HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 02 1984MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake fn the
County of Scott amid State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by
said Council.
April 2,_1984
The Common Council of the City- of Prior Lake met in regular
session on Monday, April 2, 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City
Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to
order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse,
Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City
Engineer Anderson„ City Planner Graser, Parks & Recreation
Director Mangan and City Attorney Kessel.
Mayor Johnson asked everyone to ,please rise for the pledge
of allegiance'.
The minutes of March 26, 1984 were reviewed.
a Minutes & Motion b Thorkelson to t. Y approve the minutes of March 26,
Invoices 1984 as presented and `to approve as presented the list of
invoices scheduled, for payment on Tuesday, April,, 3, 1984,
seconded by Busse.
Parks & Recreation Director Mangan asked that one additional
f bill be added to the list of invoices, Minnesota Valley
Fencing for $1400.00 for baseball backstops at Memorial Park.
Both Councilmember Thorkelson and Busse accepted this ad-
dition to the 'motion and the second.
' Mayor Johnson called the question on the motion and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed'.
-The next item on the agenda was to consider the 'request
from Donald and Mary Jo Reardon for an' Off -Sale Liquor
License and Cigarette License for Prior Lake - Liquor Ware
4. City Manager McGuire reviewed the recommendation of the
Liquor Comittittee. He stated that the 'Committ ee `'met. earlier
this evening and recommended approval of the licenses contin -``
it gent upon the fees being paid.
D• PAavdM Motion b Busse to a g
y pproye the Off -Sale I ntoxicatin g , Non -
Off Sde Intoxicating Liquor and Cigarette Licenses for Donald and Liq• Lic• Mary Jo Reardon, for Prior Lake Liquor Warehouse located in x '
the Gateway Center contingent upon all fees being paid,
seconded by Schweich and upon 'a vote taken it was duly'
The next item on the Nagenda was to consider the request
from Julie Schommer for an Off -Sale Intoxicating, Non-
Intoxicating Liquor andj�Cigarette Licenses for Laker Liquor.
City Manager McGuire reviewed the Liquor Committee's recom-
mendation. He stated that the name of the store would be
Junction Liquor instead of Laker Liquor. He `also stated
that the Committee recommended approval contingent,, upon the
fees being paid, a copy of the: lease and the bond being
submitted td Staff,;; 3
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
r }
Motion by' Thorkelson to' approve the Off -Sale Intoxicating,
Non- Intoxicating Liquor and Cigarette Licenses , Julie
Junction Schommer, Junction Liquor located in the Brooksville: Center,
Liq. Uc. contingent upon submission of the fees, a copy of the lease
and bond, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken' it was
duly passed. "
The next item om the agenda was to consider the request
from John Schumacher, for an On- Sale Liquki)r License.
PAGE 11.
MINUTES of the Proceedins of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts aduited
by '
said Council.
City Manager McGuire reviewed the Committee's recommen-
dation. He stated that the location of this would be
Freddies on the Lake. Mr. Schumacher has purchased the
building and is going to do some remodeling to the building.
The Committee would recommend approval for an On -Sale Intox-
icating, On -Sale Non - Intoxicating, Sunday, Off -Sale Non -
Intoxicating and a Cigarette License. He further stated
that Mr.. Schumacher was present and would like to speak to
the Council afterwards.
Mayor Johnson, asked if there were any questions regarding
this license.
There were none,
Motion by Busse to approve the request for an On -Sale
Intoxicating On -Sale Non- Intoxicating Sunday, Off -Sale Non-
Intoxicating and Cigarette License as recommended by the
Liquor Committee, seconded`by Thorkelson.
Councilmember Schweich asked if all the licenses would be
City Manager McGuire stated that Schumacher's would be the
only one prorated, Off -Sale Licenses,'are not.`
Mayor Johnson called the question on the motion and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
Mr. John Schumacher then spoke to the Council. He told the
Council of his plans for "Big Cully's ". He stated that he
was considering putting a bar in downstairs for the boaters,
snowmobilers and families that did not want to come inside.
He gave a brief history of himself and his experience.
Councilmember Thorkelson commented on the bar downstairs.
There was further discussion by Council and Staff.
Mr. Schumacher will meet with Staff to further discuss his
Mrs. Rearden stated that she was glad to see ° something like
this coming, into Prli.or. Lake and that she supported it very
Mayor Johnson thanked Mr. Schumacher and welcomed all the
new businesses, into the community. ,
The next item on the agenda was to review the bids received
for the Maintenance Equipment.
Parks ° & Recreation Director Mangan and City Engineer
Anderson reviewed this for the Council.
There was discussion by Council and Staff on the equipment.
Motion by Busse accepting a letter dated April 2, 1984 from
Gordon. Hoglund requesting that the City withdraw their bid
because of an error, and that the bond received be returned,
seconded by Schweich "and upon a vote taken it was duly
Motion by Thorkelson to accept low quotes" for the
Equipment as follows: 7h Plow, for the amount of 1,607.00
from LaHass. Aerator (Turf) for the amount of 1,984.00
from R.L. Gould. P.T.O. Snow Blower for the amount of
1,450.00 from Carlson Ford. 72" diesel Mower for the
amount of 9,434.00 from TORO.. Cab for TORO for the amount
of 1,690.00 from TORO. Broom (60 TORO for the amount of
1,7 - 25.00 from TORO. Trailer for the amount of 1,500.00
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the
County of'Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by
sicti d Council.
from the City. 5 Mobile Radios at 534.00 each (2,67 -00?
from Johnson for a total amount, for equipment''being"'$22,-
060.00, secondedl by Scot and upon a vote taken it was duly
Awa Bids Motion by ,Scott to accept the low bids for the following
. for ern, equipment: S-10 Truck f-om Jeff Seltzers Todd Chevrolet "
FqdPwmt for the amount of 8,002.48. Tractor from Lano Equipment
for the amount of 20,890.00, Skid Steer Loader from Lano
Equipment for the amount of 10,866.00 Dump Body from Road
Machinery for the amount of 6,125:00. Reversible Plow from
Crysteel Dist. Inc for the amount_ of 9:,860.00. One Falls
Wing TAH8 from MacQueen Equipment for the amount of
3,600.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed,;'
Motion by Thorkelson to award the bid to Jeff Beltzer's
Todd Chevrolet for the full time 4 -wheel drive pick -up
truck for the amount of 12,008.51' because of delivery time
and the small cost difference, seconded by Scott and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by T.horkelson to award the bid to Astleford Inter.-
national for 2 210HP cab and chassis' for the amount of
53,720.00 because 'in Staff's opinion the 210HP was worth
the additional 'cost, seconded by Busse ana upon a vote
{ taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Thorkelson to award the .bid to MacQueen, Equipment
for the Dump body Hyle two ways sander, fr)r the amount o£
11,558.00 for the reason being that Road Machinery hid an
alternate that the City could not view and would not be
available, seconded by Scott and upon_a vote taken it was
duly passed;.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss a proposal for.
Watzl's Point. Parks & R Director Mangan reviewed
�M this for the Counci:l.He stated that the proposal was sub
mitted by Mr. Dennis McGraw and Mr. Robert rFrickson. The
proposal is to erect a 35' x 20' building using the same
exterior and styling as the existing bathhouse. He further.
Mr. McGraw and Mr. Ericison commented to the Council and
Staff regarding their proposal.
There were further comments by Council and Staff.
Councilmember Thorkelson questioned the rentals taking
revenue away from the City. He also questor_ed the
liability, if there were accidents, would the City„ be
I3 Liable? He asked that a more specific plan be brought back
before the Council.
Councilmember Busse was concerned about the low throttle
area. He suggested that there be more regulations within
this area. He was concerned about the potential danger o`
mixing' speedboats and canoes and paddleboats.
A suggestion was made 'that this • should be considered at
Sand Pointe. Beach area. It was _ the consensus of the
j Council that . if it were to go through it should be at
Lakefront Park.
There was further discussion hv�s "� ounci.l and Staff.
Mayor - ohnson asked that Parks & Recreation Director meet
with Mr.. McGraw and Mr. Erickson, City Manager McGuire,
City Planner Graser and City Attorney Kessel and then come
back before the Co
li A
of the Proceedins of the City Council of the City'of Prior.Lake in the
County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts aduited
said Council.
The next item on the agenda was to. discuss finalization of
AA)w Day
Arbor Day Plans. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan
reviewed this. He stated that the nursery stock at
Lakefront Park cannot be made available until at 'least next
year. The City could make space avai if civic groups
wanted to provide seedlings but that';is all we can do at
this time.
Therer was further- discussion by Council and Staff:
It was suggested that an article be placed in the paper and
or a proclamation
p proclaiming, Arbor,. Day. It was suggested
that if civic groups wish to plant' a'tree on City property
that they notify the City.
There was further discussion. y `
Mayor Johnson called a five minu recess.
The meeting was called back 'to L der at 9 :05 PM;
The next item on the agenda was to discuss ad'vertising.,,for
bids for a rescue unit: Fire Chief Bob Mertens was present
to discuss this: He stated that the Fire Department 'met`
; T
with Scott County z and came to a decision to go with the
specs that the Fire Department had origi,nallydrafted. He
asked that authorization be given calling ` for bids for 3
units, Gone for the City, one for, St. Prancis and one for
New Prague), schedule bid openings for May 3, 1984 at
10:00 AM.
'There was discussion by Council and Staff. -
There was discussion on wording of the Aid to state l,'2, `
or 3 units (price break`). _
Adv.far M
Motion by Thorkelson to' advertise requestin bids for
fW PAwm
1, 2, or ;�3 Rescue Units and' that, they be opeized at 10:00 AM
on May 3, 1984, . seconded by Busse and upon :a vote taken it
was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda ,was to consider the Burger King
Final Plat. City Planner r Graser reviewed this for the
Council. He stated that the Burger King Corporation is
requesting final
q g plat approval. Staff has examined the
plat and has determined it t`o be in substantial compliance
with the preliminary plat.. He further stated that Staff
would recommend approval subject to the $5087.00 park
dedication fee being paid.
f Agg Ary r
K Anal RU t
Motion by Busse to approve the Burger King Final' Plat as
presented contingent upon the $5,087.00 park dedication fee
beinq paid, seconded by .Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed. -
The next item discussed was tn`e amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance, ie: House Moving.
City Planner Graser reviewed this for "the Council. _He
stated that- Prior Lake's experience with house moving has
been less than desirable. Residents have complained in the
past about houses being moved into the , )community. Staff
would recommend that section X7.7 of the zoning code be
totally stricken and amend section 4.1 by adding Paragraph
There was general discussion by Council and Staff:
Motion by Thorke to adopt the proposed amendments to
to ZmOld. FE
the Zoning Ordinance aria that the final form be drafted by
the City Attorney,, sec anded by Busse and upon'a vote taken;
it was duly passed,: J1,
w 4.
of the Priceedings of the City Council of the City,of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by
s(tid Council.
The next item on the agenda was to Consider a Conditional,
Use Request for a Twin Home from Schweicil 6
Councilmember Schweich removed himself from' the Council at
this time.
Mr. Bkyce 1(upmoller' representing Schweich Construction was
present to comment.
City Planner Graser then reviewed Staf I s Report on' this,
request. He stated that the Planning Comm ission hii I d A,,
hearing � 3/15/84 with the recommendation to deny the
request since it is 'not consistant with existing R-1
Lakeshore development.
Z27t There
were further comments and discussion by Council,
Staff And Mr. Hu0moller.
fm I
.,.Motion by Thorkelson to reaffirm the Planning Commission's
recommendation' to. deny the request for the Conditional Use
Requ4st for a. Twin Home from Schweich Construction, seconded
by ausq and"upon a'vote taken it was duly passed.
City manager McGuire then reviewed the �__request to abate
a assessments for'Woodview lat Addition.
T -ka
"City Manager McGuire stated "that Len Grassini is proposing
replat Lots 12 through 20, Block 1 an d Lots through
Block 2, Woodview Ist Addition. In order. for the,
hardshell I to' be, accepted and recorded by the county,
t�hd, delinquent taxes , for 1981-1983 must be paid -in full
plus the current year of 1984., ", The owner is willing,,,
to pay the ad-valorem taxes,, due in the amount of $2,761.56
but. is financially unable to pay the' special assessments
and, �the .. accrued 'penalty And interest in the aggregate
'amount of _$183,938.80. , To encourage development pri � these
1, ts, and �to �kprotect the C investment, Staf f would
abat Ing the delinquent
mommend speciala and to recertify
against thp replats beginning payable 1985.
There was gener discussion by Council and Staff.,'
Mt. Up Grassirii was present to comment. 6
Abeft Am
mot Thorzelson to
i�n \by abate the assessment, penalty
and' int6rest iril, the amour it of $61,,092.96 'a ainst Parce.1
NuMbIkrs 31-185-01 throdqh 31-185'-020-0 and 31-185-039-0
3'i 1 � Su- 0
tbroogh" for the 1981, �seconded� by' Scott
and 1�. V6 te taken it was 'duly
lupon.'a,' passed.
motion' to abate the assesame y' 'and
"0 I nt8 4 penalt
inter. itie:
est in au�ount of'$40,,557.86,,agairist Partel Numbers
31 L,2 0 '�hr6u - 31-185-020-0
ugh and through�
31 115-043-0 for e year 1982, secbride& by -Busse; and
�,,,upon A votetaken4t, was duly passed.
Motion, by, Scott to Abate the -assessments,: penalty and
interest in, the am�unt of $ Numbers
throxi'O� 31-185-020-0
and 31-185-039-0
,31-185-043-0 for the' year 1983, seconded by Thorkelson
and upona vote tak e
I n it was duly
mot i by Thorkelson, to, abate, the assessment's in the
amount �Of, $34,45740 against: Parcel !Numbers 31-185-012-0
through 31-185-020-0 and 31-185-;-03.9-0 through 31-185-1043-0
for 1the y6ar 1984, , seconded by Busse and upon a vote
,taken it was duly passed.
Onall W
MINUTES of the Proceeding of the City I r the City of Prior Lake in the
County of Scott and State of MinnL -a, including all accounts aduited by
said Council.
Motion by Thorkelson to recertify the total abatement
of $181,938,80 on the two repats when hardshelled or
August 31, 184 which ever comes first, for a period
of 16 years beginning in 1985 at 8% interest, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly ,:passed.
The next item on the agenda was to consider the sale of
certain City vehicles.
City _Manager McGuire reviewed this for the Council. :He
stated that authorization is needed to advertise for sealed
bids for the sale of 3 city vehicles, 1 two ton utility
van, and 2 four door Chevrolet Impalas.
Adj. for
Motion by Busse to authorize the- advertising for - sealed
to Sell City
bids to be opened on April 26, 1 at 10:00 AM for the -3
city vehicles, seconded by Thorkelson and upon .a vote taken`'
it was duly passed.
City' Manager 'McGuire reviewed the Treasurer's Report for
the Month of February.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Treasurers Report for
the month of February as presented, seconded by Scott and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire stated that the sample chaff -rs were
placed in the audience at this evenings meeting and 'asked
that the Council make a decision as to which chair the #
' City should order.
Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the purchase of 3:6
2 Pb&AW
chairs that the Council had selected and that they be
paid ' for out of the contingency fund, 'seconded by Scott
°� omits
and .upon . a vote 'taken it was duly passed.
Marlis Bluedorn commented on _.a house that_: was moved °into
the ' City approximately 1 year ago and the fact that nothing
hee,•been done to it. She further stated that the house.
�is now: up for sale.'
Parks; 4 Recreation 'Director Mangan commented, on the Park
Shgp' Burnsite. i►eople, have been calling ;asking if they
`, k
can bring -items out %there for burning.
Mayor ° Johnson i,direcited Parks m' Recreation Director to
work ` out a "Clean -up Week" the City •Manager's
and bring a recommendation back to the Council..
Cit Mama; er ,-_: McGuire - commented on , a' mema� �tha
Y g t was handed
out Co the Council r "elarding the., Shakopee Horse Race
Track. He stated that the Council should consider directing
the •,` Staff, ;', "Planning Commission and Economic Development,
Coommittee to analyze the potential impact the Racetrack
cou"1'd ? have ° : on -� Prior Lake . He further . suggested that
this should be discussed at the April 23, Council
Workshop Meeting..
,Council 'discussed other areas that could have an impact
on Prior Lake'•and made further recommendations.on topico that
should be discussed._'
Motion by Thorkelson to' direct Staff, Planning Commission
and Economic Development: Committee to review the memo/
potential impacts N and bring back their comments at the
x l�srJi
April 23, 1984 meeting, seconded by Busse and upon a
vote ,taken it was duly „passed. /
With no other., comments, motion by Scott to adjourn, seconded
r r
by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken this meeting was
ad journed at 10:59 PM. t
Michael. A. McGuire, City Manager `�,)/
Jakki Menk, Recording Secretary
PAGE . 6