HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 23 19841 i r I. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by sciid Council. January 23, 1984 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, January 23, 19964 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called , the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Parks & Recreation Director Mangan, City Attorney Kessel and Consulting Engineer Norton -. Mayor Johnson asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance: ; The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. i whaltes Motion by Scott to approve the minutes of January 16, 1984 as presented, seconded by'dusse and u ?on a vote 'taken it was duly passed. M ` The next item on the agenda was to review the options for the North Shore.Sewer/ Water Pro ject. Mayor Johnson'asked`Consulting Engineer Norton and City Engineer Anderson to'give a presentation wr the information that they had on hand. 1� ,�r► Consulting Engineer Norton reviewed the information that was presented to the people f ` at the neighborhood meeting that was held can Saturday, January 14, 1984. He stai;ed' that besides not going through with"the project, it was the consensus of the /people, Present go through with Alternative #5. Mayolr Johnson thanked Consulting Engineer Norton for his comments and asked City a Eng&eer Anderson if he had any further comments. City Enginndr Anderson also commented on the Saturday, January 14, 1984 meeting. Mayor Johnson asked if any one in the audience had any comments. f l h l, There were many questions and comments by the concerned residents/ NorW Mace THE TAPE IS THE LEGAL RECORD OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE KEPY ON FILE IN THE CITY - MANAGER S OFFICE. r f$ter Pro` /' / Mayor Johnson thanked the audience for their comments and askedd the Council if' they had answers to any of their.questions or would like to make additional comments: ; Councilmember Thorkelson stated that many of the questions that were brougk up tonight had been answered at previous meetings. He further commented on questions that were asked. He stated that it`would be his position that the Council should! .direct Staff to go ahead and submit ;the EAW to the state. i Councilmember Busse had no comments at this time. Councilmember Scott commented on the "project being ", she /stated that as °far as it -being premature until the area becomes developed, there be no ,would development up,there, until the sewer goes through'. As far as a grant solving the problem, if the City was to receive a'grant,•.the: cost of the project is going, to go up and., the grant would not even make a dent/in the cost. She repeated that this was if the City received < grant monies. City Manager::McGuire clarified the last grant that the City received was a Jobs Bill Giant. Councilmember Schweich agreed with Mayor.Johnson getting back to the people Indivi- dually on some of the questions that they had. He stated that many of the questions that were brought up tonight had been answered'at other meetings. k Johnson stated that in answer to the statement that all ofithese questions were Ao Mayor ' ' addressed; before could very Well be, but what we are dealing with on both sides is blocked communication. rHe made further comments.. He then stated that at this point if there were no other comments by the Council, he would entertain as a motion, that the Engineering Staff be directed to complete and submit for consideration by the pollution control agency an EAW on the route as specified in Alternative #5. " There were further comments by the audience. ' Page 1 MINUTES of the Proceedins of the City Council: -of the C ity of Prior Lake in'the t County of Scott and State of Ninnesota, including, all accounts aduited by said Council. : Stihg Motion by Thorkelson that the Engineering Department be directed to prepare .' FiW foir,Nwd and submit the EAW for route #5 as outlined, seconded by Busse and upon a Shoe kviect vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Johnson thanked everyone present for their input and concern and assured them that he would be in touch with,,them on their questions. Mayor Johnson then called a 5 minute recess. The meeting was called back to order at 9:20 PM. The next item on the agenda was to review the proposal to construct a Park Maintenance Shop. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan reviewed this for the , Hestated that the 1984 budget included a new maintenance shop. Many ` 'Locations were considered with the final site selection being the site where. the current works shop is located. Preliminary cost estimates for this k, building would be around $23,000.00. A cost, estimate from Inc. In- dicated a 50' x 80' building erected on our site; this would be for the shell only. Parks Maintenance Staff would do the insulating, the floor;, and internal i partitions while the plumbing, heating and electrical would be contracted and completer] by funds from the Equipment Certificates. Staff would,:recommend that ' plans and specifications be drawn and submitted for Council review.. =. Coi it had questions and comments for staff. _- Ptq�esre Plaa�s Mottoji by Busse to authorize Parks &Recreation Director Mangan to go ahead fa/P! .with/'the plans and specs and that they be drawn and submitted to Council for final review and consideration, seconded by Scott and upon a Yote taken it was duly passed.` Parks &.Recreation Director Mangan then brought up for considera'tion . of the space in the lower level of the new Library for Parks &:Recreation program3. f i He stated that the Recreation Department is in dire need of a community room in ' the City. Currently, the Council Chambers and the Scott Rice Telephone Company 1 building are being used -but there,'are many conflicts that arise that interfere ii with program planning. There is;a space in the northwest corner of the basement d that is approximately 20' x 40'.' By finishing this space,irto a pleasant,° ;f comfortable space,, the community room could be used for the neighborhood park meetings, exercise classes, dance classes, arts and crafts, civic, meetings, summer staff headquarters and,'many other activities. 'To finish this area would ii'nclude partitions, lighting and eidetrical, spraying the ceiling, a public address system, paneling; -and mirrors_. All of the,4drk except wiring and # ceiling would be done by the Parks Maintenance %Staff. At;a cost °of $5,,000.00 staff would recommend that this project be stared and funded through the City's Contingency Fund. There ,was discussion by Council and 'Staff. lhds far in Liblwy tb Motion by Thorkelson to allocate $5,00000 from the City's Contingency Fund for finishing 40' off the 20' x room in the basement of the Library building for belTeesi - by Parks & Recreation and public activity uses, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote ftk PAC. taken it was dul passed. _ The next item on the agenda was to review the 'letter from Jim Dunn regarding an( annexation. City Planner Graser. commented on this.:: -J3n Din 'Mr. Dunn was present for comments A ttu There was general ;discussion by Council and Staff., Mayor Johnson directed staff to meet with the municipal commission on a time frame for this annexation and to put together a detailed report on the pros and cons of the annexation for this Council to review at a future date. Mayor Johnson then asked,if a date could be set. ` 1 W City Manager McGuire stated that we could schedule it for the 13th of ,February , 'it would also depend on when the municipal commission could get the infor- F mation to us, but February 13, 1984 would be the soonest. Mr. Dunn asked what the purpose of the 13th's meeting would be. City Manager McGuire stated that it would be to report back to the Council of, . our discussions with the municipal commission and to see the exact procedure that we'll have to go through. Page 2 J a Questions presented to the Council at the Januar 23 980, y� ' _ 1 North Shore Meeting. Lloyd Berggren: First comment made is that we refer to these as alternates, whereas t in my estimation they are minor alternates. The original :plan that " STATEMENT was presented back at the June Public Hearing is essentially what is' on the board tonight with these f?w minor changes. If Z were can - °. vinced that the City Council and the Ex -Mayor had thoroughly examined 4o and been given all of the information on several of the other alder- natives and that the economic and engineering aspects of those had' been reviewed, I'd feel a lttla' bit better about the whole project; I can except the most logical proposal if its logical from both the econoinical and technocial point of view. 7 points that might suggest that the whole project is premature and F 'r that we could very Logically hold it off for a few years. CORRECT * All of sand Pointe does now and can in the future flow east. v CORRECT' * There are fewer than 60 homes and approximately half of them are summer homes on the new trunk line. PLANNER YES The City Planner and City Engineer have stated that the.. project in ENGINEER,NO " question,.is premature f YES Prior Lake has applied for grants and have been denied. . s in the denial, resubmittal was suggested. It would be educational . ' and. plete explanation were pertinent to our considerations if a complete made as to why the grants were denied. He had some inkling by { reading some of the documentation. y lt'appears that the grants were REFER '`TO ATTACHMENT A denied because not enough people"are served by a pzoject this magnitude: * All of thg points that were made indicated a prudent decision would'' be to delay the project until more fact or�c ,iake it timely,. Among them would be a re- application for a grant -and hopefully may be 1/3` or something of that magnitude could be�--cquired by the grant route' ' which would reduce the economic impact of the project,on both the City and the people who would be assessed. Kay Dalghren: interested in knowing how many of the Councilmembers prior to voting" for this project, knew that the City Planner had said that it was premature and un- necessary. CITY ATTORNEY: Object to the question, because of litigation that is going on, would"' t � recommend that it not be answered at this time. " Kay Dalghren: Similar to Mr. Berggren's, why could we not wait until we have federal NOT AVAILABLE grants. on'Chaionka Beach, we were given an- opportunity to purchase., the wooded area behind us, with the understanding ° that this would stay F a wooded area. Those of us purchased it behind 'us. _Questio`n is now, IF ONE SIDE LS ASSESSED:, why are "you putting sewer and water through, where we are going to be COST WOULD BE SUBSTANTI- assessed on both sides and we have no intentions,a'r "having any buildings ALLY HIGHER' in the woods. You would be destroying the wood`s and then to be assessed to the point of possibly losing propsrty, the same way a farmer who is not only going to be losing his live,lyhood but what he would like tc pass on' to his cMldren. These things need to be taken into consider - ation. Why isn't the' 1 ' /sewer planned so that it goes through the middle of a developmeht` area so that all of these homes can share in 't the cast of it rather than just frontage assessment that the builders WATER MUST GO TO THE and developers have Why doesn't it go through an area where you WEST. know there is going to be many „homes built and they can share it rather NO DEVELOPMENT 'ALLOWED than having it so costl for so few of us. She also agrees with Mr. ;.., UATIL SEWER & MATER GOES THK0,UGH f n \ G Yt a R I P Y l .v ATTACHMENT A Comments toward the questions presented to the Council at the January 23, 1984 -'meeting. , ; �i 1. Grant applications are never denied, they are simply "returned" because they. did al.� not "rank" high enough, 2: As a matter of course, grant applications that are returned can be re- submitted. The question is: Will it ever be "ranked" high enough to be funded? This grant was, submitted twice, in essentially the same form, and both times "ranked" com- r paratively low. It-was the City's assessment thrt given the keen competition - ;. only one in five are funded, that continued re-- submittal would be costly and un- . \lfkely to be successful. 3 Why did it fail? It is true that number of people benefitted is a consideration, but the City made the argument that all 7,200 citizens"would benefit because improved fire safety.° Other reasons include. 1)Other cities had more "competitive" applications, such as ha''zardous waste in their water. supply, 2)Demographics - Prior Lake does not have as many low /moderate income people as other communities, ` a and 3)the number /percentage of low /moderate income peopl' - benefitting` from the s project is comparatively low:. Of course., I cannot even guess as to what other in- tangible factors "contributed to a low ranking. In short, there is no'one deter- minant. 4. The City's intent has always,,been to go after 'a grant that would benefit all project residents. If the City pursues an assessment subsidy to pay for the assessments, either on a; graduated scale or 100 %, for Section 8 elig,ibl,e residents, this might` be more highly ranked because it benefits 100% low / moderate income: While most elderly residents may be eligible, most others may not be that is, such a grant will not benefit everyone: Like all other grants, no promises can be made " "on the "fundabil'ity" := because of the many variables. • 9 y � a ry ��A1FtT ." -.$[M �.. .,ry�s} eti�*- �iMt•" �7 .ww,.. ,py(y�.. 6� 1 Lerggren that we have not seen any alternative routes. There were !+ alternative plans on the same route, We were under the impression that + ALTERNATIVE 'HAS BEEN the City was going to work with us on alternative routes,. we would like CONSIDERED AND PRESENT to see that take place. It has also been stated that the' -water is need - ,k EO TW'A DECEMBER MEET—. ed to compelte the loop, we understand that and are not opposed to some - ING thing tnat is needed, we are opposed to things that seem grossly unfair ,. federal grantnthat t would helptus. Xf ,we we gong to have to have it j on Chatonka Beach, why can we not have it stated that unless there is t buildings in the woods, that we would not have to pay the assessment, on that side, and that each of`us would know that if we were to sell a.,lot later on we would have to add that to the price and so forth. = Jim Skogin: Speaking, as an in -law, my wife is one of the owners of the property that t'f is commonly known as Meadow Lawn. There ,are several owners of the 1 , r Meadow Lawn property which are decendents of the Griffith family, and { all are capible of stating their own views of how they feel about it " but how my wife feels about it is exactl the way some of the other' ;5' owners if not all of them. With resgect.to this project, a general 4s , b _ description of the property as it is today. Next to the lake there ale e lots which comprise a total of 20 acres. On those lots there are 5' houses 4 of which are used in the summer time only. Behind the 6 lots f is 80 acres of land, some of which'is woodland. It goes without sayin_q K :' that land as it is presently used is used very gentlely and has no re- \ "` guirement for either sewer or water as it is toda There are ' y. questions r, " .in the minds of the people that own that property as to how long it can "stay the way it is today,,its fair to say that nobody thinks it can stay ° that way for ever;;, ?but does that mean that it has to stop staying that way today. When this - project came about, I took it upon "myself `to check with the people of the village, what is going to happen, when will it be p property, when is no longer gown to be � right to develop this g possible to ' use it as gentlely and easily as it has,baen used in the past. ' °Rhe answer that 'we kept on getting for years and years is that "well it's' ' going to come sometime but not right now it will be a few years off"., When I sp oke to staff when the � p'r'oject came up about this: project really „1 , going through this property, the answer I got prior to the summer meeting 1 , Ra} that we had, was water is really necessary, you've got to have tha&there is all kinds of reasons that water has to go through and we can under a, THIS, `PROJECT HAS BEEN stand that. Then the staff : people told us that as far as the sewer is IN, THE 5 YEAR C.I.P, concerned is "no ", its premature for That, we really don't want to have °tl��4i1 ` FOR 1983 that ,property developed now thats got to come some time in the future t a? but not now. We came to the summer meeting with that in mind,,going to X" ' approve the water but the sewer, was going to be, postponed for,awhile, because it was premature and was not the right, time to go forward with. the sewer project. Here we are, we still don't know, are we suppose to Y { use this property gentlel as we have in the he water. come I , , 9 past, have t• r + z ^I by as it should and wait until some later time when its ap propriate to have the property be developed, or is the village going to say, "no you are wrong, we told you wrong and now is the time that you have to develop � this property, and one way or the other it is oin to ha W! 9 9 pe ar ! . If we � THEA WITHIN THE were going to develop this property you are letting us develop just a h BRA DISTRICT CAN little bit of it, you are running `a sewer across the lake part, which is - BE SERVED WITH LATERALS.a little to faraway from the lake to let us develoF very much of that rt SERVICE NORTH OF THE property and you're not letting us develop the property to the north of s DRAINAGE TO CTY_42 WILL us that extends up to highway 42, you're going to leave that in some kind 't BE CONSIDERED \ IF THE of a limbo that can't be developed. We still have our doubts whether PROPERTY OWNERS.PETI- this is the time this property oughta be developed and'its not us that's TION FOR SERVICE_. telling you it should be developed, its you that is trying to tell us a Al S THEY, WILL CONSIDER. '� g y natives you have there, they don't make any difference. If t his has to be the way it is and don't get the idea I'm consenting to all of this,: r because if we find something /someplace where you guys have stumbled and done your complete ,lob on it, we'll be very quick to take you. up on it; in court or otherwise as the case may be. But if you haven't and if the ro. Project for develop s t = P 1 proper, we would suggest that,the If go . dwn.closer to the lake so far as Meadowlawn is concern but even more ~~ important put in some sort of `a provission so that we can develop the '�jE` whole property no t just part of it. P �t Gri th Fanny,ffi: Tt seems so unfair fox the route ��. � go down on the east side of my property and then again come down infront of my property. T don't understand why . amM a we , should p ay for the base route when if the REFER TO NEXT PAGE property is ever developed r and I'iq not asking that we develop, I like it as it is, if it is develop ° erI then that means that a l the lines 'from the north will came right dOwn through my property to reach the base line: CITY ENGINEER: This is not necessarily true, the property directly to the north of you 7' + with this alternative #5 as being presented, could tie in at the inter, - section for example of Carriage Hill Road and the east e property line be- tween the Griffith Pa rcel and t a ,.= Pa he Simpkins property. There is a north south 11he there and they could tie in there.beteeen Shore Trail and y, Carriage Xi11 Road. If you would go further in a westerly direction pas , Y &�� ;Ai your home to the further ,lot's then service to the adjacent property would , 90 to the south. 2 „ Fanny.Griffit�' I can't`understand why we out Here in the country ould s k y s p oil our lots b putting a sewer through private property when no doubt, roads, you .have, b CARRIA6E,HILL' ROAD plan for roads that go east and west across our property,, and'I can't - TENTIONS IS'CLOSE TO THE understand Why f'you have to have sewer and water that you wouldn't wai, ` DRAINAGE,DISTRICT AND IS'until there is.a ,road and then use the road for your path for the sewer/ NOT•A PRATICAL LOCATION water. I do want you to understand that none of us want the sewer and FOR THE SEWER FROM AN water at this time, we are not able to Pay for it, and j hate to think' EONCOMICAL °STANDPOINT that you are trying to run us-away from this lovely part•of the country. ' There are 3 generati the pr ons living on our property and we love operty - and we have not problems with water and sewer. We do not want,the Sewer and water at this time. Xarlen Anderson: Last October you -were having a little trouble with water running across 4 our road, Larry, and -e met out there and I rolled down the truck 'window , and you said Xarlen, tht? next thing we are going to do is to survey the THE., THERN ROUTE HAS route going diagenle and I have heard no more about that. An other ques- BEEN'REVIEWED AND IS NOT Lion that has never been answered, is the expeedience of ithe whole pro ' THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE ject, why the big rush now. We have never gotten an answer, except an r . THIS HAS'BEEN PLANNED arbatriey thats the wag it is or thats Gods will. The other thing is FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS AND how much pollution is there now by the people along the north side, you IS REFLECTED IN ALL'OF THE 'CITY PLANNING DOCUMENTS w .. i {ate t that it should. If it is then you better come up with some sort of a project that is going to let us develop the whole thing all the way up to 42 so that we won't be left with some property thats developable and THE CURRENT LOCATION WA some other property thats in limbo thats worth nothing at all. Also we DETERMINED, THREE - t think if the plan is going to be put through it all, the sewer line t SULTATION WITH THE EF -- o ought to be located somewhere closer to the lake so that we can take FECTED PROPERTY OWNERS. m maximum advantage of the;,.property that is there. :flake no mistake about IF ADJUSTOMENTS IN THE i it, it is not us that is pushing for the develo of this property LOCrN ARE DESIRED; i its you that is trying to push it down our throats. The alternatives CON r'�( ENGINEERS, AND t that you are suggesting here are not doing : thing for Meadowlawn, there all exact the same so there is not I can',sa as to the : 5 alter- xr ` say we need the water and we understand that„ and you probabl need the BASED y ON PAST EXPERIENCE sewer for future developments, but ,it seems that there should be some:_, AND TWO SPECIFIC ^ASES studies made if there hasn't been to see if the residents along the lake F ' are polluting the lake now and if so how much and can it be corrected in a cheaper way or is that the primary reason for going along there now. Another thing that was stated at the meeting, it was stated that the REFER TO BOTTOM OF PAGE sewer would cost us approximately slightly less than $100.00 pet foot, 6 now is that an assurity or is that a cam pagne promise so that once the sewer is in and we get a bill stating that it is $200.00 a foot, so thes,' are some of the things that concern us. T do want to thank you for the meetings that we have had and alternate route, it helps us considerably for not having that Panama Cane1 in front of us, I think that was 'pre- sented very poorly the first time and caused alot of and I ,disconcern, appreciate all of what you have" done. % J Bob Bovers; Am not a north shore property owner, I am a southwest property owner somewhere around the public access. For a number of months we have read tyi alot of contreverseal publicity about this particular project and listen . . ing to all the people that preceed me tonight leaves me to believe that the particular need or the urgentecy for this thing has not yet been con ve ed to this y group of people that live there. Perhaps all of the fins- nical and engineering studies and all the evironmental studies and human ; istic studies that should be made in a ' project of this magnit0de, I'm not sure it has been properly communicated.to the people who have lived there for a number of years. S don't have alot of details, this is the first time I have seen alot of these projects, and they are very well done, very professionally done, but I think before you throw the green light on this thing there seems to be a little more homework that needs_ to be followed to serve the n eeds , of the people that happen to be living in this area at this time and obvisouly for future residents in that Particular area. The financials of this ro`eet are P 7 quite large perhaps in some respects, and that as a property owner of 4 or 5 miles away from there, what kind of effect does that have on me now or later and to what ' extent has that been pursued. ' Xarlenc " `khen the p roject was on inall g y presented, I thought it was around 2mi1- < lion, when we had our meeting on Saturday, it got to be slightly under" l million, what happened to the other million. 1 MAYOR: What we were talking about on that Saturday was the cost for sewer only v � , at that point, that one million, the other million comes in for the ' water and the streets and the other things. We were talking strictly sewer and sewer routes. Marian_Braduct: In order to bui4,d' our place we saved and scrimped in order that we did't have a big mortgage so that we could clear our property. Now the only way we could pay for the project is say defer this and let it go on to our property as a lien. In a few years by,the time the sewer would be paid for, the interest alone we would almost be losing our property. p RELATIVELY SPEAKING, THE What has the sewer and water cost the other people around the lake. COS iRECOMPARABLE ' I really believe that this is not the time to put this in with only abou ' 50 families to pay for that agrount, and now you say it isn't l million its 2 million. ? Howard Carlson: I have never heard anybody of this group that lives up there, say hell we believe in the sewer, we want the sewer. Who are these people that live here, we are suppose to be living in a democracy none here wants this thing as well as the counCIJ has been in the past and I can't understand the secret power b thing through prematurely. Z pollution goes, we found out Council that there are must be dozens of them and he these people have been treate never had a say, we never had in but the people who live th, Leo Vierling: We own one of the largest chu, interceptor was put through o, we going to do with our prope. development, I started making e , rind the tremendous push to push this lon't see any sense to it and as far as ire just recently it was aired from the 5 W2,uting_ our lake and we thought there it;:. only one individual; I,think dirty there is no question, we have really' vote. The Council has voted this thing e have never voted it in. �r s on the sewer route and when the first 21, I had to start to figure out what are; Y. I thought at the time that orderly € lans and where was that goingvto fit in. ; wnate progress progresses heads towards our property, roads. Were sit= ting there with an access of $300,000.00, there would be no way,,no small business or even farming like I, could carry that load that long. No way, we would have to sell off some of our property, which I do not like to do prematurely, I hate to have a fire sale, but I have no choice. Orderly development I could see through, but right now we are sitting `so far away, from ours, we have 55 acres and Visions 8 there has to be over 100 acres, not a home no nothing there and - thats got to go through there before its gonna go through ours. , We got no roads through ours we got absolutely nothing so you can see its gonna .take a long time to get this thing developed. What I had in mind, in back of my mind is the histor- cal sites we have on our property which I did not like to see destroyed at any time in the near future or ever because they have been there since our family pattened the family back in 1860. At the time, if I had to carry such a tremendous load, if there was sewer developed right next to our property I could carry such a load for a few short years and then develop. As far as our historical sites, - could see then coming; for our family to protect those so r had in mind actually donating those to the City of Prior Lake with possibly even 100 feet of lakeshorp so people could come of the lake to view those sites. But right now as it PROPERTY IS GREEN ACRES, is I don't know what it is and at the present time.we would like to keep THEREFORE, ORDERLY DE as it is. It's a cornfield and its pasture land and its clean, anybody VELOPMENT CAN OCCUR can walk in it without running into thistles, stickers and what not. I would like to keep it that way until the time of development would came and have something orderly coming in. I hope that somebody is going to take some high wisdom and lets have some good development and when the' time comes lets get something good done. i Nary Gilbert; I think most of the predecessors here did a very erecellent %ob of stet- ing the concerns of the majority of;Chatonka -Beach residents that while we are not opposed to sewer and water,persay the prematurity of this _. °. project is of great concern to all of "us. One of the items that keeps occuring is to the need for the need of this project is the pollution. Most of those ro p parties have been in families for years,. in our case almost 30 years and I don't know of anyone on Chatonka beach who is _ anxious to see the lake polluted or harmed. To speak, to that point, _ there is a grand total of 13 residents on Chatonka Beach itself, and of those, 7 of those residents are used from 2 -4 months out of the year. The remaining year round homes are occupied by 2 people and 1 case , peo pie. We are higher enough up off the lake that we are reasonably, certain =• that there is no pollution damage to the lake beinging by resi dents of Chaton)ta Beach. In regards to the Saturday fleeting, I was one ar.. s .�� t l s o leave and it was not my feeling that the REFER TO LARRY'S ANSWERS of the last one group had reached any consensus in BELOW terms of Beach Street public vs private. Regarding that, is it anticipated now or in the future (next,15 years) for Beach Street to hook up or be connected to any road that would run through MeadowLawn, Sand Pointe Development or through the Vierling farm! towards 21 if that road became public? CITY ENGINEER': The question was would Beach Street connect up with Meadow Lawn and the Sand Pointe Development? Pezxe3= z1f1eati4FXxYt =e1gx8tzertxMrfd Xe went to the map showing alternative a5 and showed where the streets were. ° At this time the City has no plans for this road to continue onward to the east. We do foresee that Carriage Hill Road would at some point and time connect all the way to the west to County Road 21. Velvet Road would be the connection and that would serve the people in that area. This road would not extend all the way across, we do not want the first ,j tier of lakeshore lots to have access across through other neighborhoods. When this area develops we p proposed a cul -de -sac at this end and possibly at some point and time when this area were to be { developed it would be the connection to that. This would not serve as a main access to it, the main access would be Carriage Hit. Road,. Kay Dalghren You (Larry) pointed out an area there and stated "when it is developed#$ °. there might be a road there, will they be using the sewer and water from our area when their area is developed, " -° ' CITY ENGINEER: ;�, The green line indicates the location of the sever line. This area is ' substantially lover than the area to the north. The orange line is the drainage divide, in other words that follows pretty much the hill top that is the high poinj. Then from here to 42 it drops off to the north so surface water, if jyt rains at this point the water generally runs l o p - 1 x down hill cross the surface towards the lake. ° The sewer line at this point is lower and thi land is lower than at this point here. So when the development vouldioccur in this area, .the laterial Fines would be ' installed for example down Beach Street and would tie into this line and this area would be provided services. The cost of doing this pro= ject distributed not only with the residents that live on,Chatonka? r Beach, Shore Trail, the frontage costs is, distributed over the entire length of the project and there is an acreage charge of $2,500.00 per acre for Sanitary Sewer /water that will also be charge against these properties in here. So when the parcels such as Fred'Grothe's .parcel f a was developed say in 5 years from row, i-hen that parcel developes they would have to pay the cost of putting in their own laterial lines in to get the sever down to this _pine plus they would pay the same $2,500.00 per acre that you are paying. „I Kay Dalghren: So each home owner is going to be assessed similar to what we are assess ed . CITY ENGINEER: That is correct. Their costs for developing in this area is going to be very similar in cost, they are going to help pay for thi line. Mrs. : 01 Konters: I agree with most of the people and feel that this plan is very pre- ' mature, but I only have one question, the $100.00 per foot for frontage i does that include sewer /water or Just the sewer. 1 ' CITY ENGINEER: That includes sanitary sewer, Waterman, stromsewer ,'paved streets and ' concrete curb and gutter. It is also -the engineers estimate for the 1 frost of�the project. At the time when this project is to proceed, that we have taken-final bids, the actual dollar amount to be assessed to the 1 , _ u residents will be based on the actual cost. Today we are dealing with engineers estimates. If for example,, the previous questions was address-, ed, what happens if the project cost goes up substantially? We will know at the time the bids are received what the actual cost are going.to ' be. If at that point the project is more than 10% higher than the eningeers estimate, or this has been done in the past- anyway, then the council would have make a decision do they want to go ahead with the project. In the past At assessment hearsings the project costs have not been higher than more than IOC of the engineers estimate. Accordingly if the contractor bid the project for less money, one would be assessed ' . texxxnamy a smaller dollar amount. Harlen A few years ago he had made that survey at a shorter distance and it has been side tracked since, if those plans were adopted then it would'eleiva,. 5 to the problem of Meadowlawn, and the problem with Vierling's MAYOR: I have been looking into this a, 'little bit and I had a' discussion with Larry and Mike this afternoon and we talked about that I'we got about 35 sheets of optional drawings that I'm "trying to figure out myself. What we did talk about was that ;'northern route. The one thing that we have to take into consideration as well as that northeastern route is the.' path of the water in order to complete that loop around prio'`r lake prop- erly, I guest there were some numbers involved, and I would like Larry to kind of go over, not for purposes of debate, but for your information_ - what we talked about this afternoon concerning those dollar figures. CITY ENGINEER Reviewed the options that were discussed and the routings of each of the CONSULTING ENG, different routes. k q d Y t( f 1� {� rte { 1 F Narlenr I don . thank that there would be that much difference for us alongIshvre * s trail. I was thinking about verling's, how much per acre would itJ'eosta€ for just water? ' Cli�I' ENGINEER: I don't think I can ive g you an answer for total :cast of the assessment „ that he would receive for water only - sewer o4,l I can te21 `you s j the acreage charge is based on „ $1,250.00 per-acre four wa er, $1,250,00 per acre for sewer so the ,; creage.; charge` could be directly for the area that is served 1/2. Frontage assessment I `oion't know. Mrs. Erlipg Johnson: The question” still hasn't been answered to me, people' that have setteled'' in this areal are being, assessed for ,future development in order for us to live here we have put in we11s and'septic tanks; that have cost us in _a the neighborhood of $2,500,00 and the water is pure anr3 clean and we love it. Why are we being assessed,,,we don't need it and were paying for NO rr P�;... .�y.q,wµ�,..M+n.m.».•.. _ w, , �y�pa, tx," �" ✓.r,"tfi'I3T'`GnEi�'#[�:xkeaxw. .. o.+w+.t� � S7 ao v ti { ' something that is for future developments, why can't they do what we did until there is such development that we can get some help or a grant wh>! FUTURE DEVELOPMENT WILL are just a few people being assessed out of their homes because that's PAY SIMILAR AMOUNTS what it is coming to.. Your asking an undeveloped area to Pay for every - thing. For the sake of future development that wi11'come in and make their money off of that and we pay the bill know because were the only, ones here. That's what we're objecting to, you're pricing us out of our _- homes. Howard Carlson: Larry Anderson brought up something that X never heard before, why is there so much pressure on this particular division on the North side to get this thing through. He points out that its needed because the whole Prior Lake needs -it-over on 13 even. They've got to have it there for safety reasons. There are reasons that it's being put through ` but if the reasons aren't, on occur on the north side we don't just happen € to be unfortuninate that we, that they have to go so deep that:'Yve're jus going to be crowded out of our homes. Kay pal ghren: There is an interceptor out on 21 and 42, why as y just the sewer put there and how long its been there.. CITY ENGINEER: Sanitary''Sewer was constructed as part of a_ itan Waste Control T ! Commission Project, they have a treatment plant at`Blue Lake which is down on the north side of 101; he then described "the'route that, the_ -.er •! iaeePter interceptor follows. That line was'i'nstalled in segments. throughout, projects of the tine in the area of Pike Lake =was in- ;Trai1 stalled in 1975 to provide service to the City of Prior - >Kay Dalghren: Along that same line, and I suppose it isn't possible, but as long as the entire City needs the water and we don't why doesn't the entire City pay for it, including us. ' NAYORz i I don't understand, the entire City needs the wader ' from what I under- TP stand. Kay Dalghren: I The entire City needs the water, but we.don't. x; AMYOR; It's for your benefit, because you are the ones from what I understand if we don't put the water down there, you're the ones if there is a fire ` are going to sit in our �'' y yards and watch your. house. burn down, and I wouldn't want that to ha �' hap pen. And I m sure you wouldn either. I guess the thing with the water is that.its very, very important, even in my mind that the water be completed, because without the water there is a real danger to you people down there. Ray Dalghren: " I think the water should be completed but I don't know °'that we need it right down on Chatonka Beach. p L10 d Be y rggren: question of water and co mp l eting m :Address the the loop. I know that tr it is mixed up with the sewer and that we keep running into the -sit uation where we've got to put the sewer fwxiseure and water in at the same time -� because it is much more economical. Admtially, I guess there is no way LEO'S COSTS FOtt WATER to argue out of that point. However, if we decide that the,sewer itself 1 is premature but that the water is not premature, the water is needed :now WOULD BE SUBSTANTIALLY then ma ybe we should consider, we are talking a main east /west artery going from Carriage Hil Road down HIGHER „' to what is now known as Chatonka Beach „ Trail proceeding westerly to 21. This would seem to make an ideal route for a watermain which would come down into here somewhere and the total i WNW Avw�_ { I a 1 distance from this point to this point following this way could be achieved. Now if there is no sewer crossin if for chance that is de- g " Ia y ed then a timely connection fo accom plished with r the water could be very little additional footage.- MAYOR: I have noted all of your questions and all of your comments, because it is not feasibile that we can answer them tonight without a lot of debate and alot of problems and alot of arguement, I'm going to take each one of these and I'm going to meet with staff, I'm going to asked Staff and Council to get together on some of these points.and' questions and we wild be getting back to you individually with our answers to your questions. It may take a week or so,, so please be patient with us. But we will consider these questions and we will respond to you and I would appreci- ate it when the response comes back that you Zet your neighbors know what the response was. Z want to thank you all for making your point of view known tonight. He then asked the Council for any questions or f comments that they might have. THORKELSON: I don't thing most of these questions are new Gary, I thing most of them have been answered in the past and if you want to consult with staff I guess that's fine they have the answers to most of those questio' a ` already. The question about the, Mr. Berggren's, about just putting .in.�' the water project., yes that was considered and it was rejected by the council as being impractical at this To -put point. just - in water because, we couldn't assess an y properties if we didn't serve them at least we didn't feel we could. It was only proper that the people that are in this area, the rest of the City where the loop is already in plac has paid, each segment has been assessed their portion of it, so to complete it that segment on the northwest side of the lake, it is only fair that they pay those costs. x ; The costs are different now compared to S years ago or even 10 years but ago, at the time 10 F ears ago people had less income and their property values, were lesser than they were now and all of these things. Relatively speaking, the costs haven't significantly change as far as the relative posts as far as peoples r , incomes and peoples property valuation. The total costs have changed. I think its only fitting that at this Point,we go;,ahead with the RAW for the westerly route as proposed, I think there are some, questions "A :fr raised,�)from Mr. Anderson and some people up on Shore Tria1,'` have worked ' out some / of their immediate problems as far as trees that would be ; t a taken, the depth of the trench and through working with the engineers have resolved some of their problems. ,,People on Meadowlawn seem to stil have some questions about whether or not this is'the proper placement of trunk 3„ the lines for future development of their property. I.am convince that we will go ahead with this project, it -,may be 3 Minths.it maybe 6 months, but lets try and work these questions out as some of your neigh -' ` - bors Its my position that at this point the Council should direct staff to submit the to the state. BUBSE: I have no comments at this time. * SCOTT;' In answer to Mrs. Johnson's question, she was referring to lets wait ` until it gets more developed so that the assessments will go down it'is my understanding that even if it is fully developed their assess- ments for frontage is going to be the same. I think that they should understand that Sven though if all that property is developed your assessments will be the same, so to wait is only ,going to make the cost go up that much more for you. And as far as it being premature until the area is deve . ped there will < be no deve 1 o ment u ther P p until there is a se line n in. . =- ' CITY ENGINEER: There is a misconception here, when there is alot more homes out there in the northerly area, say from Chatonka Beach to the north that your rate per foot for assessments would be substantially less, in fact your assessment would probably would be higher. Factors that are involved in' constructing a project not only involve the installation of sewer /water they involve relocating power lines, replacement of shrubs, redoing of existing paved or gravel driveways. if the remaining area was already developed, you owuld also then be sharing the cost of reconstructing a the driveway accesses, reconstructing the cost for underground or over head powerlines and you would be sharing the cost with those future f residents and your future assessments based on todays dollars comparibl y if that area were totally developed today your assessments would be high er than it is proposed. I'm not trying to convince you that the project' should go ahead but I think that you sould be aware that because there isn't alot of residents out there that your assessments are higher. SCOTT Addressing the grant 'situation , I believe in the last sewer project, we have had one grant and we all know that Regan has cut down most of the grants and so forth so I don't think that is someting that we should hold,, out for. The cost of this project is going to go up that the grant wil not make a dent in it, if we ever get one_ MCGUIRE: The grant that was received was really unrelated to sewer /water. It was f a public works grant under the <Carter administration. To Carol's point °} if we were to receive a grant 3 -4 years from now or whatever point and its unlikely unless the federal policy changes on grants for sewer and water. Any savings would be lost because of the increase costs. The cost savings, would be eaten up by the increase or the inflationary costs that we have seen each year. r THORKELSON: When you commented on the grant that we•did receive wasn't specifically for sewer and water that'.s correct, it was a jobs bill. It was to creatj employment it was not to help with our sewer projects as such. The way the federal government looks at sewer grants to communities in the metro area, is that the monies go to metropolitan waste control district and they use the majority of that funding to build our treatment plants such + as the Blue Lake plant and to contribute to the construction of the main interceptor which was discussed earlier as to how that functions to this community. So, there is no` specific funding for'sewers left. MCGUIRE: When I was talking about grants, I was referring is specifically to an ^ k overall grant for the entire project to reduce the cost l0% or so %. There is a possibility of "grant money for people that the assessment would drive them out of their homes. We are working on this, Mark Nagel 1� from HRA has been working on this, it is a possibility, there are no w guarentee until the exact dollar amounts are known thats when they'll ' let us know that type of 'thing. We w_ll work with you to try, minim- t +' ize the impact, there is no doubt its a substantial end there ,maybe some money available in some cases where its a di.ffent hardship. ` Kay_Dalghren: Larry, are you telling us if the water and sewer main trunk line went right in the middle of a builders property that it's going to be the same cost to him as if they just went frontage and then they have the laterial cost. 'f CITY ENGINEER We have a vacant parcel and I'll refer to it as the simpkins farrel pa.r- cel which is part of the north shore oakes or simpkins farrels which .� originally devleoped the northshore oakes project. Today that is vacant 3 ro ert at this " time. With property y alternate #5, which we are considering, . trunk line in fact will go through the vacant property. He will proably plot out lots which will be 80' width onto Carriage Hill Road. His assessment proposed at this PD. will be identical to your assessment on Shore Trial or Chatonka- Beach. He will pay the $98.00 per front foot for sanitary sewer /wa_ermalnlpaving plus $2500.00 per acre. He will havel lots on both sides of the road and he will have that assessment on both sides of the line. He will pay the same time that you would pay on your streets fraz the assessments for that. c SCHWEICH: He agreed "with Mayor Johnson on getting back to the people on an individ ua1 basis on the questions. On reviewing the ones that I took down, many of the questions have been answered at previous meetings. The question "are we going to be charged just frontage" well that -was already` brought out now as an acreage charge. Reapplication of grant %rhy were- the gr ants fed and other such questions of future roads and as Keith pointedout,� the Meadowlands are very concerned about that and that can be resolved with our meetings out there at the sites. MAYOR: In answer to the statement that all these addre a ss d nswere questions have been before, this is very possible, but what we are dealing here with on both` sides of!this table are emotion, fear. Things that are uncontrolable and(bt.ock communication, I sympathize with the emotions, 1 sympathize with people who feel that they are being driven out of their homes. �. „Mi „ 1 3an,'�h want to see this happen and I'm sure no one on this council` want,J"f.o, see this happen. But what I'm going to ask at this point, of a both );thkaie Council, and the people along this project route, is that you sit, ink about it and set aside the emotion if possible to ensure that you. get the full information, I'm going to ask the council to set aside the;emotion of defense and aim at total communications with the people ;C in 3tje project. If we all set aside our fears, hate, acquisitions our bad feelings and talk tQ each other maybe we can resolve this thing to everyones benefit, thats my goal, thats what I would Like to see and ' I can.o.nly ask you to help me achieve that goal. I'm talking, to everyone in this room not the people in the project. Becuase of that and I ";, think we all have asked several questions about the EAW'as to whether r it has been pint in or not, I feel that should go in at this LL a There is no other way we can know if this project can really work. I am going to this point entertain a motion from the Council to ,allow the 1 City Engrneer to go ahead with this EAW._ I've hadlsome questions as to what it "ct%n ns and I will be answering those questions as soon as I get the f 61 answer myself. But it is my understanding "that it will { contain information on the Indian Burial Mounds, on the number of trees removed, on;,,the depth of cut and the impact on the land, it will give a1 of that information, if anyone is interested in seeing a copy of the worksheet, ZOM sure it will be available. At this point if there is no further comm,Gnt from the Council I would entertain ,a , motion stating „that the engineering department, complete and submit for. onsideration by the ; pollution control agency an EAW on the route as specified #5. AP Motion by Thorkelson that the en g ineer i ng de prepare and submit the RAW for route #5 as outlined, seconded by upon c ae vote ' taken i,t• was duly passed. MAYOR: I want to thank you people for your concern, -I know its °a .thing to go through, but I'm going to ask you to.do something foi m°. I'm going r } ” to ask you to actively continue pursuing the course that , ,jou have pursue f I'm :gain g'to ask you to though to do it in a different y,�I "like you to direct questions, euggestions, any input that you might have to the council or ta.the engineering department or to myself. I knew very, many " .- v. ..a :_i . t i MINUTES of the Praceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by s,i i d Council Mr. Dunn asked if he should get involved in the application being that it`was a petitio 5 City Manager McGuire stated yes;, he could make the actual application. Mr. Dunn requeste&that he be scheduled for the 13th of February. The next item on the agenda was an Assessment Abatement. City Manager McGuire _ reviewed this for the Council.. He stated that the assessments for Project 76 -1 Lot,3, Fairview Beach were originally deferred for a period of 5 years and later were changed town indefinite assessment classification by: agreement between Mr. Robert Boeck and the City of Prior Lake. However, the records at the.County :,. were not corrected and this being the fifth year, they were inadvertantly assess- ed against Mr. Boeck's 1984 property taxes. Therefore, a motion would be in order to abate these special assessments on Lot 3, Fairview Beach for 1984 and sub- �; •sequent years. `Mayor Johnson asked if there were any ether questions. Lat 3, PairL Mut_jon by Busse to approve the special assessment,abatement against Lot 3, Fairview ° vier Aeeeea. Beach�� :tZ =that it be changed to an indefinite assessment, seconded by Thorkelson Abate�tt and upon :a vote -taken it was duly passed. 1• The next tem� under Other - e s was the Year End Treasurers Report. There was discussion -by Council and Staff��, Appnow Y Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Year End Report as submitted, seconded by Scott ;ad; and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. City- Manager McGuire then commented on the ' Meeting" that was going to be held on Thursday,.January, 26, 1984 in the City Coun`,il Chambers. �� 4 - Mr. Nick Modders,commented on a letter that to the Mayor and Council regard s't ing a Fire and 'Rescue response. He asked the Council what kind of response they had toward the letter. 1l Dimm they Manager McGuire stated that he had read the Mjyor's copy and after reading, it " nE Sys. pager system that was referred to in the letter was not a new issue. Pagers' for Dire ft whad been talked about for at least the last 5 years %and had not been considered a * good option by the Fire Department. When the Council upgraded the Firebalr in the homes it was a commitment that the basic system of.tKe firebars would be maintained within the community. He further stated that after h had read the letter, he 90 tried to contact the _Fire Chief who is 'out of town until the middle of this week, so he was unable to - talk to him, and until such time ti�at we can.all' get some input from him�it would be ,.,inappropriate to talk about it.', 5 Councilmember Thorkelson suggested that we schedule this%for a specific time at one of our meetings. Mayor Johnson stated that he spoke with Assistant Lyle�,Anderson on it, his reaction was that this is what 'happened :and that it was the�`excepiion rather than the `rule. It was a situation that shouldn't have occurred, admitted that. Once we talk to the fire Chief, some consideration should be given to a beeper - .system' of,some. kind for those people who are on call. =�,, Mr. Modders commented.. City Manager McGuire stated that Mr. Modders could be scheduled for Februarys 21, 1984 at 7:30 PM. Ma or Johnson asked Mr. Modders that if'he had a conflict with th time and date to Y o please contact City Manager McGuire so that he could reschedule P M. Mayor Johnson asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken care of. Councilmember Busse asked about a new sign that was up on County Roll 42 and Crest Avenue. He asked that City Planner Graser check it out. The sign was "advertising low interest financing for home construction. City Engineer Anderson stated that he had an that came before the \Council back in June and July, 1973. He stated that he had a developers agreement fir the construction of a 'street from Tom Terry. He used the opaque projector 6 show.the area in question. W. Page _3 ..w .. MINUTES of the Proceedins of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the r tCounty of Scott and -State of Minnesota, including all accounts aduited by said Council. The area that would be involved were lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 and lots 1, 2 and 3 of Spriny Lake Townsite. Council had directed Staff to feasibility prepare a Study for construction costs for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Paving of the Street for this This particular area. was done and was presented to the Couuc�,. at a meeting ye -r.. The owner has met with City Planner Graser and Is proposirig a simple subdivision to obtain the building permits. He further stated that we have Mr. Terry with us this evening and he would 'like to have a developers agreement-approved by the City so that he can go ahead and have a purchase agreement closed with two 10ts.foc a sale on'that; He further stated that he.has a signed developers agreement by William /wife,'and -, lQuentin Sprank /wife for the construction of the street with, sanitary sewer, - `;water and paving with estimated profect.cost of $33,660.62 estimated fee of 25% is $8;415.16,. It is proposed that the , be against the property _over .a ten year period. He furthe'r'stated that he had two signed easements for aa. f Vthe "cul: -de -sac, which would.be required. There would be one contingency under ��pproval ..the of this developers agreement,, this would be that the approval be based\on the receipt of the $8,415.16. Estimated completion date for the street wculd July 31, 1984 and -the final weir course would be August =15, 1385. Staff kould. recommend approval of the developers agreement upon receipt of the 25 %•fee. " Cou1,11AP, mber Schweich asked'about the easement; n would the cul -de -sac be improved. dnd would -that :actually be a easement or would ,teat at be dedicated to 'the City.. City Engineer Anderson stated that we have a 60 ' - dedicated; street right- of -wa' The easement is for the; -sac -de` portion that would ego on ;the circle ,which' would "be outside of the?'60' right -of -way. ¢ t Mayor Johnson.asked what would happen to the .rest of the road, is there an I ^, access to the properties behind that? City Engineer Anderson stated that the lake is behind that and the they all the � property up to the lake. ,own There was further discussion by Council and Staff'. a �., Motion b Busse to a Y approve the'`develo j C:NL173a S. p g ers a reement with William S. Terry, dated January`23, 1984 for the installation of the sewer, watermain and paving, contingent upon the receipt of'the 25 %,fee, seconded by Scott and::upon a vote taken 1t was duly passed. y i ;. Councilmemher Thork ' elson motioned *hat the Council adjourn to an executive Jes3lon With the Ci`ty's legal €' � counsel regarding the pending lawsuits against the C L'y, seconded .by Schweich. and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned ; M at'10:24 PM. �a' 1. ,i Michael A. `McGuire 4 City Manager Jakki K. Menk. n Recording Secretary `i j f f a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, } Feb, 7, 1984. � MISCELLANEOUS DEPTS State Treasurer, PERA City Share Pera 4,658,.06 { State Treasurer, FICA City Shara FICA 1,145.66. Delta Dental Insurance ., 521.30= t Consolidated Typewriter `` Supplies ''' 77,50 Lommen, Nelson, Sullivan $ Cole Attorney Fees 5,122.25 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies ° '329,46 Minnesota Valley Electric Co -op, Utilities 896.30 „ Minnegasco Utilities 2,224.60 i NSP Utilities 5,345.85 t The 'Photo Mill` Slide supplies Albinson Rental + 267.70 50,00 M -V -Gas Co. Utilities 1,545.00 Elmer Fried.ges Snow Removal . {. GENERAL GOVERNMENT , ' Miller /Davis Co. Printed Supplies 8.97 Viking Audio Visual Repairs 90.00 Thomas L. Hennen, Co. Auditor Special Assessment listing` 25,00 Revenue.Sharing Advisory Service Handbook 75.00 League of Minnesota Cities Supplies' ° 110.00 Prior Lake Rotary Club Dues 89.50 Sterling Codifiers Annual Service Fee 312.50 Petty Cash Postage & M sc, Supplies 53.46- Air Systems $ Co. Inc.: Repairs 50.00 . Ramona Hennen Bev City Hall Cleaning 125.00 . " Appenzeller City Hall Cleaning 125,00 Lyle Anderson Civil Defense Director 100,00 U of M ' Conference Fees 44.00- ., Jakki Menk Mileage 13.85 ENGINEERING 1 Prior Lake-Spring ., Lake Watershed Engineering 500.00 r PLANNING World Future Society Subscription 20.00 POLICE :, Gordon Klingbeil Court Time 36.08 Scott Co. Sheriff Repair Supplies 34.90 Uniforms Unlimited Autotherms 270.09' MN Police Recruitment System Membership Fees 160.00; Ames Office Supply,. Equipment 173.37 FIRE AND RESCUE Conway Fire $ Safety Supplies 112.41' Smith- Martin Service $ Supply Medical Supplies 8.87 P PARKS AND RECREATION Q Scott Stober Rink Attendant 112.00 A -1 Radiator Repairs 56.50 X 1,4' Minnesota Toro Inc. Repair Supplies 69.12: CATCO Parts. 6 Service Repairs 0 247.15 ' Port -O -Let International Rentals 132.00 ' MN Park Supervisors Assn. Dues 15.00 L Quality Waste Control Rubbish Removal' 27,00 MN „Recreation 6 Park Assn. Entry Fee 160.00 MN Recreation $ Park ,Assn. Roster.Fee 50.00 Louise Anderson Park Program Instructor 60.00 MI4 TES of the Proceedings of the Cit,,• Council of the City of Prior Lake in the k :; County ° of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by Jf said Council. STREET rt, LaHass Mfg. & Sales Inc. Repair Parts 11 Earl F. Andersen F Assoc. Signs 1,1OS.36 ,Hydraulic - Services', Inc. Repairs 285.65 "Minnesota Good Roads, Inc. Membership Dues - 55.00 " Art Johnson Snow. removal 2,055.00 4= Scott Co. Treasurer Emergency Snow plowing c,S4,00 Op • SEWER : w, Steins, Inca Furnish F install 3 heaters 3,187.00 WATER f Ya n Waters'', Rogers Chemicals 318,25 r ` # A Custom Welding Repairs 72.00 State Treasurer Annual Fee 25.00 x ' Ziegler Tire'Service Repairs 253.79 PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND OSM Engineering 2,019,33 cew 1 sl x t r( u