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06 04 1984
8�1LE ls3N IIG: B t D Bar and Restaurant, B, & D Bottle Shop, - , Big IS y on the Lqks, 75=tty : Hills Golfe Course, Craig's Resort, Dakota Liquor, E -Z Stop Stare, Extra> Innings Saloon, ,Hauser ''s Super Valu, Holiday PArz = M MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the ;County of Scott and State of s M Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council::. ' a auae 4, 1984 The Cannon Council of the C of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 4,, 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson,'Counc imenbers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Parks &'Recreation Director Mangan, Police Chief Powell, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney,Xessel. Mayor johpson asked everyone to rise,,for the pledge of allegiance. 1 1 i t �1 i Tte minutes of May 29, 1984 were reviewed. Motion br Busse to apps the minutes, of May 29, 1984 and the list of ,- p invoices ; 'W4heduled for seconded by,;Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The first'item on. the agenda was to review the requests for 1984"85 Licenses. ,, City Manager McGuire reviewed this. He commented on the Liquor.., Committee'. recomnendatians.. The following' +'establishments submitted Liquor License applications: r r CBI. Sus Anchor Inn, B- a D Bar and Restaurant, Big C ully'- - s on . w w the Lake Extra Innings Saloon, Riddler (Prior Place) and T.J. Hooligan's. City, Manager McGuire stated that Glenn Lubbers is requesting a license under the mime of Prior Place. He recanmended that_ all licenses for the , Prior Place be approved under his name. , Cb 8ale . : :Motion by Tt�o telson °to approve on Sale Liquor: Licenses to the establish- - - :I Licsses: v ments reconfiended by the Liquor Camat seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CRY tY1 91" 331G: Anchor Inn, B 6 D Bar and Restaurant,' Big rY,1 Cull s on the Lake, Extra Innings Saloon, Glenn Lubbers for the Prior ` Plaice, and T.J. Hooligan's. aw* on MOtitin by Busse to approve the Sunday On Sale Intoxicating Liquor Lioerdm 9a] M I to the establie viints as- recornnended by the Liquor Committee," seconded by 4 S Spott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. J Si1LE 1G�1 Anchor Inn, B 8 D Bar and Restaurant, Big Cully! on` , , l ,A Saloon,';• Hollywood Inn, Glenn Lubbers, for the Prior Place and , T.J. Hooligan's. , , Mayor Jchnsm i..anment�ed on' the Hollywood , Inn. He asked if everything had = =< bmert cleared up in regards to'the "addition that Hollywood put on. Thus was cam ants by Council and Staff. ale. " "' 4 Soon to. table. all of Hollywood' DY � ywood Inn' s requests for one week so - -; { Staff could check , into_ the status, seconded by Thorkelson and upon ii vote taken it was duly passed. „ n t o &U NM-. ' 'Motion by.. Ttwrkelson to approve the On Sale Nan- lntaxicatinq Lignar Licenses ' ' hd=. Uq. e e:acludinq- Hollywood; Inn,' as recommended by the.' Liquor Commit seconded ' I3carees. , ' 'iV, Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, C" Sl1LE IN) YI�G: B i D Bottle Shop, Dakota Liquors, Extra. - �� Innings, Junct i skWe, 's Wines a Spirits and Viking Liquor. Motion by; Hasse to ap Mr * the Off We Liquor Licensee as Of1'- dliu�►� r r� b taken it was duly ; Liq Ltc. t t t M LNt1'It, ; of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of 9c©tt and .State of Minnesota, including all ounts audited by said Counci ; 4 Stationstore, Junction Liquor, P.D.Q., Prior Lake Gas -n- Grocery, i Radermwcher I s Red Owl, Ton Thumb, Rearden I s Wine & Spirits and Viking Liquor. Off Sale Nw Motion by Thorkelson ,to approve the Off -Sale Non - Intoxicating Liquor hItC c. Liq. Licenses as recommended by the Liquor Committee, seconded by Scott and Licamm upon a vote taken it was duly passed.` CLt13 V.F.W. Post #6208 = Club Uq. Motion by Busse to approve the Club Liquor License as recommended by the Lioenee Liquor Committee, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly g passed. F SET UP , Country Hills Golf Course and Craig's Resort ' , Set UP Liq. Notion by Thorkelson to approve the Set Up Liquor Licenses as recommended Licse by the Liquor Committee, seconded by Busse and upon a vote,, taken it was , ' duly passed: t The next item on the agenda was a request by Leo Anent to discuss. 'the Junk Dino= Junk and Refuse Ord rmm. Mayor Johnson stated that Mr. Anent , was issued. a ; & Pollee Ord. ticket under the Junk and Refuse Ordinance. Mr. Ament requested time on the Aaprdivg agenda to discuss an amendment to the Ordinance. Mr. a Mrs. Anent commented to the Council.. Mrs. Anent passed out pictures , of their lot and yard: There was discussion by Council and Staff. p ° ,o ` Co uncibrember Thorkelson asked the Aments if they would consider putting up a fence just, around the areas, where they are storing items.. Mrs. ^ Anent stated that they could not afford to put a fence. ,up There was further discussion. ' After further discussion, Mayor Johnson directed.City Manager McQAre, to go ' out and talk to the Aments and see if there. is something that can be done.` The next item on the: agenda was to consider a conditional use permit for oel <j John Schumacher - Big Cully's on the Lake. City Planner Graser reviewed,". this for the Council. The tape is the legal, record and will be kept on file in the City Manager ;s c - Of ticel. i City Planner Graser stated that he would briefly outline Staff's and f Planning CcnmissiT 's recamnendation as it was heard by the. Prior Lake Planning Commission an 5/17/84. He stated that the recuested . action. by the ` r bona "Ofti - Developer, Mr. Schumacher, is to elevate the status of Big Cully's or tMe Attnetti° x formerly -Freddies on the Lake fram n co ,_ on- nfoxinirK , status to a conditional �`a m use status. Previous awners came before the 'council On numerous occassions j We requesting' some form :of expansion. The `business has not expanded physically � in _the' last 10 - 20'years but it has franca traffic circulation point of `I °.<.° " view. Staff has .always viewed expansion; of this particular use in;a negative fashion, but so much money,, time and effort has gone into "the establishment. over the last few years that we are at a, point now that we realize that it is part of the landscape; neighborhood since it was'part of the ocmprehensiv!e plan of. the City of Prior Lake.- Big Cully's is part of the 'Green Heights neighborhood wh for the most part is isolated from the remainder.of the oamamity, The only way to get there right now is,go down i on Pleasant, take a le% on Park and a right on Green Hei ghts. It is a very narrow road with 90. corners. Traffic circulation therefore becomes 'a problem: _ He, stated, that he has a letter from die of the re sidents of that r nei addressi the traffic problem 9hbar'txxxl ng p through 'residential arena which ` the ,Planning Commission made as an exhibit. Currently the visual impression made,by Big Cully's is not that desirable. The Planning C=ission and the ,,,... city 'Council has always desired that this facility be, upgraded and cleaned up and made part of the neighborhood. He then stated that in direct response to the plan tonight; he would like to conpliment Mr. Schumacher n b PAGE 2 i a app phase of the .:renovation` of Big Cully' by " ., issuing a'' conditional use permit stipulating that the first phase which includes landscapping, the top parking lot including alt, the lower. 45 unit parking lot be improved to a dust free surface not necessarily, asphalt and that the driveway be widened to 24 feet. >' Phase ,1 which includes the lower deck must 'be by the c�leted ' last -. day of November, 1984 and in 'the event this goal has not Wen accomplished the conditional use permit will automatically be revoked and "Big Cully, Is will revert to its present non- conforming status in terms . of Space and Use" HeL made further camments. 1 Mayor,�Johnson asked that before the discussion goes before the Council, Mr. John Schumacher should camment and if there was anyone from the neighborhood they 'should also camment. Mr. John 'Schumacher commented on the cooperation that he has received from j the city, cammmity and the neighborhood. He then stated that the project is going to be a good project. He : stated that he is trying to run a recreational G facility in and around Prior Lake. He stated that he has not had mach of an opportunity to show any kind of a track record as far as cleaning up" ,the area because of waiting for the approval. Trustful - engineers have been hired to do the work. He stated that the reason for ' asking for a total approval of the project is, as financing is committed to this project, the bankers are going to want to know if pay back is there and if; in long or short term. If `he has to tell the banks that it will be year to year, they are not going to finance him any more. DIf a package is presented and the City allows one phase at a time with inspections and allows continuation, the banks can handle that. He then cam<nented on boat PAGE 3 t -.,a M f.� MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of " " Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r , and his Landscape Charles Wood; the plan that he prepare4 is a ape Architect, very excellent one and something that we should keep and use as an exhibit since it shows all the submission requirements that we had asked for at the E t time. He then reviewed the plans. ,< C City Planner Graser then reviewed the 3 different phases. He stated the E p first - this would create an informal bar for people caning off the lake. A deck ' w would be added on to facilitate people coning off the lake. Tables and x+ c chairs will be outside so people can be outside during the day. in conjunction with the first phase, Mr. Schumacher intends to improve the top j p parking area. He ,would eliminate parking by introducing a buffer or sod strip. He would totally redevelop the parking lot by using a one way traffic pattern.. Fbr the immediate time there would be 5 car parking up on top, with an additional 3 car parking on the side (Planner Graser pointed this out on the plans). A terrace type landscaping effect with a planting program that was reviewed by Consulting Planner Charles Tooker. Fbr the interim basis, boat launching is proposed. There is some boat launching on a intermittent basis as approved, by Mr. Schumacher. He then stated that the application for tonight is for the first phase but it is also for a general conditional use approval for the entire package. W. Schumacher would like to receive an entire package approval . so he can structure his l investment so he knows where he is going and also it is important that the l neighborhood knows exactly how far the Planning Commission and Council is willing to go. The second and third phase of the redevelopment - of Big Cully's would be the lower parking lot which means asphalting and striping, some kind of terracing and landscaping along the beach- and some expansion of the parking areas. City Planner Graser then referred to Staff's write up. He stated that approximately 70 feet of parking spaces would be necessary in order to ,. a accanplish the second and third phase.' 'The' second and third phase would , now , ;f � b being used for storage, that would, add approximately another 2700 square Cam�itian4l. f feet of restaurant space. Overall the Planning Camiission discussed this im _'- Use w d detail, with only one member of the neighborhood at the meeting, and one letter received. o C City Planner Graser then read the Planning Commission's motion:. 14/S Larson- Flelix: _.. "To rove the first MINt17 5 of the proceedings of the City Council of tha City of Prior Lake Ir 4 " of Scott and State of Minnesota, inz Ong all accounts audited by said Council. parking and launching. He then stated that he is going to rename the Cully's the "'is be restaurant, on Lake, this project going to synonymous with the lake. He stated that he has already had TV people calling him wanting to know the progress. This is going to take off and will be characterized with the whole ccmmunity and the lake. He then stated that the logo is going to be changed to "Cully's on Prior Lake, A Place for all Seasons ". He asked if there was any questions, Parks & Recreation Director Mangan then cctmiented.. He stated that Staff is going to need same direction regarding the boat dockage requirements so , that it is not an annual deal. As shown on the plans, the dock configuration, staff has to determine and issue dock permits based on 1 slip per 10 feet of lakeshapB. Based on the amount of lakeshore footage, u t he would be allowed 31 slips. In the past there have been 28 slips that ' were grandfathered in, Council then camiented. i Councilmember Scott questioned Staff's write :up where it states that boat launching along with rental slips will be eliminated. ! Mr. Schumacher stated that the ramp will be left there for special events i - (Fishing Tournaments or something like that) but renting the slips by the month will no longer be allowed. The parking of cars and trailers will also not be permitted. f , Councilmember Busse asked how many slips Mr. Schumacher is proposing. k i Mr. Schumacher stated that it would be between 30 and 40. Coucilmember Thorkelson also ca mented on the boat launching and the congestion that would be created on the street. Mr. Schumacher _stated that every boat which he is not launching now s caminq there anyway and once the parking lot is completed there won't be any problems. - Councibnwber Thorkelson then asked about potential noise`prcblems. , Mr. Schumacher commented. Councilmenber Thorkelson commented further. Councilmember Thorkelson suggested that Mr. Schumacher and City Planner Grater negotiate a contract that will meet both the City's r is -and Big Cully's needs and all the things that Mr. Schumachei) h talked about in phase 1. Included within it, it should address all the questions °f ,that are raised in our conditional use ordinance and how those questions are going to be met. Then if boat launching is going to be on a temporary basis, this should be stated with conditions set forth. He continued with �P tdt a discussion of what would be proposed for phase 2 and or 3.,;Cbviously a, concrete plan is not going to be made for phase 2 and 3, but for both the ' City's and Big Cully's benefit, it would help.both parties if some idea as to how 'far this facility is going to expand was put into writing. If -this is left in such: vague terms as we have now, it will not serve Mr.- Schumacher's purposes very well in the future and will not serve his - -purposes very well with his bankers. ' City Planner Grater stated that this could be done but it would be in the form of a Zoning Certificate being issued. Councilmember Thorkelson asked if everything could be spelled out. He then ' stated that the City Attorney should take a look at the Zoning Certificate before final signatures are placed on it. {: Councilmmber Schweich then commented.. He stated that Councilmeniber Thorke] °son had gone over a lot of the 'issues that he was going to cover. J I PAGE 4 i r j MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of. Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of x t Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said r Y Council. He also cawented on the dock slips. OWN o There were further conments by Councilmember Schweich. There was further discussion by Council. Staff and Mr. Schumacher. r After further discussion, motion by Thorkelson,to approve the first `phase of the renovation of Big Cully's by issuing a conditional use permit ApPr stipulating that the first. phase which includes: landscaping, the top Cmditiw "parking lot including asphalt, the lower 45 unit parking lot be improved' Use Par tdt to a dust free surface not necessarily ashpalt and that the driveway be G{ for First widened to 24 feet. Phase I which includes the lower deck must be ` Phase completed by the last day of November, 1984 a zoning certificate must be pawvatkn completed in rough draft by October 1, 1984 and that conceptual approval f is given for phases 2 and 3 and in the event that this goal has not been accomplished the conditional use permit will automatically be revoked and Big Cully's will revert to its present non- conforming status in terms of space and use, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was',..duly, passed. City Planner Graser stated that the Conditional Use Permit would be issued to the legal description which refers back to the Grandfather "Freddies ". Mr. Schumacher bought the additional parking lot and he may use that for parking. '. There was further discussion by Council and Staff. X The" next item on the agenda was to discuss the settlement negotiations f made on the :Mike Benedict Lawsuit. City Attorney Kessel reviewed this for the Council. City Attorney Kessel stated that several weeks ago, Mr. Pent and Mr. Jox made a 'proposal for settling that Lawsuit. At that time they indicated that they had negotiated a purchase of the property from Mr. Erlandson for a price: of $15,000.00. They proposed that they would pay $10,000.00 for 'the property, then split it off and attached it to their lots. There would then be no need for access to that property. .The temporary roadway t ' would then be vacated. He further stated that he was asked to check'with Mr. Benedict's attorney to see if sane settlement could be arrived at. Mr. Benedict's attorney, indicated that after reviewing the file, a means, of settlement could be that Mr. Benedict would contribute $2500`:00 of the A purchase price, the City would contribute $2500.00,: the land owners contribute $10,000.00 and. Mr. Erlandson would then receive. his $15,000.00 for the property. Mr. Erlandson thought that it was a good idea and said he would talk to Mr. Benedict. After Mr. Erlandson discussed the proposal with Mr. Benedict, Mr. Benedict's attorney. called Mr. .Erlandson and ; told him" that he himself would like to purchase the'property. Mr. Benedicts - attorney suggested that he would pay Mr. Erlandson $12,500.00, the City would, contribute $2500.00 and then he would own and_ vacate the roadway. ". City Attorney Kessel further stated that if the City was to go this route we would be paying $2500.00 to vacate a roadway and that would be helping ' him acquire the property. He stated that he would feel, more comfortable s" if Mr. Pent and Mr. Jcx acquired the property and the City contxibute h toward that settlement rather than Mr. Benedict's attorney's proposal.,. City Attorney Kessel stated that he would need some kind of direction from F the Council in order to negotiate this settlement. There was discussion by Council and Staff. " Mr'. Erlandson commented to the Council. City Attorney Kessel stated that he would recamiend that the settlement be made with and between the two gentlemen who came in first and tried to settle this. Mayor Johnson stated that he agreed with City Attorney Kessel.` He stated ' that these are the people that have dealt with the Council and Mr.< Benedict has not been before the Council. o He then stated that the y original proposal was" to assist these gentlemen in order to allow the road PAGE 5 MINt)TES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior La' a in the C = my of Scott and State of " Minnesota,, including a4i accounts audited by said Council. to be vacated and to say that the City is going to contribute $2500.00 and who wants to come in with the highest bid is not right. We should maintain the City's offer, but maintain it through these two gentlemen.- City Attorney Kessel stated that his recommendation to the Council would be, the Council authorize him to negotiate a settlement for the City to contribute up to $3000.00 for the purchase of the property with the same e (,conditions that were spelled out at a previous. Council meeting; The Property would be purchased by Mr. Pent and Mr. Jox and that the entire lawsuit between Mr. Erlandson, the City and Mr. Benedict would be dismis- sed. T e.City would then go along with vacating that roadway since there would be no need for that access anymore. r' Mayor Johnson asked if there were any questions or camnents. City Planner Graser stated that one of the stipulations was that all assessments would be removed from the Erlandson.property• Settleowt Motion by Schweich to direct City Attorney- Kessel to draw up the agreement Floe Bmsfictand authorizing the payment of $3000.00 and the removal of the assessments Lwat in the amount of approximately' $400.00 and that the agreement be between Mr. Pent and Mr. Jox, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. P� The next :item on the agenda was to discuss the Street Overlay and Patching Project. City Engineer Anderson reviewed this for the Council. City Engineer Anderson stated that tonight's purpose was an information ` - presentation, with a request for direction. The intent is to come back on June 11, 1984 with a feasibility study for overlaying of streets for 1984. The streets laid out for overlay are the streets in the Willows area, Green Heights area, Anna Trail, Ridgero*� '. t 'Avenue and streets in Oakwood Hills'. He then displayed and camiented on, 3 different alternatives. "I* ' alternatives would be 1) Rolled Curbs at $20.64'per foot, 2')Shoe Fbii ed Curb at $24.25 per-foot and, 3)Concrete Curb and Gutter at $33.4Y per foot. After,. City Engineer Anderson's presentation there were questions and camw.nts by Council and Staff. It was the d6ncenaus of the Council that City Engineer Anderson hold 3 neighborhood informational meetings. There were further comments by Council and Staff: Eaecues Counc lmember Thorkelson suggested that in this .case, the City offer street optiems #2 and #3 and have City Engineer Anderson d conduct neighborhoo OeerLp►' & mee U.ngs, discuss these issues with them - and then ask for their input both ° .'" at ,that point and at the public hearing. The °,City will then have to make Project a. decision.' i There were further questions and canments by Council and Staff., Mayor 'Johnson asked City; Engineer_.A_nderson if he. could hold the 3 neighborhood meetings between'r,'zav and the July 2, 1984 and then hold the { , Public Fearing on July 2, 1984.` City Engineer Anderson stated that he had planned for the evening of June 19th or Saturday June 23rd, for an. Informational Meeting. He stated that he thought there could be one meeting for all the neighborhoods.' Mayor Johnson suggested 3 separate meetings for 3 separate' neighborhoods.__ t City Engineer Anderson stated that this could be worked out. 'I Councilmember Zhorkelson stated that he felt that it would be important to have separate meetings. s Mayor Johnson asked if City Engineer Anderson would have enough time between now and the July 2, 1984 to hold 3 separate meetings. a u, PAGE 6 a .. . •.,, „ w MINUTES of the proceedings of tthe City Cduneil of the City' of Prior Lake in the County of - Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said �Y Council. a i to encourage the building contractor to avoid any dmwge to public streets` i during construction and. insure subsequent,pleanup. During the course df. L the year, very 'few retainers are kept by the City and furthermore. mos' . retainers are not _claimed following, completion, thereby proving to unnecessary :cost associated with the building permit. He stated 4ather'4 { than maintain this retainage 'system, "it would be more apprWwiate` : for Public works Personnel_ to meke any, required, repairs and then bill the ' contractor, then if it is not paid within, 30 days, no ;further' building . � permits would be issued. He made further comments. I There.was discussion by Council and Staff. r (fftt } Finance ^Director- Teschner stated that - Staff's. recammendation 'would be to rename the retainer based upon the following reasons: # 1. Tnfregl]eWy of damage oocurren es. ` t 2. Oooperaticn of the bui lders has been reasonable. 3.. "Builders.' coeh ,posWoin wouldbe improved. 4. ' Ultiasl a cwt reduction to the hoe .buyer. * _ t 5. 'AelieMe cgibersawe `and. tim omuRu inq recced managa a nt of these ratainmcs. ' , There was further discussion by Counciland staff. It "was the concensus of the Council to eliminate the fee, and ;I` to 'Xinknift g an ive out permits until the matter is taken care of. . Y " -Y Pew heist ' llaeaineir Ms�►or Ja`eon directed City, Attorney ICessel- , to look at the existing odrdinanx " modify it, eliminating the $100.00 retainer fee and inserting ?4 the! "fact that an = occupancy permit will not be' issued until everything is k�w c3e4ned up and'all bills ,are paid. , The. next item an the agenda was other business. Mayor Johnson asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken care of. ; , f Parka,, a Recreation Director Mangan ,stated 'that a Ribbon Cutting Cars MY 1 for L kOfront Days will be this coming Friday �,, June . 8, 1984 at 600. PM: ' The, ribbon ' will be at the new park shelter at the ;top' of the',,hi11 next to the new road and the parking lat`goin9 in. He merle further a Thipra: e a general discussion by Council.,and Staff. , P K . Picks .4 Aacreation Director Mangan then cco mented on the New &aaseer Parks ° Program Brochure. - , x City Bn43nser .Anderson that ocnenerited an a general agreement be the Xity -, bf pwc Lake and Scott County Soil Coizvem ration. ' He ' stated, that " wU& "_dt,. ,.does is allows 'the ' Staf f to work with, theo Scott Oaanty Sail Ckst»erwatiac t,Staff to Where we can got them to participate funding, for ` a eras, ion areas. He asked that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to " sign this agre�eaent.,,, 6 til cnr'hy. Thorkelson to - authorize the Mayor and City Mwmiger to enter into �� S1oaA.e an with ` the.` Scott County "Soil Conservation, seconded by Scott �8oilt an upon ,& vote taken it „was duly passed. " Q 777 City Bhginaw Anderson then ccomented on the County Road 21 status. He stated that the City has all "the right= of'-vays necessary for-the. construe- tZ� R t `cn of County Road 21. Ho comiented. V " a City Manager McQxiie asked^ +that Code Hooks be brought in for updating•, tti 0 ^ Ms. Hobart asked about the North Shore Trunk line. She Stated that, 4 She has stakes in her yard and was wondering if they can - now .be remasred or if' have to be=,left up. a r PAG8 8 �Y Ai MINUTQ5 of t;e proceedings °oi< tAe City Con nail' of the Cit o! �., ; Prior Lake in th4` County , of 8e0tt ` and, state of ' Minnbsota j includin9� all accounts audited` by said l." 'Counc City Engineer Anderson cmmnted. He stated that if they WXe, not ,r p=pm ooxt:esa t hey cmld''be re iotred. w ll� tytt► ba With tw other business. 'it was recmwendeud that the City Council meet with Recvtt" the City's- :Legal Counsel, motion <, by Scott to adjearm to . an e�eecutiyie . r semi= to session with Legal ootmsel to dism L, pendirq litigation, mqc aed .by disars llrorkelson and upon 'a vote taken this meeting was ad jourrw_ at 11:05 to an , emecutive session. Micha City .'aa'avycr r i'' E•',. 4 T y u,..,�L JaIdu IC• M hk . Emec�t. itive ':�Jeoretary ti pp H, , r `r ti AN i FY a l� �, u n 14A,