HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 09 1984;= MINUTES; of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, 7 'ding all accounts audited by said Council. _ April 9, 1984 _ x- The .Common council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session "on Monday, April 9, 1984 at 7 :30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Gouncilmembere Busse, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, Finance Director" Teschner. and City Attorney Kessel. Councilmember Schweich was absent. Mayor Johnson asked everyone to please rise for the pledge'of allegiance._ The minutes of April 2 1984 were reviewed. The following corrections ar"G to be made to the minutes of ( A April 2,: 1984. _ Page 3 Paragraph 10 DELETE, low INSERT closed Councilmember Busse was con- " cerned about « e the closed throttle area. Page 6 Paragraph ' ' I INSERT remodeled in a house that was remodeled in, ' the City approximately 1 year ago. I�ezbes ; With. no other changes,, Motion by_ Thorkelson t e the o approv a ;..'1 minutes of April ` upon vote taken it was duly passed. ' ' The next item on the agenda was Steve Mattson from Juran a ° °N'I Moody discussing the sale of Equipment Certificates and Fire and Rescue Bonds. City Manager' McGuire briefly commented, on this before Mr. R MittsoWs discussion. - Mr. Ma stated that the first item to be discussed would . . be tithe° ;,equipment certificates. He handed out worksheets a a. U m mhow,ing .:the. details. He then reviewed the worksheet. After `:he review he stated that Prior Lake State Bank contacted the City and Juran 8 Moody and wanted to bid on 'the Equipment Certificates. Mr.:, Bareness submitted a letter to the City "showing a"lower interest rate. Mr. B'xrsness is offering to , , buy the bonds' at 1% interest rate at par. "The bank could,s ve the City, about $3,000 over the, life of the issue. He then handed "out -a copy of the authorizing resolution that Attorneys Briggs and Morgan drafted. This resolution is based upon 4utan, i Moody issuing the bonds but can revised to Lake State Bank. He stated that he would then fill in the required levy',s. on,. the ` City „ " manager `,McGuire asked if it would be in order for the" :City to adopt this resolution. Mr. Mattson stated that would be correct, a motion introducing this' resolution with -. wording it "Prior Lake State Bank” and " t that it would allow" Juran a Moody to work with Briggs and Morgan to revamp the resolution. Mayor Johnson asked for more clarification. City. Attorney Kessel stated that the resolution would be the same °'but' 'instead of Juran a Moody, Prior Lake .State Bank would be nserted Yy . Mayor Johnso "n asked if there were any comments or questions. Page l i ft , Ift I f < i -, 1I ! •: _ _. t ..,:., x. .' :., . ! A ,-': •.. ,. ..:.. ... �. # 7 7 I �. if i t MINUTES o of the Proceeditis of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts aduited by said Council. t; M1 There were none. 'a' Motion by Thorkelson to authorize Resolution 84 -08, a "resolu $175,000 x t tion providing for the issuance and sale of $1`75,000.60 General r re Omtificatm e Obligation Equipment Certificates to the offer of the Prior e; State Bank, seconded by Busse and upon a o was duly passed. Mr. Mattson then reviewed the issuance of $295,000.00 as it was voted on last November. He again handed out a worksheet ; showing "the breakdown for the issuance of the bonds for' the Fire Truck. He stated that this would be spread out over a 15 year program. This schedule, woula' give the City a`fairly level debt service payment with interest'. He then passed out O a " on a $40,000.00, $50,000.00, $60,000`.00 and a $70,,000.00 home- steaded property to repay this bond issue would be. Mr. Mattson then reviewed a� contract for the issuance of $295,000.00 General Obligation Bonds. He stated the bonds would be payable to the First Trust Company of St. Paul and that all bonds "would 'be in denomination of $5,000.00. The MINUTES of the Pr,►ceedings of lajr r* fnuncil of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State u� oiinnesota, Including all accounts audited by ` said Council. for the purpose of public senior citizen housing. The City originally acquired this parcel from IDS with the intent of reselling to recover our access development costs to the athletic complex. However, our concern City - -ordinance would prevent such a, direct 'sale to the HRA as it only allows for the sale of real property by three, methods, bid process, realty sale, or "auction sale. These methods restrict the sale of property to either the highest bidder or hi r; p p Y hest offer g 9 received. Minnesota State Statute 465.035 provides that any County, Town, or City may convey its lands for any consider - ation agreed upon to another public entity when authorized by �A its governing body. Incorporating this language into the last paragraph of the ordinance would eliminate the above obstacle and provide the 'needed flexibility for any future real estate transactions involving public purpose projects. He ,then stated that one, additional change is striking the, "Sale by Ordinance" requirement and substituting "All 'final dispositions of real ' property shall be by Council approval ". Councilmember Thorkelson stated that it doesn't really say that we can sell the ,.property to a private individual or °^ corporation, in terms of . tax increment and other forms; of financing. This would only apply to public bodies. There was further discussion by Council, Staff and City Attorney Kessel. K podtkia Mayor ,Johnson asked that this be continued at `.next week's s Orhiliftq meeting. He ailso `asked City Attorney Kessel to O hOndw, further research this and bring it' back to the Council at-next week's meeting. 1 `'There was further discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor Johnson asked if these was any other business Councilmember Scott stated in regards to "Clean -up Week ", there is a house; out by the County Road 21 Bridge that has a.. lot of junk cars' and trash ,all around it City Manager:'McGuire stated that it would be looked into. City'Manager McGuire then stated that he= passed out, brief submitted by Phil Cole to the federal court on the Indian" Law Suit. . He also commented on a conference that would be 'held by the League of Cities in June. Marlis `Bluedorn °asked', if there was an answer to her question that she asked at lawt, week's meeting regarding the remodeling of the house, City Manager McGuire stated that she. was asked to contact City Planner Graser and discuss it with him. Mr. Wally Stock,' asked about the Lake Ordinance that was discussed last year. He asked if anything more had been'. done on it before a possible problem ,started this year. City Attorney Kessel stated that, he has= contacted the assistant County Attorney, on this and is.waiting for a reply. There was further discussion on this -. With no other comments; motion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by`Thorkelson and upon a vote t.akenf meeting was adjourned at 8.16` PM: Michael A. McGuire City Manager Jakki K. Menk Recording Secretary Page 3 4� " � Supplies Repair Supplies i} Parts Dept. Inc. Repair Supplies 59.61 Computoservice Inc. Computer Service' NIA TES of the Proceedings' of the City Council of the City of Prior - , 'Lake in the 10141,40, County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by Charles Tooker Consultant Planner said touncil., GENERAL GOVERNMENT it Mayor and Council Salaries 1 Michael McGuire -- F ' " Car Allowance 275.00 jik*ki Menk; Mileage and Reimbursement for Purchase 25.27 Prior Lake American THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1984. 'Scott Co. HRA Professional Services 979.20 E. H.11 New rom Building Inspector 1,260,00 Robert McAllister MISCELLANEOUS* _DEPARTMENTS 350.00 vftpublic Telcom" Lonq,D13tance Phone Service 53.81 Ames Office Supply Office a:Mist. Supplies 217.01 Cragun's„Conferenee Center City Managers Conference Reservation Prior Lake OK Hardware Misc. Supplies U 241.67 „1 Keith: Thortcel'son Radermacher Foods Misc. Supplies 67.38 Building Maintenance 107.15 Hausers'Super Valu 'Misc. Supplies 54.95 Xerox - C6rporAtion' . _ x Microfilming do Reproduction Scott Rice Telephone Telephone Service 685.39 f �lUII�InY MN Valley Electric Co -op. Utilities 1002;32 Copy Duplicating Prod. Copier Rental do Supplies- x 266.61 POLICE: State Treasurer Bidg, Permit Surchargesfi:92,.23 Film Developing 947 R.W. :Shaw Snyder Drug Mise. Supplies 15.45 Radio Repair 30.Q0 Prior Lake CarQuest Repair a Gen. Supplies 362.20, PAWAND RECREATION Albinson Machine Rental _ 50;00 57.47 Uniforms unlimited %nnens Supply Supplies Repair Supplies 423.10 36,64 Parts Dept. Inc. Repair Supplies 59.61 Computoservice Inc. Computer Service' 1 # 127.13 State Treasurer City Sharer - FICK 10141,40, Bankers Life Insurance 3,826.85 Charles Tooker Consultant Planner 650.00 , GENERAL GOVERNMENT it Mayor and Council Salaries 1 Michael McGuire -- F ' " Car Allowance 275.00 jik*ki Menk; Mileage and Reimbursement for Purchase 25.27 Prior Lake American Publishing 364.00 'Scott Co. HRA Professional Services 979.20 E. H.11 New rom Building Inspector 1,260,00 Robert McAllister Animal Control 350.00 vftpublic Telcom" Lonq,D13tance Phone Service 53.81 MN?Cty M�mt. Assn. Membership Fee 25.00' Cragun's„Conferenee Center City Managers Conference Reservation 124.06 GovernmenTrng.'Service City Managers Conference Fee 110.00 Keith: Thortcel'son Reimbursement for purchase " 2295 American linen Building Maintenance 107.15 AGINEERING Xerox - C6rporAtion' . _ x Microfilming do Reproduction 661.77 f �lUII�InY Metropolitan Council, Conference fees 70.00 POLICE: Noll a.Halbark Shop Film Developing 947 R.W. :Shaw Equipping new squad 490.00 "" Com>wunicat on Auditors Radio Repair 30.Q0 Crime' Prevention Adv. Comm. ; ". Fee 17.00 PAWAND RECREATION r Lake State,EQuipment Repair Supplies 57.47 Notthland Saws Repair Supplies 41.95 C. H. Carpenter :. fa Repair Supplies 2.40 Shakopee °P011c Utilities Utilities 10.8 Ephraim Beaudette,_ Repairs 6.00 The Fitness Store g Park Program Supplies 390.00 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 64.10 :The Trophy 'House Broomball supplies 75.00 MH,Rec. & Park Assn Manual 8:00 Virgil Schaaf .Construction Park Shop 447.00 Prior Lake i Electric Co Park Shop 63.33 ti v MIN.UTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City, of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. L STREET 3 3. L.Shiely Co. Sand do Gravel 186.72. M -V Gas Co. Utilities 580.00' Metro.Fone Inc. Rental 32.00 McNamara Vivant Contracting Snow'Removal 211.75 t SEWERi Flexible Pipe Tool Co. Repair Supplies" 98.54 Metro Wiste Control Commission Installime.nt ` 23,204.01 Metro'W&3te Control Commission SACcharges 8 15 Roger Sandberg Ovetoa#ftnt of SAC Charge 340.00 WATER Serco Lab Analysis r DEBT.SERVICE FUND r N6iveat Bank MPls. First Bank St. Paul Debt Service 33,121:20 0 .`, Debt Service 3,955.00 SEVER WATER FUND : - Co:mmissloncr of Revenue Sales Tax - 13t quarter 443.61 t i o " rr C � F' U Y { v