HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 06 1983MIji TES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnes`c ta, including all accounts audited by said Council. September 6, 1983 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met'in regular session on Tuesday, September 6, 1983 at 7 :30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock .called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers _ Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Parks &`Recreation Director.,Mangan, Finance 1 Director Teschner and Consulting Engineer Norton.: Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. y The minutes`of August 22, 1983 were reviewed, N The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of August 22, 1983: Page 2 Paragraph 13: SHOULD READ: Mayor Stock stated,for the record, the two fire trucks that the City is currently using . are. 1)1971 model and 2)1976 diesel, the. rescue units are a 1978 and a 1969 backup unit.F Page 4 Paragraph 7: DELETE: would Council would INSERT: would Council minutes F Motion Busse to apprcw-e the minutes of August 22, 1983 as amended and to invoices approve the list of invoices that are scheduled for payment on Wednesday, September 7, 1983 as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " Mayor Stock then called the "Levy Limit Base Public Hearing to order. The p4blished was read for the record. Mayor Stock asked City Manager " McGuire if he had received any written.,or oral comments ". City Manager McGuire stated that he had not received any comments. Finance Director Teschner reviewed the Levy Limit Base for the Council. He stated that the public hearing is to consider a Levy Limit'Base Increase of $31,254.00 as authorized by the 1983 Legislature. The reason for this " adjustment:,is to recoup the Fund Balance decrease that.was incurred in 1981 i" due to intergovernmental revenue shortfalls caused by State Aid cutbacks. t oo Mayor Stock asked if there were any comments or questions by the audience. There were none Mayor Stock-'asked the Council if they had any questions or comments. lezw lint base Motion by,Busse to adopt the proposed Levy Limit Base Increase of $33,254.0 Increase asoauthorized by the 1983 Legislature for the City of Prior Lake, seconded by `Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. , V adjourn 'F. H. to adjourn the Public Hearing on the Levy Limit Base, "this,.public t MotLoIn,..by...ihorkelson � econded by Busse and upon a vote taken hearing was adjourned. I Mayor Stock then called the Revenue Sharing Public Hearing to order. The ' published °notice was read for the record. He then asked Finance Director Teschner to review this for the Council. "Finance Director Teschner stated that we'had a Oroposed' use hearing a few weeks ago regarding the use of "these Revenue Sharing Funds, at that time, as E in the past years, the Council supports the use of`these -funds within the Fire Department of the City of Prior Lake. Last year we were authorized the amount of $33,760.00'for 1983 for Revenue.Sharing Funds. further stated r$ that he was in contact with the Revenue Sharing Funds office today and they suggested that we use a, minimum of $33,760.00, the amount that is proposed within the 1984 Operating Budget is $34,000.00. At this point "and time, the Public Hearing is to ,approve the use of the Revenue Sharing Funds in the estimated amount of $34,000.00 as stated in the proposed 1984 Operating Budget to support the Fire Department expenditures. Page 1 a , q MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior 'Lake i n theP County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by ' said Council. If the amount is substantially more than the $34,000.00, we will have to go through the Public Hearing requirements again, in terms of authorizing the increased amount. Mayor Stock asked if there were any questions or comments from the audience. There were none. F Mayor Stock asked the Council if they had any questions or comments. approval of Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount Revenue Sharinj of approximately $34,000.00 for the proposed use of support for the Prior \ \` funds Lake'Fire Department within the proposed 1984 Operating Budget, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. adjourn P.H.' Motion by Busse to adjourn the Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing'Funds, seconded by- Thorkelson and upon a vote taken this.public hearing was, \\ adjourned. Mayor Stock then called;: .the Watermain proposal for Sunfish Bay Public" Heasilg to order. The published notice was read for the record. Mayor ; Stock further stated that, the purpose of "this hearing is to meet the 3 ". legal requirements established,by the City's Bonding Counsel. There are no proposed assessments, the entire cost of the watermain loop will be a City wide benefit; ,and'tost.. Mayor Stock then asked Finance Director t' Teschner to explain further!on this. Finance Director Teschner stated that according to Bond Counsel, the project should be reviewed in terms of the entire scope of the project and that the public hearing notice requirements identify the total dollar amount of the improvement as well as that portion to be assessed.. There- fore, an amendment resolution would be in -order by Council to approve and close this public hearing'. . Mayor Stock asked City Engineer Anderson to explain why the watermain is going,through the Sunfish Bay area at this time. City Engineer Anderson stated that this particular pk0,Jbct "was done back in 19'77,, Sanitary Sewer and Watermain was installer± %in this area. People in that area were assessed for Watermain and Seew,er. This that ' , we are speaking of, is part of the overall overall Trunk Watermain System. Mayor Stock asked what�the size of the watermain would be. }.;. 3 City Engineer Anderson stated that ° it is a 20 inch watermain. He further stated that th13'i3 foi the overall loop of the Trunk Water System. There was discussion by Council and Staff. r : pproval of as p Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Watermain instalart of the A, watermain inst Sunfish Bay Project 82 -2, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was s project 82 -2 duly passed y adjourn P.H. Motion by to adjourn the Public Hearing the Sunfish Bay Y f,, ' Improvements, Watermain Installation and Appurtenant Work and order the improvements as stated, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a °vote taken it was duly passed, Mayor Stock then called the 1984 Operating Budget Public Hearing to order. The published notice was read for the record: He then asked City Manager G ` McGuire to review with the Council the 1984 Operating Budget. City Manager McGuire went through the proposed 1984 Operating Budget page by page. There was general discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor,Stock..asked:if there were any questions or comments from the ; audience. There were general comments. Page 2 a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council Motion to approve the 1984 Operating,Budget as submitted, seconded 1934 n *aeration by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. fi budget J adjourn P.H. Motion by Busse to,adjourn the Public Hearing on the 1984 Operating Budget, ' seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken this public hearing was adjourned. The next item on the agenda was to review the final draft of the Grant ' Agreement between the City of Prior Lake,and the Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District. 1 i � City Manager McGuire stated that Mr. Cleve Mickley called him today and ; stated that they have not had a chance to: review the agreement, a -copy was s sent to their attorney last Friday. They have requested that thin, be tabled for one week so they can review it. • Mayor Stock stated for the record that the Grant Agreement Between the City 1 of Prior Lake and the Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District will be tabled for one week. There was general.discussion by Council and Staff.on the agreement: OWN Z nextitem on the agenda was to review the bids for, the Sunfish Bay ovement Project. Consulting Engineer 3im Norton reviewed the bids that , were received` z Consulting Engineer Morton stated that three bids were received for the improvement project. 1)Barber Construction.Company, Inc. submitted a bid In the amount of $107,312.10. 2)Richard Knutsion, Inc. submitted 'a bid,, in the amount of $112,703.00. 3)Alexander Construction Company, Inc. submitted ,a bid in the amount of $124,267.40.- There was ,general discussion by Council aid Staff. There was concern about ' the increase cost over the engineers estimate. There was also concern over the seeding and sodding, this was listed in the bid'and Council thought that the residents agreed to do this them3tives. Mayor Stock stated that Staff should look into.whether_or not the,'residents agreed to..do it themselves. bid a *iard to .Motion by Busse to award -the bid to the low bidder, Barber Construction . baii) c.onst. Company, Inc., in the amount of- $107,312.10 for the Sunfish Bay Improvement Pro4eet.82 -2, seconded by Scott. a Councilmembei Schweich asked about the water. It states in -the bid, "view � Service for the Curb ", would this tie directly assessed to that property' owner? 0 City Engineer Anderson stated that when Sewer and Water was put-in, the Water and Sewer lines were stubbed to the property lines. .Now, with the streets being paved, we.have acquired.additional street.iight of way. We to extend 3 or 4 services,;so we can bet,Wts de.of the curb lines when we go to connect and the service will not be under the blacktop. He did not ;feel that -there should be an additional assessment. There is also a request to lower a sewer line, this ivould be charged to the ,property owner. : .Mayor Stock called the .question on,,..the.motion; and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed, „Mayor Stock then asked City Planner Graser to comment on the request from Leo Vierling for ,Agricultural' Preserve Status. City Planner Graser stated that he`had received petition from Mr. Leo ' Vierling for Agricultural Preserve Status for 320 acres of his land 141 A situated north of County Road 42. In order for any action to be taken in response°- to''this request the City Council must amend the zoning ordinance by including _a mechanism which provides for a " 'floating zone" within the agricultural district. He further ,stated that -such a zone;could'be,in bated only by the property owner and will specify a density of not more tFian one residential unit per quarter /quarter section. ¢ Page 3 MINUTES of the� of the City Council of' the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including alp accounts audited by said Council. City Planner Grase'r then stated that the procedure that should be followee if the Council wished to accomodate the Ag Preserve land within the City > will be for the staff to prepare the necessary-amending language and for 'the City Council to establish a,public hearing for the amending of the Zoning''Ordinance and a public h6arigg for the ag preserve. The legis- lation authorized the local authority to charge up to $50.00, appii cation for admini3trative costs. This is a token amount if one land— owner includes several property descriptions within one application: Staff's recommendation is to schedule 2 public hearings,,one for the Zoning Ordinance and the other to certify which areas within the City will be eligible for Ag Preserve status. Y s Councilmember Thorkelson asked what the difference is between Green Acres' and Ag Preserve. City Planner'Graser stated that all Green Acres,does.as give the owner ^~ a tax benefit. The Ag Preserve goes one step further, it gives additional tax exemptions and most? of all it provides longevity -for farm investments. �i City Planner Graser then stated in Green Acres you can1put lines through, ; ' p Pe Y is total ,. Preserve mits. Thatt wh in A 9 Y ou „can' t s the p roperty off—limits. Y o "=' it is` very important to have the public hearing to consider which lands .,.�� are eligible. He then reviewed the time schedule. The City would have to certify to the necessary agencies by.. March 1 , .1984. Mayon Stock asked Mi. llierling if „he had any comments or questions. ° I ly r Mr to the Council. ; i ��Vierling�`commented There was discussion by Coune.il' Staff. , schedule o.f . Motion by Thorkelson ' ;to schedule a public hearing for amending the.Prior P,H'.`P.L. Lake Zoning ordinance'at'7i35 PM on Monday, October,ll, 1983 and a public zoning ordin. hearing for establishing the eligible: Ag Preserve area at 8:00 PM also onr(October 11, 1983, seconded by Busse `and upon a vote taken it was duly - . J.` Th next'it on the agenda was to consider'the audit proposal for 1983. )� 4 i Wyor; Stock. asked City Nanager McGuire to review this for the Council. ' City Manager McGuire stated that the George M. Hansen Company, who has been doing audit for the last 3 years has proposed to do the audit ior 1983 for the amount of $7,<<00.00 and audit the Relief Association for yin additional $550.(V0.” This is an. average increase %of 4.1% over the last years and a 5,,increase between the 1982 and 1983 proposal. He „further stated that he would recommend approval of the George M: Hansen Company' ' Ito audit the City's ,books for 1983. ., There was general discussion by Council and Staff. audit ` Notion by Thorkelson to'auihorize the George M. Hansen Company to audit U the City's books for the `amount of_,S7 400,00 and the Relief Assoc iation for an'addiiional $550.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it w1s duly passed:., �t The next item on the agenda was the Change'Order No. 2 for Project 82 -11W Pleasant Street. Mayor. Stock asked City Engineer Anderson 'to comment on this. n City Engineer Anderson ,stated that.the residents on Pleasant Street were , given the option of concrete aprons to be installed at the same time r concrete curb and gutter was installed. Individual property owners have been assessed the actual cost for the aprons. The amount of the change `order 13'$1,355.00 recommend • and Staff, would approval , } Change order. ` Notion by Busse to approve Change Order No. 2 for Project 82 -11, seconded No.2' by,Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. City Planner Graser then reviewed,a request from Richard Wilfond for a jl simple subdivision. He - recommended that this not be granted at this time. i page 4 t - RINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State "of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mrs. Wilfond Commented to the Council. Mayor Stock asked City Planner Grraser to mark the site plan as "Exhibit 1 with today's date. x" There was general discussion by Council and Staff. ; , Councilmember Schweich asked about the park dedication fee and other items that developers are responsible -for on subdivisions, Mayor Stock stated "that the development would need ingress- egress for the lots. He further stated that he requests from the Wilfond's that they spend a little more time on developing the subdivision so that ingress- " t` o egress is provided to all lots. Mayor Stock asked.that this be brought back to Staff for their review and " to include Councilmember Schweich's comments and request Staff to review ' the proposal along those fines before any action is taken on the proposal that has been submitted tonight. He then stated that this item would be tabled and the date of return would be left open so that as;3oon,43 the ` information is gathered and presented -to Staff, Staff will,'schedule on the " Council's Agenda. The next item on the. agenda was the paving quotes for the park road, Mayor Stock asked City Engineer Anderson to review this for the Councilx City Engineer Anderson stated .that Project 83 -11, Paving of Toronto Avenue extension and 170th Street has been broken'nto two segments because the first segment is in conjunction with the lot that the City owns and will °�, ,, •` :provideiaaccess to a developer in the future-and those costs will be recouped. at a future date. He then reviewed the bid tabulation ofuthe four bids that 1 were received for the street paving, storm Newer and appurtenant work for x Project 83 -11.. I)Prior Lake Blacktop,_Inc. a ".bid for a,total 4 . amount of $16,603.90.: 2)Wm. Mueller. do Sons., bi ` Inc. submitted a d; for a total, . amount of $19,318.50. 3)McNamara- Vivant Contracting, Inc. 3ub+mi.tt'`ed a bid z, for a total amount of $14,980.00. 4)Morthwest Inc.'subR ted a(�bid • on to f•or'a total .amount of $15,813.00. It would be Staff's recomn�endallo . award the bid to the low..bidder,`McNamara- Vivant for total cost of "S14,980.00. Mayor Stock asked for,,,questions or comments from`�he Council.,, . There was general discussion by Council and Staff. ° ward proj� Notion by Busse. to award to McNamara- Vivant Contracting Company, Inc.. for 83 -11 -1 Prof 83 11 -:1 for the amount of $6,763.25 and also to McNaimira- Vivant Contracting Company, Inc. for,Project 83 -11 -2 for t6 amount of $8;216.75,- .. seconded by Scitt and upon a vote taken it Was duly passed. i) ' Mayor Stock asked if there was any other business to be -taken ; care of.` City- Planner Graser brought up for Council discussion, a sign 'permiit for ` Bob Page. ":He stated that he had received a letter from Bob Page which was in response to the denial of a "directional` sign pewit. Hack on 3uly 13, 1983, the City Council considered 'a directional sign request for'the Little,' Six Bin Palace and at t the Council placed 8 conditions on the issuance of that particular permit. He further stated that he did not feel that they have complied completely with the conditions. ,He then read the letter that he received from Mr'. Page for the record. - There was general discussion by Council and Staff. �? !1 or Stock stated that the two signs are basically what.he had invisioned tt to be. Consideration needs to be taken on where the signs are located, ,1 one��is in a commerical district and the other in a rural. °It would be his that Council the item in conditions, „ recommendation the waive our primarily item number 6 and authorize City Planner Graser to issue the permits for the two signs that have been requested-by Mr. Page. ` t)here - yas further discussion by Council and Staff. �a ry Page .5