HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 25 1983of precincts and the polling Minutes place on the Indian Reservation. p Hotibn t�y se Bus to approve the minutes of July 18, 198'3:, as amended, seconded by a Soott�K „vote taken it was duly passed. a was;tocconsider ' movin a• house into t . The next item_.on the ;agend'' t g ,�., he City by ' Bill Otting. Mayor Stock asked City Planner Graser to review this for the _ Council.` ;; , r City: #!lanr�er; Eraser , eommen>red on this request. He stated this was .:an item that was' oonsidered, 2 `weeks , ago When considered there .were, many points of concern' that�,needod, addressed.. He 'then reviewed the concerns. He..further'stated` that theme ah0uld:be an additional point added to` the "list. The "way the anf�r� hats'ara', situated,'rthe present.::driveway. straddles the property line, a °new drive- way; ;would have to be, constructed . providing '2 „parking spaces,:, ....He also stated that y Qn hes:not turnedin any information to the City -as of yet, ui 'though he y hawa ame ;nforaration with, :him tonight._ ty Graser then commented on "'the ways and means to evaluate, homes that J , :. i•,. rmits > 4ia , , eing',requested for moving into the City. He then stated that if he :pt�acess :does, ":.not work: then the Council: ,should`. consider amending the zoning ^" ode, allowing; "no homes.that are older then, S.,y'.ears. old Into the comOunity or low no hopes being moved in at all. yor. Stack etited for the record that he would entertain as a motion and as o ' p�il}tcy fordwaoving ±homes into the .City that the the City Planner .,and Building nspeCtor foI U view and evaluate =`the conditions and; workmanship of the pro he basis of code and Council policy. Houae wovin2„ tien ,f�iorkelson to approve and adopt this policy as recommended by Mayor " i nto P.C. toc seconded by Busse ,and, upon a. vote taken it-Was duly passe '. yor;Stook. then,;asked Mr. Otting or a representative for Mr:. Otting to comment stated t it, they wished• k for Mr. Otting commented. He stated that he was from the city f`Fairbault.', He stated that he was sorry for not presenting the plans prior to the Councs 4t 4,k ma that the drainage and landscaping plans should be evaluated y' Stafl�befoee:Council, review. ,There maybe changes that Mr.. Otting or "Staff r _y have and should be reviewed by Staff first. He Re quested these plans be;subm tted *6 '3taff and that this item would be rescheduled on next weeks r7 ouncil =.,a�ntla The next, item on \the agenda was :a request from Gary Gibbish for a, building permit for ar�> unplattl, lot. Coobilwember`Schweich asked to be excused from Council- table,at this time. Stook acknowledged Councilmember Schweich's request. ,PAGE 1 NZNUTES o f ! Proroedino of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake.,in the 'Couni', of'SUott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said 'Council . 4 4 July 25,`1983 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, July 25,'1983 at 7:30 PM 1p,,the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the mebtiitp'to °order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, ScQtt� T 6r6136n, City Engineer Anderson;.andtPity'Planner Graser. 'City Manager 9 9' t M MDyire`ia41 absent. � � Mayor Stoct asked everyone. to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. r The minute 6f July, l8,:1983 were reviewed. ! T The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of July 18;`1983. Page; 6 Paragraph 5: DELETE on the restricting,of f f INSERT of precincts and t place. i i :c SHOULD READ, Mayor Stock asked City Attorney ' K Kessel " "to comment, on the ,purpose KNUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council City Planner Graser stated that the request is for issuance of a building -; permit to a platted piece of property. He then reviewed the history of the area. Mr. Gibbish wants to develop a row type townhouse which is totally in contrast with the platting that the Council had approved approx- f imately 2,years aga,. In summary, the simple subdivision resolution way not apply to this particular case. The developer is requesting`that,the Council °approve the building permit contingent upon the replatting of the plat. His,recommendation was to approve, but hold the building pero4t until the`developnient is replatted." Thorkelson asked City Planner Graser whether or..not the Councilmember hardshell is issiaily held on Condo' developments until the foundation is in. . City Planner Graser stated, !!that is correct ". N #yf. There was further discussion b Council and Staff City Planner Graser asked Gary Gibbish to comment. Mr. Gibbish stated that the development consistes of 4 units. He'deseribed f the units for the Council He further stated,.that the units are already a sold. t ' I-T # fi ct asked Mr. Gibbish if, his is to have'at least the saeie° Mayor Stock proposal If not.'greater than what the conditional "use .permit was for. Mr, Gibbish stated that we his proposal.. a ' Building Motion by Thorkelson to appr building permits. -for - the lot contingent "ove.the Perait's,. upon, Nr.` Gibbish immediately apply for and follow through with simple . sa Gary Gibbish subdivision,?process far the la'E and`Ut at the permit:be done upon'the,basis �i,�x 4, of metes and bounds description at. the present time:, also that thetpfOperty "ea►ditional developed atJe'ast to or better than what,the'"orig nal uile )permitcwas granted for on this particular parcel,- seconded by Busse r city Planner asked it there was a central. architectural scheme to the Lakeside develo went. , U4'SchweA6h that this would be a maintenance free ;type because the othei two dings are,stucco, the exterior is-maintenanceofiee and this r will be ,Part of the association. .. There was further discussion by Council and Staff. ty. Mayor Stoek,:called' the question °and upon.a vote taken itywas duly-passed. Councilinember.Schweich returned to the Council, table. at this, time. _ Mayor.'Stock stated that the next,item on the agenda, was the final plat review for the first phase of the Priorview P.11.;D. U✓,`` City Planner`Graser stated that the 4eveloper has asked,that;this, request be withdrawn from the City Council agenda. r Mayor Stock asked, f`they requested itlto.�be.w thdrawn or, tabled. City Planner Graser stated that they not sure when theyiGwould tike to be scheduled, it was to withdraw. yy Mayor St oc k..then asked City Engineer�Anderson to review the 'C rest Avenue and sCarriage,Hill Road plans, City Engineer Anderson_ introduced Chuck Lepak from OSM. . then.reviewed,,� plans for Project 83 -2; the paving of Crest Avenue and Carriage Hill` Road.? He statedJhat; this would be a permanent' road-with a 4' concrete sidewalk " on the west side 'of the Crest Avenue and the norW side. of Carriage Hill „ Road, and.a,,,6' bituminous_on:,the east side of Crest Avenue and the south Carriage�Hill Road. The construction schedule is to in -' , Side of proposed stall the utilities in 1983 and to install on Crest Avenue a.24' wide � bi =inous =seotion which would be the base course only, with concrete curb :and gutter in 1984 with the remaining of the paving and sidewalk in 1984 E � v PAGE 2 .:r'ww... .crsR' %' �&`,*' �' Ma«. �.wa.:,3i3+`?:'%,�..�`"',... :.xx `:r. �u� °XCs+.�, ._�,'� .tz .�a.t ,.':i.,.z.k,t��",C .„vY+CLx#z�"-""'•"'-^* y,�s'<�;hf «� , ' MINTES of'th! ProcaedJag% of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the '' faint i of Scott -aed State of Minnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. + ym` r -0� J He further stated that if this is approved 'by the Council tonight, it will then be submitted; to the district state Aid for approval tor, State Aid: He then..au�bsted a date of August 31,, 1983 at 11x00 AM. The`planswere then reviewed. R it F There was. discussion by Council and Staff. � r. P1ar`s 4, Specs Motion bli .to approve the final plans and specifications for Project 83 -2' oott pro 83 -2 for Stfe�ei , Concrete Curb , and Gutter_ and other appurtances there; too, ",Davin on the; basis;. ofiby Engineer`And s acceptance and that the City advertise hfi ti►aL, =t he openingbe set for August 31: 1993 at 11:00 M `in the Prior.l.ake City Offices, seconded by Thorkelson andpon a vote taken it was E ; ,Passed. ,Y The:,,1roasurer!3 R was then reviewed by the Council. ' Treasurer's Notion by .Busse to' approve the Treasurer's Report for th @ month of dune. as { Report sub�ltW '=seconded by Stock and,upon a vote taken it was duly passed. A Maydt Stock asked if there was any other business. f C Busse asked about Sunfish Trail and Quincy Street as to the ,acquisition. MayorStc x tdl' that,he would look into it Ad o Ain�nt with "000 other bia= ness, alOtion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Scott and upon iz; lips P.M. a v oce Eak4it th is' 66eting was adjourned at 8:11 PM. r Michael A. McGuire s 4, i= 4 ty age Ci Man r , s f x y * y : t f g ' nF .+.... — • ^ �•a�uF. ,iw*� <�$�5tr,�•'� -:h �,•*.z"�.,.;iA.., n�sti . . . ,�,., »,ure -,. �.k7a?k;.» krx..�".f��`i'� 4 Ml&TES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Mi nnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON-TUESDAY, AM-PST 2, 1983 J ?y MISC. DEPTS: State Treas. City Portion PERA 4,483.14 ` State Treas. City Portion FICA 2,212.49 >. Delta Dental Plan Insurance 6.3 Awes Office Supply Misc. Supplies: 29.91 3akki Menk: Reimbursement for supplies '& mileage, 12497 MN. Valley Electric Utilities 929.24 x Minnegasco Utilities 72,0.55 Northern States Power Utilities 4,960.31 ' ` Prior Lake "76" Vehicle Repair 54. t f t - Ziegler Inc. Repairs 27.;50 y4 f r: GENERAL GOVT v Comp. Communications Systems Communication service 50.00 Valley Sign Printing IWO Mpls. Star` -& Tribune Subscription 13:00 ry Pr-3or Lake Rotary Club Dues 89.25 ,fi x Quality Waste Control Rubbish Removal 22.50 - _ Eoonow Dictation Systems Answering service 170:00 3,345. 83 Robert M. Mom�sta Liquor License .Refund Lawrence Schweich Retainer Refunds 200,E Tradition MOmes Retainer Refund ry 10000 . ,.s Y Lawrence Schweich Library Rental 40000 Ramona Mennen Cleaning -City Hall 100:00.. �v ,APPe nzeller Cleaning City Hall- 9 Y` lOGuO D Berens elores Cleaning - Library 50.00 r ; CONTINGENCY: Ray 0oachim Hearing fee & mileage 731.3:5 Ray Siebenaler 'Hearing Fee & mileage 710.88 ,.: . Ed Sharkey' Hearing Fee & mileage 744.22 v. All- States Tuckpointing Co. City Hall Exterior 7650..00„ ENGIMEERING Hansa Co Equipment 117.35 ., ' ° PLANNING : The Urban Land Institute Book 38,25 * °. Creative Graphics Print zoning ordinance 192.50 .. POLICE Ritter Ridge Pet Clinic Animal Control 50.00 F < "` r L om�men, Nelson et al Attorney,: Fees 1 ? 989.:00 Valley.,View Insurance Insurance 342. f A -1 Radiator Vehicle Repair 22.90. _ Paul Nelson Vehicle Maintenance 61.00 FIRE'AND RESCUE: Velishek Service Dept. Vehicle 'Repair 95.60 " y, ( PARK AND RECREATION: " Soiheid,Candy Co- ConcessioP supplies 1,146.00 Minnesota Toro Co. Repairs 474.05 Port -O -Let International Rentals , 165.00 Quality Waste Control, RubbishRemoval 55.00 Gertrude Cameron Refund 33.50 Emily- Pudil Refund 33.50 1 Elvira'Leudke Refund 33.50 12.75 McDonalds" Supplies x and ,e Klingberg Valley Fair Bus trip. - 68.00 ,k M _ mss.. .. ' MUTES of the Proceedings of the Cit Council of the City of Prior lake'in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by a said Council. PARKS a RECREATION continued: Medicine Lake Tours Duluth,Trip 1,121.00 } Hennepin,,Co. Park Reserve Golf Lessons 252.00 Lisa Landkammer Playground Leader 183.33 John, Clay. Playground Leader 183.33' Douglas Garner Playground Leader 183.33' Debra: Stacker Playground Leader 183.33 t° Kaari Anderson Playground Leader 1833 3- ' Eric Pratt Playground Leader 183:33 - Kris An Strauss Playground Leader 1$3:33'- 3acqueline Casey ,Playground Leader 208.33 Mary,Cavill Park'PrograM Instructor 14.65 Louise Anderson Park Program Instructor 120.00 .°- Storytalers Park Program 125.00 Art 3ohnson Rental - Pk. Road 99.00 3.L. Shiely Co. Supplies -'Pk. Road 762.65 ,,. - a STREETS s Barry A: Stock Temp.; Salary 17 25, PL Nursery Sod Repair 135 00; i Warning Lightis of MN Sign Rental ��1oc Metro, Fone Inc. Rental 32.00 e x k3 Steam. Cleaning Sewer Repairs 8 �•• .� . Aid Electric Sewer Repairs � t WATER Steven Potas Refund for sand bags a 241.50. PRIOR LAKE_: CONSTRUCTION FUND Brown' and Cris Contract Payment' i«8 o 4,870:95 • Engineering 6,403.09`' .. � r 0 . 0 F � 33 f ,.r x r•> HI&TES of the Proceedings of the City COU1 ;l of the city of Prior Lake in the County. of Scott and State of Minnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. ., a TF[ fOLLOWI14G LEST OF :IIIVt)ICES AM SCt�f Ol1lED J -OR P-1Y1"1 IT ON TUCSDAY. August 16, 1983 MISC. DEPTS. r Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 112.68 rl Creative Graphics, Office Supplies 75.75 Hausers Super Valu Misc. Supplies i Bankers Life Insurance 2,744.42 Charles Tooker Consultant Planner 6S000 Scott -Rice Telephone Telephone Service 592:90 � Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental and Supplies 278.34 •.': Albinson Machine Rental 50.00 ' Parts Dept`: Inc. Repair Supplies 139',07 OK. Hardware Misc. Supplies 290,93 Weber Auto Supply Repair Supplies 384, J. L. Shiely Co Park Road and Street Supplies 846'.71 t Computoservice Inc. Computer Service 1 t ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 35Q._00 �azr i ds � Scott County Collections Assessing Fees 13;500.00 { i E. H. Newstrom Building and Plumbing Inspections .2,625,,.00 '5cott HRA Professional Services O'sz,80 Prior Lake-American Publishing 81.62 Mn City Management Assn. Registration Fee 10.'00 ICMA Conference Fees `411.50 Aeeric= Linen Building Maintenance 28,60 j Jim 'Haug Building Permit Retainer Refund: 100,00. " 4 DeHaas Inc. Building Permit Retainer Refund 100:00 Mayor and Council Salaries 1,050.' Mike`McGuire Car Allowance 275100 = PLANNING .: r> Nelson Woodcraft Cabinets 2,403...OQ. . POLICE Don Strecker Guns, INc. Targets - 32.18 Holiday Station Stores Fuels and Lubricants 63:88 ° Sears Small Tools and Equipment $9.99 k Mahowald Motors Repairs 87 i93 kG':4 Southside Auto Body Install equipment 40.00 ,a i F IRE AND RESCUE r " Smith- Martin Service Medical Supplies- 17• Road Rescue, Inc, Repair Parts 79.00 � k a Reynolds Welding Supply- Supplies 16.95 w V61ishek,Service Dept. Repairs 95.E P ARK. AND RECREATION Debra Stacken Playground Leader 100,00 Kathy Cates Playground Leader 46,00 Douglas Garner n Playground Leader 116,00 ... Pepsi Cola Bottling Concession Supplies 330:,75 Northland "Saw's 'F, Stoves Repair Supplies 55 ".,00 NW ,, Bell Telephone Co`. Telephone Service 48 Shakopee ,Public Utilities U 28 <.31 Triarco Arts and Crafts Supplies SS,33 o Radermachor, Red Owl Supplies 153.61 2,047,30 Bryan Rock, Products Park Road Supplies J H14TES of the Proceedings of the'Cit, Council of the City of Pe-for Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota including' all accounts audited by said Council. s t STREET Prior Lake Aggregates Sand $Graver. 1 513:74 a , Wm. Muelier $ Sans Street Repair Supplies 1,773.51 Road Machinery &� "Supplies Repair Supplies 933'33 `:Ruffridge- Johnson'Equipwentz Repair Supplies 34;50 e a� Capitol Stationery `Signs 104.50 ` i Klirigberg Excavating -. Rentals 162,:50 r' � Warning `Lights of NN � Rentals - ZS2 ,3s STWER :, F _ Sewer Serice Pumping d r Schrader Block Co, in P g 2'40.,00 Rot o- Rooter Sever- Repair 9.1;50 = J & J Radiator Service Veiicle Repairs 79.47 ` Metro Waste Control Comm. Sewer Installment 20,4 15;90 � Metro Waste Control Comm. SAC Charges 15 147,,00: , " f � WA7`BR:,�� z Van.. -ter & Rogers Chemicals Wat r Products Co. Mater, Meters 3,19ft`i 78` Lab. Analyse "' b 63,00 I A rco ..ubterranean Engineering Soil Ir_vestzgation F, Report 2,207.:40 , DEBT, SERVICE " ' Nox�!,est Minneapolis Debt Service „ = = Bank SEWER AND WATER Lunar Zvaners Refund J.' 3 If CAPITAL PARK 1 t $y ;r ,Georgets Used Equipment Supplies for Watzl's o PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND J Stibtereaneanan So Investigation '& Report !r 1,064 30{ I Q ,Engering ,Brown and Cris, Inc. Estimate No. 9- ? 1,187.50 T hi f o , ID � 1 v O ' C f i 1 1 �, � r r .F Yi..�� - .. ...«.sa�:� ._,Y''� ��e�•��97�X'7 . t[k:i'+°�' awe .w:ar :40 40111�111_1 N1,4UTES of the Proceedings of the City Coun A of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ' WAM t THE - FOLLOWING LIST OF 111% Alit SCH[ DULCD I - OR I'AYN17PIT ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1983. RISC. DEPTS Delta Dental Plan Insurance 183:30 z¢ State Treasurer City Share FICA 2,131.36 4 State. Treasurer City Share PERA 4,501.35 , k' Ames Office Supply Misc. Supplies 70.81 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 182,30 - Minnesota Valley Electric Utilities 1,203.96 Minnegasco Utilities 115.43 } Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental $ Supplies 279.22 Albinson Rental. 6 Supplies 9.80 } Dives 'Towing'& Auto Body Vehicle Repairs 233.49 C. H.- Carpenter Lumber Co. Misc. Supplies 221.98 a J.L. Shiely Sand 8 Gravel 3,522,81 Malkerson Vehicle Repairs 1 RMRS System - Postage 2,000.00 i GENERAL GOVERNMENT' State Treasurer FICA Administrative Cost` 19. 'enry & Janis Ballard° Court Award 300.00 Lake Side Plumbing 8 Heating Repairs 63.29 Lawrence Schweich Library Rental 400.`00 ActioniMessenger Messenger Service 21.7S. Government Training Service Symposium Fee 161:00 " Ramona Hennen City Hall Cleaning 125'.00 = r. Bev Appenzeller City Hall Cleaning 125.00 Dolores Berens Library Cleaning 50.00. PitnevzBowes` Machine Rental 65.25 ' r Air tk tams Co. Burlding "Repair 4 Maintenance 349,55" j } r V ENGINEERING Copy Equipment Inc. Supplies" 109.11 " Mahowald Builders, Capital Outlay Equipment 111;00 POLICE A. Liberty Photo Service Supplies 51,32 Gomtiunication Auditors Equipment Repairs 12.21 Act "ion Overhead Door Co. Repairs` in , 68 1 00 } _ FIRE $ RESCUE s Smith- Martin Service Rescue Supplies r> 122.79 ,. PARK . ' & RECREATION Pepsi -Cola Bottling Co. .; Concession Supplies 128,25 Prior Lake 117611 Supplies 51.50 Lana- Equipment Repair Supplies 64.08 Minnesota Toro Repair Supplies 14,14 Prior''Lake Nursery Diseased Tree Removal 975:60 Sche7 - er Tree Service Diseased Tree Removal 570.00 Jaki "i Stump Removal Stump Removal 250. °50 ; Prior , Lakes Electric Co. Repairs 37,.50 Port4"Let InternationAl Rental„ 165.00 _Quality Waste Control Rubbish.Removal 70.00 ., Kokesh.Athletic Supply Supplies 111.,00 Chanhassen Dinner Theater Park.Program 100.00 Klingberg Bus Co. Park.Program Bus Rental WOO Donna Baker Refund 2.50 Matt Lind Refund 2.- 50 Chris Dunker Refund 2.5Q Maggie Klein Refund 18.00 Bohnsack.6 Hennen'Excavating Blade Rental_ 840,00 Hennepin Co. Park Reserve Park.Program 15.00 :40 40111�111_1 M NIAUT►S of the Proceedings of the Cit., Council of the .City of Prior Lake in the �. County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all,;accounts audited by '± said Council. STREET MacQueen Equipment Repair Supplies 281.64 Shakopee Ford Repairs 167.65 Metro Fone Rental 32,:00 Clay's Dirt Hauling Black Dirt 65.00° Dustcoating, Inc. Dust Control 240.00 " Prior Lake Blacktop Parking Lot Repair "850.00 ' SEWER •` , Patrick 0 Keefe Sewer Repairs p 9.62.00 ,} WATEN . �- Lame Minnesota `Repair 5up►lies Sand Returned 10 ^�t Hubert Boyer .Bags Sand Bags Returned 21135 Ne� .€ Raymond Pratt Kenneth. McNeese ags Reted Sand B urn :3.x;,20 35:00 ' Mrs. Don Burnham Sand Bags 'Returned 68 25 Margaret Larson Sand Bags Returned 1 , pRLOR LAKE CONSTRUCTTON FUND 0 Engineering I ,. Valley View Insurance, Bonds - 30.0.0; ppyy.. CAPITAL ' PARK : L ' Warners IisrdKare Misc. Supplies 43,29 } Georges, .Used Equipment Cedsx Forest Products' Misc. Supplies Supplies for Park'Sheltersry 50 ,.00 Q`� 16, 54.00 n iCeho• :C6nstruction • Con'struction of Park Shelter ` 15,,5b2 Q0: ` Q Nem Prague. Lumber Concret!,i $ Cement i�85a 30 ' C:H. Carpenter Lumber CO. Supplies KA , + N a g p M