scott- Rice.Telephone Telephone Service 579.97 ' State Tr�iasurer Building Permit Surcharges 1,787.14 Snyder Drug Misc. Supplies 30.91 Weber's to Bumper Misc. Supplies t 12.22 r Vel.ishek Auto Service ' Vehicle Repairs 455 .01 Char-les,Tooker Planning Consultant 650.00 s} Parts Dept. ° Inc.; Misc. Supplies 56".87' Scott,Co Sheriff Radio'Maintenance Contract 1 411.76 Prior Lake,Aggregates Park do Street Repair Supplies 1,524.99 C.. H. Carpenter Lumber Misc. 'Supplies 185. -5 '.. Silfverston Trucking Sand Hauling 700`.75 First.Bank,of St. Paul - c6mputoservice, Debt Service 38,550.00. INc. - Computer Service °?08:3 ' 'a GENERAL GOVT American line " building Maintenance 154.70 `Robert McAlastert` Dog Catcher 350.00 f. H. Newstrom Building do'Plumbng Insp. 2,7,15.00 Seott;Co.` HRA;, Prof. Services 707.20 Loam�n Nelson 'et a1 " .Attorney Fees 5,81! 45 tir : __Prior`Lake, Mierican � Publishing 143.51 petty:;Casfi Petty 65.68 i Mayor ;A Council : °Mike *Wire �� Mc Salaries ` - 1,05000 Car Allo,ance 275.00 ' CONTINCENCY, : _- ;F , Paul,W: , Wermerskirchen Abstracts 150;:'00 ENIGINEERIMG ' Griwr I s* Upholstery Photo Express - Repair Photo 18.00 ' 11 r processing „00 r PLANNING s, , ' P Creative Graphics Printing lI0.00 .- ' . POLICE Unifc''",. Supplies 17.50 r Shakopee Med. Center Physical - .Exams 84.00 Dave's`Jowing Repairs = 116OQ..,' FIRE & `RESCUE ' Scott - Carver' Air Truck Annual Dues 100':00 ` Smith Service and Supply Misc. Supplies 142.28 Malkerson's Repair' Supplies 34.60 PARK ;dc "RECRE/!1TION G k1k Service Clothing Supplies 72;20 Pepsi ;Cola Concession supplies 519.;75 MN Toro Inc.,, Repair Supplies 85.,67 NW Bell; Telephone Telephone Service 150:31 ' Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities 20.03 Friedges Sharpening Chain Saw sharpening 14.00 Ef. Beaudette Chain Saw sharpening 10.00 s ' "_ -.. rr . 's MIUTES 4f the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott, -and State of Minnesota, including all accoants audited by said Council r `f 3 „ik 111 PARK & RECREATION continued Midwest Wholesale Tire Inc. Repairs 103.56 Burnsville Sanitary :Rubbish Removal 35,00 Red Owl foods Misc. Supplies 34.01 Henn-Co. Park Reserve Dist. — Golf Lessons 558.00 McDonalds Supplies 4.25 Valley Fair Park Prog.. 565.50 # - Connie Kahler Playground Leadef�-, Kris Anne Strauss Playground Leader =183.33 >` Tom Cavill Playground Leader 110. Katie Cavill Playground Leader Eric Pratt Playground Leader 183.33 ' Mary Cavill Playground' Leader 168.Ib : John Clay Playground-Leader r 183.x3 Kaari Anderson Playground Leader 181.;13= Louise Anderson Park Prog.. Instructor 120 10 Kris:An Strauss Playground Leader 183.3 Lisa Landkammer 1,. Playground Leader 183���33 Kathy,Cates Playground 140 g Jacqueline Casey Playground Leader 208.33 Douglas Garner 0 Debra 'Stacker Playground Leader 183.33, Playground Leader_ 11 183.33 STREET Monnens Su i p�l - Misc. Supplies 187.50 !' g -Co.,, Sand bags 3,150. 00 Berg Bag�C6. Sand Bags 4,483.20 E WM Mueller Co. ` Sand 375.68 , Edward Kraemer & Sons Street Repair Supplies 157.80 ` J. L: Shely Co. Street Repair Supplies ' 347.62 Brock White Co. Street�Repair Supplies 180.00 Ziegler :Inc. Repair Supplies Valley Sign Signs 38Q.00 Schrader ^Block:,Co. Supplies 56.00 Neenah_Foundry Co. Repair Supplies: 122:34 Busse Electric Repairs 45.45. LaHass Mfg. Co', Repairs 447,28 r Klingberg Excavating Rentals' Metro Fone Inc. Rentals 32.`00 " Warning Lights of MM Sign rental 301.55 SEWER Water ProdWt31CO. Supplies 189.00 Metro,Waste Control Comm. Sewer Installment 20;415.30' t WATER Van .*ters & Rogers Chemicals 318.46 . SEWER & " WATER< Fl1ND s State.Treasurer Sales Tax 207.28 . CAPITAL PARK FtNO C. H.- -Carpenter Lumber Supplies CONSTRUCTION FUND lomnen,Nelson et al Legal Fees r F 1,143 -.2 .; Clerk of District Court Settlement OEBT SERVICE FUND: eAmerican,Nationol Bank Debt Service hrst Bank of St. Paul :Debt Service 33,275.00 t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. July 18, 1983 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, July 18, 1983 at 7:30 PM.in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to 'order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Scott, Thorkelson, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Kessel. City Manager McGuire and Councilmember Schweich were absent: Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. t The minutes of July 11, 1983 were reviewed. f The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of July 11, 1983 "Page 1 Paragraph 11 SPELLING Weninger Page, Paragraph 12 SPELLING Weninger Page 2,' Paragraph, 4 SPELLING Weni;nger ' Page 2-, Paragraph' 15 ADD TO MOTION that ,a memorandum as to the evaluation process that would be undertaken for the current 15 items outlined by the Planning Commission be presented. 'Page 3 Paragraph 1 DELETE Motion by Thorkelson and second - ed by Busse to. approve this being added. Minutes 8 otion-by Thorkel -son to'approve the minutes of July 11,_1983 as amended,and the invoices list of invoices °that are scheduled for payment on Tuesday, "July 19, 1983 as ubmitted, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. he next item on-the agenda was to review the feasibility report for Project City Engineer Anderson reviewed this for the Council. ity�Engtneer Anderson,revi.ewed the feasibility report that was discussed at the July 11 1983 meeting. He stated that the feasibility report covers the in tallation of sanitary sewer, watermain and permanent street for Sixth Street. he location of the project is located between Center Road and the lake of Prior ake. Total- length is approximately 180 lineal feet of sanitary sewer, watermain nd paving. The cost estimate for tFe proposed project including 30% indirect ost is as follows: Sanitary Sewer - $6,678.10, Watermain - $6,742 -.45 and aving ;17,180.02 for a total project cost of $30,600.57. He� further stated hat the property that would beass_essed would be all that propeety abutting Sixth treet in. Block 24 and 25, Spring Lake Townsite. This would be. assessed to units-at, $7,650.14 per unit. ouncilmember Schweich arrived at this time. r. Bill Terry and Mr. Quentin. Sprank were present for comments. r. Terry asked if it was absolutely necessary for a cul -de -sac. ity .Engi.neer Anderson stated that it has been Council's position that on new improvements such as this, a cul -de -sac is necessary. r. Terry stated to the Council that-it appears that by. taking this much land ut of the area to just give access to two lots on both sides`woul'd be #n awful lot of road 'to bui I d. There was general discussion by Council and Staff. rg or Stock ,stated that the policy has been if there is a road such as this being uested, that there will be a turn around for the City trucks so that they can in.and out quickly. Terry then commented on the lot's bbing split cross -wise on the drawing, which ld not work out for himself or Mr. Sprank. The original idea was to;,split the lots back from the lake. If it was done the way it is, the setbacks would.,be to ` great.` He asked if there would be a problem with splitting them the original ay. Page 1 x MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Councilmember Thorkelson stated that the problem with splitting them this t, way was discussed at previous meetings. He asked if he had worked with City Planner Graser on splitting them in a different way. Mr. Terry stated that he has not spoken with City Planner Graser yet, There was further discussion by Council and Mr. Terry regarding the lot split. Mr. Terry then asked what the time frame on the construction of this project would be, City Engineer Anderson stated that he would like to be able to do this within c the-next year. Feasibility Y Motion by Thorkelson to approve the feasibility report for the proposed report project 83-12, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item on the agenda was to consider the sign request for Firewater Liquor and the Little Six Bingo Palace. Mayor Stock asked City Planner i Graser to review this for the Council. City Planner Graser stated that he had received an application for a directional sign from both the.Little Six Bingo Palace and Firewater Liquor. applications are requesting to erect signs, 2 for the Little Six, one j Both located at County Road 42 and Highway 13 and the other at Count yy Road 83 and County Road 42. Firewater Liquor requested for one on McKenna" oad and 140th Street. He further stated, that both have gone before the Planning ` Commission and they had the following recommendations. FIREWATER LIQUOR, motion by Felix to approve the directional sign permit contingent upon the E ! following: 1)That the sign meet the approved sign.ordinance of Prior Lake. What a variance be granted of 32 square feet to accomodate a 4' x 8' sign. 3)That it be ' a professional quality and compatible with. its surroundings. 4)That it be suitable a height, easily viewed from the roadway and that it be no less than 5 feet and no more than 12 feet above the ground. 5)That it be suitably mounted on a;pole or foundation." 6)That it be of earth tone colors. 7)That the present sign be removed within 30 days. .8)That the ".design be approved by Staff. City Planner Graser then reviewed the Bingo Palace. The-Planning Commission approved the directional sign permit, request subject to the fol'iowing: 1)Thl, the sign meets the Prior Lake City Sign Ordinance. 2)That it be no greater " than 37.5 square feet in size. 3)Trit it be of professional' gn6li''ty'andrwc, manship. 4).T.hat it be- no1ess than 5 feet and no more than 12 i'eet above a ' ground. 5)That it be suitably mounted on poles or foundation. '1 1 6)That it be acceptable earth tone colors.. 7)That it be subject to Staff's approval. 8) That the present sign be removed within 30 days. , Mayor Stock asked Mr. Page if he had any comments. Mr. Page stated that the Little Six Bingo Palace sigq would *be a professional {' sign. He'then described the sign for the Council. ' Mayor Stock then asked the Council for their comments. Councilmember Busse asked where the signs were going to be located, on county road right of ways or on private property? r Mr. Page stated that they would both be Located on private property. Councilmember Thorkelson asked for justification of the 37.5 square feet for the sign. Mr. Page stated that the 37.5 foot sl,1 was necessary in order., to accomoda d the name' "Little Six Bingo Palace" . tfiz additional square footage is also needed so the sign is clearly.visiblE i,'•6m.atie highway when traveling at a speed of 5541PH. ; Councilmember Schwerch asked about the lighting of the signs for both the bingo and Firewater liquor. Page 2 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City- Prior Lake in the County'of Scott and State of Minnesota, including a'll accounts audited by said Council. " Mayor Stock stated that the only sign would be the Little Six and that would be from within, Mayor Stock then stated that each request would be handled separately. Sign: Little Six Bingo Moti by Scott to approve the directional sign and the variance of 12.5 Palace square feet for the Little Six Bingo Pal contingent upon the-8 items that the.Planning Commission requested, and that #8 would read, "that the present sign; on County Road 42 and 83 would be removed within 30 days or upon the erection of the proposed sign which ever occurs first ", seconded by Thorkelson and.;upon a :vote taken it was duly passed. Sign: Motion by Busse to approve the d iii td °or►a.1 sign and the variance of 7 feet for Firewater the Firewater Liquor contingent upon the ,8 items that the Planning Commission- Liquor requested and that on item #3 special emphasis be placed that 'it be a profes- t sionil quality and workmanship and compatible with its surroundings. item #7 that the present sign be removed within 30 days or upon the erection Lf tie proposed sign which ever occurs first, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it A was duly passed. A question was asked regarding the sign for the cigarette shop at the inter- section of County Road 42 and 83.; 0 City Planner Graser stated that the signs would have to be, removed or permits would have:to be taken out. City Planner.Graser then reviewed the�'Conditional Use Request from James and Shirley Cook. He stated that they applied fora conditional u4 permit to operate a_day care facility for 30 children.in a R -3 Zoned areaain Prior Lake. )' He reviewed the area that this would be located. He also reviewed the Planning Commission`'s recommendations. The Planning Comniss ion approtied the conditional i s , use permit contingent upon the following: 1)All the State of Minnesota permits and documents be obtained and filed with the ° City Planner,Ahese will be maintained and updated in the future. 2)That suitable planting program be sub- - mitted to Staff showing in detail how the play area will be screened from both sound and visual, located west of the existing driveway. 3)That a minimum of, :7 parking spaces be del.vneated. 4)That the parking area and driveway be of . asphalt surface and a turn - around` be That . rovided 5 on- P ) a g oin g maintenance program be adopted to keep -the grounds looking nice and in good order. 6)That f the cover on the: northeast side of the property be maintained as muchk as, possible. 7)A�use-of space plan be submitted to the City Council. What the facility be operated in conformance with City laws and necessary inspections by Staff.` He further stated that with the 8 items both Staff and Planning a� Commission recommended, he would recommend approval for the facility as proposed. If } Mayor Stock' ,:asked . or rs. if Mr . M Cook had any comments for the Council. : Mrs. Cook handed out to the Council a sketch of the proposed play area. k f _ Ma y6r,Stock asked for a clarification on,item,,47. ; k ;f City Planner Graser stated that he.thought it was a plan that the Cooks would have to submit to the State, Mayor Stock asked the Cooks if this (the sketch that was handed out) was the k r , use of space plan. n Mrs. Cook stated that yeslthat was the use of space plan. The Cooks 'then commelited"to the `Council. There was discussion by Council and Staff. jn ! Mayor Stock = stated for the record that a copy of the exterior space use plan ; has been submi the Cooks on today's date and will`be labeled Exhibit ''A ". r Mayor Stock then asked the CouncilA f they had any other comments. Councilmember Thorkelson stated that any discussion over licensing_ is not.the question..on what we are doing, this is a conditional use only. Page 3 77 _`�"_ 7't MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior :Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ail accounts audited by said Council: Councilmember Thorkelson then asked about their identification sign. He aJ° asked if it could be incorporated within the conditional use permit. He further stated that the reason for bringing this up was the guidelines for signs in a residential area. Mayor Stock asked that it be made part of the exterior space use plan as sub - mitted and that it be acceptable to Staff. Councilmember Schweich made further comments on the space use plan. Mr. Cook stated that he had drawn the space use plan, but the man that they t,e are partners with is an Engineer and he showed the Cookst where the lines would be. The driveway and area where the storage shed would be is all within the a lines of the.,existing home: i Mayor Stock stated that within condition #6, the cover on 'the northeast side of the property line be..maintained as much as possible and that the future play area be located west of the drive and paving in the front yard. „ { conditional Motion by Thorkelson to grant the conditional` use permit to James & Shirley use permit Cook for a day care facility on the following contingencies: What all Mr. 8 Mrs. State of-Minnesota Permits and documents be obtained'and filed with the Cook City Planner and that they be maintained and updated on a yearly basis:with the planner. 2)That a suitable planting program be submitted to Staff showing in detail how the play area will be screened from both sound and visual, located west of the existing driveway. 3)That a minimum of 7 parking t spaces be delineated. 4)That the parking area and driveway be of asphalt ± surfaces and a turn- around be provided. 5)That an on -going maintenance program a be adopted to keep the grounds looking nice and in good order. 6)That the cover on the .northeast side of the property be maintained as much as possible, shrubs, etc. and that the future play area be located west and in the front ! yard. 7)An exterior space use plan be submitted to 'Staff which, would in- corporate the subdivision pl at lines the time of the issuance of the permit. w: 8)That the facility be operated in conformance with the conditional use permit and inspections by Staff. 9)That -the be limited to 30 children seconded by Busse and upon a vote: taken it was-duly passed. The next item on the agenda was the Priorview P.U,.D. Mayor Stock asked the developer.of the proposed development to.give a presentation on the reouest. Greg Rothnem,; a partner in the development of Priorview commented. He hand - ed out to the Council a revised plan for the landscaping and parking -plar. He stated.that basically what is being asked for is preliminary plan appr� a t of Phase I of Priorview which consists of 48 units, He further stated thy: r this matter has been- before the Council on several oaeasions.. He pointed out a strip of the property that was going to be developed with a 24 unit building and then two 12 unit buildings.. The construction is scheduled to start on one of the two 12 unit buildings on August 1, 1983.- The parking areas will be in the middle,he then referred to the revised plan that was t submitted to the Council. He stated that there will be 48 parking garages and 55 spaces. He reviewed the exterior of the buildings. He made further-comments to the Council regarding the development. Mayor Stock asked If the Council had any questions at this time. Councilmember Thorkelson stated that he was glad to see that the structures wens reduced to 2 stories, that this was a major objection by the neighbor- ing °property owners. He then asked City Planner Graser to comment on the garage locations. Mayor Stock stated that before City Planner Graser` made his presentation, he wanted to know about the cutting and berming along the back of the development. t Mr. Rothnem stated that he believed that the plan was to still have such 4 .' a berm. i City Graser stated that it was a very small berm. ' Page 4 n ` t `MIWTES of t1* Pyoceedings of the City Council of the City, of Prior Lake in the County of `Scottand State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. . City Planner Graser then made his presentation. He stated that the develop - ment, received" concept ,approval about a year ago. The first phase is what they are asking approval for this evening. The developers have taken the 24 unit building and made two 12 units out of it. This is not exactly what the Planning Commission approved, but he thought overall this is a better situation. He then discussed a`letter addressed to Staff from the School District. In essence the letter states that the developer will construct the road (Five Hawks.Ro at his cost, and that they have agreed on a cost share benefit with the''5chool''District which was acceptable to the developer. He then reviewed the park dedication. He made further comments to the Council. City Engineer Anderson then reviewed the plan that was submitted by Bob Thene' The plan included concrete curb and gutter and paying from - Highway 13 to u beyond Phase I.- He then reviewed a'letter - from Mr. ihomas Steffens which indicated that the material submitted by Robert. Thene does not represent what he would like constructed in Phase I of the development. His letter further indicated that the stormsewer should be installed as a part of Phase 'II construction and the paving terminated at the school entrance. He.further commented on'this letter and a telephone conversation that he had with, Mr. ` Steffen. He'then reported on the property owned by,'Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church. He stated that they have sewer service on southeast side of the psrcel.; If the. northerm,portion is developed, a sanitary sewer could be exiaedt" Aouth oa the east property line from manhole 44. A twenty foot, wide ,till acasement should be provided from manhole 44 to the''south r property line ofthe development. He stated that the School District does not ,anticipate any•additional need for sanitary sewer or water services. The developer is requesting that the sidewalk be constructed of bituminous rather than concrete, but this would be apermanent facility and should be concrete. He finished with saying that the Engineering Staff recommends preliminary I approval with some modifications. Mayor Stock then read for the record a letter dated July 17, 1983, from the Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, M&y.or Stock then asked the developer to respond.,, He stated that he knows there is an",agreement with the School as far as the development of Five Hawks Avenue, but is this - proposed `as a project that will be done completely within the developing stage.by the developer or proposed as a City project. Mr. Rothnem stated that this would be done completely by the developer, the agreement with the_schoolprawides that the school recognizes there are some problems with the respect to the drainage. He then referred to a letter that was from the School District. Mayor Stock then asked if the Council had questions. 'Counci1MOmber Scott asked about placing.the'garages in the back of the development '. instead of the center. Mr. Rothfift that after discussions with the planner, he indicated that x_ this was the only'way that he could lay out the site. Councilmember Busse commented about the sidewalk being bituminous instead of concrete. ' Mr;.RothneMItated'that they were under the impression that it was bituminous, primarily on'the basis of the letter from the School District dated November 11,,198.E "Bituminous walkways the entire length of the project shall pe provided at such tide that each phase is developed ". Councilmember Busse asked if there would be a problem with the concrete sidewalks. a 'r. Rothnem'`stated there would not be. r Councilmeiaber Thorkelson asked if the condo's would be sold individually or are they going to be rental units. Mr. Rothnem stated that there is a variety of marketing a approaches that may occur. The actual +units will be kept up and maintained in a uniform manner. There will be a maintenance agreement. { Page 5' MINUTES of the Proceedings of"the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota. including_,all, accounts audited by said Council. Councilmember Thorkelson asked if he was correct to say that the developer + to F plans are build the road to city standards and then it be dedicated to the public as a public road. " Mr. Rot stated that was correct i {> Mayor Stock asked that another coniAngency be placed upon the first phase of this P.U.D. and by the time the final P.U.D. Wsubmitted -that a pro- a tecti`ve covenant be submitted, 'so that the Council can be assured that °`.here wfl l "be a ways and means for the cobdo's and the units to be harmonious to one another.< Priorview ".; Motion by Busse to accept the Planning Commissions recommendation for the ,. P.U.D. Priorview Preliminary P.U.D. plan on the basis of these contingencies and the addition of the protective covenant, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed; , . The next item on the agenda was to consider a3rd Election Precinct. Mayor x Stock'stated that at the 'last election we had a large number of voters, and our counters were in action until wee hours of the day. He stated that he had been in contact with Norm Crooks, Chief of the Mdewakanton Sioux Rese vation, it was discussed to establish a precinct for the reservation-conmi)- iiy to vote within their community. Mayor Stock asked City Attorney Kessel to comment on the purpose on the restricting of the Indian Reservation from r, voting in the`city elections. City Attorney Kessel commented on the Indian.Rights. He briefly reviewed. State'Statute 204.B16. Finance. Director Teschner also commented on this. There wa "s general discussion by Council and'Staff. Council reviewed the precinct Map. Mayor Stock stated that the Map Exhibit "A" excludes the 4 Indian Reservations ° within the City Limits. He then asked.City Attorney Kessel if a' resolution could be drawn up contingent that the Mdewakanton Sioux Community has a priv -':. ilage.of establishing their own precinct within their >community. and if not could s then become part of precinct "2 z � t City Attorney Kessel stated that the language would have to be very ;are* i _ He made other comments. Resoiution Motion by Thorkelson to adopt R�hsolution 83 -18,, a Resolution establishing °83, =18,. the'660daries of the precincts` for Election Purposes., seconded by Busse l and upon a vote taken it was duly passed f „ The next item. on the ,agenda a enda was. to review the monthly reports for. the month 9 __ r of June. Poiicer Motion by Scott to approve the Police Report as submitted, seconded,by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Building Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Building Permit Report as submitted, 4 Pereit' seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Report, Fire $ Rescue Motion by Busse to approve the,,Fire and Rescue Report as submitted, seconded Report by Thorkelson aid upon a vote taken .it was duly passed. Dog Catchers TMoti by 'Thorkelson to approve the Dog Catchers report as. submitted, Report seconded by Scott and -upon a vote taken it was duly passed. { City Engineer Anderson then reviewed the Lakeside Avenue Feasibility Report He reviewed the project costs. Street would be $93,600.06 and stormsewe'r would be $28;600.00 total project cost would be,,$122, 200.00. There was general discussion by Council and Staff. Feasibility Motion,by Thorkelson to accept the Feasibility Report for Lakeside Avenue as Report submitted, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. , Page 6 u M a, . , MINUTES of th! Proe�edings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the ? "" COUnt�►of,.Scott` and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by :aid Council. , g Motion by Busse to schedule a public hearing for Lakeside Avenue on August Schedule of., 8, 1.983 at 8:00 PM, seconded by Scott. P.H'. Lakeside Councilmeiaber Scott asked when construction would start on this project. Y Ave. City Engineer Anderson stated that every attempt would be made 'to start this project this year. Mayor Stack. cal led, the question on the motion' and upon a vote-taken it was duly passed. Finance.Director Teschner asked the Council to schedule a date for the :proposed ' cp' use of the Revenue Sharing Funds. Schedule of Motion by Thorkelson to schedule a Public Hearing for the proposed use of the P.H. Revenue Sharing Funds on August 8, 1.983 at 7:35 PM, seconded by Busse and upon +: Shariae Funds a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock then asked City Engineer Anderson about the amendment to the Sand PointO U Addition. City Engineer Anderson reviewed this for the Council. He ,placed the plat on r the o� i► "4ector and pointed out the area that would be,discussed. He tlt.s iedit. the Minnesota Department of Transportation is requiring that th`e intersection of Crest Avenue and _Carri'age Hill Road be designed + with a 3O,MPN design speed. The plat of Sand Pointe 4th Addition has been approved by the'Council with a 90°- intersection, The developer has changed the plat to.provide:.Dhe.required right of way..for a 30 MPH peed design. He then reviewed the letter dated July 18, that he received from Denny McWilliams, the Developer. t= There was discussion by Council and Staff. " a Apenaed,Chans Motion'by Busse to approve amended change to the plit of Sand.Pointe 4th Addition :for, the purpose of meeting the State requirements of a 30 MPH curve, , Sit►du'irtte = seconded by ':Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. . at►� Mayor Stock then;reported on•?� letter that was addressed to the Mayor and Council. This fetter was dated .'July 14, 1983 and was from the residents of the North Shone. This letter was requesting that the Council rescind the action taken at b :the June 27 1983 meeting There W'as discussion. by Council and" Staff. 4 Counci'lmember Scott asked if the line was to go down County Road 42.,, would we i_111: be able the lake, a" Stock' "stated that we would not be able to ,,, Iay Stock ; stated that this 'routing would be scheduled on the a genda, on MOust 1 for further discussion. k , a Mayor. Stock asked' 'if the Council had any other business. Councitawnb..r Thorkelson asked about the parking in the Sand Pointe Development. CityIrkgineer.Anderson stated that he would look into this matter. ,t Nadal Stock?the�� commented on t��eCommunity Block s :awarde� to Grant that wa:the ti City of;Prior Lak This grant is from.the Governor`s The purpose of this grant is to assist in alleviating the flooding conditions on Prior lake. He further stated'that monies - may not be available until the 4th 'quarter of this t kf year: �•'.' Mayor Stiock further commented on the lake „level problems. �. Councilmember Scott asked if the•grant is 'going to be used towards the outlet project Mayor” Stock, stated that he doer not know .how the City can use the money. The pry ; money, s . located'to the City and the City then could in turn use the funds Y _MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the 3 County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited bjf said Council. ? t 4 for,the purpose of alleviating. the flood• problems on Prior Lake. { r1is.B1'uedorn brought to the Council's attentian ;a. newspaper article that showed`-were various funds were granted to, and Prior Lake is wentionea. ayor' Stock read the ;various Cities that received .funds for `ci.�ty projects. 11' V Mayor Stock asked if was any other business.. Adjournment With no other comments, motion by thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by`Scott 10:,06 P.M. bindµiupon a vote taken th.s' meeting was adjourned at 10:06; PM. >, A Michael A. McGuire City Manager kj 12 A r f � r4k n a. . ,GS ` t TC ✓ iF - - ,y" IL YF. 11 t " a, tk1 Page "8