HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 16 1984r f K,NUTES of the.Proceedings of the City Council '0 the Ci y of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minne d , Including all accounts audited by {` ` said Council. _ April 16, 1984 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake mefi in regular session on Monday, April 16'' 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City ` Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse,' ,Schweich, � ' Scott,, Thorkelson, City- Manager McGuire; City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Johnson asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance: 4 The minutes of April 9, "1984 were reviewed. # y The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of April 9th and the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, April 17, 1984. Page 1 Paragraph 9 INSERT be Juran a Moody issuing the bonds but can } revised be to ' Prior Lake ,I ® Page 3 Paragraph 1 DELETE concern State Bank:' INSERT current our current City' y Ordn- ; ance would prevent such a' direct sale to the HRA as r x ` it on y` al- lows for ` the sale of real INVOICES= ADDITIONS property' Freddies on the Lake Reimbursement Liquor License $ 862.50 Cougar Consultants, °North= 'Shore Project -1,102.32 Miwbes' " Thwatan Motion by Busiw to •approve the minutes as amended and to t approve the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, t, .April a17,° 1984 with the two additional invoices,: seconded by SCott vote 'a upon a taken it was duly passed: The, next item on the agenda was to review the bid's received for the Fire Truck. f City Manager McGuire and Fire Chief Bob Mertens reviewed this for the Council. Fire Chief ° Mertens stated that 4 bids were received,.. It. would be his recommendation i, to. go with the, lowest bid received - American LaFrance, quoting $219,343.00 with a,^ 2'4,0 day delivery, s.^ � There was general discussion by Council and Staff. ° wed Md,:far Motioxi by Thorkelson to award the bid to American LaFrance . for N* Pin the Fire Truck, `the amount being $219,343.00 with delivery 'being date 'in 240 days, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote "duly taken- it- was passed. ` The next item on the agenda was to review the quotes. for the Fire Hall.Aenovatio'n. City Manager McGuire and Firemen Jerry Mahoney and Curt Schmidt:: :reviewed, this for the Council. The first item was for painting of the exterior and interior. 3 '`qnotes were .received. It was the recommendation of the .fire . department to go with ,Laverne Johnson because of sand blasting ^ over water blasting and their` method used for painting, amount Page 1 ' a e , , it 3y N, 1 1 a , , a MINUTES of the Proceedins of the City Council of the City of Prtor Lake in the ,County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts aduited by said Council. i $4,950.00. Bid far' Pim Motion by Scott to accept the quote from Laverne Johnson for 1171 the amount of $4,950:00 because of the preference of sand N mat kn blast over water blast and the method used by Laverne Johnson for the painting of the building, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next quote- was for insulation. 3 quotes were received. It was the recommendation to go with the low quote from" Mahowald Builders for a- R.19 6" Batt for the amount of $5,500.00 . There was discussion by ., uncil, and Staff. ( Awwd Bid for Motion by Thorkelson to accept the quote from Mahowald Builders InmAatian for the amount of $5,500.00, seconded by Schweich ,and upon a for Fire vote taken- it was duly passed. _ The.next item,,�was for the interior and exterior remodeling:, 2 quotes were received for this. It was recommended that the * quote go to the low bidder, Mahowald Builders for the amount of $10,700.00. i There was discussion regarding the type of work that.would be done. i ` Aw.zd bid f Motion by Scott to accept the low quote from Mahowald Builders 7nt. kftt: for the amount of $10,700.00 , %°for the interior and exterior Aeta�elit� remodeling, ' seconded by J�Thorkolson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item was for electric. Only 1 quote was received c from Dick Busse. He submitted a -quote for $2,000.00 for the ' '. wiring for floor board heating, ceiling fans and other misc. wiring. I There was general discussion by Council and Staff. ` Arad Bide Mot ion ,by Thorkelson to accep the ­`quote from Dick Busse for s far Cit.< the amount of $2,000-00 for electrical wiring,, seconded by far lire W L Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Estimates were received for the following items. Plumbing: D$ $500 Misc. Interior Finishing: '$1,000,00, this would t`e done by either the fire department or Mahowald Builderst. -Radio Relocation and Telephone $50,0,.00.„ 311 : There was general discussion by Council and Staff. MLs. liotic,f Motion by;' : to authorize up to $2 for the Fire Bill > misc. work, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item was for heating and air conditioning. 4 quotes were received for this. There was a lot of ;,discussion regarding the difference in quotes. Jerry -Mahoney stated that the 2 high quotes out of the 4 were. for replacement of the furnace: Fire Chief r'_` Mertens stated that the furnace is only 2 years old` I and doe -dot need replacement. There was further 1discussion.' Aai Rid fa. Motion by Busse to accept the quote from ZanMillers for the •amount of $2,600,.00 seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken ` 'k it was passed. Page-2 , a,. L A MEOW i 14INUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said' Council The final item for the renovation wa,s for floor covering. 2 quotes were received, one bidding only carpet the other carpet and linoleum. After much discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to go with both carpet and linoleum, so that the work would be guaranteed by one supplier and installer. Floor Motion by Thorkelson to _accept the quote from Lakeville Lino- for Fire leum for the amount of $1025.00 for both carpet, linoleum and Ha11 the additional. repair work that - would be done, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly 'passed. i The next item on the agenda was t,o continue the discussion on i ( Ordinance #84 -05, sale of City Property. City Attorney Kessel reviewed the new ordinance. There was discussion by Council and Staff.' AdPt W, Motion by Thorkelson to adopt Ordinance #84 -05, An Ordinance 8405 Amending Prior Lake City Code Chapter 1, Section 1- 12 -1 -3, Dispositon of Real Property, as presented, seconded by Scott of and upon a_vote taken it was duly passed. City Engineer Anderson then commented on the final plans for Lakeside Avenue Paving. He stated that an informational- * I&1=d a meeting was held on April 3 1984. The street and storm sewer knme alignments were reviewed with the residents. The alignment of Perna ` the street appeared to be acceptable -to the residents.. Opposition as to the location of the storm sewer in the.,` area of Lakeside Avenue and Colorado Street was voiced by ,the >, adjacent property owners. He further stated that since then,_` discussion with a property owner has opened the possibility of another route for the storm sewer. He stated that the routing of the storm sewer is, being reviewed. The paving plans will be reviewed with the Council at a future meeting. Mayor Johnson asked if there were any questions or comments by any of the residents that were present. The tape is the legal record of the meeting;, and will be kept on file in the City Managerls office. ` There were questions regarding the routing and if the time delay would create a problem of costing more. ' City Engineer Anderson stated that these items can be reviewed when it comes before the Council. - ,i Mayor Johnson asked that this be tabled until May 7, 1984 at 1 8`:00 PM. , i There were further comments by Council and the audience. i The next item on the agenda was to consider the request .from Brad Nelson for a Conditional Use Permit. City Planner Graser reviewed this for the Council. He stated that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this on April 5, 1984 and made the following recommendations: 1)Driveway 'and radi alter- ation for all drives entering Sunray Circle. 2)Addition of at least 4 parking spaces and turnaround at the end of Center' driveway. 3)The center drive be widened. to 30 feet. He recommended that this be reduced to only 24 feet. 4)Acceptable radi be shown for drives facing private road. 5)Submission of j a revised landscape plan to the satisfaction of Staff emphasiz- ing privacy, sight distances vegetative berming between major building clusters. 6)Original grading plan may be amended to conform 'to revised development configuration. He commented s further. @J \ Page 3 { 0F* i MINUTES of the Proceedins of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts adui'ted by said _Council. Council reviewed the preliminary plat maps. Mr. Brad Nelson was present to comment. There was general discussion by Council and Staff Cad•Use Motion by Scott to approve the Conditional Use, Permit request Peut'- by Brad Nelson contingent upon the Planning Cormissions recom- Brad*19m mendations #1, #2, #4, #5 and #6, seconded by Busse. There was further discussion 'regarding hammer`head, on f( Block 2. a It was the consensus of the Council that hammerhead driveways, should be incorporated only for Block 2 ''on the end units (1 and 4). Y This, amendment was accepted to the motion and the second by Scott and Busse. r . Mayor Johnson called the question on the motion and upon a vote taken it was duly "passed. The next item on the agenda° was to` consider the preliminary plat request by ' Brad Nelson. Cit'y Planner Graser reviewed this for the Council. Al asked that the Couilcil 'refer to the Conditional Use Permit plans for this item. He stated that the Planning; Commission held a public ;;'hearing on 4/5/84 with "t'he ; recommendation being to 'approve the replat of Woodview 1st Addition. :3 a Council and Staff discussed this in'.general. Pm1hL Plat Motion by Thorkelson to approve i � b the Preliminary Plat for OMW lat Woodview lst Addition as presented,,, seconded by Busse and upon Add. 'a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item on the agenda was to 'icon si'der a preliminary plat } request by Len Grassini. City Planner Graser reviewed this f for the Council. He stated that the Planning' Commission held' a public hearing on 4/5/84 with the following recommendations: To approve contingent upon 1)the Utility easements which run parallel to the existing side property lines must ,i'be 'vacated before final plat approval. 2)Any additional utility costs which result because of this replat must be `borne by the applicant. He then reviewed the memo from Staff with Council. ,He commented further. } There was discussion by Council on this request. There was concern about the lots- being narrow and it looking like it would be all garages. There was further discussion. PselhL Plat Motion b Thorkelson to � Y approve the Preliminary Plat based on farlin the facts presented, with the stipulation of the utilA awaini easements being vacated, seconded by Scott. , There was further discussion. i ,f. Mayor Johnson called the question and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The reports for the month of March were reviewed. //p Motion Motion by Busse to approve the Police' Report as submitted' l� i seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Page 4 I '_ lIIUTES_of the Proceedings of the Ci ty Counci of the pity of Prior Lake in. the County of Scott and State of Minnesu,.., Including all accounts audited by said Council. r 1 1 Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Finance Report as'i sub -� mitte.d, seconded by Busse and upon a vote °taken it was. duly r passed. 4i Catcher'S Motion by Busse to approve the Dog Catcher's Report as sub- i mitted, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was dins passed. _ � gg l . Fire& ftsmt Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Fire and--Rescue as rt �­" _ submitted, seconded by Schweich; and ��pon ,a vote taken itiwas duly passed. Motion b Thorkelson too approve y the Building •Permit Report as submitted, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was y ~ _cu passed. Mayor Johnson 'asked if there was any 1 ther business that needed to be taken care of, ` City Planner requested that the Council schedule'�2 vacation 4° public hearings. One for Len Grassini for utility easement vacationand one for Keith Webb for Green Oaks. Motors by Scbedula p Thorkelson to schedule a public hearing for the purpose of utility easement vacation for 2nd• Addition AM. oti Monday, May 14, 1984 a,t 8:00 °PM, seconded by B sse and upon "a vote taken it was duly passed. M SdediieP.ii•' Motion by Scott to schedule a public hearing for ` the purpose - ftsm�rt + of utility easement vacation for Lots.' 6, 7 and 8, Block 1, GMM Green Oaks on Monday, - May ' 14, 198:4 'at 8:15 PM, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dIAy passed. ;i City Planner Graser then commented on'a letter that he received from a Mr. Bruce Burnham regarding installing sewer and water to his property on Rrdgemont Avenue, There was much discussion bjr Council and Staft. Mayor`, Johnson directed C ty� planner Graser to gather more information on the cost of installing sewer and water and ,the development potenital in that area. He also asked that this be brought back before the Council at`t:he May 7th meeting. %' r } `pouncilmember Schweich commented on th6- -of f enforcement o our - ordinances dealing with Junk Vehicles, Garbage and Refuse, and rental apartments in R -1 Areas. -There was much discussion by Council and Staff., -'` Mayor Johnson. ''Suggested that this be scheduled for one of the Council's Workshop meetings. With no other comments, motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken this meeting was _ adjourned at 9:49 PM. _ I Michael A. McGuire 5 ° City Manager Jakki K. Menk Recording Secretary i Q Page 5 r f