HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 19 1983MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Counc °il of the City of Prior Lake in the
County,of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
September 19, 1983
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday.'
September 19, 1983 at 7:35 PM in 'the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock call -
ed the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse,
Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire and City Engineer Anderson.
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance.
The minutes of September 12, 1983 were reviewed.
Motion by Busse to approve: the minutes of September 12, 1983 as submitted and
to approve the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, September
20, 1983, seconded by Scott and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was to review the status of Brooksville Hills 6th
Addition. City Engineer Anderson reviewed this for the Counc l.
City Engineer Anderson-stated that the City has a Developers Agreement that
was signed back on October 30, 1979, it was for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain,.
Stormsewer and Paving for Brooksville Hills 6th Addition, Phase 1. The. C
completion date `for the wearing course, was June 1,, 1980 and Scottland, Inc..
has completed the utilities and the base course but has not installed the
bituminous curb and wearing course .6f the project; Council has give ex,,
tensions`�for the completion of the paving of the project, the last exten-
sign was until June 30, 1983. There are approximately 44 lots in the first
phase of Brooksville Hills 6th Addition, there are only 6 or 7 homes that
have been constructed on the 44 lots at this time.; The is not
complete, the developer is suggesting a performance bond��and request an
extension for another year. He further stated that.one question we need to
ask, is another year just #fed? If so, whatmeans of insurance would we have
that would be justified if an extension'was given?
Mayer Stock °asked Mr. Gary Eastland to comment.
. Gary Eastland with.Scottland Inc. stated that since 1980 we have installed
the utilities, finance the project through conventional means which was one
over prime, at i:hat time 'it was; going at 20 %. We are asking for a, one year
extension primarily becaus(iof,theieconomy,'but also because we are the
developers of Sunset Hills And as of tomorrow we get i,t bank under fore -1
closure and because of the amount of money we have to "spend,to go 'through the
foreclosure proceedings, if we were to put but a' letter of credl+4Jti will
hamper our borrowing to complete both' projects . Our i ntent li s to lcotml "ete
the first phase of Brooksville Hills and go on to the secondtphase, but to
help us out in lieu of the letter of credit which will l our borrowing
power for the next year, we would like to have ,, payment bond with the City
of Prior Lake through August 1,, 1984.
Mayor Stock then commented.- He asked if everything was going, be Brought.
current on the Sunset Hills Development.
Gary Eastland stated that Mayor Stock's comments were corebt,`t He then made
further com ments.
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
Motion by Thorkelson to grant an extension of time on the Developers Agreement
Agreement for
for Scottland,'Inc. to August 1 1984.contingent upon•, 1)'that they submit to
Scottland, Inc,
the City by October 15,1983 a copy of the Change Order- for the remainder of
the project for•the Brooksville dills 6th Addition, Phase 1. 2)That they
submit a payment bond in the amount, of the bid -of HardOrives for Brooksville
Hill,s 6th Addition, Phase 1 for the completion of the,project to be on or
before 1, 1984, seconded 4y Busse and upon °a vote taken it was duly
° Page 1
MINU'TES,of the Proceediigs of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
The next item discussed was the Grant Agreement with the Watershed
District. Mayor Stock stated that we have with us this evening members
of the Watershed District. He asked Bryce Huemoeller if he had any
comments that he would like to make for the District:
Mr. Huemoeller commented on the agreement and the changes that the
District would like Council to consider.
There was discussion by Council and Staff,
After reviewing the necessary changes that would need to be made to the
agreement, Mayor Stock asked that this be tabled for one week, at which
time the District would bring back the amendments to the agreement.
Mr. Cleve Mickley stated that the lake level is.at 903.49 presently.
Mr. Don Benson stated that 6 gates are opened at this time.
The next item discussed was the status of the Library Re- Location. Mayor
Stock asked City Manager McGuire to review this for the Council,
City Manager McGuire stated he received 2 quotes for providing access to
the west basement area. He then reviewed the work that would be included
+ in
the,quote: He stated that one quote was from George Bo.rgerding for the
,amount of $4,360.00 and the other from Mahowald Builders for the amount of
"$4';590:00. It° would be his recommendation that the Council award the bid
to the 1`ow bidder - George Borgerding.
z ..
Bid for
Motion by Busse to award the 5id.to George Borgerding in the amount of
George Borgerd
*060.00 for the r'emodeling,of the New Library Building, seconded by Scott.
There was a general discussion by Council and Staff.
Mayor Stock called the question and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire then stated that bids should be taken on the work done
on the roof.- He stated that the roofing would be a.one piece rubber type
of material. It seems that it is a „much better product,,the guarantee is
for 10 years rather than 3 -5 years that you get with an asphalt /rock roof.
The cost of the new roof will be $15,000,00 to $20,000.00, if we do only the
roof,, 1; will run approximately $15,000.00, if we`also add a 3” insulation
it w6u d run around $20,000.00.
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
City Manager McGuire recommended that a btd opening date be set for October
3, °1983 at 10:00 AM and that the option of insulation be added to the bid.
new roof for
Motion by Thorkelson to approve specifications for a new roof for the library
that would contain the insulation,and the membrane type roof, and that the
project be bid and that the bids be opened on October 3, 1983 at 10 AM,
w ,
seconded by Busse and uponr vote taken it was duly passed.'
City Manager McGuire then stated that the "Cable TV Company has not made a
firm commitment on renting a 'portion of the basement, as soon as they do
he will bring it back to the Council.
The next item on the agenda was the Franchise Agreement with Mnne 9 asco.
City Manager McGuire reviewed this.
City Manager McGuire stated that two agreements were passed out, the SRA/
8 -83 agreement stands for the SuburbaO Ra e,Authority which i group
of municipalities that helped draw up this particular agreement. In rev ,.
ing the two agreements, the S.R.A. Agreement has son dvantages for the
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
Page 2.,
of the Proceedinaz)of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the
County of Scott a(hd State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
5 _
Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to prepare in final form for
adoption, the proposed `'ordinance between Minnegasco and the City of Prior
Lake,Ahe agreement as submitted as S.R.A. /4 -83 for the next Council meet-
ing . "
The next item on the agenda was to review. R.L.S. for Michael Broderick.
'City Manager McGuire reviewed this for the Council.'
City Manager McGuire referred to the copy of the R.L.S. that was enclosed
in the agenda packages. He stated thatCity Engineer Anderson has talked
with Frank Muelken, who is representing Mike Broderick on the „easements,
he then asked City Engineer.Anderson to comment on the easements.
City Engineer Anderson stated _.that -we have had a-problem with the easements
on this particular parcel, the easements that were dedicated for the.sewer,
water and:stormsewer are not where the utilities are. He referred to a n
letter from Valley EngnEering and a map from them showing the locations of
the'easements and the utilities. Mr. Muelken has assured him that the
easements will be signedeand filed after the R.L.S. has ,,been approved.
'There was dis ,ussion by Council and Staff.
approval of,=
Motion by Busse to approve the R.L.S. for Michael Broderick,jseconded by
RLS for Mike
Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. !F
° Broderick
The monthly reports for,the month of August were then reviewed by Council.
Police Report
Motion by Thorkelsonlito approve the Police Report as,submitted,, seconded by-
Scott,and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
CouncIlmember Scott ,asked about the "Fraud% why it was' so much - higher thi
;.,month , than° last.
City Manager McGuire stated that he would check into it. `
mayor 'Stock stated for the record that the Fire and Rescue Report would be
tabled for one week. _
Dog Catchers
Motion by `Busse to approve the Dog Catchers'Report as submitted, seconded by ,.
Re po rt
Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly
P y. passed.
a., P.
Motion by Thorkelson tolapprove the Building Permit Report as submitted,
seconded by Busse and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken
care of.U.
Councilmember commented „on a Recreational Vehicle that was parked on
Jordan Avenue.
City Manager McGuire stated that he would look into it.
CouPclmember rhorkelson asked,about the water'being shut off over by' the
Wagon Bridge.
City Engineer Anderson commented on this.
Es, . ”
Ci1y,” inager. McGuire then informed the Council of a conference/meeting that
; the league of Minnesota Cities will be having on September 29, 1983,at the
Radi'sson fn Bloomington. He stated that he would be attending and if
there was anyone from the Council that would like to attend to contact him
as soon as „possible.
With no. other' comments, motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by ''Busse
and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Michael A. McGuire
Gi ty Manager
Jakii -K. Menk
(; Recording Secretary
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