HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 17 1983MIA TES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Mi nnesota, including all accounts audi by said Council. October 17, 1983 „ The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in,regular session on Monday, October 17, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stack called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire and City Planner Graser. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. }' The minutes of October 11, 1983 were reviewed. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of October 11, 1983. t: Page 1 Paragraph 8 INSERT new (new library) ' Page 2 Paragraph 8 SHOULD READ: City Planner Graser referred to a zoning-map, he stated that the area outlined in black has been! recommend - ed for certification; and is available 4 for ag preser've status. y, Page 2 Paragraph 8 INSERT and (and urban concentration) .. LLB! Motion b Busse to a y a pprove the minutes of October 11, 1983 s amended;, and o approve the list; of invoices that are scheduled for payment' on Tuesday, October 18, '1983 as presented, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it Was - duly passed >', Minute's $` a invoices - Councilmember Busse asked about the Lommen, Nelson, Sullivan & Cole, invoice. City'Manager McGuire stated he would get him a detailed copy,. The next item on the agenda was a general discussion on. Fe0era1'Legtslat-lon by rx Don Mosher, Senator Field Representative.' r . Dori Mosher stated that Senator Boschwitz has a full time field represent•ative;. ho has been traveling. Minnesota,' meeting with Mayors; City Clerks and: County` fficials.' He sated .that his purpose is to listen o the Council and take the omments back to B There are two issues that have been talked ' g .. bout'at all the other cities. The two issues are Revenue .% and` Cable TV. he`current situation Revenue Sharing is the House of Representatiyes,and he Senate have,both``assed three ear extensions on Revenue Sharin The` use Bill will increase Revenue Sh ar aring by nearly 10% a-ye froth the current 6.billion-to slightly more than 5 billion. The Senate versi'on�keep6 Revenue ' ' K arl, at the current level'of 4.6 billion dollars'fre'each of the next three: ' e ars�.� He then stated� the President ha''s stated .Fthat�he Will veto a• ,• e venue Sharing Bill that "comes 'in �at more than the current 4.6billion-doll,ars. He then commented on Cable TV. He'stated that the Senate has passed S66, the Goldwater .Cable Telecommunica, ons:Act. ' That bill passed on°a,marginiof 87 -9 back'in` June of this'year. Senato _ was one' of the ,9 that voted against ''This ?:d it. bill is'naw at the House, the Committee in the House has not, taken any;`; action, on the bill. There is some hope that they will either modify the bill or simply kill it 'off .,for ' one more'session. He then asked the Council and Staff if the y had any questions or' comments. i ' City Planner. Graser commented on'some of the City's'concerns dealing with Federal Lands. (Indian Reservations). ' Mayor Stock stated that Mr. Mosher::has.received a copy of'the news release that the ' Council had released last, week. :' Mosher stated' that he .did not know -how informed Senator Boschwitz is on this matter. .He stated he does know about it but to what'extent'he was not sure.. He to further stated that he would forward a copy of the news release'to Sena *..or oschwitz and speak to his Legislative Directo , in Washingtgn and make sure he Is also aware of it. Mayor Stock stated if they should have any questions.regarding -the news release they should contact City Manager Michael McGuire. =, ouncilmember Thorkelson then commented on the. Legistation Representi=ve Stangley introduced in the House regarding the Davis Bacon Act. He felt that those,amend= ments: deserve support. Another area that he was concerned about was money for public housing or subsidized ,housing for tile elderly. Prior Lake was able to p onstructhousing for the elderly before the HUD funds were cut back. There is still a need 1n,Pr1or Lake and Scott County for Additional housing. Page 1 „ t; pp 64/� �,�.7 + MIAUTLS of the Pruceea the Ci`j o'uu , of Prior Lake in the County of Scott J State ut Mihnes including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock stated that if there is going to be a surplus, he too felt that this is an area that has to receive support.'! Mr. 'Mosher then commented. City Manager McGuire then commented on LAWCON Funds. Mr. Mosher stated that many of the Cities that he has gone to have also talked about the ,,cuts ' that were made in LAWCON Funds. He made further comments on this. Mayor Stock thanked Mr. Mosher for coming out and taking the time to speak with the Council. The next item on the agenda was to schedule a public hearing for Prior Invest- ments Revenue Bonds.; Mayor Stock stated that he received letters relative to .: the request. pie readathe letters for the record. He then stated that it 'would_ be in order for the Council to adopt Resolution 83 -25, A resolution amending ; Resolution 82 -13 and calling a public hearing. He read the resolution for the record. The resolution would be establishing November 7,1983 : at 8:00 PM for a Public Hearing for the Revenue Bonds for Prior Investments. s,.hedule of Motion by,Thorkelson to schedule a Public Hearing for the purpose of Revenue P.N. for Bonds for; Prior Investments,on,November 7, 1983 at,8:00 PM, seconded by Buss: revenue Bonds and upon a vote taken 'it was duly passed. City Planner Graser then reviewed the request from Gary Gibbish to amend the Zoning Ordinance. He stated that Mr. Gibbish has petitioned for an amendment to the Zoning Code to day care facilities as a permitted use In the B -3 ,.District. Currently Jay care facilities are permitted in B -1 limited business and conditional in R -3 Residential. The requested change would not be detri= mental to the City's Comprehensive Plan and would address a need which was brought about by a change, in population characterlstics, Thi pse is approp- riate.in the B- 3.District since it is compatible with lot size requirements and ` transportation modes.,'Heistatedthat he received a fetter from a Yvonne Doving �- the Licensing Consultant for such a facility. totally up to the State in terms of jllcensing, location; they do have the authority to deny a request`. He further, statel that,staff would recommend,to approve the permitted use in the. 6-2 District. He then stated that.the Planning Commission considered this k proposal on Octobet & 1983. The_ Commission 's'recommendation is to deny the applcation, but recommend to include day care facilities as a conditional use in,B -3 Districts. The!Planning Commission felt that the City should exercise ' control over locationsince it was a service where children make contact ar are exposed to uses in the immediate vicinity. There was discussion by Council and Staff.' Mayor Stock asked Mr. Gibbish if he had any comments. ' Mr.. GUMsh commented on the other, cities that have authorized adaycare faci- lity,ih office building space. ,He then stated.as City Planner Grayer had mentioned, it-Is a service orien*;ated business, the biggest thing seems to be the,,location, where people can have easy access to it. He stated.that he had,contacted. the- State on the location. They have no problem with the location of,the building, it meets all the building codes. The first thing that needs eto be done: - is the City-of Prior Lake has to z6ie and approve the area so that ti he can start the=' process. ., There, was further discussion by Council and Staff. A Mayor Stock asked.City Planner Graser what the state requires as an outside area for .the children. City Planner Graser stated that when the "Cookie Jar" came before the Council, one.of the points.that_ were brought up was that each child has to have 40 -45 minutes, of free time outside each day. He further stated that each child has.so,'many square feet of outside -yard requirements which would to be fenced in. } have 1 5; There was further discussion by Council and Staff. ,i Page 2 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Cii;= of the City of Prior Lake in the _;nciI County of _Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by 9 said h r ,'Council. i THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, OCT. 18, 1983 ll MISC. DOTS. Bankers Life Insurance 3,821.07' r Radermacher Foods Misc. Supplies 15.88' °- Prior Lake OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 250.98 Nelson, etc. L ott Attorney Fees 13,742.29 , Lo mmen, -Rice Telephone Co.. Telephone Service 529.16` ; . MN Valley Electric Utilities. 818.16 y„ $ Albinson Repairs and Supplies 101,14 - Charlie`Tooker Planning Consultant Parts`Dept. Inc. Misc. Supplies 112'69 Weber Auto Supply Repair Supplies ` = Coast to Coast Misc. Supplies 12.11 Lake State Equipment Co. Repair Supplies ,123.09 Computoservice Computer Service 1,141.33 State Treasurer Building Permit Surcharges 2,334.66' ' Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental & Supplies Z24.13s ig ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT : rO Hausers'Super Valu Misc. Supplies 98.95 ; Robert McAllister � � Dog Catcher •350.60' r { E H. Newstrom Building & Plumbing Inspections 2,295:00- ,4 '..Scott Co. HRA - Prof'. Services Republic "Telcom Corp. Telephone Service ^ 5246 k ' e r Prior Lake American Publishi^ 97.73 ' Clary Business Machines Repairs 79.65 Teri -JOS Floral Funeral Flowers' ;35;00' ICMA Municipal Yearbook 45.00 11-t CIty of Champlin i Seminar Fee 32.50 linen Building Maintenance 26.1 xi Louis,S.tassen Retainer Refunds 290.001 . Mayor &. Council Salaries ' 10.00 ` ' try Michael McGuire Car Allowance 275.00;. �k + ` PriorL'ake Travel Airfare to - Managers Conference CONTINGENCY ; Boigerding'Bulders -lNc. Remodeling of old bank building 4,360.OQ Scott Co. Treasurer Taxes 540 30n i Sn�j %der' Drug *3c.. Supplies` 19';76 ; -CoiM s33oner Of Transportat?on,' `.technical Manual and Updates 85.00 'Copy Equipment Supplies 82.50 POLICE : x, Floyd Security Supplies 75.00 Gen'', Smith Mlleage 13.00 , FIR do Prior Lake Fire Dept..- Reimb. for'Convention u Fire School 225._00 ' :Hennepin,,Technical Centers Tuition "for. Refresher course 52.00 Mfnnesota Fire Co. Supplies and Repairs 482:72 ' , PARk , AND RECREATIO.N '. Prior Lake 11 76" Repair Supplies 33.50 NW.- Be11' - Telephone Service 48,27 Shakopee, Public Uti'Sities Utilities 850 °. Vicki Baldry Park,Program Refund 22.00 Barb Suedahl '';� ParkProgram Refund 15.00` ' t r Beverly'Grossman Park Program Refund 15.00 Mary Lannon Park Program Refund 15.00 " Kathie Stenson Park Program Refund 6.00 4 Bohnsack & Mennen ;Equipment Rental:' 2 „491.25 • St. James Hotel Park Program 165.27 Y F j } t 4 ' +L•'rlldaA ^,'�' #jE9s�i'Sh xt ^”" h ' .J:k� lh. : H. .. ;rS,:Y..an ,,.ii ":d.Y.^ vlruxS'u,;.r+.. - !{ a �SA}� NNUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Mi nnesota, including al accounts audited by said Council. STREET Jordan True Value Hdwe. Oxygen Refil 37.95 Wm. Mueller & Sons Blacktop 400.47 , J. L. Shiely Co. Street Repair Supplies 148.75 'V t Zarnoth Brush Works Repair Supplies 305.95 { Earl F. Andersen & Assoc. Repair Supplies 116. -12 t, SEWER Carlson.Sewer Co. Service Connection installatiol 2,&20.00 A J °Steam Cleaning Sewer Repair.Service 1 250.00 Metro Waste Control Installment 20,415.;90 ` Metro Waste Control SAC Charges 12,622.50 k ' WATE t " Water Products Meters & Repair Supplies 2 Malkerson Repair Supplies C.H.. - Carpenter Lumber Co. .. Repair Supplies, ,"62.66 Lakeside Plumbing Repairs. 105'. 87, Sub. Util.Supt's Assn. Water School for 3 men 30:,00 Serco Lab analysis 21.,00 Van'Waters & Rogers Chemicals 246.$0' CONSTRUCTION FUND "" Po " cher Printing; Bond` Printing 327.00 Briggs "& Morgan Profess Services 1,200,00" Chapin Publishing Publication`. 129.60 f �t DEBT SERVICE• ~; First Bank of St Paul Debt Service 29,592.50 Noiwest Bank of Minneapolis Debt Service 3,112.;20 � t CAPITAL, PARK C. klf�.arpenter tumt er -Co. Supplies c,,30S..70 ' 3 Shiely Co., Supplies 2 ' -0:.65 fi Landscape 6 Turf Seed 2,640:00 ' Bohnsack & Hennen Eopipmen"t Rental - 99;.00. Prior Lakd'Aggregates Supplies 34.47 v i t SEWER & WATER FUND ,r C r QW13sion0r of Revenue Sales Tax 421:48., � k (k t r r j C , j t i f t { "4 •r .rte Y' - 1U�j