HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 29 1984s MINUTES of the proceedings o ie,City Council of tt`e City of Pr4or Lake in the runty of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited Eby said Council, May 29, 1984 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tuesday, May 29, 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the 3 to order. Present were Mayor Jotmnsoh Council - members Busse, Schweich. ( City Manager McGuire, City Enginemer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner'and City Attorney i Ke CouncilmEmmber Scott was absent. ` Mayor Johnson asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of !allegiance. The minutes of May. 21, 1984 were reviewed. - r Minutes Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes as : presented, secanded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The first item on the agenda was to discuss industrial development in Prior Lake. Mayor Johnson stated that the ,intent is 'for a general discussion abut Industrial: Dcvelapnent in Prior Lake and then to talk specifically about the two locations shown within the Comprehensive Plan 'He then turned the meeting ever to City Manager McGuire.. City Mansur McGuire gave a 'breakdown of the areas. He further commented. City Plaruitw Graser then commented on the different types of: zoning, within 1 the are"s.\ The two areas discussed were Visions VIII and the present a Industrial !Area on °County 'Road 12. Tabstrul ;a City `R*iridei`• Anderson then commented on Sewer/Water and Paving ' at the two Dmwa]aprmmt ` sites, Hi nii de further comments regarding the County Road 21 and 42 Site (Visions iT}:I I 4 The tape iys the legal record and will be kept an file in the City Minagers Mr., Mark (Nagel, Staff .member of the Prior Lake Economic t :1 , �m�simiittee ;;then - camented 'ern the f g alternatives fat the,potm industrial' park on 'County, Road 21, He stated that before discussing the City's cptians,, if the . City does not have a firm commitment fraam a r wou Company . he stated that he ld like noted that, 1)the Committee has.had 7 inquiries/leads regarding possible - relocation to Prior Lake . in 1984'. , without-any marketing effort at all. 2)t a C7ommitteme's :recent citizen sur' aey, wach is statistically. correct, shmyiaed , that 77% of' Prior : Lake 4,residents ; d, thii they would like to see new' industry move 'in and 751 1 4aid that, a Strong ttx effort should be made to attract new industry. The survey . also showed that they d rot. want smoke stacks coming out of every a where but !' ould like to see some kind of industrial. ;. 10 i Thorkelsan `:suggested that staff make meanie kind of specific proposals" 1,and that the Prior Lake Economic Development. Committee look Into the different types of industries that " would be suitable for either area ''of Mr, Jim Hill. Chairman the Prior Lake nconanic Development also commentede f.. .ii - o Finance Director Z1chr>er then commented ai financing of the inmpsomrenm3nts at either site: r There was further discussion by Council, Staff and the audience p City Manager McGuire then , reviewed" the alternatives that the City .could j consider if we do not have a businedi committed by July� There was: - .further discussion by Com=il and, Staff C Mayor Johnson directed City Manager McGuire to renegotiate the option for the ;Visions VIII (property. , He also asked .that , the Staff and/or the " Wmadc Development Committee seek out consuliing firms "uho' could help the City locate the suitable industry. �( s ti ; c MINUTES of the proceedings of he City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of: Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Johnson then 'thanked everyone for coming out and tiir input an this ,. topic, The next item on the agenda was. to discuss a, new PA System for the Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson asked City Manager McGuire to review this for the Council. City Manager MoGuire stated that about a month ago he submitted to the Council quotes, from Audio Visual CaaVAnies regarding the new P.A. System for the Council Chambers. He stated that after reviewing them it:would ba his 'ieoaaMWIdaition to authorize Viking Audio Visual to install the WW P.A. system. He then passed around to the Council the two different types ^.: of micarq*"nas that would be available. He also stated that a lapel microphone should be included within the purchase, 0 It was the consensus of the Council to go with thy: Stand ;up type microphones lfnere was discussion on what would be done with the old system. 1 Motion by Busse to award the quote to Viking' Audio Visual for the amount 6 - of $2#876.00 for the stand up type of microphones and the lapel m -6 a' a T . and that It be funded Out of the Contingency Fund, seconded by !1hOrl son r s,. and upon ;a 'vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Johnson ` asked if ',there ways, any other business that needed to be .v taken care of . Ci At IGessel canmented the uit. He sta ty t '' W on Benedict Laws ted that;, ,he Mould have' uifoarmation by, next week's meeting: Z Mr.' Leo Vierling, then co mented on three wheelers. He asked if the City 1 lard ar►y.ardinances prohibiting them from going on, private property. f fII I M yoac Jdmson asked if he had contacted the Deppartment.': ,Police f/ { gierlinq stated that by the time 'he "gets to a phone they Zara` alrea'!y JOhnean ; uggested that he could write - in` his tblu n '"The " War. a " in this. ft w regatd "nth no other ,'busimss,' motion Busse to adjourn , seconded by Sd Raeich ,; : J�rd; ioei -a vote. taken this meeting wes adjourned at 9:50 PM a, l k Michael A. McGuire �f City Manager « JAW R. Menk r } Recording Secretary ta 1 1 w ,Ares a n i .` , PAGE 2 , A. ,w MlOUTES of the Proceedings of the City lour 11 of the 'City ;of Prior Lake. in the j County Scott and State of Minnesota. including all'accounts audited by r said ° County) . ig THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICLS AHL SCHEDULED 1'01t R%Yt1r1JT ON TUESDAY, JUNE 5,' 1984. MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS U : Delta Dental Plan Insurance 521.30 State Treasurer City Share - PERA 4,676.78• State Treasurer City Share - FICA„ 11, , 215 1 ._6) Scott Rice Telephone Telephone Service` _u 618.13 ' Minnegasco Utilities , ;4W45 " Ames Office Sppplies Misc. Supplies 70.S1',' -" Continental Sign Shipping Charges 17.15 3 GENERAL GOVERNMENT , Valley Sign Signs 359.00 Miller /Davis Co. Printed`Supples 12.79 ' Pitney -Bowes Machine< Rental 65.25 Ramona 'Mennen City Hall Cleaning 125.00 Bey Appenzeller City Cleaning 125.00 Dolom Berens Library Cleaning 50.00 New.Concept Homes Bldg. Permit Retainer Refunds 400.00 :^ Gienn Lubbers Liquor License Reimbursement 1,520.83 Interstate Budget -Motel Duluth Conference 60,00 League of MN.Cittes Duluth Conference 380.0 • CONTItiGENCY , t 'Cougar, Consulting Archaelogist Fees 2,257;63 Superior Ford' Pick up Truck 6,798.001 , Q ` POLICE ry Rchard`powell Clothing Allowance 198:.50 4r SLeve,�midt Clothing Allowance 198.50 Loff Clothing' Allowance 1,98.50 r s'• 1pRoy Rabenort Clothing Allowance 198'.50 'Gar nth` Clothing °Allowance . 198.50 oa Vae:Dee:600m Clothing - Allowance 198,50 Ri d i�lughetZ Clothing-: Allowance 196 50. Rost ^'8oe �`� 0"� 'Clothing, Allowance- 198, 50 Soott Coy 5heciff Radio Repair 30::00 PARKS AND RECREATION: Lakes "state Equipment Repair Supplies 26Q1 Fried9es Landscaping Park Repairs 61.75 okesh 1lthletc Supplies " Park Maintenance 419,10, Minnesota Toro Inc. Repair Supplies 2,54 M>tureen �andort^ Instructor a Supplies 858,57 AudraT�andorf Instructor 14.00 Qawh4Rahbain Instructor 14.00 Postmaster Postage 334. 1de Towne 'Tours Park" ^Program 105.00 �' STREET r 3: L. Shiely Co. Sand and Gravel 634,30 Harold ;oerner. Easement,,Repa r 35.00 'Metro Fone Rental 32.00 Valley, Tire do -Auto Service Repairs; 336.28 North Star'Raterworks Repair Supplies 144.'00 Flexible 'Pipe>: Tool Co. Repair' Supplies 1, 371.66 �., /In:er$can National Bank Debt Service 25,618.75 Q: i _ �°"ri�Yr? 11 TR 7)-, t 7 77777 _ '. . �. , s! �. - NIJVES of the Proceedings of the laity Coun 4 11 of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARI, SCHFDULCp FOR PAYPiCFIT ON TUCSDAY,, JULY 3, x 1984. i 'MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS: State..Treasurer ' City Share =PERA 4,829.5'6. State Treasurer City Share -FICA 1;242.86: Delta ;Dental Insurance 561.40,. 1 Loa,_n Nelson, Sullivan &.Cole Attorney Fees 23,967.15 Copy Cuplicating Products Copier Supplies 81.40' Albinson Machine Rental 92,:24 Prior Lake 11 76" Repairs 346:00, GENERAL GOVERNMENT: George M. Hansen Co. Auditors 1365 400` ai Thompson do Co, 2nd Phase Computer Analysis 2,500:00 'Richard L A. Cates Lakefront Days -Econ. Dev. 175.00., Creative Graphics Lakefront Days -Econ, Dev,. '20.40 SoOttL Co. Sheriff : Lakefront Days -Eton. Dev. 338..00 , Soon to. Reserve fund Economi c Development T17 Carol :Scott Michael McGuire League. Conference Expenses League Confererfee•Expenses 121.07 . lkiiitate Budget 'Motel League Conference Expenses I Consolidated Typewriter- Maintenance Contact 96:25, > > , 1 < . ` Municipal Year Book Petity Cash Misc,' %pplle34 Postage Ram6" Mennen 6 Bev Appenzeller City Hall Cleaning Oolores "Berens Library Cleaning; 75:00 CONTINGENCY: Sam Dlooi~ Iron 6 Metal Co. Park Shop 574, 61, � �kNGINEERINGf _ - �" TageRt E Stores Misc. ,Supplies Fox, Palley Systems,. Misc.,3 Supplies 29; ALai�ry Anderson Gas Purchase Refund ` 3 ! MN purveyors A Engineers Society Dues ciQ:00 Brown Photo FilWOeveloping z� 48.45 Sagtt -Co,- Sheriff Repairs Apple`'Glaas Mirror Door Installation 720.00 ` FIRE & ' RESCW r Medical Products Medical Supplies , _ Ect G -,vice Co. Siren Maintenance Contract 580.00 League of MN Cithes Ad 50.00 't PARKS A ' RECRtAT.TON z �Moorlane Inc.+ Misc. Supplies Pepsi =Cola Bottling`Cb. 'Concession Supplies 390.25° '128.16� MN Toro C o. Repair Supplies-Equipment New Prague Lumber - Repair Supplies -Parks 67.80 Friedges Landscaping Repair Supplies - Parks 225.00, F e D. ;Supply Co. Repair Supplies -Parks 92.00 3. L.'Shiely Co. Repair Supplies -Parks 1,,705.21 Harold's Repairs, Repairs- Equipment 12.20' Ha l`d's:Lock3mith Service Repairs- Building 32.00 _. Port -O -let Intarr'iational `J" =Rentals 517.18 Quality Vaste Control Rubbish Removal 136,00 a Earl f. Andersei: 8 Assoc. Landscape Structures 5,930.00 �. , s! �. N14TES Of 'the Proceedings of the Cit., Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State "of Minnesota, including all accounts Audited Qy j said Council. Parks 8 Recreation continued 14 Pam Shutrop Park Programs- Salary 208:33" # Lori,Ann Clay Park,ProgramsSalary '208.33 Sandy Clay Parks,Programs- Salary. +208.33 Sharon Welter Parks Programs- Salary 208:33 Lisa`.M. Weckman Parks Programs- Salary Sohn Clay Par"ks_,Programs- Salary„ 2i6.66 Ba la K Pirks'Programs- Salary '162.88. ; 3"Ie Edwards Parks Programs- Salary `167.50 , 3ody 'Mahowald Parks`` Programs- Salary `170.65 Sandy Stacken. Parks Programs- Salary 202.67 wl Anderson Parks Programs- Salary 235,04.. Stacy!3orgenson Parks Programs- Salary 248.33 - Deb.Stacken Parks Programs- Salary 266.66fi STREET.- ; CorTson,Tractor Repair.Supplies ' ° 106.33 L '4, 1, Lettering Truck Lettering . ' 75.Ob ' Ziegl Tire Repair's 25.bQ, ' Metro,.Fone Rental, 3:00 Metro. Alarm Rental 54.00 3tatb.Trea3urer` FW Dues lO:Od� Gene'"a, Chainsaw Service ` .Repair °Supplies z ' 42j' e F lexible P3' a Tool Co, P Repair Supplies , x� ' ° d2.2 c Es�a thers 8 } Sons Repair Supplies r 505.00 , Min" r-Construction. Repairs MATER: tit } Yin ha ters & Rogers Chemicals x ;351.5 } ucta 1' �' Electric ck �'�C ter�`: - Mepair SuppI 294.92 n em 114."73" `• EQU O CERTIFICATES: " C ! C".Specia�l Products E uipnient Decals 4 347 50 ` ... ° l MRg. -t Sales Meatern "Plow ,,. IdVITAL `FVUFtW 'fist „gust St. Paul ,''Bond`.Regiatration' . at a 1 i v . t , 4 {