HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 05 1983MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
December 5, 1983
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met In regular,session on Monday,
December 5, 1983 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich,
Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and City Attorney
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance._
The minutes of November 28, 1983 were reviewed.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of November 28, 1983 as submitted,
and to approve the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, December
6, 1983, seconded by Busse and Upon a vote taken it was duly passed. --
The next item on the agenda was to continue the discussion on Wilfond's Lot
Split request. Mayor Stock commented on what was done -at the last meeting
when the Wilfond's came before the Council. He then asked City Planner
Graser to give a brief presentation on the action that took place at the
neighborhood meeting last Saturday.
City Planner Graser stated that Councilmember Busse, City Engineer Anderson
and himself attended the meeting that the neighborhood had.' He stated that
we gave some background data on' Linden Circle. The neighborhood responded
to our comments, their major concern was the benefits of the public, --vs-
private road, how much additional right -of -way would be necessary,'how much
encroachment on the individual lots, if any buildings would be "removed,;the
cost and density of the'Wilfond's Plat at the .end of Linden'Circle: and how
it related to the public /private road,situation. The meeting was a good
informational meeting, the people are well aware now of the City's,
and policy in terms ,of a public - vs- private road. He further stated that
he felt the consensus of the neighborhood was that they wanted to maintain
the road as private.
Councilmember Busse stated that the City Engineer's quote of $40.00 per 'front
footage was based on Lakeside Avenue. It was felt that it would be.about the
same, although it has not been bid yet.
Mayor Stock•asked'if the neighborhood had any comments.
Norbert Traxler stated that.he was representing the owners of the improved
property on Circle. He commented on the meeting that City Planner,
City Engineer Anderson and Councilmember Busse attended. He further stated
that after the meeting it was the conclusion of those present -t�ai- they
' 6dld be opposed to any replat of the�prbperty or to increase areas for
potential home sites. He further,.state& that they - opposed tb it 66w,
and will oppose it at the Planning Hearings.
Mayor Stock asked Mr. Harder or the Wilfond's if they had any comments.
Mr. Harder asked if the Council would 'be willing to use.Resolution 78 -21 to
consider the petition. He further commented to the Council regarding the
different proposals.
Magor�Stock: asked City Planner Graser to read Resolution 78 - 21.,.
City Planner Graser read the resolution. He then stated that the intended
purpose back in 1978 was to eliminate some of the time consuming.and very
expensive platting process that is required to subdivide parcels in the City.
Mayor Stock asked City Planner Graser that at this point and time, would it
be staff's opinion that one could not act on Resolution 78 - 21..
,,no he would believe that the newly created City Planner Graser stated, , y l ots
in this case do not: meet the City Code. The building envelope that.would
be the result as the subdivision progresses would require variances.
Mayor Stock then asked Ahe Council for their comments to the request of Mr.
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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council'.
Councilmember Schweich stated that this has been reviewed by the Council
as far as conceptual type, and we can not say yes or no. The Wilfond',s orl
would have to go and proceed through the'ordinaoces that we have on
record for subdivisions.
Councilmember Thorkelson stated that he agreed with Councilmember Schweich.
Because of the opposition.and the problems of connecting a public street
via a- private road it should' go through the proper channels, which is ?
the Planning Commission and the Council.
Councilmember Busse stated that he agreed with Councilmembers Schweich =
and Thorkelson.
Councilmember Scott also agreed with the other comments.
deny for re-
Motion by Thorkelson to deny the request of Mr. Harder for action on -
quest of Mr.
Resolution 78 -21 by the City and that he be' referred to the Planning
Commission for due process of the requested lot subdivision, seconded by '
Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was to consider the 1984 Towing Contract.
Mayor Stock stated that at the last Council meeting he read the letter
of notification that Mr. Ernewein sent to the City of Prior Lake and ther�
were a number of ~that the Council requested City Manager McGuirk'
to discuss with Mr-. Ernewein.
City Manager McGuire commented•on the condition of the Storage yard, Storage ~'
behind Innings and the Storage at Mr. Erewein's Home.
Mr. Erewein was present to comment. He answered each of the questions that
were raised by City Manager McGuire.
City Planner Graser also commented.
Mayor Stock asked if there were any other questions or comments. '
. J
There were none.
rRenewal for
Motion by Busse to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a
Dave's Towing
renewal of Dave's Towing contract, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed, _#
The nekt item on the a enda:was to seta g
g public hearing date for Waterfront
Vacation-fn Sunset Shores.
City Manager McGuire stated that the - request is ;;o set a public hearing date.
The recommended .date is January 16, 1984 at 8:00 PM.
Council reviewed the map that was attached to the agenda packages.
Schedule df
Motion by Thorkelson to set the date for the Waterfront Vacation in Sunset
P.H. for
Shores for January 16, 1984 at 8300 PM, seconded; by Schweich and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire reviewed the setting /establishing a date for the
Dedication of the'Mew Library Building. He stated that the recommended
date would be December 19, 1983 at 7 :00 PM, this would be prior�to the
Council meeting.
There was discussion by Council and Staff..
Motion by Busse to, schedule-the date for the Dedication Ceremony for
ceremony for
December 19, 1983 at 7:00 PM, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it
12 -19 -83
was duly passed.
City Attorney Kessel commented on a letter that was received from Attorne
Prindle regarding the objections that were filed on the North Shore Project.
They have proposed a' stipulation for withdrawl of their objection and dis-
missal of any appeal rights that they would have to the assessment, if the
City were to agree to a period,of 15 years from the date of the stipulation,
that no effort would be made by the City,to construct a public road or grant
a petition for the construction of a public road.
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MIiVUTES of"the Proceedings of the City Counc: of the City of Prior Lake'in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by
said Council.
City Attorney Kessel further stated that he would recommend that a copy
of this stipulation be given to the City Planner and City Engineer to
decide on whether or not our entering into °this stipulation would affect
any future planning for that area before we make a recommendation.
Mayor Stock stated for the record, the City Manager review with staff and
to present to the Council at a future meeting, a review process of „the
request and”- conditions set forth'by the Prindles.
City Manager McGuire stated that the Engineers are reviewing this at the
x , ;
p resen% time.
City Manager McGuire then commented on the North Shore. He stated that end
December.17, 1983 the final layout for the project or alternate routes
should 4e staked. If most of the Council can attend, it 'would be suggested
to walk the project.
Councilmember Schweich commented on Shady Beach Trail and`4a erosion probiem
on Crest Avenue,
City Manager McGuire stated that he and the Mayor went out `here on Friday,
it was in better condition now.
Mayor Stock stated that there ° is a trench dug along the side of the roadway.
Councilmember Schweich then' commented on the manholes and the mow buildup
on them. {r
City Manager McGuire statedshat,the grader was out today, they"are working
on them now. He further stated that he would talk to City Engineer Anderson
regarding this.
Mr. Frank*Muelken commented on Mr. Bart Porter's extension to complete the
instailation of the house on to "the property. He stated that it is the
request of the Walters to go in and' complete: the necessary work with an
eAension'.of 30 days granted instead of calling down the performance bond.
Mr. Walter put up the performance bond because he was the only one that
could at the last minute. He further-stated that it would be In the best
interest of us all if this could.be done.
City Manager McGuire stated that it expires on December 9, 1983. We can
schedule it for next Monday night's meeting and review it if it is not
Mr. Muelken stated that it was the cojicern of Mr. Walters that Mr. Porten
would not be able to complete the necessary items scheduled for completion
on December 9, 1983. He has been out there trying to get'the, work done
on time, but realistically all the items scheduled for completion by the
9th could not be done.
City.Planner Graser stated that he will make an inspection on the 9th to
determine the progress and'compliance. He further stated that after the
inspection on° -.the 9th he could report,back°to the Council on the 12th.
City Manager McGuire stated that it could be scheduled for around 8:15 PM
on December 12, 1983.
Mayor Stock stated for the record that Mr. Porter would be scheduled on
December 12 1983 at approximately PM.
Mayor Stock then read and commented on a letter that he received from
Senator Boschwitz regarding revenue sharing. He stated for the record, that
we will have revenue sharing for at least the next 3 years.
With no other comments, motion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Scott and upon
a vote taken this meeting °was adjourned at 8:06 PH.
8:06 P.M.
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
0akki K. Menk'
Recording Secretary
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