HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 01 1984.x' MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. October 1, 1984 t The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake net in regular session on ` Monday, October 1 1984 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Council -` members Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Kessel. Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The first item,. on the agenda was to review the minutes of September 24th's t meeting and the list of invoices scheduled for payment on Tuesday; October 2, 1984. 1 Minutes & Motion by Busse. t :.;approve the minutes of September 24, 1984' and the list of lmodoas invoices scheduled for payment on October 1, 1984 as presented., ,Tuesday, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: The. first item on the agenda was tc discuss the Autanation Contract with Packaged Computer Systems, Anne Carroll, was present to comment. Anne Carroll cammented on the Contract Recamiendations and Implementation Plan. r4 {y _ There was a general discussion by Council, Staff and Ms. Carroll. Mr. Jim Krautkremer, President of Packaged Computer Systems was also present to comment. Mayor Johnson directed Staff to bring back to the Council, more information on- Microfilming. k s: After further discussion, motion by Thorkelson to authorize the Mayor and p City Manager to enter into a,; purchase agreement contract with Packaged Computer. Systems, Inc. for the.,City's computer system and that the amount of the system does not exceed $148,152.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Idse;AVm . Motion by Busse to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a for Omgxtw lease agreement with Fleet Credit for the purpose of funding the computer system, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ? Anne Carroll then asked if the City would consider passing a resolution _ commitment on the trai>j program that PCS has offered. There was a general discussion by Council and Staff.., L Motion by Thorkelson to approve the training schedule provided by Packaged ,at f Computer Systems, Inc.. seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly Paste The next item on the agenda was to review ordinance 84 -14, Animal Ordinance. City Attorney Kessel reviewed this. City Manager McGuire stated that this is a continuation from 2 weeks ago. He then discussed the ordinance in more detail, s = Dion 0kmd, There was a general discussion by Council, Staff and City Attorney Kessel. kd14 Atdnal W. - After further discussion by Council and Staff, Mayor Johnson asked that this ° be continued for 1 week so that Attorney Kessel can make the final changes to this ordinance. The next item on the agenda was to consider ti-,e zoning certificate for Cully Is on Prior Lake. City Planner Graser. reviewed this for the Council.. City Planner Graser stated that the zoning certificate was attached to the agenda packages. He then reviewed the certificate. PAGE ; 1 k y'' ij I i V k 1 a t 1 P FJ MINUTES of the proceedings of t-ie City' `Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ZQdng Cent. Motion by Thorkelson to approve the zoning certificate as presented, seconded for ORly's c ri by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Prior Lake The next item on the agenda was the interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance, specifically - "Combat Games ". City Planner Graser reviewed this. City Planner Graser stated that the _issue before the Council this evening is r to catagorize the "War Games" in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the Planning Commission discussed this issue on September 20 1984 and determined that it is a- canmercial venture and generating traffic, noise and requiring sanitary facilities. He further stated that Brian `- Kenney has received permission from the - County for` parking on the sides of County Road '42 and that a satelite has been installed at the site. The Planning Cd mission classified this use as an open land recreational use, therefore, requiring a conditional use permit in the C -1 district. He further camiented. Mayor Johnson asked if anyone from the audience had any ccwents. There were many cc ments for and against the sport at its present location. Mr. Kenney and his attorney were present to cc mrent. Mr. ,Kenney also presented a petition from scme of the neighbors stating that they did not,;oppose the war games. Mr: Don Johnston presented to the Council petitions against the war games in its present location. Mayor Johnson thanked everyone for their input and closed this portion of the meeting. He asked the Council for their cannents $ Councilmember Thorkelson stated that he would have to agree with the Planning CarmissionIs recommendation that the caThat game be classified as an open land space recreational use and therefore a Conditional Use in the A -1 District and should,ccme before the Planning Ccamission to acquire a permit and business be suspended until a permit is acquired., Councilnmbers Busse and Scott also agreed with Coiuicilmetmber Thorkelson's. comments. '¢ Councilmember Schweich agreed that the Business would' need a Conditional Use permit but did not feel that Mr. Kenney should have to shut down immediately. Mayor Johnson agreed with Councilmember Schweich's camients. After further discussion, motion b3� that the "Combat Games" shut t in;, -,; immediately and stay closed until the necessary permits are applied for and received, seconded, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was passed, 3 yeas /2 nays. Mayor" Johns on called a five recess. )! v The meeting was called back to order at 9:15 PM. The next item on: the agenda was to consider hardshell approval for Woodview r Estates City Planner Graser reviewed this for the Council. City Planner Graser stated that the requested action is for Hardshell approval for Woodview Estates This row townhouse development is a replat of - an earlier quad -home development. He stated that staff has reviewed the - i plans and have found them to be in substantial ccnpliance with the prelim nary plat. He further stated that it would be staff's recc mmndation to ` approve the hardshell. W iibodvlw � -, Motion by Thorkelson y to approve the hardshell for Woodview Estates as Estates resented seconded b Busse and a vote taken it was duly passed. Ha:dalnell - f , j` 2 t PAGE o 4y+ i MINUTES of the proceedings of the City Council, of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited 'by said Council. i The next item on the agenda was to consider an extension for Island View 3rd Addition Hardshell. City Planner Graser reviewed this for the Council �a City Planner Graser stated that staff is making every effort to have Almac Inc. file;. the hardshell for Island View 3rd Addition. on July 2, 1984, the Council extended the filing deadline to August 31, 1984. For various &. reasons filing was delayed'. However 'a recent meeting with Almac, Inc. l ' o fa 1' the He stated that staff is indicated wi a ingress t Island Vlew c e 3d4dd tim r result. He then stated that staff would recommend the extension to file the &tmWm for I Island View 3rd Addition Hardshell to 10 /05/84. Huddudl There was a general discussion by Council and Staff. Motion by Thorkelson to grant the extension based upon the comments and recommendation from Staff, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was F d duly ,passed. 1 1t� The next item on the agenda was to review the Statement of Concurrence on the Watershed District Boundaries. City Manager McWire stated that Don' Benson has asked that this be tabled for at least one week. City Manager McGuire then reviewed the next item which was a' proposal with the Watershed District on Chapter 509 Study City Manager McGtiiire reviewed a letter from Mr. Bryce Huemoeller. He further cancnented.. Mr. Benson also camtiented. Motion by Busse to approve the contracting Mark Nagel's assistance /time to /assist Nwmiq m move the ,planning process along with the of the District and Staff for Pe+ooest for t the Watershed District, seconded by Schweich and uopn a vote taken it was - vom*w Ddat d drily passedmaA . ? T The next 'item on the agenda was to consider a request for a temporary, 3.2 beer license for the Prior Lake - Football Boosters Club. P.L.lbotball • •City Manager Mcwire < stated that the Prior Lake Boosters are requesting a :Hoostera' 7WV. ' ',temporary 3:2 beer lisence for October 13, 1984. He further stated that the Hoer f fee has been paid and that the insurance has been submitted. It. would be his reca►mendation to approve the request. Motion by Thorkelson to grant to the Prior Lake Football Boosters Club a l j j day ,temporary 3.2 beer license for October 13, 1984, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: Council then reviewed Resolution 84 -22, regarding 1985° Tax Levy Certifi- cation. Finance Director Teschner cammented briefly on this, ewn by T1m Lehi Celt. and upon a vote taken 'it was duly passed. Council then reviewed' Resolution 84 -23, regarding 1985- Bond Levy Certifi- cation. Finance Director Teschner briefly cammented on this resolution. ibe,,U-23 Motion, by Thorkelsoz,= to adopt resolution 84 -23 as presented, seconded by ftli Levy Cent. Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. With no other business, motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Scott and upon a vote take this meeting was adjourned at 10:0 PM. A , HIAUTES of the Proceedings of the City Coun of the City of Prior Lake in the ' County of Scott"and State of Minnesota, including all &ccounts 'audited by said Council. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES AI4L SCHfDULLU FOR PAYb[NT, Oil TUCSDAY, OCT. 2, 1984 MISC. 'DEBTS Delta Dental Insurance 521.30 State Treasurer City Share -FICA 1,237.05 State Treasurer City Share -PERA 4 NSP, Utilities 4,171.05' Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental & Supplies 478.54 Albinson Machine Rental 50.00 Unistrut;Herthern Small Tools & Equipment 375.00 `MHERAL 'GOVERNMENT t ' Prior Lake Battery. Election Supplies 24..00 SW Suburban dishing Advertising for Bids' 34.20 Lake's Enterprf7j!s Ctty Hall Maintenance 180,100 Michael McGuit4 ICMA Conference Expenses 495,48 > Ramona Mennen City Hall Cleaning 100.00 Bev Appenzeller City Hall Cleaning 100.00 Dolores Berens,, Library Cleaning 75.00 , Petty Cash, Postage' dr Misc. Supplies 60.65 T son t Co. Computer Consultant Fee 1,150.00 � Laurle Davis- Schmitz Mileage 15.00 CONTINGENCY Callahan.Steel Supply 'Park Shop 40.14 Y ENCINEERINC ' OSM Engineering Fees 2,484.1'3 Transfer to Construction Fund Developers Agreement 8,416.00 POLICE Richard Klugherz Court Time 39.06 ° ". Varda.Silent Alarm Shipping Charge ,52 Nehawald Motors Vehicle Repair 62't24 sKennedy transmtsston Vehicle Repair 34.88 Paul 'Nelsons Vehicle Maintenance 52.50 Gerald Muelken CPR - Booklets 40.00 ° Equipment Certificates _ Refund ►mot, of squad car >> 1Q ? 649.00 a` PARKS .a RECREATION: Sblheid Candy Co. Concession supplies 1,696.63 Ott 41stributing Repair Supplies 104.17 Callahaoi Steel Co. Repair Supplies _; 86.00 Notfers Inc. Repair Supplies 101.52 06rt -•0 -Let International Rentals 55.00 PWICA , Lake Lines Tours 1,033.50 Kir°MiAtil ain Park'Program Refund 18.75 Fri Landscaping Sod Sod 292.50 Lan`seape l Tarf Seed 780.00 Ray 9 -,! Stns _ Cap., Outlay- Machines t Equip. 450.00 MM .FracSand- Co. ' Sand and Gravel � 50.34. West Weld, Shop Supplies 291.16' 9.L._Shiely Co.. Sand t Gravel 142.19 Itasca Equipment Repair Supplies 116.20 Ziegler Tire Service Equipment Repair 75.14 " Metro Fone Rental 32. - Metro Alarm Rental 54.00 WATER Suburban Utilities Supt.'s Assn. Registration Fees 30.00 In U i :{ �� � 5 �'~ yp •+ *k* y- „- �' kr�}�'rY ��.', #`�n. r tz� �* ?tee. S-rFu. E<M<.IC,¢K”. § r. i �4F L {dY'� `h r, b. } � #�� *..�,� n i NNUTES of the Proceedings of the Ci t,, Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. t EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATESs Road Machinery_A Supplies Equipment 6,125.00 PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION FUND ; 'Transfer, to'General Fund Co. Rd.•21. "Expen3es 27,368.23 .5 General Fund Admin. & Transfer- Sunfish 5,262.52 Poucher Printing Bond Printing 496.20 Moody's Investors Service Bond Rating Fee 1,000.00 3uran 6 Moody Bond. Consultant Fee, 17,500,00. Subterranean Eno.' Corp. Soil Testing 2 Instant Testing Laboratory Testing X84.40 -° Frank Nicker Appraisals 50.00 OSM Engineering Fees 32,732.82, ` L " it p r t j ` a r v t t I c i + 5 1