HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 26 1983WNUTES of thi Proceedings of the City Council of the City (if Prior Lake An the CounW of Scott find State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said C ouncil- September 26, 1983° t -. The Comiaon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday., September 26, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Mayor Stock called � the:meetiin "g to order. Present'were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, ! ' Scott, Thorkelson, City Engineer Anderson and Finance Director. Teschner. City } F' Manager McGuire was absent. r Mayor 'Stock asked everyone to please r "ise-for the pledge of allegiance. ; 2; The minutes of September 19, 1983 were reviewed. ;., ,. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of"September -19, 19,.,83 ��.. "Page 1, Paragraph 6 DELETE justified INSERT completed Minutes Motion by Busse to approve tf�e minutes :of September 19; 1983 as amended, seconded by Scott and 'upon a vote taken it was duly passed. , The next` ' em on the`agenda'was to consider Ordinance 83 -09, Minnegasco `aQise� 'brought before the Council i'. tor' Stock stated that this was at last, weed's" ali`r�g • . ' There was discussion by Council and Staff.' Adoption of ? Motion by .Thorkelson to adopt Ordinance 83•4Q9 which provides for the;franchising � = ordinance of .Ir O. with the 'City; of Prio' r -Lake, seconded by Busse and upon a ' ° i 83 -09 ,Kinneg'sco, Vote" taken it was duly passed. , Council then reviewed the Fire and Rescue Report for the month of August, Fire $ Rescue Motion by'Thorkelson to approve the Fire and Rescue Report as submitted,—seconded.. Report. ;• by and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. y a Council then reviewed the Finance, Report for the month of August. FinainceRep'ort Motion by Thprkelson to approve the Finance Report as submitted, seconded by' Seott upon a vote taken it was duly passed. a> l Mayor Stock then stated that there is another item the Council needs to consider, it 33;a resol'ut'ion authorizing the County Auditor to levy taxes for'certan bond issues. tie then read the resolution which listed the general obligation f bonds, the Imouots and the dates.' `:- .. - There was.;ge eral discussion by Council and Staff: Resolution Motion.by Basse{�to adopt Resolution 83 -24, a` resolution "the Count e1 83 -24. 1 Auditor to levy taxes for certain'bond; issues, seconded by Thorkelsor' and upon A vote taken it.`was dul y ° passed. �.' Mayor Stockthenasked City Engineer'Anderson toreview'the options of;converting the street lights'to _high ',pressure sodium. City �fp� in `Anderson reviewed a letter that he received from NSP regarding the conversion. ,6' that the converted lamps will. use 33% to 55% energy ' and I7Xao 3A more light output than the lamps, that they replape, depend - ' ing on 'lamp size. He further stated that if approved NSP will convert the lamps, �1 th at no charge to e City. There was \discussion by Council Wand Staff. U i Councilmeriiber'Thorkelson asked about the rates that the�City would be paying, a: r w.4did( , - be making, an adjustment in our rates. i City EngIneer Anderson and Finance °Director Teschner stated that they would look ,a w into ft , ,; 4i, Ji Page 1 5 �N� F1 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake i the: County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited-by said Council. Program w/ Motion by Busse to direct City Engineer Anderson to send on behalf of ; NSp the City Council, _a letter stating our agreement with the program as out - G lined in the.letter dated September 6, 1983, and upon the contingency that there would be no further increase in the rates because of the change and ' that there would be no additional charges for construction to the City of Prior Lake at this time, seconded try Scott. u Councilmember Busse asked, when stating that there would be no additional ` charge, would that mean that we are not going to pay the $20.00 per light z - to cover NSP's additional cost: Mayor Stock stated that was correct. He -then called the question on the motion, and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. City Engineer Anderson then reviewed the Developers Agreement for Priorview lst Addition. He stated that`the developer has signed the agreement for x plan "A ", the developer is doing his own construction, inspection and - - ° , financing. It is for the construction of Five Hawks Avenue, from Highway t ° l3 to the school entrance. Total estimated cost is $48,142.50 , the City's 6% fee is $2,951.55, which has been paid. They have `a completion date of I November for paving. He further stated that it would be his recommendation to approve the Developer's 'Agreement. Councilmember Busse asked about the buses going in and out during construe--' tion. City Engineer Anderson stated that there is a stipulation with the school .;, that they cannot restrict the bus traffic. The bids specified that the hours of construction would be from 9:00AM to 3:00PM and that they would have to provide access for'the buses. There was further discussion by Council and Staff. i Deve lopez's Motion by Busse to approve the.Developer's Agreement for Priorview lst Agreement W/ Addition as 'stated by City Engineer Anderson, seconded by Thorkelson. Priorview Ist Councilmember Busse asked if this includes sidewalks and everyth else " or just paving. City Engineer Anderson stated that it includes the sidewalks, curb and gutter,.. and paving. Councilinember Schweich asked about the park dedication. o Mayor Stock stated that the hardshell has not been approved yet, -that would { be included,in the hardshell. There was further discussion. y ;a Mayor Stock called the question on the motion, and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock then asked City Engineer Anderson to give "an update on the p construction of Sunfish Bay, a City Engineer Anderson stated that the contractors started about one week ago, , If ,they did not finish the watermain today, they be very close 'to, completion of. the installation of the front watermain. - `He felt that I the ; s J project should be completed in 2 week`s. , City Engineer Anderson then brought up for Council discussion the roof repairs for the library. He stated that he would like the bids not to be, taken on the day as advertised. Specifications for "proper installation of the rooO 'k quite complicated, and in order to do a good job we „would need more time t Mayor Stock read the motion that was made at the Septemberol9, 1 meeting,' "hbtion by Thorkelson to approve specifications for anew roof for the library that would contain, the insulation and the membrane type roof, an'd,that the �project be bid �ansJg l%i t ;the bids be opened on October 3, '1983 at 10:00 -AM, seconded ^by `Besse W.'Upon a vote taken it was duly passed ". h . , Page 2 r 11 G MINUTES ot'the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the 'Cou*'of'Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by r said Council, Motion by Thorkelson to recind the motion made at the September 19,;1983 rec.­' motion Council meeting as read by,Mayor Stock, seconded by'Busse and upon a vote made on 9 -19 taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock asked what the proposal was for.-the-bid opening. a City Engineer Anderson stated that we` hold, and he would come back with a newidta aheri its ready. Mayor'Stock called to order the Assessment Hearing for Project 82 -2, Sunfish " Bay`Addi ion. He then read the public notice. He asked "Finance Director ;i Teschner if any written or oral comments were received.' Finance Director'Teschner stated there were none. ° Mayor Stock asked City Engineer Anderson to summarize the project for the Council.' City "Engineer Anderson stated that Project 82 -2, Sunfish Bay Paving, the original public hearing was held and approved on November 22, 1982. The " completion of the project is specified as October 31 for, the paving and all `be work to completed, such as seeding /sodding by November 30, 1983. Contractor '- is `'nbiirr` coa iair ng ,the trunk watermain which is being installed in the pro ;u. which will not be assessed, the next" Item will be the grading of the streets curb pavement and restoration of the yards. _ n 0 Finance Director'Teschner stated that there. are two corrections to be made to the assessment roll. He further stated that on , l of the r"611, the 4th ` assessment down, Farley A..Dare, C/D William Bissonett, he was assessed ` originally for51 feet which represents the assessments for Lot 6. Mr. Bissonett has requested that the assessments, >be split between Lot 6 "and 7. Mr. Bissonett has recently split the two parcels for tax purposes and the County has assigned a new parcel number for Lot 7, therefore the correct assessment should read: Parcel Number 31- 043004 -0, Lot 6 should be 25.5' with assessments of $816.00. Parcel Number 31- 043004 -1, Lot 7 should be 25.51 with assessments of $816.00.---- then stated that the other correction ` is on page 2, 3rd parcel fromfthe bottom, Cy Schweich,; Parcel Number, 31- 902118 -0, there should-6, additional assessments added. One, for sewer i nd water ° services,,.= the was never assessed for sewer and water in -} 1lhe,paat, dollar amount is $1,350.00. Mr. Schweich has been contacted and i ts aware of this amount. Also a $1,600.(��0 sewer and water availability {, fee, ,of $900.00 for sewer and $700.00 for water be paid. Mr. Schweich has agreed to pay this at the. time that a building permit is taken out. $1,350.00 greed services will be added on to the 800.00 for a total assessment of $6.150.00 to be certified over 10 years and the .$1,600.00 for the availability rk will be paid at the time that he takes out a building permit for that parcel. 3 6 Mayor. Stock c,stated'that the assessment rate for this project is • $32.00 ^ 'per foot. He, asked what the assessment per foot was at the original hearing, , ,Finance Director Te6chner stated that it iias $30.35, which is about a 5% , increase. There•was general discussion by'Councl and Staff. Finance Director, Teschner .read the notice that was sent out to the property ; �; owners. Ad6pt foih 'of } . Motion by Busse to ,adopt the assessment roll as submitted' and as corrected, for' assessment the plat °of Sunfish Bay-and the other legal descriptions as „read in theolegal roll notice.,,seconde&by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Busse to adjourn the assessment hearing for Project 82 -2 known as ° Sunfish Bay seconded by "Thorkelson and upon a vote taken this hearing Adj,ou -n Asses was adjourned at 8:09 PM. hear ;,ng . 71 Mayor Stock then reviewed a letter that he received from the City of Savage. 1 This letter was requesting that the City Council support the City of Savage as a site fora horse racing facilil<.y. He then read the letter for the Council and the record. n „ Page 3 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of ,.the City of Prior Lake in" the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council. i There was discussion by Council and Staff. � F k Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to do a'report on the merits of the three sites and their position at this time with the race track, r commission and report back to the City Council before any action is taken on the City of Savage's request. Councilmember Scott reported thati-'the red and white lettering is down on �' the Bingo Palace's sign at 83 and 42. t Councilmember Thorkelson asked about the status of the Watershed Agreemel� with the grant proposal. Mayor Stock stated that it was the request of the Watershed District that . this be tabled for one more week. k There'was discussion regarding the grant. " City Engineer Anderson stated that the lake level has dropped down to ` 903.,0 as of today. Mayor Stock directed City ManagerMcGuire to contact the Watershed Distri ' and inform them, that the City ounil expects the agreement before them a next Monday's meeting. j3Xf`. With no other comments, motion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelsbi and upon a vote taken this :meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM. , AtI0U7QAt 8:22 P.M . ( Michael A. McGuire 1= Q City.Manager j; 3akki K. Menk t Recording Secretar ' S K o. { 1 ? L McNaimara Contracting -Co. Paving 15,339.52 O. L. Shiely Co. Park Road Supplies 6� 3,876.42 Lano Equipment Repair Supplies 40.'35 . NIAUTES, of, the Proceedings of the City Council ofc the City of Prior Lake in,-,,the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYNENT ON TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 1983. MISC. DEPTS.' Delta Dental Plan - Insurance JJ 521.30 _ State Treasurer' PERA - City Share - 4,402.56 State: Treasurer FICA -City Share 2'106.62 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 5.67 Lgmmen, Nelson, Sullivan & Cole Attorneys Fees 12,983.1 ° Northern States Power Utilities 5,631.77 Minnegasco Utilities 142.13 Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental & Supplies 240.17 Albinson. Machine Rental & Supplies 108.85 Ben Franklin Misc. Supplies 170.67 a GENERAL GOVERNMENT Orr- Schelen- Mayeron & Assoc. Engineering 1,213.18; "Economy Dictation Telephone Installation 78.00 Lawrence Schweich Library Rental 460400 U Ramona Mennen City Hall Cleaning 100.00 l :Bev Appenzeller- " City Hall Cleaning 100.00 Dolores Berens Library Cleaning 50.00 Schweich Construction ;; Retainer Refunds ,, " 1,700.00 Brancale Construction Retainer-lRefunds X500.00 Scott,Co. Treasurer Posu(je 99. 00 r. ENGINEERING: Jox Valley Marking Systems Misc. Supplies 36.00 , Rrior Lake Motors Vehicle Repairs - 92.10 E *. Anderson' Repair Supplies &Signs 2,,167.20 JAR- Office.Preducts Small Tools &;Equi'pment y 25.76 =' Nat l:: Society of Prof. Eng. Dues 100.00 POLICE 3. & D`Sporting Goods Operating Supplies 100.51 St. Francis'Medical Center Blood Alcohol test j,"2 00 Dan's Auto Repair = Vehicle Repair ' 20.41 ,Mankato AVTI Refresher cogrse supplies ": 1`98.00 FIRE & RESCUE Minnesota Fire Inc. Supplies 235.34 Smith,,Martin ce Medical Supplies 175;68 Hayden- Murphy Equipment Co. Repair.Supplies 33.90 Murphy Motor Freight Freight 49.22 MM Dept. of Health License Fees o = 192.00 y Creative Graphics Printed Material 93.70 PARKS& 'RECREATION Prior Lake ,Machine Repairs 45.00 Port -0' -Let INternational Rentals 165.00 0 Darcy Cramitt Refund- _ 5.00 „ Todd Feldhake Refund' 5.00 A to Z'Rental Center Rental' 37.00 Radbrmacher Foods Misc. Supplies 50.52 Creative Graphics Brochures printed 291.20 Jake's Stump Removal Stump Removal 27.50 McNaimara Contracting -Co. Paving 15,339.52 O. L. Shiely Co. Park Road Supplies 6� 3,876.42 Lano Equipment Repair Supplies 40.'35 .