HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 14 198314INUTES of the Proceedings of the City uncil of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
' November 14, 1983
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,
November 14, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor :Stock called-
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich,
ScGLt, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and City Attorney c
k s
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. (;
The minutes of November 7, 1983 were reviewed.
The following, corrections are to be made to the minutes of November 7, 1983.
' Page 2, Paragraph 10: INSERT ground
small ground water problem
Page 3, Paragraph 4: SPELLING proper
Page 3, Paragraph 6: DELEI reading
INSERT tentative approval
that tentative approval was given
prior to it being brought before
the Council.
M inutes Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of November 7, 1983 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. `
Mayor Stock -then called the $53,000.00 Emergency Grant Public Hearing to order.
The public hearing notice was read for the record.
Mayor Stock asked City Manager McGuire is any written or oral comments were
City Manager McGuire stated that we dad notcecelve any.
` Mayor Stock then read the summary fact sheet that was prepared by Mr. Mark
h Mayor Stock then asked if there were any comments or questions relative to the
purpose and project area as described in the fact sheet.
Mr.�tleve.Mickley, {Chairman of the Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed:'District
W -commentid'to the Council and to the public present, He stated, "i would like
to take this opportunity on behalf of the Managers and Staff of the Prior Lake/
rt Spring - Lake Watershed District%to express to you our gratitude for the many
`hours of time and effort extended by you (Mayor Stock) in attempting to secure
! ! , ,the grant for the Prior Lake /Spring Lake Watershed District. This`'grant, which
we hope to use next year to help'pay part of'the` cost of repairing the down-
Aream channel damage , was caused by the necessity ofprematurely, opening
` the outlet valve to °alleviate flooding in the City and on the lake.' Tonight
people are able to live in their warm homes in the flooded area andare able to
t use the City's utilities. Had we not been able to open the valve, and cause this
damage, some of these people would have water in their living rooms tonight.
In addition Wally, we wish to thank you and your staff for the genuine co-
operation received by us in our joint efforts to prevent expensive .damage to
homes and utilities. Speaking personally, 'I feel this thanks is long overdue.
I happen to know of the many extra hours extended by you for the benefit of
this community,' hours.•:over -, and,-above , your mayoralty duties. Members of the
Council and Stiaff,
y r allowing me to express our gratitude at this
� thank ou fo
i' Mayor Stock thanked Mr. Mickley and asked if there were any other comments.
There were none.
°? Mayor Stock then stated that,if, „there are no other comments regarding the
grant application, we will submit the statement of'Mr. Mickley, Chairman of
the.Prior Lake /Spring Lake °Watershed Dsstrict Board along with the other
information to the Minnesota Department of'Energy and`Economic Development..
'. It is bur intent and desire that`the grant be approved and that you can
begin the final construction phases of this project and will be able to operate
at maximum efficiency.
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MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the Ci of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by "
said Council.
Adjourn P.H.
Motion by Busse to adjourn the public hearing on the Emergency Grant of
$53,000.00, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was to ratify the election results of the
November 8, 1983 election. This was done through two resolutions.
mayor Stock read Resolution f: -30, A Resolution Canvassing'Returnsof
City Election.
Motion by Thorkelson to adopt resolution 83 -30 as submitted, seconded by
83 -30
Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed
Mayor Stock then read Resolution 83 -31, A- Resolution Canvassing Returns of ."
Special Election.
Motionoby Busse to adopt resolution,83 -31 as submitted, seconded by
83 -31
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock then took items out of'schedule on the agenda. The next item
discussed was item V, Warren Isre'alson's request for final plat,approval
for Towering Woods.
City PJanner.Graser discussed this. He stated that it is a R -3 residential r
r ..
plat, Lot 2 will be developed with condominium, 31 units total. Lot T <was
broken off from the original main parcel which consists of "The Cookie Jar"
He further stated that he has examined the 'plat and it is in accordance with
and is,in substantial compliance with the preliminary plat. He then recom
mended that this be given final approval subject to the developers agreement
and park dedication fee. He further ,stated that Mr. Israelson came into the,
office today and signed the developers agreement and the park dedication fee
in this case as per memorandum from Bill Mangan in the total of Si ,404.00 was
Mayor Stock -asked if there were any questions or comments.
h °
There were none.
FiAal.. -plat
Motion by Busse to approve the final -plat of Towering Woods as presented;..
seconded by;Scott and upoin a vote taken it was duly.passed.
b r
" r
MayoiJStock' the +i, asked the Council if they had any other business that needed
to be taken care " of,
CounQilmember Schweich commented on the need for a street light at the inter-
section, of County Road 21 and 42 (the westerly end).
=.Mayor.Stock directed City Manager McGuire to contact the County Engineer
ti a
regarding this.
Couneilmember Thorkelson then commented on the house that was'moved in on
Spring Lake Road.
Mayor Stock asked if there was :anyone from. the audience that had any. comments
for.. the `,Council .
Cleve Mi ckley stated that the lake has gone down considerably and there is
a :large silt. build up that is exposed, off of Sand Pointe. , fie further` stated
that he was aware "of an agreement that the City had with_the developer that
makes him liable -for removing this silt.
Mayor Stock stated that there is an agreement with the developer as to his
pliability to removing the-tilt is something that would have to-be researched.
He then directed City Manager McGuire to have City Engineer Anderson resear
this and take the necessary action.
Mayor Stock then called to order the Road Vacation Public Hearing for Wade
3_. Brooks. The public notice was read for the record. He then asked City
Manager McGu re,af any ,written or oral r..omments were received.,
City Manager McGuire stated that we did not receive any.
s l
, ..
_ ��
MINUTES of .the Proceedings of the City Council of the .ity of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by �4
Y'v said Council.
Mayor Stock asked City Planner Graser to review the street vacation.-
City Planner Graser stated that ' he,,had' - received a petition in the form of a
letter from Mr. Brooks, dated September 22, 1983 with the required fee for
a vacation. It ' a section -of roadway whibh is currently unimproveaThe ;
City records have been examined and have found that there are no utilities
in this section of the road. It has also been determined by both Planning
and Engineering that this section will not be necessary for future needs for
any stormwater or other public utilities. Consulting Planner Tooker did
a comprehensive analysis of 'a functional road system in this area and it
was his recommendation and later adopted by the City Council that this road-
:K way is not part or necessary as a functional road system in the Spring Lake
Townsite area. It is the opinion of staff that this road should be vacated
It would be In the best interest of the City to get this section of the
road on the tax.•records. He then recommended to the Council that this section
be vacated by adopting Resolution 83 -28.
Mayor Stock stated for. the record, that.the City Council along with the
proposed study that Planner Tooker did for Spring Lake Townsite, the City - t
Council vacated the portion directly behind this lot as well. This f'
would be the last segment in this particular block.,
Mayor Stock then asked'if there were any questions or comments relative to
the described vacation in the Spring Lake Townsite'.
There were none. �
Mayor Stock then read`Resolution 83 -28, A'Resolution Providing for the
VAcation-of Roadway Within That Certain Plat of Spring Lake Townsite,.
- Resolution Motion by "Thorkelson�to adopt Resolution 83 -28 to vacate, seconded by Busse.
83 -28,
There was discussion by.Council and Staff:
City`Attorney Kessel suggested that the wording on the last page be changed
so that it states, "preceding described property "-instead of
Mayor Stock asked if'this amendment would be accepted to the motion
Councilmember Thorkelson accepted this amendment to the motion. ;
Councilmember Busse accepted this amendment to the second'.'
Mayor Stock asked if there were any other questions or comments. He then
°6a`1 6d: the question on the motion and upon a vote taken It was;duly, *passed.,
Adjourn P.H. Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn this public ` hearing, seconded by Scott and
' upon a vote tan this public hearing was adjourned.
The next item oi,he agenda was the, "Wilfond Lot Split. Mayor Stock asked
City Planner Graser _to review this for the Council.
,F City Planner Graser stated that the request before the Council Is -to consider
the Splitting of two lots at the end ,of Linden Circle. He then reviewed the
Prior ` Lake Subdivision Ordinance. He further stated that the property owned
by the Wilfonds contains two lots at the end of a privately maintained road
` which is 600 feet from Northwood Road and 20 feet n'width. The proposed
divsion. provides garages 20 feet from a driveway easement 30 feet wide and four
new 'housing units approximately 40 feet from the 904 elevation. The current
x road situation in this area Is poor, The only reason the City allows develop-
ment in cases such as this Is because of the "Grandfather Clause ". Any re-
division as in this case must be subject to the public interest. Staffs recom-
mendation would be to approve a re- subdivision of lots 53.and 54 of Northwood
Addition into three lots. - These lots would' "include a building envelope which,
would not encroach either,on Oe_lake or a dedicated turnaround with a maximum
radius of 40 feet.
Mayor Stock asked the,Wilfond's or a representative for them -to make comments
rs regarding their proposal.
Ai {" Page 3
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�$ V f
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the Ci i,1` Prior Labe in the
g Y Y
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
Mr. Gordon Harder presented their proposal to the Council and Staff.
His exhibits showed lots 53 and 54 redivided into 4 lots. The building
envelopes would require variances both from road and lakeshore. The
roadway and cul -de -sac providing access is substandard. The applicant
was also under the impression that he could redivide the lots without
going through the subdivision ordinance process.
Hayor Stock then asked if there were any comments or questions from the
There were man residents from Linden Circle present. It was the consen-
us of the residents that there are problems with the proposed density and
storm water drainage. The potential problems generated by the Wilfond's
are interrelated with the problems facing Linden'Circle and its substandard
construction.• It was.suggested, by,the audience if they could have additional:
time, conduct a neighborhood meeting and come back to the Council with a
recommendation as to the disposition of Linden Circle.
There`was discussion by Council and Staff.
Council agreed that a neighborhood meeting would be in the best inte�'est
of everyone and suggested 'a council and staff member attend the meeting to
provide` direction-,*'
Mayor -Stock stated that at this time he would like to take all comments
received under advisement and at the same time request that the Council to
continue -this discussion on the concept of the lot split until December 5,
1.483 at 7 :35..PM. This will permit the neighborhood to meet and to discuss
their particular situation as far as that roadway and how it impacts.their
property. He also requested that the neighborhood select a chairperson and
that this••,person be- directed to contact the City Manager and select a date•
or two as an alternate and we will attempt to have a least one,Council
member and the City Engineer at this meeting to discuss with�the. neighborhood
the City's requirements for roadway in this specific area to become public."
During these three weeks he stated we will confirm, based on the ordinances
that we have and the resolution on file as to whether or not the Wilfond's
can proceed under a simple subdivision or if they would have to go through
the lengthier, process of,dividing this property.
There were._ further comments.
Commissioner Mark.Stromwall commented on the horseracing track proposals.
There bras discussion by, Council and Staff.
City Manager McGuire reviewed the time schedule for the Councilmembers'
With no other comments, motion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson
and upon aeEvote. taken this meeting,was adjourned at 9:27 PM.,
Ad 3ournment
f -
9:27 P.M.
.Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
3akki K. <Menk
Recording Secretary