HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 09 1984r err - -- _ ..w -• .. _ .. MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Y • t Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. July 9, 1984 C, k The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on f.: Monday, July 9, 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City Ccuncil Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to .order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilnembers r Busse, Schweich, Scott, 7horkelson, City 'Manager. McGuire, City Engineer .t 1f Anderson, City Planner Graser, Parks & Recreation Director; Mangan, Finance Director Teschner, Planning Consultant Tooker and City Attorney Kessel. ` Mayor Johnson asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance.' e The minutes of July 2, .1984 were reviewed and the following, corrections am to be made: Page 3 Paragraph 13 DUE= June h INSHtT July He stated that he thought that., the 15th _of July was the pxopos-,_ ed date of completion. M Motion by Scott to approve the minutes of July 2 1984 as amended, seconded t�hti by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. r ' The next item on the agenda was to discuss the textension, of Cable TV boundary to include Credit River and Spring Lake Townships. City, Manager McGuire = reviewed this: City .Manager McGuire stated that he had discussed this issue with. Chris; Donaldson of the Cable TV Board and would make thezfollawing ireca lation: 1. The Townships franchise fee be shared, equally with the City and the Township. 2. The Townships each be given one seat on the Cable Advisoary Board, ' He then stated that he was not sure if we should be authcrizirxl an agreement r or simply be in concept. 7elbwnships stated that it would just need to be in concept. City Manager McGuire further stated that he had spoken with the .represent- atives from both Townships, informed them of what the recommendation would ... be so they could ccmmerit on it'if they so wished.,,. !. Camcilnafflaer Schweich asked about the Advisory Board. �Cit Manager McGuire that after speaking With Harry y °Meyer,Chairman of the Board that there"would be a total of'7 members on the board. ' There - was .further discussion regarding the Adv isory Board. =i Mayor Johnson asked about `the percentage breakdown. City Manager McGuire stated that the Tbwnsh ps; would each get h8. Re=stated that 'if - $500.00 dollars was raised 'in Spring Lake Township, Spring" Lake .would. receive i$ 250.0.0 and Prior Lakefi�wvuld receive $250.00. If it was in Credit River, Credit River ;;61d receive $200.00 and the City �3 .- would receive $200.00. In other 'words 50% of what is raised in each € Township. individually, would be split with Prior Lake.' R mmm3mbers f Mr. Willard Brandt caamdhtedr further on the cost of the being on the i board. Th was f discussion by Council, Staff and the representatives from 61 a Townships. d a O After further discussion, motion by Busse to accept 'the presented agreement Cable TV W, in concept subject to approval by both parties, but giving the support of ThAdmis the Council to the proposed agreement as presented, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. - ! PAGE 1 i MINUTES of the, proceedings of the 'City Council of tie City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and' State .of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. d . . ,a The next item on the agenda was to review a 30' strip of land.adjacent to . the North Side Public Access. Parks i Recreation Director Mangan reviewed' this for the Council. �t> Parks a'Recreation Director Mangan stated that the. DNR has - been unsuccessful in _imegotating the 30' strip of land adjacent' to the ,North Side Public = Aoeess and is requesting that the City condemn the property, The DM wgiuld c participate on a 25% matching basis for the, acquisition of the Zvirbulis = 1 property if the adjacent 30' strip were to be acquired by .the City in the event that the DNR could not- ``acquire it The DNR" then mailed out-, v r.andorarners Bill of Rights..,to the 24 prr. ,per 'y owners ,of North Shore �C -dst of o Al -. which the DNR is one of the 24.' In' to proceed,/ roceed with an. appraisal, they d6 need 100% participation in order to order the appraisal for the 30 strip. Since this 'letter was written, the DNR did receiv; % `additional bi of rights back so that, mould make a total of :f` out of' the 24 f ! i larcdowiyers, which is/still not' enough to "order: the arrasal or make an offer on the property. At this time the DNR is =requesting the City Council it to hart oondemnaticx proceedings to acquire the 3.0' strip of land. t it Caw'x;ilmmber Busse asked if,, the DNR is going td share in the cost of" the ,, r can lemnation proceedings. ,7 k Parks & Recreation Director Mangan stated f that the City would ;start. the It F'' edir gs� but the land costs `would be' reimbursable, but he vim' unsure. of the condonation costs.,, } C McCue' stated that tuiQefully we can tie thi.in with ,another # com�.iesmmnation and minimize the cost'. Ccq ( ci]membe'r Schweich asked if the DNR has`their awn coridamnation power: City Mamager Mctlure' stated that they do, but have `not exercised ✓triemmm r. Thee was further cc*d is by Council and Staff. Parks. a Recreation Director Mangan stated that the DNR and Staff' met with ` theii; residents ; of that area in Febn!;ii to talk about the plans. With the a t a it sitan c2 the 30' they can provide more of a buffer to� Lot 18 and slide t r t��rr►arcd area over. f �. t, There was further d1sCU381a1 I Di r 6tor° Mangan then - stated' for clarification, that later this evening there a �� �� j( wvulcl be a presentation by Staff showing the cYxmfiguration of that entire . �4 , z ., area for pa�/rampo everything.' Iasi Nation by Busse to authorize condemnation prodeedings on the 30', strip of' ` =m land adjacent to�lot 19, Block '2 North Shore %rest, seconded b� Scott• -and yam: a vote taki�n it was duly passed., /� 5 . - The next item ,, on the agenda was scheduled for 8:00 PM. Mayer took itdms�nuab6rr, I 12 and 13 out of order and discussed them at this time. It 1 was to discuss the appointments to the (Prior UOe Economic Dey�elapnment Committee: City'Manager McGuire reviewed this for the ' ouncil. � r . City Manager McGuire stated that it r(. }� was discussed at a previous Naeting that the various committees , should be put on specific terms. li.6%Bconammic Develepment Committee is one of the committees that does -not have} a\\spec_Jkfic i length of, time. It is'reconmrxided that one year terms to expire on Tune 30, 1985, be given to Mike Babcock, Lidy Flom, Don Schutasler, and ' GcJry G.ibbi;sh. 1Wc year terms expiring on June 30, 1986 to Mark Strcmwall, Bcb. Beisness, Barb Prindle and Jim Hill. This has been discussed with ti e• 'czffuittee iwk ers, and they, actually chose the length, of terms that they s"' d prefer would: recamend the approval. = + ' to Noon. Do Lotion by Thorkelson to approve the appointments as presented, ;` ,ecanded by Busse and4upen a'-vote taken it was duly passed. Item #12 was to review the refuse hauling permits. City Manag r ricC'uire r reviewed this for the Council' PAGE 2° 1 i'- o u n , MINUTES of the proceedings of` the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County , of Scott and State of Minnesota, including g all accounts audited by said Council. t He stated that _the follcwing have submitted applications for renewal: Knutson Rubbish Service Prior Lake Sanitation Lakers Disposal Buckingham Disposal 'Quality Waste Control Kitro'Disposal :rere was general discussion by Council and Staff. " K _ t Staff was directed to look into what other cities are doing regarding fees., 1884 Aimee Motion by Busse to approve the licenses for the 'applicants as ,.presented, ` had-Ug lAc•, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. ' Councilmembe_* Busse asked about the license that was issued to Trashtronics last week.; City Manager McGuire stated that as a note in thj minutes that the following limos have been,,,issued for Refuse Hauling anti will -expire ,an June 30, 1985: Xm*ao l �Rubbi.sh Service brio['. Lake Sanitation Me ,,'' V ' o Disposal Lakers Disposal Qual 1hste ° Control f Item #13 was to consider a request from the' Softball Association for a ` temporary 3.2 beer permit. City 'Manager McGu `ce reviewed this for the c Cit N Mc6Uire stated that this is a request for a one day temporary y f ' 3.2 bejer license from the Softball Association. ! e stated that the $10.00 ti n fee: hiis =been -:paid and the insurance 'has been subRiLtted.' H? further stated that +staff would recommend approval. Saft�all lsot on . bey Thoskelson to approve the one day tempoiaryl,! 3.2 `beer. ,license to, '• Hear;: the `ftiball Association, seconded by Schweich and ipon \a vote taken it was duly per• . 'life next item discussed was the 8:00 PM scheduled itsn:� City Planer. n Graser and City Attorney .Kessel camiented on, the continuation of the Wilfond Subdivsion. { �I k City Attorney Kessel stated that, he was asked to render +an, opinion as to r` whether or not the acceptance '.of the ,City of . the Wilfoi�'s Subdivision plat itself would legally constitute an acceptance by the Clty -of .the Col -de -sac • and any publicly ' dedicated roads within the subdivision. --- He stated that his, opinion would be that it would not, the mere acceptance of a subdivision would not ­,work as. an acceptance of t publicly dedicated oul= de-sac or 'road. However, if the City would at any time rco4)t to I take on the F + responsibility. of maintaining the cul-de-sac' and any roa& portion within the pi at, -it would- then be his opinion , that the City ,would 'have to accept the privately maintained roadway accessir4 to it. He further stated that be'had spoken with Mr. Traxler on °Friday. Mr,. Traxler indicated that he was going to be dropping off a letter for the Ci.ty'Manager, indicating the neighbor hood's continued objection to the subdivision. Mr. Iraxler indicated that the' ,neighbors ;felt "strongly enough abrut\, the subdivision and that they were against it, and that, if it were acce.ted'by the Council there would possibly be some litigation to stop it. City °Attorney Kessel stated that t3ie neighbors may have a valid argument in that the subdivision may' crew a additional burdens for; the maintenance ave r that privately. maintained ropoway. u Mayor Johnson then read the yet er "from Norbert Tr`axler that City Attorney Kessel - ccm menteO on, Z If� Mrs. June Lemke from Linden Circle commented to the`Qouncil regarding the subdivision and the cul-de -sac. j City Manager McGuire asked City Planner. Grayer how many hones are on that road. PAGE 3 .T:.rX 7 .?Fr 7777 : ♦ it J the fact. that it' is L dedicated to the public, there is no obligation >. on the City to accept it and maintain it. ; oo=ilmember Thorkelson stated that he agreed with CounciLnember. Scott's comment, that. there is sane benefit to the whole neighborhood by creating' a i t cul-de -sac' because theft there is some place to turn around that dommIt involve driving into other people's driveways. The engineer's comments at our last Awting, by regrading this property, it will change the drainage .and eliminate sane of,the problems that °presently exist<out there;, so these are two benefits that the neighborhood would gain if this; subdivision was ' ap'o'ed Councilmember Schweich stated that he felt that there is a need for the cul -de- sac'.' He stated that if the City is getting something, ,and the Wilfonds are getting something, then the whole neighborhood would be benefi- tino�.;fran it, especially with the - , Public Safety aspect of a'cul -de -sac -at. the end of a dead end. He also commented on the traffic generating on the road. He further commented on Mrs. Lemke's camments. 1 Mayor Johnson then commented :,further on !Mrs. Lemke 1 s comments and expanded on the other Councilmembers cannents. He asked about the cost of road maintenance. He asked if it is shared by all the residents on Linden Circle. - Mrs. Lemke stated that who ever gets out there first is the one who takes care of it PAdE "a .._ ii MINUTES of the proceedinG.,_of the City Council of the City of . . — - Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of V Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said' ;. Council. IN City Planner Graser stated that there are no More than 10. Mrs. Lemke stated that there are 6 homes on that road. Councilmember. Thorkelson also commented. He asked: if there would still be a cul-de -sac at the end of the road if this subdivision is approved. City Planner Graser answered yes. , Councilmember Scott commented on Mrs. leuke's comments.. Scott stated that Mrs. Lerke'is under the understanding that if the Council does not make this a c cul -de- sac public, we are not going to go ahead with the cul -de- sac. We are still talking about a cul -& -sac but it would be private. Scott further stated that by having the cul- de-sac and fixing the drainage, this would eliminate same of the '-problems by 'having the. drainage of these three ' lots go the other way where as "now they are coning' towards the 'present hdme owneri. If we just 7 approve the two dots, there would be no need for a,replat. Scott further stated that an.agreenent` should-be worked out where the Wilfond's agree to pay theiri!por'tion in maintaining this road and that if there, *a any x x. ' a attorney's' fee ' that the Wilfonds enter into an agreement with the City to pay the attorney's fees involved. Councilmembdr Busse cc mmmented on the Cul-de -sac. He stated that the City t t should take the cul- dersac, because of other areas where the people are paying taxes on a road and not receiving any maintenance, end up wanting to turn it back over to the City. It would be!!a hardship on the City if 10 to F 1 15 years down the road all the people decids they want to make it a public r r ,road, then we wouldn't have the cul-de-sac and they wouldn't be able to get that road.' Councilmember Thorkelson further commented. 'there was further discussion. 1, � � City Attorney Kessel pointed out the legalities on this.' a a - -, T There was further discussion. I o C City Maiacger McGuire clarified' the comments... He asked- if -what City Attorney ' 'I } M Msstl was saying is that if the cul-de -sac was dedicated to the public at ' t this time, ; assuming the Council approves the plat, we'could to with not m a apoq*.ing the maintenance of the road until sometime in the' future., !:City Attorney Kessel stated, that s we He further stated ye could do that. �� �� ,t ° � t � x..e.... � ..L ....,•: m.s... a.,n6..L.,.�..m I '! .�+Fr,'c:�'Cd.:' �... �...,, ,.,ili.,4:�+"r MINUTES of the proceedings of the C Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and S("ate of Minnesota, including all accounts audited t +y said Council. Mayor Johnson asked City Planner Graser if Linden Circle was ted by the City as a ,public street, how much of the individual's property;on either side would be taken to improve the road, C City Planner Graser sta•'_ed that the road would have to be surve ed. There s is a quite a bit of proferty that is within the right -of -way. r i f Mayor `Johnson then asked City Attorney Kessel if the City was to accept the cul -de -sac as a publicly maintained road, but that it be plakted, would " that require that it be built by the Wilfonds. City Attorney Kessel stated that by the City approving the la p ' l with that cul -de -sac on it and they would have to build it, that would bell' of the conditions of the City ap proving the plat. 1'I Lois Cheever commented on something that Councilmember Schweich .. t.. She stated that he said that the homeowners were against the Cit i maintaining the road: Counci'Imember Schweich `stated that' it would he their choice,jl�if they are against it we would not have to do it at this time. j Mrs. Cheevei continued stating that they are in favor of the City maintaining the road, but do the homeowners 'have any input as` to what is ,to happen as ° far as upgrading. Councilme ber Schweich stated that the homeowners can petition as other { residents do bituminous and curbing. ,j Mrs. Cheever asked if you could oppose it: t Councilmember Busse stated that if a petition was put in and then they decide,to withdraw the petition, then it is automatically dropped. City ngineer Anderson then showed a brief slide presentation of that „ particular road. There was,a, general discussion regarding the slides. Mayor Johnson stated that the only way that the road would go from private to public would.be' for San eone I to petition requesting this. the City would riot, on its own go ahead and tur that road into a public road. O the were further comments by the Council and Staff. Mr. lm*e then commented on the regrading of the road.. } '= There was"further discussion by Council. and Staff: WiUbrA Motion! by Scott` to approve the final plat of the Wilfond subdivision .contingent upon the cul-de -sac meeting -City 'standards; that the :wilfond's rYtILl p9aE agree to pay their portion of maintaining the road, by Schweich. W." Councalmember Schweich asked if within the. City's specifications that would alaoncl . iude the regrading and the drainage of that portion of Linden Circle. ,Councilmamber Scott stated. that she 'would amend her motion to that effect. CounciLme nber Schweich accepted this amendment to his second. City Manager McGuire .asked City Attorney Kessel if we could legally _require ' the Wilfonds to hold us harmless. City Attorney Kessel stated that he. was 'unsure. If it is set as a conditiun in granting the subdivision. He stated ttat. he, could look into it. part P - 5 vR �' µ w, � ,aE ,,y , d :1 2 n�� :`,r`�'z..<�^a3� �M1ea,. sa. _}+,'a.§`"'".' �`)&&e � y r ry .`"�-' i. pf Y MINUTES; of the proceedings of the City Council- the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Stafe of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. City Manager - McGuire, asked if it could be approved as stated and if there is a problem that condition would be remand. There was further discussion. Mayor Johnson asked that the rationale for granting this would be that the plat as recommended, meets the minimum requirements"of the' 4ty's platting ordinance. The cul- de-sac would be an additional health and safety factor ' to that neighborhood allowing public safety units easier accessability.' t Mayor Johnson then called the. question on the motion and upon a °vote taken a it was duly passed. ` City M11 The next item on the agenda was to review the landscape plan for City Hall. ' Planning Consultant Tooker c rented on this. E Consultant Tbc*er stated` that the landscape plan has been an issue ' for some time. He'' ran through the blueline plan at this time. E ` =a There were many questions and ,convents by Council, Staff and the audience. ` A Mayor Johnson directed Consultant Tooker to bring the plan back in final form. �. The next item .on the agenda was to, review the revised entrance to Sand ! ' Pointe Beach. Charles Tooker also camented'on this. Consultant Tooker referred to a map of the entrance. He reviewed the E� different routes that could go into the park:. c _ , There was discussion by Council and Staff, a � HoRa�sce t� After further ;discussion by Council and Staff. .motion was made by Busse to 'approve 11o�nbe. the ,plan.. in concept as presented by Consultant Tooker, seconded. by r erh Thorkelson and` upon a vote taker` it was duly passed. CaunciLmenber Thorkelson` asked that a paving an be reviewed and insist on # the DNR participating in It • The, next item on the agenda was to continue the discussion on Lake Access ' „Parcels. Consultant Tooker reviewed this for the Council. This i tem was .continued from last week's meeting. Consultant Tooker iewed the roads that are currently vacated. He also commented on the - memorandum that was presented to the Council at a meeting in August, 1983 regarding this maitter. .. . : '. a „ p L There - wns 4iscussian..by Council and Staff E A Hobbart, asked if the City charges for. vacations and if not suggested that the,City charge. more for vacations. *:9 rwps�;4urthar,` .�cusslon. ' ti 'rt Johnson ' asked that this 'be f urttier ;� "` Mayor reviewed by 'Staff anci that more specificati" for vacations be bM*t back -. Mayan Johnson called a recess at this point. The meeting was called back to order at9:59 ,PM. t The next item on the agenda was Ms. Becky Durrenberger regarding` the Prior Lake. Youth. Ms: Durrenberger commented at this 'time. she reviewed her proposal to the Council. She" asked that one ',charge be .made to the letter. that was sent to the Councih. Instead of, requesting' a'Director of Counnseling, it would be e more appropriate at this time to have a Community Youth Coordinator. The difference would be that this person wouldpdo some investigation of possible community center or local° recreaticnal area where kids could drop in informally and then pursue investigating needs of counseling services. She PAGR s MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the` County of , Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. stated that most of what she would like to present is outlined in the letter and if there are any questions she would be happy to answer them. There was a general discussion by Council and Staff. It was the consensus of the Council that this organization was needed in Prior Lake but suggested that Ms. Durrenberger contact nei 'ghboring cannuni- s ties (Savage, Credit River, Spring Lake) and to check into a more of a non- profit type of organization. There were further caments by Council, Staff, Ms. Durrenberger and the audience. Mayor Johnson directed City Manager McGuire to;work with Ms. Durrenberger by ' introducing her to contacts in the State. County and School District. &Wmt Motion by Thorkelson to support Ms. Dur 's renberger proposal in concept and r Prior Like direct Staff to give Ms. Durrenberger their help through their contacts in Vaud County and State Government, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was .duly passed.' Mayor Johnson suggested that Mr. Durrenberger contact the appropriate 'people in the other Camunities, and that she cane back before the Council concerning monies in the 1985 Budget. The next item on the agenda was a- variance appeal by Mr: Bob Hoeck. Mayor y, Johnson asked City Planner Graser to inform the Council on the situation and then if Mr. Boeck has comments it would be opened up to him and brought to the Council for their camments. City Planner Graser briefly outli.ne;� the memorandum and the Planning Commis sion's findings of this particular case. He described the site itself. He stated that "the application was submitted for a 14k' lakeshore variance. He u made further ccuments. ;k City .Planner; Graser then stated that after discussing this item with City a Attorney`.Kessel, there was. concern`oVer the fact if this a lot of record (and it has been concluded that it is a lot of record) therefore accardirq' to the zoning code, is eligible for a building permit. He'then reviewed the;. Planning- Commissions findings. He stated that the : Planning Commission had concerns over the buildalbility of the lot. There are severe problems with traffic maneuverability, it is a steep terrain for vehicular access, parking and frontage. , The lot has been altered and now has only 27' of� frontage o.n a .roadway. He < stated that the Planning Clomm ssion made the following recae�endatrcci , WS Larson/Loftus Tb Deny the Application since: 1. 27 feetf frontage on a unimproved 20 foot wide driveway; 2 A rear yard service area for off street parking which is within 20 . feet of the "front" living space of an existing structure.'' a 3, Inadsquate access, limited parking and` turnaround space. The driveway serving this.lot, would be very steep- 4... This reWest is in violation of Section :7.6, Subdivision 3. 5.. it is not in the best interest of good land development. 6 Nat ' in the best interest of the general health and welfare of the camnanity City Planner Graser also stated that at one point in time all "sewer /water assessments were indefinitely deferred on this property. There was discussion by Council and Staff.; �'''►` Mr.. Bob Boeck then caenented on the Planning Co mrissions recamiendations There were further comments by Mr. Boeck, Council. and Staff. Mr. Bob Boeck carmented on Councilmemiber Schweich receiving a variance/build ing permit for construction 2 lots over... PAGE ART v 4 MINUTES of the roceec. p -,gs of the City Council of the City of Prk6r 'Lake in the County of Scott and State of f . „Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Ccuncilmmmember Schweich stated that this was for Fairview Properties not for himself. City Manager McGuire commented. ' .Fie stated that regarding the indefinite deferment, this uas done because of Mr. BoeckIs insistence that the lot was not buildable. In, the case of the variance, whether or not the lot was buildable is `immaterial, the point being, that if a permit is granted for Q that lot, Mr. Boeck must pay his fair share for assessments. The driveway is not comparable to the lot next door. The homeowner next door can back oct into that private roadway and drive out '_and for the Council to grant ' a building permit to a parcel.. that does require him to back on to someone elses property, would not be in the public interest;. There were further comments. ? M '.�� a / y � o �� r Johnson then closed this portion of the meeting and asked Council' to p 4 c "omyte �� •t • 1 Council ther, gave their opinions on this request. It was the consensus of the Council that there should be a turnaround included within the building envelope. OciA t Babi Motion by Busse. t0 grant the variance' contingent upon lithe t �. Boecic installed as shown on the drawing, and 2) assessments 'be called down at the point of a, building permit being granted, seconded by Schweich. 4 , There were further comments. ;. �. Councilmember Thorkelson asked that a plan be on file as to hcw the drivmawamy,`, " would be, arranged so that the City, would have a reference. i f Councilmmemmber Thorkelson, asked that the Planning Commission give some expla- . �'j nation as to why they made the recommendation that they dlA. J City Manager NcC,tiire stated that he thought that the Manning Commission was under the'iWressicn that because of the alterations to the lot line,:they , Viewed it as' tieing unbuildable. City Attorney ..KesselIs opinion is that it is buildable because it is a lot of record. `- Mayor Johnson asked; on the turnaround. He asked who would lave to approve this It was `the, consensus= of the Council that it be approved by Staff. #t { Mayor Johnson called the question: on the motion and upon a• vote taken it was ") dulY passed. The next item on the agenda was to scuss the ' remooval of special assessments on • the Erlandson Parcel . Finance Director Teschner reviewed this for the z Council Finance Director Teschnner stated that a 'eondition of the negotiated settle•= , memnt of t the;:. Mike Bemnedct dispute•; was` the removal of $208.00 in spee'i,'tl k `x assessments, ' GO. ch` represents the' balance of specials on the property. He . 4 ` further stated that it;' would be Staff's recommendation to authorize the reno►al' of $208.00 in special assessments for Parcel- Number 31 935 - 031 - 0.: ; He further commented. There ,was further discussion by Council and Staff. ' . Ab . Motion by Thorkelson authorizing the removal of the assessment's totaling y ' r $2,08.00 from Ntmlrx 31- 935- 031 -0 contingent upon the' // settle 'agreement and the - clismtissal , of the law suit, seconded by Scott'' and upon a ��k es�edlct vaF- taken it .was duly passed. SY T,w.ntt i The next "item on the agenda was to consider "the bids that were received• Project 83 -2. Citl'flngineer Anderson reviewed the bids received. tf X PACE `fr }4 S,• , _ lip' �si m.x, ��' { � 1 . �.,_ „�,... ..,,�" '� �f� � ".� w`r +ae,wr; ° 7�.,.-,:' ...�..z,�..,, ,.... � �: ;j..-- �Lu�.,1�• "+ « A p Radiator Vehicle Repair MVAUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of .the City of Prior Lake in the u, PARKS & RECREATION County of Scott and State of Minnesota. including a,ll accounts audited by said Council. ,y Concession supplies 15.57 LoIg:Lake Ford Tractor Repair Supplies 400.00 George's•Used Equipment Repair Supplies 250.00 Prior Lake Electric Repair Supplies 63.50 THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SCHEDULED FOR PAYMENT ON TUESDAY, July 17, 1984. Loader Rental 250.00 v Y t �� r � "4,�1 r u ` �'45�'�'Y.1! ,1..Fu �4si •$Eir'.':Yt'r.r•++ +•r`.I.tT �. ..>.L.ro.., «T .. � ' J MISCELLANEOUS DEPTS n Bankers Life Insurance 3L 875.59 y State Treas. -FICA City Share FICA 1,236.25 _ Ames Office `Supply Office Supplies 25.53 Snyder Drug Misc. Supplies 122.41 C. H. Carpenter Lumber Co. Misc. Supplies= 1;219.02 Prior Lake Carquest Misc. Supplies 472..56 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Telephone Service 612.18 } MN Valley Electric Co. Utilities. 1,041.33 Copy Duplicating Products Copier Supplies & Rental. 327.57 t ' Carlson OK _Hardware Misc. .Supplies 180.85 Coast to Coast Store Misc. Supplies 14.85 ' - Davies Auto Body Repairs- Vehicles 85.00 • Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 394.20 Radermacher Foods Misc. Supplies 114.40: Parts Dept. fine. Repair Supplies 26.72 Prior Lake Aggregates Sand & Gravel 46.08 O.L'. Shiely Co, Sand & Gravel - 409.91 ' Charles Tooker Planning,Consultant - 650.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 30t.3 ,Super Valu Misc. Supplies 61,33 Robert McAllister Animal Control 350.00 (Qmmen Nelson, Sullivan & Cole Attorney 'Fees . 57107 r Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & °Lindgren Attorney fees 220,00_ g George M. Hansen Co. Audit 800,00. 1 NSP Lakefront Days -Econ. Dev. 115 00 Fun Services Lakefront Days- Econ.' Dev. 864.80 Scott Cp. HRA Prof. Services 9948Q. Republic, Telcom Telephone Service � Pr�.or' Lake American Publishing 1'167.35. � LQague of MnCities Dues 2:826.00, ,1 American Linen Co. Building Maintenance 144.98 k " Bluaitierg Audio Visual Equip. 77394 Mayor e Council Salaries 1,050.00 Mchael.McGure Car Allowance 275,00 Maxfield,* Solomonson Consultant Fees 2,112.00., CONTINGENCY SaAl Bloom Iron & Metal Park Shop 66.24 qay .,.3oachiik , . t Comrwissioner s Expenses 24245 LeRoy Hauser ` Commissioner's Expenses 232:36' Dgan Morlock Commissioner's Expenses 236.04 Bri?wn Photo Photofinishing 10,70 OSM Engineering 19885.57 POLICE ,.; Photo Express Photofinishing 27.93 Noll�s Hallmark Sinop Photofinishing 3468 Dakota County- Police Training Traininget 180.00 FIRE & RESCUE A p Radiator Vehicle Repair 300.00 u, PARKS & RECREATION C'& C Special Products Concession supplies 15.57 LoIg:Lake Ford Tractor Repair Supplies 400.00 George's•Used Equipment Repair Supplies 250.00 Prior Lake Electric Repair Supplies 63.50 Klingberg Excavating Loader Rental 250.00 v Y t �� r � "4,�1 r u ` �'45�'�'Y.1! ,1..Fu �4si •$Eir'.':Yt'r.r•++ +•r`.I.tT �. ..>.L.ro.., «T .. � ' L1.�, G'{ , MIdUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the ''City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Parks & Recreation continued F & D Supply Co. Repair Supplies 220.30 Bryan Rock Products Park Repair Supplies 395.05 Northwestern Bell Telephone Service 200.75; ,ppee Public Utilities Utilities 51.79 Harold_ Repair Repairs 23.45, Port -O -Let International Rentals 55.00 Mrs. John Hauer Park 'Program Refund 12.50; Sheryl Grant Mork McQuillan. Park Program Refund 2.00 Park Program Refund Paul, Kempf Park Program Refund 12.50 Joy Meyer 'Park Program Refund "8.00 Connie Hemme Park Program Refund Medicine Lake Tours Park Program Bus Charter ' 565.Q0' Julie Edwards Salary Jody Hahowald Salary ; 139.'86 Barb.Kley 'Salary 162.68 ' Sandy Stacken Salary t 170,'01 t. ! Pam Shutrop Salary �` 208..33 r Lori .Clay Salary � 208.33 Sandy Clay Salary 208.31 Sharon Welter Salary 208 33 ` Kaari Anderson Salary 216,66 .; John. Clay Salary, 216.66 I •:; State Oor nson Y 9e Salary Y M. " j DebSStacken Salar 266. Cedar .Lake Farms Par�C 'P rogram � : 26Q.60, Minoesota Twins Park Program - 200.00 " Knox.Lumber Co, Capital Outlay 629:23 STREET n ,.HSmith Maintenance Repairs 58'.10 w, Mueller &,Sons Bituminous 3,032:13 Norman Crooks Hauling 192.00 j Dus4gatng; Inc. Dust',Control 450.00 ° 'Bank of St. Paul Debt 'Service 41;900. ' r Metro Waste Control Commission Installment 23,204:01 � s Metro Waste Control Commission SAC Charges 4,628.25 p ►"ter Products Co. Water Meter. 224.92' Tri' = State Pump.& Control Repair Supplies 34.00 � Viking Industrial Center Repair Supplies WAD j North Star Waterworks Products Repair Supplies 271.30 Servo Lab Analysis 2.4,00 Layne Minnesota Repairs' 155:95 PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND Mn -Dept. of Natural Resources Permit Fees 120.00 } Barber Construction Co. 4th &final Estimate 8,876.56 ,i OSM Engineering Fees 1,472.29: rt DEBT SERVICE: First Bank.of St. Paul Debt Service 47,737.50 EQUIPMENT'CERTIFICATES: LaNass Mfg. & Sales Utility Box 195.00 Mahowald Motors Squad Car 10,649.00 " CAPITAL FIRE FUND: Road:Rescue, Inc. Ambulance 45,157.00 a ,r