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01 21 1985
sauubAm COUNC IL._I[EETING t.., Agenda �. January 21, 1985 i CALL '70 ORDER 7:30 PM x f 1, Pledge of All* ianca 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3 Harvey Klingbe %y - Buitlding Permit Request 4. Discuss Munioipiil Shoreland Classifioat.ion 3. Consider Amendment to Ordinanao 84 -12 RE: Junk Cats 6. Consider Final P1`at Approval for Har Mil Low '> ,k 7. Review 1983 Pee Soi4edule Consider Abatement \of Special Assessments on Certain P ar aels �r within the City •. Consider Sale of 1979 Impala (Fire .Chiefs Car) !0. Other Business .: a) '.Piro and Rsoue Report - b) Polio* Report G a) Building Permit Report ' -r Dog Catchers Repor t ° o „1 ( _ 11 . A nnouncements i C "orrosponden;oe a) Mext Council Hooting - � 28, 1983 b) ! 7:30 PM M9RRRM0l� F a • y 2 +r .V 5 a I C ' U' f MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL January 21, 1983 ; The Common Council of the City ot -- Priortake met in regular session on 'Monday, January 21, 1985 at 7;30 Psi in ,the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Pres.nt < were Mayor Johnson, Councilneot►er - Busse, Schweich, Scott. City Manager McGuire, T , City Planner Graser, Finance Dir'gctor Tesc'hner and City Attprney Kessel. Mayor Johnson asked everyone „to, rise for the pledge o!'allegiance. z The minutes bt January ia, ; 1985 and the list of invoices scheduled for payment Tuesday, on January 22, 19►85 wort reviewed by Council. ' MinAw& Motion b Busse to a / Y ppro / i the minutes o! January 14, 1985 the ' and list of invoices scheduled far/ paymont on Tuesday, January 2, 1985 as °. seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly Presented, Y Pasted„ tr The first item on the agonda,>,was to consider the Harvey Xlingberg building Permit request. City Planna Graser commented on this. 'City Planner Graser stated that Mrs. Clingberg`'requested a building per mit for Lots '1 tE and 2, Block 8, Original Town about two,weeks ago. He stated that he mused the application because �? l she did not have a survey of the property any at the other data that the City requires for a building nor ' � He also told her that he could not issue a g permit application. - permit until Erie Avenue• Dakota north of Street was improved to City specifications or she received a' deviation i ? from the Council. i City Planner Graser then stated that Eria Avenue north of Dakota Street: is nothing more than a - driveway to Lee- MUelloi's y'aragt which is located in the rear of his -home which fronts Street, ' on Dakota City policy is clear that lots on unimproved streets be up graded to ,a blacktop surface; also both lots nerer been assessed for sewer and water. Mrs. Klingberg's- option was fo resent the City with a P P Y petition to im Erie Avenue and to install the nooessar Y utilities. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Xlingberg, commented. 4 There was a general discussion by Council and Staff. , �} 3 3 ' After 'a lengthy discussion by Council, Staff and the Xlingberg's, motion forT�"fe Abe' ” by Busse to authori staff to prepare a feasibility study for the improvements of Srie,,Avenue' and to bring it back before the Council at a future date, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. the 'next item on the agenda was to discuss the Municipal Shoreland Classit4oatlon. �> City Planner Grasor commented an this item. n z City Planner Graser-;statad that he received a letter from Xt�t Lokkesmore, ° R49ienal Hydrologist, which served as the'City's official nodie that the Cit y ., has b0! days to review and request changes to and adopt shoreland alasri.i,fioations. He stated that back` in January of 1984 Council reviewed a p�e.9sod shor land ordinance. At that time -- Council ha s several questions on a i'a t 01 4 <r + Mr. Lsnpke to the regarding this subdivision. He asked about, regrading 11' the of Linden Avenue and the effect's it would have on his property, r Thor* was a lengthy discussion by Council and Staff. n, Motion by D'vsse to give final plat a P approval to the Mar Mil Lew tMiliond's)'' I" subdivision located off Linden Avenue and that an agreement between the developers and the neighborhood be drafted regarding the regrading of the street and ��diviAon he present drainage t duly problem, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was p k.y Mayor Johnson called a recess at this time. The meeting was called back to order at 9:35 PM. The next item on the agenda was to review the Fee Sahedulc !or 1985, Finance Director ' Toschner commented on this item. ,. Finanoe Director Taschnor reviowed'the changes that were made to this chedule d o9Apar*d to the 1984 schodule. r , There was a 9eneral discussion by Council and Staff. The bingo fo eliminated _ from the too list. 9 _e was 198S he 'Thorkelson S�ledtlle Motion by to approve the `1985 foe schedule as amended, seoondod by Scott and upon a,,vote taken it was duly passed, " k' 1' Th• next 'item on'. tht agenda was to consider tht abatement of Soeoia Assessments I on Certain Parcels within the City. Finance Director Toschne R, commented on this item, q Finance Director Teschnor stat4d that inadvertently deferred issossnents wort duplicated on the payable 1985 taxes for a number of parcels by the C ounty, therefore removal e o of one st f the assessments by the abatement be necessary for the following rocess would .; g parcels: ' * a.YiYiY atu�[ai Pit INCI fir. INIUSIX a t .* 31-032-020-0 32 2,66.16 2,023.10 91-032 -023 -0 52 443.59 3,371.71 ` 31 -089 -010 -0 , 31 -089- 010 -0 33 27.20 68 31 - 089 - 0tf -0 32 66.34 305.80 31- 088 -011-0 53 27.20 66.9a - 31-081-012 -0 32 966.67 7,347.73 31- 192 - 001 -0" 47 175.71 196.79 31 -902- 090 -0 36 158.36 401.72 31 -90- 001 -0 18; 4,052.42 43,766.10 3 1 -935- 003-0'. ' 52 3,533.33 36,837.21 31 -935- 006-0, 32 5,041.15 6,048.39 u 31- 933- 001 -0 3 466.05 3,342.49 31- 935406 -0 35 203.87 516.37 k -ry al g Charles Teok #r(Statf) r J � i• Via. ,, _ , ��cFe�t_M CODE P�I NSef'AC INT6EST` 31- 933 -020 -0 34 391,70 2,971,42 F F 31- 933 -026 -0 54 6,646..40 30,319_A2 3.1- 933 -026 -0 55 21609.59 31- 933 -027 -0 54 2,221.63 16,686.79 4 4 a : 31- 933 -027 -0 SS 794.04 2,01,1.88 Abataw" t ad' *3ldtion by Thorkelson` remove the amount,of principal and interest for each of the Parcels Certain � parcels number as listed above, seconded by Schweich and 'upon a vote taken it ¢ ¢, was duly passed. Vr © I The next item on the agenda`wa_s to consider the sale of the 1979 Chevrolet f' Impala (Fire Chief's Car). Finance Director Teichner commented on this istem, i; o Finance Director Teschner stated that 6700.0o was received by neighboring and out of state Fire Departments in the form 'f a raffle of the Fire Chie;f's c car. The City of Lorett.a`s Fire nep;rtment was the chance winner and it is" requested ' ' z L that Council approve the sale /transfer o,f the car's title to the C.,ty of Loretto. $le of Fire M Motion by 'Thorkelson to a . . of Loretto Per the request of the Fir# Department, in which 6700.00 in •acoo.'s- ' �7 were received, - seconded . by Busse and upon a vote taken it' was duly passed. " The next item on the agenda was ° the monthly reports. j j Fin Motion by Busse to arprnve the Fire and Rescue Report for th# month. of December i as submitted, s #conded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was du1: y passed. PYZ+E PAW= M Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Fire and Rescue Year End Report as f f" submitted, - seconded b y Scott and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed. FOWe AlOrt s Motion b Scott to approve pprove the Police Report for tht month of Decenb #r as { { submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it. was duly passed. Bdl]di� Aeedt M Motion by Schweich to approve the Building Permit Report for the month of ; ; December as submitted, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly P p passed. .:. Nentat # Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Building Permit Year's End Report as # � ,`� Y submitted, seconded by Buss# and upon a vote taken it wa :` duly passed. ' M Motion b SOOtt to 1 as submitted, seconded by Busse ,and ypon a vote taken it was duly passed': Miyos Johnson asked if, there was any other business that needed to be taken c care City Manager McGuire Commented on the draft copy of the Market Analysis report " " received from Maxfield and Solomonson. Mayor Johnson stated that he had appointed the following people to form a ,. o a Horst Ralph Teschner Mike McGuire' I Lidy F'om, Carol Scott I Doug Larson APM THE FOLLOWING LIST OF INVOICES. ARE SCHEDULED,FOR PAYMENT ON 01).'2185 Carlson Ok Hardware Misc� Supplies 244.13 N. its 113,11 Carpenter Lumber Co, Misc. Suppl Snyder Drug Misc, lies I �10 p 72,39 Prior Lake CarOutst Misc."Suppli,os 209.29 �j Minntgasoo vti'v�tiqs 1,546.94 'NSP vfilitits 6,972,97 MN Valley Electric Co-op. A�t il it ios 717.33 Scott Ri,co Telephone Co, Ttitphont Service $20.39 Surcharges State Tress. U',574.64 Martin Sohnits Wages 9 Mileage 67,00 Coast to Coast mite. Supplies c6g. 40 Vniforms Unlimited, Clothing Supplies 803.65 - Parts Dept. Inc. �Itpair Supplies 31.45 - A— Prior' Lakt Electric Co. Electric Sorvict 404. 57 4,133.17 Bankers Life, Insurance The Reliable Corp. Office Suppli" 224.47 Rental Albinion- 30.00 Shakopee Oil Co. motor Fuel K-;V Cc Ut i I i tl as 640. Lyle Andersonz Asst.Chitt 9 Civ.Dtt. 1 300.00 State Tr#asu C i tLy �Shar FICh 1,449 . 81 Packaged C, rputtr Systems Suppl i *si, & Tra4ping $60.00 Ukki Monk Miloago Dolores vortns Library Cleaning & Sup. 19.4 5 NaU $Qr.s Super Valu misc., Suppli 45'20 Robert MolkIli'sitr Animal Cont 350.00 r SW Suburban Publjshi ng 1 41 1 shing 100.17 Id 34 "08 Sutl Business Equipment Printed Form stoins, Inp. 'Repairs 1-0 �10 Prior Lake Rotary Club 'Du*s J73. 75 A� American Lint'n Supply Co. Building Maint*nanot 4A. 10 Minnesota wok: Dites Del i.X t 2 Laur Mileage, 15.00' IC" Duos 306.00 �,Purvav of Business Practice Subsorip,tion 36.16 L*agu# of $4inn*sota Citits, Confortnc# Fees 1 30,00 �First Iank� St Paul Debt Service 4,975.00 P Trust It. Paul Debt Service 43,241. 2 nranoal C#R'StfU*t,ion Retainer Refunds 300.00 40ott Grassini Retainer Ufund,' MAO_ Doi 4ad#r R*taintz Refund 100,00 Park Utati"ItUal Bank Computer Loan,Paymcint me�yor� a council Salaries 1 ' 27 6 .00 Michael M4,duirt Car A14owanot Ulph Ttsohnor Car Allowance 75.00 supplies Aast I I *a 3 49L. 00 Rubb14h Iono4al U: I v t, 0 Control re, tmastor Box a" t&I 17.00 n r,a Radermachor Foods Supplies r;i _ Ruflridge Johnson" Restocking Charge 15,36 NacQveen Equipment Repair Supplies 328,90 3 Ephraim Beaudotte Repairs 13.73 ti> Shakcpeo Public Utilities Utilities 7,30 ;.'. ' ,Astleford International Inc, Repairs 11.00 ?, Kl ingberg Bus Charter �7a, 91 ; Louise Anderson Instructor 73,00 ti Scott Karakas Instructor, 136,00 72,00 Maureen Jandor! Prior Lake Instructor 367.00 Nursery Nursery Stock Friedges Landscaping Supplies 3,181,30 Wilber Auto Parts 268.00 H -V Gas Co. T Utilities 130 , 00 ", MN _ Recreation Park Assn. UN Park Supervisors Assn Dues '� 332.00' 100.00 4m ' n Dues Creative Graphics, , Printed 13. 001,! Sorms Stains, Inc. Lnc lit Mangan Park Shop Maintenance 339.20 6 ,300.00 , Jeri Nachvee,k, Car Alloaanoe 150,00 Kathryn Nermae Harming Nouse At,,ten 'd 2T2.00 ' John top Warming House Attend 198.00 Monnons Supply;: Warming Houso Attend 32.00 , : Supplies „ 14.80 1 *a Prior Lake Aggregate siegler Sandi Gravel 44.92 ` Inc. itarl F.Andorson i Associates Repair Supplies " 91{.36 '. BeAhsaot -i Noanen Repair 8uppliea 306.70 **tire Pons Machine Rental 827,00 NM St . Supt Assn Mental' - r' . fF 33 00 Dues 11. 00 Metro Wastj Control Commission Installment Metro Waste Control Commission "SAC Charges 30.6!3.,32 MN`lollutiea Control Agency Conference Fees 784.73 `t i state treasure: t 150.00 * Foes 13."00 r Mach Co, Y Scroll Chemicals 219:03 � i Dave :.Water Equipment Lab Analysis Repair Supplies 36.00 Water'lroduets Mater Motor 29 {,71 ? i Ban YICATRA e Prier Lake "CarQuoa Moist lta.fe lieboat < Equipment 7,600,00 « !Sl 235.00 a Li1KE Crw ■» rte * nu r Rehbein Bros, Inc. Crest Ave 7 697 00 a k = 4 Busse Electric CS11H 21 617.00' Instant Testing-Co. Laboratory Testing 907.60 Twin City Testing Laboratory 24.00 09N ' Testing Bngineoring Fees 11,921,74' First Sank St'. Paul Debt'Serviae 21,375,00- j SMI Slll1 VATBt COL' LECTIONS,, Comissionor of Revenue Sales Tai 306.29 f y , t t t k n rt Q - L n rl r J A S : +