HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 12 1983KNUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the - County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. f September 12, 1983 ; The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Honday, September 12; 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called x the meeting to order. Present were Mayor 'Stock, `Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City" Manager McGuire and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of September 6, 1983 were reviewed. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of September 6, 1983. i ' Page 2, Paragraph 10, DELETE: overall Page 3, Paragraph 14, DELETE: bet 5 INSERT: be , Minutes Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of September 6, 1983 as amended, seconded - • � b Thorkelson and y upon a vote taken i was duly passed. The next item on the agenda was to re- evaluate the tree planting policy. City " Manager McGuire reviewed the memorandum from'Planning Consultant Charles Tooker.` I`t was Consultant Tooker's recommendation that City Staff/Downtown _ Property, Owners form a committee`to develop a feasible system of making -the downtown_ space more attractive. Mayor Stock asked if anyone from the audience had any comments regarding the tree planting policy. Bll,Sando stated that many efforts have "been made by other cities to grow trees in the downtown areas. He further stated that he would like to encourage the Councilmembers to vote in a positive "way in creating a committee to take a look... at various possibilities and come back with recommendations. r Mr. Jim Hill, a resident of Prior Lake and Chairman of - Economic Development ° Committee also commented. He stated that the discussed this at the �. last meeting and are in favor of a tree plantin` ;. .'Mayor Stock asked,the Council for their comments. ° Councilmember Schweich stated that he agrees with Mr. Hill's comments. He further stated that the downtown area could'use a more appealing atmosphere. T r: Councilmember.Thorkelson stated that the Council should work through the 'y Economic Development Committee and get some of the downtownGpeople involved, hey, also thought that Consultant Tooker should get in this. He further ; involved stated that while we are doing,'this,, we should also re- evlauate,the parking on , the downtown streets. Councilmember Busse stated that he agreed with Councilmember Thorkelson, there are other areas that would also need to be looked at, Colorado which is partly In the business area. The Committee should consider some type of plantings in those areas too. Councilmember Thorkelson stated that`he agreed with Councilmember- Busse. He -. further stated that last fall he suggested that possibly someone from the Parks and Recreation Department work on some kind of .a program for Arbor Day. We could get thecommunity and other groups going on;this so we could get a big push for this spring. Councilmember Scott stated that she also agrees with Councilmember'Thorkelson's comments. We,should work,with the Economic Development Committee on this, so there isn't 4 conflict of what the two committees decide: ,+ I Motion by Thorkelson to,request of our Economic Development Committee that they ' :request to establish a joint meeting with the downtown property„ owners,zelative to the ., Economic Deve.,tree planting for the downtown area and a plan therefore be discussed and that Committee committee bring back a recommendation to the Council in that regard, seconded - Y ." by Busse. CouncilmemberThorkelson, asked about Charles Tooker getting involved in this_ ti . Page 1 T MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of 'the City of Prior Lake in the County of Sprott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock stated that he would leave that up to the City Manager to involve any of the staff to what ever degree that would be necessary.. Councilmember Schweich asked that the Committee try to obtain plans from the County with the new County Road 21 "intersection coming in. _ Mayor Stock stated that it was a good idea, he then called the question V "' on the motion and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. He then stated that an organized tree planting plan should be conducted through the Parks Department using different services organizations which would x coincide with Arbor Day. tree planting Motion by Thorkelson to direct Parks do Recreation Director Mangan to progr". establish in conjunction with Arbor Day, a tree planting program for our residential neighborhoods in the City of Prior Lake seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was 'duly passed. ' The next item on the agenda was Steve Mattson from Juran & Moody to review L " § v the bond sale for the Sunfish Bay Proj ' Mr. Steve Mattson reviewed the $150,000.00 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1983. hF There was discussion by Council and Staff. ° ' r� Mr. Mattson stated that the' Council would need to pass a resolution for the issuance of registered bonds. ; issuance of Motion by Busse to adopt the resolution providing for the issuance and sale registered of $150;000 ".00 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1983 and levying a Bonds:. tax the peyment•thereof, seconded by Thorkelson. City Attorney Kessel'asked about the interest rate that was figured into the payoff amount. Mr. Mattson stated that two underwriters of Duran & Moody, who sit at the trading desk figured out the rate. They look at everything that "is bid :. -. across the country. They felt for a BMI,, If the bond were to go competitively the rages would be the amount that was determined. He further stated that these rates are market rates. # There was further discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor Stock called the question, and upon a vote taken it " was -duly passed +. Mayor Stock stated that City Attorney Kessel had another commitment this evening, and tha* he had an item that he would like to take out of order.. ,• ; He then asked City Attorney Kessel to give a report on the standings of the North Shore Homeowners suit and any other business that he would have for the •Council. City Attorney Kessel stated that the North Shore Homeowners suit motion " ;..• =for a<urnmary judgement has been scheduled for Friday, September 16, 1983. Er We have been served with a motion by the Plaintiff's in that action, in j which they are seeking to have their complaint amended again to bring the action in the name of some individual plaintiffs. Also at the same time,, they are seeking to take the depositions of,the Council, Mayor, j s City Manager, and City Engineer on September 20, 21, 1983. He `stated he would check the dates, we are going to object to that date until we had an opportunity to review the discovery that we served on them. Councilmember Thorkelson asked where would the taking of the depositions' . 4 . City Attorney Kesselstated that he believed it would be in the office of plaintiff's attorney unless there was a problem with that, he would ask that 'they Make them out here.. / City Manager McGuire stated that he felt that should be requested. The next item °on the agenda was to review a request from Kent Ray for a i o Page 2 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council or the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r�y 3.2 Beer Off -Sale License and a Cigarette License. City Manager McGuire ( reviewed the request. He stated that the Liquor Committee met.on this and recommends approval. This license is for the Prior Lake Gas -n- Grocery: 3.2 beer lic. Motion by- Busse "to approve the 3.2 Beer Off -Sale License for the Prior Lake ,., Gas - n - Groc. Gas - Grocery to be issued 'to Kent Ray, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote l taken it was duly passed, Cig. Lic, Motion by Busse to approve the Cigarette License for the 'Prior Lake Gas -n- Gas- n -groc. Grocery to be issued to Kent Ray, seconded by Scott and upon a vote .taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock asked City Manager McGuire to review the status of the Grant Agreement between the City and the Watershed District. City 'Manager McGuire stated that he was notified by Bryce Huemoeller,`the attorney for theWatershed District, and it is„ their request that this be tabled for one more week.' - Mayor Stock asked that the record show that the agreement between the City and the Watershed District be tabled for one more week. He - further stated that he had talked.with Cleve Mickley, who indicated that they are having a meeting toaarrow- ,night, in regards to the budget and the agreement. There was discussion the wording of the agreement. The next item on the agenda was to review,the status of West Avenue. City r Manager McGuire reviewed this for the Council., City Manager McGuire stated that the condemnation process has been completed for West Avenue, with the commissioners granting a -.0- award. There.has been `. 4 one appeal, which could take several months before it is heard by the Court. ,z The,_.City,.can take possession now, but if the court would make an• award, we would be obligated to pay what ever that amount would be. 'It is the opinion of Owen Nelson that it is unlikely that any award will be.made in this part- Q icular case. Mayor Stock stated for clarification, this would be'Vest Avenue;.where it runs „into the lake of Prior 'Lake. There was a dispute earlier in the year as to where the private road begins.and;zthe. public r..oad..ends. If the City was to reassume the possession of West Avenue as it intersects with the lake, we can again use that as an.access as we have,in the past years for snow - a mobiling, and access .for moving ice fishing houses on and off the lake. He i. further stated that he felt that West Avenue should remain as It originally y was, and that the Council, by motion should re- affirm its position on West- Avenue. „ Councilmember Thorkelson asked if Mayon Stock was saying that we should accept now or wait. Mayor Stock stated that we should accept now. 'Councilmember Busse stated that the barriers should be removed from.the area. Mayor Stock stated that if we-do take possession, we should take down the barriers. G There was further discussion by Council aid Staff.' right -of -Nay Motion by Busse to re- affirm the City taking possession of the right -of -way West Ave. of West Avenue as it intersects with the lake of Prior Lake and that it be ?' restored to the condition that it has been in the past, for the use of a winter access for snowmobiles and ice fish houses, seconded by Scott. Councilmember Thorkelson asked if the motion was going to commit the City to those uses for that property, he felt„ttiat the motion should stated that we are just taking possession of the"property. Councilmember Busse stated that he would amend his motion without the uses in it. Page 3 MliiUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the z County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by r said Council. Councilmember Scott accepted the amendment to her second. Mayor Stock stated that the motion has been amended to delete the uses and to be specific as to its reaffirmation of its possession of West Avenue as it intersects with the lake of Prior Lake. He asked if there was any further discussion. There was none. Mayor Stock then called the question on the amended motion and upon a ; 5 vote taken it was duly passed. c The next item on the agenda was to review the status of Brooksville Hills 6th Addition. Mayor Stock asked City Manager McGuire to review this for the Council. City Manager McGuire stated that he spoke with Gary Eastland, with Scott- land, Inc and it was his request that this be tabled for one week. It was his recommendation that it be tabled.` a Mayor Stock asked that the record show that review of the status of Broo' .- ville Hills 6th Addition be tabled for one week. The next item discussed was the registered land survey for P/0 Northwood z t Addition. City Manager McGuire stated that this ;=s'for title purposes " a only. He referred to the map that was attached to the agenda packages. By approving this, it would not change the size of the lots for building;` purposes'. He recommended approval of this request. ' RLS, Northwood Motion by Busse to approve the registered land survey for the Northwood' ' Addn. Addition as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson. _ There discussion by Council and Staff. Y Mayor Stock called the question and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken care of Mayor Stock reviewed 'a letter that he received from Senator Schmitz's office. .- This letter was in regards to a meeting that is going to be on September 26, j 1983 in Jordan. This meeting would be in regards to State Statute 509. further stated that someone from the City of Prior Lake should attend tt r �- meeting. He,recommended' that City Manager McGuire attend the meeting, City Manager McGuire stated that he would attend the meeting on September 26, 1983. With no.iother business, Motion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson ° . and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. Adjoursent `�� 8:IS'P.M. Michael A. McGuire City Manager Q Jakki,K. Menk Recording Secretary, MITES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the • Y County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by fi F said Council THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 °s MISC. DEPTS. Bankers Life Insurance 3,821.07 Creative Graphics Misc. Printed Supplies 183.00 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 35.86 OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 182.50 Snyder Drug Misc. Supplies 52.45 Hauser's Super Valu Misc. Supplies 69.24 " Scott -Rice Telephone Telephone Service 545.46 United Insurance Services - Insurance 389.00 I f MN Valley Electric Co -op. Utilities ` 974.49 _. Northern States Power Utilities „ 5,495.89 Muelken Oil Co Fuels and Lubricants 18,896.42, Parts Dept., INc. Misc. Supplies_ 30.88 Weber Auto Supply Misc. Supplies 323.94 ° Charles Tooker Consultant Planner 650.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Roger's Sign Co. OSM Signs % %' Engineering 78.80 4,634.'L4 Scott Co. HRA Professional Services 748.00 _ E. H. Newstrom Building & Plumbing-Insp. 2,385.00 0 � Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 350.00 Comp. Communication:Systems Telephone Service 16.34 Southwest Suburban Publishing Publishing 278.17 MAUMA° Seminar Fee 15.00 Holiday Station Fuel 18.62 " State of -oMinnesota _ State Statutes 57:00 American Linen Building Repair. do Maintenance 25.80 '! Petty Cash Supplies & Postage 54.23 I r Clary Business Machines Calculator 150.00 Lawrence Schweich Retainer.Refunds 300.00 City of Savage Share of'Debt Service 2,;166.39 Mayor and Council Salaries - - 1,050 Mike McGuire Car Allo -:;,ce 275 nn ENGINEERING Copy. :Equipment - Supplies 28.29 Larry Anderson Mileage 17.00 POLICE Uniforms Unlimited Supplies 33.40 Dennis Leff Mileage 14.40 FIRE :& RESCUE = a Ring.fire Extinguisher Co. Supplies 22.00 Smith- Martin Service Supplies 31.2..9 Communication Auditors= Repairs 65.25 Reynolds Welding Medical Supplies 33.90 Mark Bohn , Hose Cleaner 300.00 PARK AND RECREATION: I Minnesota Toro, Inc. Repair Supplies 197.53 Northwestern Bell Telephone Service 44.37 ' Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities 25.09 M-V Gas Co, Utilities 232.00 Southside Auto Body Vehicle Repair 566.15 r ' Minnesota State_Curb,Gutter Co. Park Road Supplies 4,778.25 . Bohnsack & Hennen Park Road Hauling 324.10 ' Bryani.Rock Co. Park Road Supplies 1,310.04 f p � MMUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by. said Council. STREET: ' Wm. Mueller do Sons, Inc; Street Repair Supplies 1,315.65 J. L. Shiely Co. Street Repair Supplies 570.31 Shakopee Ford Vehicle Repair °' 15.30 Malkerson Motors Vehicle Repair 131.69 Rose Crooks; Hauling 60.00 Garelick Steel Co. Misc. Supplies 250.2Q i n SEWER MWCC Sewer Installment 20,415 90 , Schrader Block Co. Pumping - 45.00 Tri -State Pump and Control Repair Supplies MWCC SAC Charges 5,469. "75 -` WATER Servo Lab Analysis 14.00 ! Busse Electric Repairs 27.50 Roger Steiner Sandbags returned 105.00 A Elwood Cruger Sandbags returned 54.25 Norwest:Banks _ Debt Service 1,968.05 ;d ' CAPITAL PARK C. •H. Carpenter Lumber Co. Supplies a 567.4. Bohnsack & Mennen Equipment Rental 4,094.00 Wm. Mueller & Sons Bituminous 476.75 OK Hardware Supplies 60.01 ^ DEBT SERVICE Nortist Banks Debt Service 301 6.X0 } t . x. £ ' PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND k +; Chapin Publishing Co. Publishing 60.60. ` 16 t J � , ;?l . v I Y ��'',c':vm:: `z..- , x. ... � act;., _ rte.... �.:vt .a.cz --. t. *w.w;.;. +� .,�,?v ... _ <"�"x�"�TMm"' =. n,. , '"`"'Y�✓ .�s, ice '�-