HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 11 1984s.. .'+ } - 11 1 t MI MITES of the proceedings of, the ciit Council .off the City of Prior, bake in the C >•nty of Scott and State of 'Minnesota, , including accounts audited by said Council. June 11,'1984 The Omm Om=il of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session an Irbnaay ,June 11. 1984 'at' 7:30 PM in the City Council CY►arfiers. Mayor rr Johnson cailed th,e meeting to order. Present were Mayor Jdmson, Ceuncilmm -; berg Hasse,` Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer • va Anderson, City Planner Graser, Parks a Recreation Directs Margan, Finance Director chner and City Attorney Gessel. Tea . �.1 U Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiawe. s ; Tlie minutes of June 4, 1984 were reviewed. The following oorrections are to be made to. the minutes of June 4, 1984. x All Liquor License for Big Cully 's an the ,. Lake Aauld �� Prior; Lalcp _ age 3 Paragraph 2 DII.L+RS foot rr5 foot square he atate?1 tSY _ '+ :would :include ins- l "� ;� proving a 700 ' �� sc�uix+s .icat base' �t < laer, ti down- Page 3 Paragraph 2 SHO= READ j con j r cticn ' l the first: . w i t in �t, is c7, tend8 tO..: to t the p P ng X �; duCitlg at buffier °` "and, plant�ga :a- �,,, GrOW Fie�i�ts o � : and hi:a west p�ro- :� �Ot spaces would be: znrluOd� kan the ; fist long,iith ' a 3 ; Paragraph r.5 SPELLING' asphalt , s . 4igcaph °4 SP> iNG asphalt U _ tR Q a x° '8 • Henedict� a r , '" >�+aragaph $ SHOILD READ J Mr • � x it � n idea: and'° � x, to Mrr ' 1 " • � � ,> esrledi at - ,N' o tat a the arith Mr • Heine- b. ti 1� a ct 14 atto a x'Y �called Mr Rrl- 1- „, - anddon, and��stold �� self would ,lilac ' ,..1 • to , Pao the z, Y Pr'oPM Page 'Paragraph 10 SPEELM constrw -tion , 7 , ;{ Page 8 Paragtaph 5 S[�l ma READ _ at �`'ss the ` om, - . c!. , CeIISUS of "' Y } tha ' >� the 468 `arid L pis t f C ' i , J( G` 7 49"L ({ pp k U IY14 9 i1��'�>��',^ it �`4G a�.'.��,fi.�.,. Y,�'- '.�f`.S. � .���rr \`. d'{ ,, � �� -. .., ., '"' 74 MINUTES, of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said 1 Council. refuse to .give out an occupancy - permit until' the clean -up is tak- en care of. With no other corrections, motion by Busse to approve the mintues of June 4, 1984 as amended, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item an the agenda was to review the Hollywood, Inn's ordinance violation. City Planner Graser camiented on this,:, City Planner Graser `stated that back in 1983 he' discovered building 4 activity' "At the Hollywood Inn on Spring Lake Road'. He 'stated that he ; instructed Gene'.,Newstram to investigate. Mr. Newstrom's findings rified: p vs - the construction without a permit. M- ., the Bbegemans *, and instructed then to apply for a buil permit. He also instructed' the crew to cease construction. ..City, Planner Graser stated that Mr. Boegeman had contacted City Hall 'and j was' informed of his options. Mc. Boegeman's attorney also can t acted City • Hall and an Was Worked Out Whereby the City Would not prosecute,. 1OW i and W. Boegeman additional time to prepare the required,infornxtion ! for ,submittal to obtain permits. In the interim the facility, visa, comp eted, despite the stop Work order Arid in now being used' as a sit -clot: °dining area. 'He then stated that he had not - heard from W. Boegeman in' the, , last 5 to ' 6 • mdx ths There has been ample time to apply for permits. He { • further commented. The tape is the•legal record and will be kept on,file in the City Manage'r's office:. i Mr a Mrs. Boegeman then caRnented. Mr' Greg Rot]irien, Attorney for the "Boegenans also - ccm anted. "Johns `stated that 'his options for this would be to: " 1)Not issue the Liquor Licenses, 2) Issue the Licenses, 3)Issue the' licenses. contingent { upon a double "'permit fee and a $500.00 ordinance ,fine -being paid. , Mayor then asked the Council for their Garments, } > x 366h Qotmcilmember commented. After further' -di scusslcn by Council, Staff and the Boegesnans, motion; by' f Zt>arlbelson ,to °renew all of the. Hollywood Inn's Liquor Licenses oontingent" ► upon the Hc�bgemaurts obtaining the Beard of Adjustment's approval, tupon the e' payment 4f a . - double .permit fee and $500:00 fine being paid. The Liquor ial , Licenseis will i:+emain in .effect until At vast 15. 1984 or until, the satisifi - `I cation of the Board of: Adjustment criteria set forth in" 7.9 of the. atctitiance, insppcticn 'is made and is satisifaetory and that the roan remain, `all ' inclosed, ur►u l items occur, •seoanded by Scott. "There 'watt further di acussan by Council. I M Mayor Johnson acalled the question ak the motion and upon a vote taken Alt t vise► daily passed. CouriciLeesbsr Schweich a"aked .if July '19, ; 1984 was the. }earliest Planning'` Comm insion' meeting that the Boeganans could get in on. City Planner Glaser stated. that: 'Y could possibly get on 'the July 5th o ` rpsetirg; ' butt he would n t, be here that dater c W, f Plothnen , stated that ,,they would prefer to have City Planner Graser at taaC •rl�et++�J.! � The naict iteia on the agenda was the Public Hearing for ` Calmut Avenue. Mayor Jghneen''gave brief outline on how he would conduct the Public -� PAG! �r A 14INUTES of 'the piroeee�ihgs of the City council �f the City of Prior Lake In the County of Scott, nd ',)State, of Minnl4sota, i�cludinq all accounts aud 'd by said tt Coun V k,k Hearing. He theh called the Public Hearing for 'Oroject �,,84-1, Calmut Avenue to order. He asked City Engineer Anderson to ciom�ent. P.R. PMJWt City Engineer Anderson stated thatk he would *ake a presentation an the, h 'construction , r, 1, W1 calKt . street itself and tt,�en give t�* estimated project. cost. 1, ; '' , Avuvm Finance Director Teschner would then give a me.thod of'repayrrent�that would be available to the \\ idents of the project. 1 7es �e opaque City Engineer Ainders�cpn, with the� use of th projector, reviewed Project 84-1. He stated that it for bituminous paving, concrete curb, gutter and.storffdwwr. He reviewed the lociktion of the project. City Engineer Anderson then stated that the areas which would be assessed rceli, abutting tke area of construction (shaded area). would be all the pa, Estimated paving assessment is $42.50 per foot, ` ,QUoh would ammt to , %eq9Mp pf $45 �475.00. In addition there� are deferred a $19,380.00.' 'The estl;;Q sewer/water assessment rate for the west,side-is $'60.M f � per ll loot, that wmld produce $17 of current assessments -AnA a deferred amount' of $27,300.00. The total of the current and deferred' A�q $109,915.00. 1he City shire would be approximately $20,649.39. Finance Director Teschner then ccmrented on the method a re payment.,1%, stated that the proposed rate for front footage would �42. 50. He it� that . the, two figures,, front footage and the irveOxeAt� 'rate of 12', are'! estimated rates, we will"not know the actual assdssment and it�; not be charged to the residents until we bond for a number of other City projects. 7he didlIat,' w for tfds" P"r Val will, be spread upon the taxes for a period of -I yeam 'He tt,p revi6wed-, the estimated assessments for 'a 50 lot an4, lot. further. k Mayor Johnson asked it there were any questions. or comments A ence. �J ,,,Mr. Loren Gmes stated that he was represen in4 ._Ar. Jbtin 14 '61irles Jar ' u3on. 6 �'He distributed to the'Couhcil`� two bbjec ns ir a' n each _gw a the pat�ties that he was representing. He thi� "tol"'ithe Couridi ,Mr. Gunars Zvaners asked. Finance Pirectr 1, h r brpalr .?r 71eschner,f6r a fu, ft Finande Director Teschner commented. w�ie`further ccawmts by Cbun6il and' 'motion by Busse to ProjJect,1 After further discussion go ahead' w 1, Venue se6onded by, Schweich and, a �ot6 - Calfa& A if 146i dul Y pas d. "up ��. i , J , dhez Thork6loon, asked if there a construction �6h thisl schedule, Anderson stated, that 'i�taff would, be ccmin back to the g two w�ots' f inal Apians f or coqs�ctlon of this &ahm4n n lamotion by Thorkelson to authorize OSK to prepare final p lolins' & specifica- PUM PW� iib�i f6i Bus e t��8_4' 1, Oklmut Avenue Road Tupr6vemepts, seconded -by se =e U-1 it' was duly passed; 'to Ploti M-51 by Busse� aidjourn this public hearing, liilll��d Scott and upon 1 O pA' a'vbte 14MI this 1 hear was,,,,adj6dined at PM. pub, ic ing, I N, was Mayor,. Jbhris-'th6n',6 led 5' minute.�recft4. 7he meet' called- back o - t or& -it PH. der fo� dust The neaxt,iteni on the agenda, was' to consi a request control on Pike: Lake. Road: City EngineerAnderson ccnitented,.on this.i-01 city� Engineer Anderson stated that he had received a petiticif-Ircm,xiesidents trail dust dontiol� He reviewed , requested, are an Likie regarding, the ay 13 1 9 , 06 "i R W F ' MINUTES of the prcALcr -d ngs of the City Council; of the City of Prior take in the •1ty of Scott and State of .` Minnesota, including accounts audited, by said Council. } He stated that he had told Mr. Henning that the current City policy, is to <, not participate in the cost. He further stated that thc- ;a dust control could be done if the residents choose to pay the cost. Based on the area that "- . Mr. Henning had requested there would be 'a cost of approximately $875.00 to put down Magnesium Chloride and it would probably take two applications for the summer. Mr. Henning felt that since there is a YMCA camp on the road that the City should give some consideration of participation in the cost. Mayor Johnson asked the Council for their comments., Counci]menkber 1horkelson stated that the City should stick to its previous policy and if they, want dust control it should be assessed against the benefitted property owners. ' Cou0cilmmter Busse stated that he agreed with Counci] member Thorkelson's ;. comments. Qxmilmember, Schweich also agreed with past Council policies. 06unciLnember'scott also agreed. . Zfiere were further '.comments by Council and Staff. MW int Motion; by Thorkel to deny the 'petition for the City to participate in #010 the cost for dust control based on past Council policy, ,seconded by Busse ` :W "" , "t&, and a vote taken it =was duly Vii` Y Passed• Dust 1� . next item discussed was the concessions at Lakefront Park. Parks 6 Recreation Director Mangan commented on this. I ` Parks i ion. rector Mangan stated that he would recommend that the. *� `Crouncil reject the current proposal in order that the City could provide Ii this kind of recrsatianal opportunity of a more limited scale., -The Parks a' ;Amtcreatiac , Department would have to budget ' $8, 000.00 to 510, 000.00 faro next yroamt to start with 4 -6 paddle, boats and 4 canoes. Iiowev�er,. the canoessionms - �I would remain under the administration and management of the City. Mr. Bob Erickson: then borimented. Mayor Johnson asked the CounnAl for their comments. 4 It was the consensus of the Council that they are in agreement with Parks a. ' pmt+msme Am OF*itioi*`D rectoar Mangan's comments: Motion`by Schweich to approve in concept, the City;takirig on. paddle boats Q t. 1.11 1-1-11 canoe concessions, seconded by Busse and tpon a vote taken it was duly:; at $ x x ' ,�ga+ssed There was further discussion by Council and Staff. _ { "` Tfie next ,item on the agerxla was to review a request , from Francis` Cooper to = vacate 'certain Property in «Shady Beach. City Planner Eraser reviewed this' for the Council. City Planner. Eraser stated that he receives': a letter '.from zeggesting,a "certain, section of" Shady Beach Trail be vacated as per the map, ; >. t A ll, ' � , ,that was included in the Council's packages. It is the section. of ; Shady "0 Hsach...tiTrail . which is -a legally `' dedicated.. public right of way which iniere is the lake of Prior Lake. According to Mr. t7ooper!s comments, ' „ niscmmsss several ,people in a nearby development have used that access to launch., . a a044 boats. The access it self, is heavily overgrown with trees, and to` ,r launch"a boat in that area Is impossible. People are trespassing to Mr.< ' taioaCian CooperIs and, or Mr. Price's property. We have a petition to vacate that section, of roadway as ai- result of this. Mr. Johnson "asked either parties had any comneots. ' Both Mr. Price and' °Mr. Cooper cantnented. t 4� PACE 4: 4 � // MINUTES of the "'prodeedings of the City Council of the City `of Prior Lane in tha County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Jim .z r• Mr. Wally Stock commented on the Legislation that W. Menke had passed several years ago regarding surplus park land. r Attorney Kessel also commented. n After .further discussion it was the concensus of the Ca=il to table this item until July 2, 1994. Maytw Johnson directed City Attorney Kessel to check into this and'to give � his opinion at the July 2, 1984 meeting. The next item on the agenda was to review the .bids received for Project M G 84- Terranee�tCircle. City Engineer Anderson dtented an , this. . x BI& !dr he City:: Engineer Anderson stated that bids were opened this morning and. he t . would= make - the following recommendation: Zb rebid because of 311 the bids , l", received were over 'the estimated project -cost. He also stated that we should consider ccmbinirig this with other City projects. FRI, It was the concensus of the Council to table this project tiztil a 4 i . � - future date k w Zhe . item on the,; agenda was to review the "Street OWxlay" Feasibility Report. City Engineer Anderson _reviewed this for the Council. t, , City ` Engineer Anderson stated that the, type . of work would be overlaying of : �` exiatinq, streets -in areas generally krx*r, as the Willows, , Green Heights, WWbod Hills and Ridgemont Avenue. He then listed each street separately. The estimated-• -Cost of the. project is $1,213,600.00. He. atated< that every, lPt , piece and`pareel benefitting from said improvement, whether abutting " o ra�, , within �: the. described 'area would be assessed. He them ; gave a \ of t1w estimated °assesawnt. There was discussion by Council and Staff. { 4` *P Motion by T =, horkelson to accepted the feasibility report assubmitted, 3! ., ,sFCOnded by and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. F Motaton�by ..Busse to schedule a public hearing on July 2, 1984 at 8:00 PM for � P the r,�spose of Street. Overlay,, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote takeh . r 2t - was duly passed. a • The next item the ✓ agenda was to discuss the replacement of the library , roof. City Engineer Anderson stated that temporary repairs were, made last e fall to the roof. It is unoertain.�" long those repairs will last He then reviewed the estimated cost, of the• construction would be $35,21's'.00 s ts6led The ,;project can be Caa4 funds are ,taken from the Contingency fund. *�. He then showed picture of 'the proposed roof. There was discussion by Council and Staff regarding the type of roof. ? It was the concensus of the Council to table this item until all iteas,are ready to be brought back to the Council. The next item on the agerda was to discuss appointments to the Planr:ing Calm sion. City Manager McGuire stated that two positions will bex open` at the Fend of June. ft reccrosended that ,a Council appoint a committee of two or three, ,,people`to discuss the two openings as well as the current members whose ; terms will be expiring. There was discussior,by Council and the staff. Motion by Thorkelson to apps Ms. r, appoint the Y'o City Manager and Councilmeirber Schweich to the committee and to report back to the Council at the last Qnwittee to .meeting in June, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly seed: Interieir � f Flnft Om. ,; PAGE 5e - Sir ' 4) � 470 •' v MIN11TES . of the proceed i -nqs of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the of Scott and State of Minnesota, including a accounts audited by said s ' Council. I w y The next item on the agenda was other business.- Mayor Johnson asked City Engineer Anderson to comment on the plans for Crest Avenue - Carriage Hill Road. City Engineer Anderson stated that the plans for Crest Avenue - eCarriage ` Hill Road paving are now completed. He recommended that the 'Council approve the plans and Specifications for Project 83 -2 as submitted. There was discussion by Council and Staff. City Engineer Anderson sketched the road and the area of the DNR access. There was further discussion by Council and staff. App on by Busse to approve the plans and specifications with the specified for Onst , seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Ourlase rd •,. Motion .by :Busse to schedule the bid opening date for July 6, 1984 at 10.:00 o- Sdwdkao AN, seconded by horkelson and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayo business. r Johnson asked if there was an y other " CouncilmeMber Scott commented on manhole extensions: " � ' City Anderson stated that he would look into her y=am.ineer questions and would comment at a future Council meeting. City Manager McGuire ' commented on the 100'acre Industrial Development land, agreement. He'statedthat the firm ofGonyea Land Company agreed to extend the, agreement until August 30, 1984. He recommended that Council authorize f. . theTMaybir and City Manager to enter into the agreement. i>t dm Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into ',fl��eist an extension agreement (45 day extension) with °Gonyea Land Companies p Vlxkm , regarding the VISIOM VIII parcel, seconded ;by Scott and upon' a vote taken it was duly passed. � a 1 00y ff cib ienber Schweich commented on the No Wake Ordinance, There were - further comments and discussion by Council and Staff. Ibtici . by Scott , to' adjourn, seconded by Thorkelscn and upon a vote taken this"meetng was adjourned at `10:45 PM. Michael; A. McGuire City Manager Jekki K. Menk. o' RBCCYd7 I�g Secretan y y „ y n c C Zc 1 A3 , PAGIt -6 j . w7 i a � t MI4UTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by ! said Council. i THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, JUNE 19 1984,` i i MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS Bankers Life Insurance 3,826.85 Creative-Graphics Office & Printed Supplies 306.80 Carlson ,OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 193.58 George M. Hansen Co. Auditors 4,450..00 Minnegasco Utilities -" 284.28 Minnesota Valley Electric, Co. Utilities 939.67 Northern States Power Cb. Utilities 10,335,70 Ames Office Supplies Copier Supplies & Chairs 1,465,23 Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental & Supplies 270.96 Albinson Machine Rental & Supplies 282.81 Charles Tooker Consultant Planner 650,00 Parts Dept Inc. Repair Supplies 29.7.0 Prior•Lake CarOuest Repair Supplies 417.60 C. H. Carpenter Co. Misc. Supplies 35.96 w J. L. Shiely Co. i Sand and Gravel 728.06: Water Products Co. Supplies, 463.,34 Morwest Bank of Minneapolis Debt Service 21 ;417,70 Computoservice, Inc. Computer service 1,128..87 1,250.53 State Treasurer City Share FICA Q �- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Radermacher'Foods Misc. Supplies '' 19.66, Hauaei's Super Valu- Misc.. Supplies �t350 49..17; Boti,licAllister: An Control 00" Scot Co., HRA Professional Services- Econ.Dev. ' 979.20' Prior' Lake Electric Co. Lakefront Days Electric Service 1,,399.78. E. R. 2 NeW3trom Building a Plumbing Inspections 1,230.00 Colleger of St.- Thomas Prior Lake Survey _ 268.21. k pu)hio Telcom Telephone Service 74.82. � P tty Pavek Mileage 15.00 j Jakki"Menk Mileage 14.60' Prior Lake American Publishing 153.81 M 8'S Floor Cleaning Building Maintenance 67.80: Air Systems Htg. & AC Co. Building Maintenance 127.40 Aldon Serviee;Co. Building Maintenance. 65.50: Assn., o- .`.Metro- Municipalities Dues 1;;,300.00 American:' Linen' Co. � Building Supplies, Postage,* Supplies r 91.23 60.70 0 Petty: 3,Cash. Brancale Construction Bldg. Permit Retainer Refunds 600.00 Shun Sakuma`� Bldg. Permit Retainer Refund 100.00 Bill Hablak Building Permit Fee. Refund 29.95 Mayor & Council Salaries 1,050.00 Michael ;McGuire Car.Allowance 275.00 A Mu - Machine Lakefront Days- Econ.'Dev. 225.00 CONTINGENCY Dale Erlandson Roadway Easement '3 ? 000.00 Lakeside Plumbing & Heating Park Shop 222.64. ENGINEERING OSM Engineers 484.22 - M dwest:Pavement Mgmt.- Engineering Services 1,452.00 Larry Anderson Mileage 17.00 State Treasurer Engineers License. 45.00'' j PLANNING' American,,Planning Assn. Dues 105.00 ' i MIATES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by ; said° Council I. , t,. POLICE Noll's Hallmark Shop a, Supplies 31.?59'` Liberty Photo Service Supplies 101.36 Lomnen, Nelson; Sullivan & Cole Attorney Fees 4,643.50 Robert; Boe "`' _ Mileage. 69.40 Burnsville Printing Co. Printed Supplies 155.50 Arrow /Gaff & Gun, Inc. Equipment Repairs 20.00 Union "76 Repairs 114.30 { FIRE AD RESCUE: 1J American Heart Assn. s CPR Materialis 61.22 Velishek Service Dept. Repairs ' 1; 94.71 ,G / Volunteer'Firemen's Benefit Assn. Insurance: s, 102:00 Fire'Chlef' Magazine .;'` Subscription renewal 18 PARK AND - RECREATION: Intersport Inc. Supplies 17.50 3ames Berns Music - PA Rental 90.00 " Triareo "Arts &Crafts Misc. Supplies ,228.03 u; ( Cross Nursery Park Plantings 95.76 Valley Sign Sign 125.00 Scott- Telephone Telephone Service 145.47` Stacy Jorgenson Mileage 10 "._80 ' Aq 3ohn.Clay' Mileage 14.0.0 346kie Dunham Mileage 12.00 Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities Po:ct -O -Let International Rental 110. 00 { Quality Control. Rubbish Removal T36.00- �ose•Santiago t , Park Program .135.00 Kokesh Athletic' Supplies Park Program Supplies 747.00. `.j `Ind. School Dist. #719 Building. Rental, 100.00 Hennepin County. Park Reserve 'Park'Rental _ 40.00 " Bohnaack -& HEnnen Excavating Equipment Rental - Burnsite 805.00' "_'. STREET , `.' Gordan True Value Hdwe. Supplies 17.,25 r= = €dward "Kraemer do Sons Sand & .Gravel 73.77' Wm. Mueller & Sons = Bituminous i 839.08 Dustcoating INc,_ Dust Control 90000: o SEINER , Valley 'Tire & Auto Service Tire: 87.62 r Snyder Drug Supplies 11.6 7 0 Tri -State Drilling Repair Supplies 34.00 State Treasurer Certification Fees 30'01 Metro Waste Control Comm. Control Installment 23,204.. Metro.Waste Comm. SAC Charges M 9 o 256,50 y PRIOR.LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND: " OSM Engineering Fees 154.80 DEBT SERVICE: First Trust Co. of St. Paul's Debt Servrice 9,506.26 , Morwest'Bank of Mpls.. Debt SerY' a 293,937.70 ° American National Bank Debt Service 155,.736;56, EQUIPMENT' CERTIFICATES 3eff Belzer's Todd Chevrolet Tr` 6,002.48 Minnesota Toro Inc.- Caber`& Broom 3,185.. -00