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December 3, 1984
Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,
December 3, 1984 at 7 :30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Cbuncilneebers Busse,
Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, Parks& Recreation Director
Mangan, Police Chief Powell and City Attorney Kassel.
Mey6r Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance.
' 2he minutes of November 26, 1984 were reviewed. Mayor Johnson asked if there
were any additions or corrections that needed to be made. mere were none.
Motion by 1liorkelson to approve the minutes of, November 26, 1984 and the list 'of wmtw &
invoices '_edieduled for payment on., Tuesday, December 4, 1984 as presented, lnradoes
seconded , - by , Bu see and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Elisabeth Close from Close Dissociates reviewed a site analysis and program:.. for
City ;Ball expansion. &e reviewed two different platy giving all the pros
and. dons for each plan.
"are was a genaral discussion by Council and Staff.
It mss the consensus of the Council that Scheme 2 would be more coat effective
and that it could be closer to or within the budget.
s Cotmoil further discussed this.
Motion by *=Wan to appropriate money, not to exceed 6100.00 to Close s• am
Associatio to do a more" in. depth study on Scheme 2 and to bring it back before' city, Hall
the Caouitca, „seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Addit3m
The next item on the agenda was to consider appointments to youth activities'
group.' City Manager McGuire commented on this.
City ` Manager McGuire reviewed a list of names that, he received, requesting that -Diem
that' be � considered for the Committee. YW& Act.
ftere was A general discussion by Council and Staff.
Police Chief Powell also commented on the teen group.
After further discussion by Council and Staff- it was asked that this be
e vontinued ` to the next Counc3;l Meeting:
Mayor Johnson asked Ms. `Durenberger c if she could get a final tally of: the
surveys to City Manager McGuire before Thursday so that it could be part cf the
agenda material.
The next item on the 'agenda was to consider aF+pointments to the Cable TV
CoWRittee. City Manager YaGuire caamented on this.
City Manager McGuire stated that he had received a letter from the Schooll
"Zr District regarding names as possible members for a Cable TV Public Access ��
ego ding ,
Channel Mfieory C=dttee.
There regarding this oaamittee
w&4 general discussion
After further discussion, it was asked that thi3 be 'continued to the next
Oouneil Meeting.
The next itaw /,in he agenda was to discuss the Taring contract. city
Ymiadre < on this.
City Manager NcGui3w stated that copies of the bid specs r`were enclosed within ThArK
.the Councils agenda packages and if there were any aemendaents or °I?""�`t' contract
notice h:#! been
regarding the specs-to let him knave. He stated that the public noti
y � i
nt the bid. r
se to the paper regarding the awarding of
Mr. Dave Etniwain who holds the present towing contract oonm tad to the IbOuw l
t ,
regarding the next years contract, specifically, whether it should be l lted to-
QW L fide. or allow tow or more towing contractors.
There was a gmral °discussion by Council, Staff and Mr. Erniwein,
Mayor Johnson then called !a five minute recess.
The meeting was called beck to order at 9 :20 PM.
The i, next iLt on the agenda was to revie w the �,Finan oe Report for the month of
Motion by Scott to ',approve the Finance Report as subs tted, secondsd by
ftorkelean and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
j1,11hPOr Jdmion asked if there Vas any other business that needed to be taken care
orders. within one of the orders it was stated that the City was granted a stay
fray ; providing services to the reservation until the appeal is heard and if the
City provides a 13,000.00 bond:
T Wre was a ,general discussion by Council and Staff.
Motion, by Thorkelson to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to post a bond for Bond y:
the mount of $13,000.00 relating to the City's notion on the Indian Law Shit, Tian IMNAI
secordsd by Buses and upon a vote, taken it was duly passed.
City Attorney passel then caeoentea on the Attorney's Fee portion of the order.
7here was a general discussion by Council I and Staff.
City Attorney passel then o=wnted on the Satellite Dish Ordinanoe that he was
reWm*md to draft for the City. , 1
Mayor Johnson directed Cit At torney rney Xessel to draft. the ordinance for the City Daft Satteli
and to bring it back before the Council. ordir�enoe
City Manager McGuire commented on the sale of one of the City's Vehicles. Be_'
stated that a notice of advertisement was placed in the paper for the male of'
the 1180 I■pala (Parks a Recreation Department's Vehicle).. Be stated that two
bids wore received. One from. 'Bill Mangan: for the amount of $326.00 and one from
Ludrig Xintzel for the aoamt of $520.00. It was rec mended to award the sale
of the vehicle to Ludwig Kintsei for the mount of $520.00.
Motion by Busse to acrd the sale of the 1980 bpala to Ludwig Kintzel for the Amd Bid for
amount ,of $520.00. seconded br Soott and upon a vote taken it was duly posed. 199D hpela
with no other business,, motion by 800tt to adjourn, seconded by ftorkelson and
upon a vote taken this meeting woes ' aid journed at 9 :30 Plt.
Mid2:ae1 A. FAQuire
City Miinager
Jakki K. Monk
Recording Secretary