HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 06 1984.: _ . i4y , i t.. ,. '[.. � �'.�.,...5 1 ...� .. f1 v�4tlMlfu4 t'a.. dt� a .h— .�,t�'i. . :�R '.
MINUTES of the, proceedings of the City Council of the City of
Prior 'Lake in the County ` of Scott and State of
Minnesota. including all accounts audited b ° said j
1 August 6, 1984
-, The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular
session on Monday, August 6, 1984 at 7;30 PM in the City Council
Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present
were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, c..
Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City
Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner, City Attorney Ressel
;( and Consulting Engineer Norton.
Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance.
The minutes of July 23, 1984 and the invoices scheduled for
payment on Tuesday, August 7, 1984 were reviewed.'
Minweea Motion by, Busse to approve the mintues as submitted and o-
knob= approve the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday, i
August 7, 1984, seconded -by Scott and upon a vote taken, it was
'duly passed.
The first item on the agenda was to review the final plans for
County Road 2;1. Mayor Johnson asked City- Engineer Anderson to
' review this for the Council.
City Engineer- Anderson stated that an informational meeting was
held on. Thursday, July 26, 1984 to discuss this with the
residents. He then referred to the plans.- He commented further.
Mayor Johnson asked if there were any questions or comments.
Councilmember Busse asked about lighting along the trail walkway.
a .,w
City , Engineer Anderson 'stated that there was talk about cdntin- s
„, uous lighting "from the other locations. He further stated that
.; if Council felt it would be necessary, lighting could be instal -
« Councilmember Busse further commented. j
Councilmember Schweich asked about the storm sewer hook up from
Lakeside Avenue. #
City, Engineer Anderson responded, to Councilmember Schw1p
comments . '
Councilmember 'Thorkelson asked- if he 'heard correctly in, regard
to this being a four late road.
City .Engineer' Anderson stated that Councilmember „Thorkelson was
correct,. It,would be marked and traveled as a,four lane road., J
'Councilmember. .Busse asked if the section from West Avenue would
be completed this year
'. City ,Engineer�;Anderson stated that the goal for this year would
be- -to have pavement from n Quincy to West Avenue. ;ie' then stated
that it would be Staff '.s'recommendation that '`Council approve the
final plans for County Road 21. He further stated that staff
;would.look into additional lighting along thewalkway,
Councilmember :Thorkelson stated that he did not want to see this
project delayed. He further, stated that the lighting can be put'
in at a latek date if necessary. `
Mayor Johnson Asked about signage for the walkway and bike paths.
%�� w
ty,-_Engineerf Anderson'' stated that it would be identified, but
uld be done the Scott/Hennepin-Park Reserve System
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MINUTES of the. proceedings of the City Council of the City. of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
Find pism
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the final plans for County Road"
C.R. 21
21 as submitted, seconded by Busse and upon a "vote taken it was
duly passed.
Mayor Johnson then asked City Engineer to review the Resolution
for "NO PARKING" on County Road 21,
" x
City Engineer Anderson reviewed Resolution 84 -18 for the Council'.
He stated that it would prohibit parking on _either side- of
County Road 21. He further commented.
apa W18
Motion b Thorkelson to , a pprove pprove Resolution 84 -18, A Resolution
paddrg pestr
Relating to Parking ; Restrictions on County Road 21, ' seconded by'
a[ C.R. 21
Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:
The next item on the agenda was scheduled for 8:00 PM. Items #8
3 �'
and $9 were discussed at this time.`
Mayor ,Johnson asked City Planner Graser to review the Ordinance
84- 10, Establishing date for lots of records.
City Planner Graser stated that this ordinance would amend a"
section of the Prior Lake Zoning, Code. He reviewed the ordinance
!" '
in detail. +
There was discussion by Council and Staff.
Qd.84 -10
Motion by Busse to adopted Ordinance 84 -10, Establishing Datey
boat cf Fom
1 for Lots of Records; as presented, seconded by Scott and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
Planner Graser then reviewed Ordinance 84 -11 Cleanu aft r
p e
Building Construction.
Motion;'by Busse >to, approve Ordinance 84 -11 as .presented, seconded
` !
by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Johnson then went back to' the item that, was scheduled for
8 :00 PM, reviewing the bids that were received for Lakeside
Avenue and Calmut Road improvements. He asked City Engineer
Anderson to this for the Council,.
City Engineer Anderson stated that4 Project 83- 1,.Lakeside Avenue
and Project 84 -1, Calmut Avenue were combined for bidding pur-
poses so that , we could have" a`'larger project with a more
competitive bid. Two bids were received on July 27, 1984:" The 0
two bids receia were higher than the engineers estimate at the
public hearing. The, two bids received were, Hardrives at
$272,918.50. and .Alexander Construction Company Inc.'t at
$263,312.35:. OSM's ,current estimate is $212,689.00. Notice was
given to property owners to notify them that this item was on
the agenda tonight as a discussion, item. He further stated that
two ion' have been laid out as to what to do with this issue.
The option, would be -to reject the bids and rebid next year in
March. If the 'City; received bids which reflected the $29,000.00
savings a fifteen percent rate`. increase over the initial public "
hearing rate would be necessary. Option two would be to award
the bid to Alexander Construction Company, Inca 'If the City
shared with the property owners one half of the increase, the
assessment rate for Calmut Avenue would increase `19.48 percent
and Lakeside Avenue would increase 22 percent.
City Engineer Anderson then handed out a breakdown of thetwo
costs /assessments and reviewed this in more detail -.
The following rates were given at the public hearing:
MINUTES of the, proceedings of the City Council of the City of
Prior Take in the County. of Scott and f, State of
' Z
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
Lakeside Avenue $35.79/ft
Calmut Avenue; Street 42.50/ft
Water /Sewer 60.00 /ft
Rates under Option $1 would be:
Lakeside Avenue $41 A6 /ft
Calmut Avenue Street 48.88/ft.
` Water /Sewer 69.00 /ft
Rates for Option #2 would be:
Lakeside Avenue $43;.83/ft
Calmut Avenue Street 50`.78/ft
Water /Sewer 71,.69/ft
City Engineer.Anderson` further commented.
Mayor - Johnson asked the residents to keep their comments brief
.and to state their °name "for the record.
�rhere were many residents from both Lakeside Avenue and Calmut
Avenue who voiced their opinion on, what option the City should
go with.
Mayor Johnson then closed this portion of the meeting and asked
the Council for their.comments.
Councilmember )Scott stated that she could not justify ") the -City
paying the difference when the City hasn't done it . other
streets /projects. If it was a more widely used thoroughfare,
maybe It could be justified.`
Councilmember Thorkelson asked City ,Engineer Anderson if the
completion 'of ,:.County Road 21 at the Lakeside. intersection has
any ,effect on the road in one way or another.
City Engineer Anderson stated that he did not feel that there
would be any difference in the cost,or any other problems.*
Councilmember then stated that he' felt that we would
get a better project if we wait until Spring. In the past when
we have, had fall projects it gets to be a_ problem on completion,
and. we end up coming back and getting work done in the spring:'
' stated
He that he would be in favor of waiting and
rebidding this project, and hopefully with an early spring begin -
ning date. He then stated.,that one }problem he would see, is,with
the :people on 'Calmut Avenue. There is a significant problem out
there. He then asked staff to look into some way the City could-
do something ,.to improve' their right, of way for this fall and
Councilmember Busse stated that he would agree with Councilmember
Thorkelson's comments. He asked about the water problem on the
northerly side of 'Lakeside Avenue where it connects up to County
Road 21. He asked if any corrections'_could be made there.
City Engineer- Anderson stated that what-, ever the City has been
doing in the past has been temporary. The water "problem has
been`.cleaned °up, the ditch is re- shaped, and still everytime it
Ir y
ns .: r
MINUTES of the proceedings of the -City' Council of , , the City of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
Council, r
rains it erodes back -in. It is an 'ongoing problem to try and
minimize that problem. We would put every effort forth to ease
the problem.
Councilmember Busse suggested bigger rock or sloping the road
different.' He further 'stated that the City should'- consider
Councilmember Schweich commented on the two options. He also
felt that the Council should consider rebidding the project.
Mayor Johnson asked City Engineer Anderson if the engineer's
estimate remains the same or does it increase.
City Engineer Anderson stated that it was figured into the cost
if it was to be rebid :-
Mayor Johnson then stated that Calmut Avenue needs some type of
help now, but would also agree with the rest of the Council to
rebid this project in the spring.
Apjwt All
Motion by Thorkelson reject all bids rec,eived for Projects 83 -1
I fW
and 84f1., seconded by Busse and upon a' =vote taken it was duly
P4vJ 83-1
City Manager McGuire stated that the new bid date would have to
be set by the Council, but at this point it would be best if it
was brought back in February or March
There was further discussion by Council and Staff.
rr `
Mayor Johnson thanked the residents for coming in and ,voicing '?
their opinion.
The.' next item on the agenda was to consider the request from the
Hollywood Inn for an expansion on a non - conforming use. Mayor
Hdlllwacd -,
m Johnson asked City Planner Graser for his comments.
' ity, Planner Graser stated that the Planning Commission held a f
public hearing in `regards to the expansion of the-Hollywood' Inn.
He then reviewed ,the three year improvement schedule that the
Planning Commission ''recommended.
There was a general discussion by Council``and Staff.
After. further discussion, City Planner Graser stated that no
Councilaction would needed at this time.
Mayor' Johnson called a recess. The meeting was called back to
° l
order at 9:3'0 PM.
1he. next item on the agenda was to review' the request ' for
hardshkl ,approval for Woodland Heights. Mayor `Johnson asked
City ,Planner Graser to review this for the 'Council.
City:' 'Planner Graser stated` that this is the second phase of a`
Olaf that was, approved about three' years ago. He stated'. that r
staff has examined the plat and has found it to be- in substantial ”
compliance with the preliminary= plat. He then stated that staff
would recommend approval contingent upon the park dedication, fee
being pact:4j and the execution of the developers He
is -
further, commented'.
There was discussion by Council and staff regarding the entrance
to the and the increased traffic if the proposed°
church is built in that area.,
After further discussion, motion by Scott to approve the hard -
shell approval for" Woodland Heights contingent upon the De-
velopers Agreement being executed and the Park dedication fee
G $
MINUTBS of .the proceedings of the City Council of the City of
Prior "Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts' audited by, said
being paid, seconded by Busse.
Councilmember Schweich asked for a contingency o£,a documentation
showing there will be cooperation with the church and the
developer so that the City can maintain that sect-on of the
roadway. tf
Councilmember Scott accepted this addition to her motion.
Councilmember Busse asked how that would be accompl �hhed,
Councilmember Schweich further commented.
City Manager McGuire stated that with the work cooperation in
there it would be okay. Saying that one must cooperate with the
City and the Church in working that out.`
Cou"ncilmember Busse accepted'this to ':his second.
Mayor Johnson called the question to the motion and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed. Mayor Johnson abstained from voting.
The next' item on the agenda was to review the Prior Lake Lumber-
Conditional Use permit. Mayor Johnson asked Citv..Planner Graser
to review this.
City Planner Graser stated that an inspection was made on the
W-W We
conditional use _ permit for the Prior Lake Lumber` 'Company that
was issued back in August of -1976 by the Planning Commission.
The inspection was made about a week and half ago, with Mr.
Use Meet `
Andren and' Mr. Antrim. He then reviewed the four areas that
were outlined in the conditional use permit. He further com
Mayor Johnson asked Mrs. Andren or Mr. Antrim if they had any
Mr. "-,Antrim, Attorney for the Andrens and Prior Lake. Lumber
commented.. He asked the Council if Carpenter Lumber conditional
use permit was part of a' general review that was planning on
being done by,,, the Council or if,. it had already been implemented.
He: then asked how many conditional use permits have been
reviewed by the Council.
City Manager McGuire stated that they are brought to the Council'``
on a complaint basis..
Councilmember Thorkelson stated that he had brought it up at a
meeting. He further stated that residents make their complaints
to various Council,members. He then stated that he would like to
see the Council implement a policy where there` is a regular
review on conditional use permits.
There was further discussion regarding this conditional 'use.
Mayor Johnson directed staff to look into a policy where Council t
will review conditional uses on a annual or bi- annual time basis.
There was further'discussion by Council and Staff.
,The next item on the aqenda was to review Bart Porter's house
move. Mayor Johnson asked City Planner Grayer to review this.
City Planner Graser stated that there has been no progress since
the last discussion of this item.• He stated that he thought Mr:
Porter had good intentions of putting in the turnaround, as of
yesterday the' turnaround was not in place.
Page' 5
MINUTES of the. proceedings of the City 'Council of the City of
; I
Prior Lake in the County of Scott; and ` State of
#' !
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said
Mayor Johnson asked when the time limit expired;
City Planner Graser stated that it,;expired today.
Mayor Johnson asked if this was the only requirement that Mr.
Porter has not met as yet. He also asked how many extensions
were given;,
City Planner Graser stated, that three extensions have been
given. The building inspector also wants to inspect the building
foundation and also the ,walls of the house. ,,He further stated
ti'hat the Inspector has been unable to gain access into the
-vh.ouse. He further commented.
jkt But ;�
After further discussion :. by the Council and . Staff it was , the
concensus ' of, the Council to give Mr. Porter one week and if not
in compliance,by then, the letter of credit will be called down.
There was. further, discussio' by Council, Staff and City Attorney
J ";
' Y
The next item on the agenda was to consider Action on Disposition
of City Property. Mayor Johnson asked Finance Director Tesc'
to comment on this.
Finance Director Teschner stated that ,Staff brought before the
Council, 4 parcels for consideration of public sale. He then
,reviewed a letter from City Attorney Kessel, He stated that it
would be Staff's recommendation to take no action concerning two
of these_, lots Lot 1, Grainwood Park and Lot 3, Inguadona Beach
and that 'title be retained in the "The Public's" name. He
further stated that Staff "-would recommend that the Council
authorize the firm of Frank Wicker and Associates to prepare an
appraisal, of Lot 3, Sunset Shores ani Lot 2, Block 3, Brooksville
Center 1st Addition so that the ;'City may begin the bidding
process on.these two properties. He, further commented.
There was a,general discussion by Council and Staff.
Motion by Thorkelson to authorize Frank Wicker and Associates to
B11rlb dlle
prepare an ,appraisal for Lot 3, Sunset Shores and', Lot 2, Block ;,3
Oiii lst
Brooksville Center list Addition, seconded by Busse.
There was further discussion by Council and Staff.'
City Manager McGuire commented on an easement that is over Lot 3
Sunset Shores.
There was general discussion by Council and Staff.
3Motion by Busse to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign
an easement for;, driveway purposes; over Lot 3, Sunset Shores as
describel, seconded
by Thorkelson.
There was further discussion by Council and Staff,
Mayor Johnson called the question on the motion, and upon ,a vote
taken it was duly passed.
The, next item on the agenda was to discuss the Audit Management
Letter. Mayor Johnson asked Finance Director Teschner to discuss ++
Finance, Director Teschner stated that in. addition to the examin-
ing financial statements of the City, the George M. Hansen
= Company also evaluates the City's internal accounting procedures,
As indicated in the letter (attached to agenda4„ package), it is
the responsibility of staff to implement control measures where
reasonable and cost: effective. George M. ,Hansen Company found
c PAGE, 6
MINUTES of the,, proceedings of the City Council of the. City of
Prior Lakes in the ' County of Scott and State of
-_ Minnesota. "including :all accounts audited by said
:. Council;.
no material weakness within the City's system. He discussed the
letter more in detail.
There was a general discussion regarding this item.
The next item on the agenda was to consider` the 1985 -86 Assess-
ment Contract. Mayor Johnson asked Finance Director Teschner to
" a
review this item.
Finance Director Teschner stated that the City is currently
paying $14,500 for the assessing services provided by`'Scott
County. The proposed contract calls for $15,500.00 for property
assessments in 1985 and $16,000.00 for 1986. This calculates out
to approximately $3.60 per parcel within Prior Lake. He further
stated ' that staff would recommend approval with the Mayor and
City Manager executing the contract.
There was further discussion by Council and Staff.
:.m 95 _
oti•on by 'rhorkelson to authorize the Mayor and City 'Manager to,
omftract sl
nt into the agreement for he Assessment Contract for
$15,500.00 for 1985 and $16,000.00 for 1986, seconded by Schweich
and a vote taken it was duly passed.
The nekt item on the agenda was to "review the bids for the
Superior Ambulance. Mayor ° Johnson asked Finance Director Teschner
to comment on this.
Finance Director Teschner stated that one bid was received for
the ambulance. The bid received was from Gold Cross Ambulance in
Rochester, Mn for $2,000.00. Staff spoke with Fire Chief Bob
Mertens and it would be his recommendation to accept the bid
from Gold Cross for $2,000.00`.
Motion by Busse to award the bid to Gold Cross Ambulance for the
purcha#e of the 1969 Ambulance, seconded by Scott and upon -a
vote taken it was duly passed.
Councilmember Schweich asked if the $2,000.00' would come , to
the general fund or go back to the Fire Department.
•Finance Director Techner' stated that it would go back to the
General Fund.
Finance Director Teschner then commented on the 2nd Quarter
Budget Report.
There was a general discussion by Council. and Staff.
ax*t Faprt
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the 1984 2nd Quarter Budget
Summary, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was iduly
Council then reviewed the Finance Report for the month of June.
' Fib'
Motion` by Busse to approve the Finance Report as submitted,
seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,>
The next item on the agenda was to appoint Election Officials
for the 1984 Elections.
Finance Director Teschner stated that a List of election of-
f caals was attached to each agenda package.. He stated that the
list` breaks them down by precinct and day /evening hours.. In
conjunction with the appointment of the 66 judges, it would be
staff-'s recommendation that there be an hourly increase for the
election judges from $4.25 to '$4 {50 /hour.
MINUTES of the- proceedings of the City'Couneil of the City, of
Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
including all accounts audited by said
Motion by Busse to appoint the judges as submitted per memorandum
from Staff, and that the hourly rate be increased to $4.50 /hour,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was Other Business. Mayor Johnson
asked if there was any other business that needed to be taken
care of.
City., Manager McGuire commented' on a letter that he received'' from
the School District thanking us for donating the old P.A. system.
City •Manager McGuire then commented- on a letter that he received
from Scott- County stating that they would, like the City's
recommendation on 4 nominees from the.4th commissioners district
which comes through Prior Lake. He, further commented.
With no other business, motion by Scott to _adjourn, seconded by
Thorkelson acid upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at
10:55 PM.
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
Jakki K. Menk
Recording Secretary
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