HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 11 1985REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING n ' Agenda February 11, 1985 CALL TO ORDER 7130 Flt 1. Pledge of Allegiance' v 2. Minutes of Previous Mooting 3. Review New Park Identification Signs 1\ r t 4. DiseussOwnership of the "Pitblia'Square ": 5. Public Hearing - 'Project 85 -11, Street Overlay t� 4• Consider Change in Niter i Sewer Billing Cycle 7., Review Agreement on County Road 21 with Scott County; }n Other Business ; b) a C , 1 r d> a y 9: Announoeaents i C�orrespondenoe df s k a> Noxt Cqunc° 1. Meeting - Tuesday, 'February '1,9, 19113 it 7;30 o AO_JOi1Rld16�1! 1 r; r, MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL § _ p February 11, '1985 s' The Common Council,oi .the City at Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, : „ 'February 11, 1985, tat ? :30 FM In the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Counailsseaber Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thoitelson, City Manager McGuire, City'Engineer Anderson, C14y Planner Grater, Parks ;t Recreation Director Mangan, Financie Director Teschner t and City Attorney Cessr'41. _ Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise foi f4 pledge of ali *giance. �I C hA The minutes of February 4, 1985 were reviewed by;Council. 4 � Cour►cilmemtior Scott noted that n, page 1, paragraph 10 the motion did not have a t y >> second to It [seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was ' duly passed. ;Y Motion by Busse to approva. the minutes of February 4, 1955 as amended, seconded b Scott and upon a vote taken it wasdul' Y P y passed, r The next item,on the agenda was to review the new park i-dentifie'a,tion signs., Parks t Recreation Droator Mangan commented on this. o� � �ti ; r Dir'eater Mangan revi'ewe a co q d copy o! the park idontifioa,tion signs` that will i aade and installed' by;jhe Parks and Recreation Department. ,The signs will be z ' oonstruc from Cedar took and Gin most oases routed on both sides. The signs i =� will be located. at alI n 4ghborhood parks and `ooiimunIty parks in addition tb "di1vtotional signing. 4' stat4d' this is, informational only with no act ion 9, re The funds= to the signs have 4b'een included . -in the Pails and Ite;cieatIon Department Cat t`al Budflet k There was a general discuj�sion by Council and Staff. Rr` LD. Slags t f ', S Maur Johnson thanked. Dir. ntor. Mangan for the information and instructed him to C PrIsoeed,4i th the signs. 9 Thi� Aext item on the agendi was to discuss the ownorsh"io,of the "Public Squara ".' �? �t City Attorney ;t'essel .come `ted on this, :• _ 5 ` r City Jttorney [vessel state than after some investigation, J is �hi's opinion �Idoe that, sinae the Park t it''oreation Department has been iaaintaining th+ property t for `at .least the last 2 od:s that it is cansI4i*r d Y e parkland dedicated- to the °) public. He further oomenttd on this., rMayor•Johnson thanked City '.ttorney Less�ll, for the- research that he hsd, done ion this partioular, item, F 0 'A The�na�xt .ltemwas a public caring soK'eduled ^for 8:00 PM,a Mayor Johnson` asked . , that the next =itWdiscus ed bo the oonsidoration of the Mater t S'eweit;, ^H'i,lling , Y. ido'/ �. 42FO: W+ •A'4�463vihfi+."fM2tir,ii:4Mh '�'e :tv S� E.+ y`µ , ,+ Y Y N, ' After , lengthy discussion, Mayor Johnson asked that "this be continued after the ,. 8;00 Public Hearing; - Mayor Johnson then called the Project 85 -11 Street Overlay public hearing to order. The public notice was read for the record, Mayor Johnson briefly �. commented before he asked staff to proceed with the public hearing, City Engineer Anderson reviewed the project.:He stated that the type of work to be done - would'be bituminous overlaying and installation rst concrete curb on the existing streets in areas generally known as the Millows ", Green HOi9hta, and d: Hidgemont Avenue, He then showed s slide presentation - showing the streets sore specifically, { After the slide presentation City Engineer Anderson reviewed the feasibility report. He stated that'the project consists of approximately 19,000 lineal - feet of b,itua3nous,,, pave street. The estimated project cost including 231 indire�t �._ , a coss wou be ",93.00 (this does not include an ri tit of wa <.` would t $97 8 Y 9 y ° purchase ' Based upon the asstssaent policy, streets which are overlaid would be assess, ct at 60% 0' the ao ° 'tual amount. The rate for the Willows and Green : ,Height's wou -, be $39.8:4 ! 60% 123.90 per toot. The rate tor�'Spring )Avenue would be t"w93 4 100% assessable; Finance Director Teschner then reviewed in more detail the breakdown of the, . proposed asse`ssaents. : t K. "Mayor Johnson then closed this portion of the meeting and asked the audience 'l oar' the'fr comments; _. Many residents from the three project areas commented on `the pr,o' eat. i r (THE TAPE IS THE LERAl, BECOED AND MILL BE KEPT ON FILE IN THE CITY MANAG E 1 .. Q • OFFICE) , Maycy Johnson, then closed this portion of the meeting and asked the'Couneil for s �; c: their aomfaentsr L�' Y 1f4` Bach Caunailaeaber addressed yJ.lie concerns of the residents and stated their ' xu : vietro "Ron this project. P�+oject x-11 Alter a . t diseussion, notion D Busse to a p p rove Pto'��eot 83 -11, •�seo g Y « Y PP , onded` *:011 W `by lhorkolson and upon, a vote' taken it'was duly passed. Not ioa by' Scott to 4 djc .tho public hearing, seconded by Thorkelson land { upon a vote taken this public hearing was adjourned at 10:13 PM. Mayor Johnson thin called a recess,. The, aoeting was called back to order ti�at' ' 10'•!1 Council then continued the discussion on the change in the water and sewir a billing cycle, No action was taken `it this dime. =a �� .. it The-,next item on the agenda was to rov.ow an agreement regarding County load 21 between the City and Scott CounAy.. Cit,.Enginotr"Andorson commented on this. The agrotmtht was 'reviewed and discussed by Council and Staff. It was,th# consensus of the Council that the Hennepin County Park !*serve "should C.R. 2l with be responsible for more of the costs for l i g h t i n g and planting, materials, Scot , Vcounty council asked "that this item, be brought back in one weak giving the City r Engineer more time to chock with the County 'regarding these items. ,Mayor Johnson' if there was any other business that nte't' bw taken car*, of City Attorney 1*ss*1 commented an the 14nnyCo -vs- th a City Of Prior Lakw' Lawsuit, He stated that he had received documentation stating that xtnnyco Was willing to drop the case, He asked that Council d it a a t him to draftisend letter a.cdopting the dropping of'this cast. AewyCO LIMSuitMotion by Thorkolson to authorize City Attorney Kassel to draft and send 'a Dimie"l letter to the Attorney of KonnyCo accoptinga'thoir diswlssal%of this� l4wavit seconded by Scott upon a vote takon.it was duly passed. Counailmtsbir Thorktlson commented on-his Federal Legislative Cont9r*na* that he attended last week, 7 Fi nanc# Di iiator Teschntr commented on the Cit insurance Company not" renewi 0; P the Citj, Officials' insurance p a I i a y Witt 'Reg- Re - After a I*ngthy"dis6ussion, motion 6y Thbrkelson tea direct City Attorney' loss 4, s eit B Ur"CO l U to draft &,,rtsolution stating thai/�tho of Prior Lako will s e l f insure I ro ft the Public , Liabi Insurance until a now carrier is found. - Schweich and upon a vat* taken it (was duly passosd. A City Manager McGuire reminded the Council thtt thv� next meeting wou"llitel be on <` � Tuesday; Ftbruary 19, 1085. With no other busin*ss, notion by Thor Sa' t, afid r AtIsqn tLa ad journ, ourn., seconded upon A veto taken this meeting was adjourned at 4 1- 20 PM. - <7 Michael A. McGuire City manager Jikki K. Monk Recording Secr etary