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May 6, 1985
ORDER 7;30 PM \~
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Consider Request to Increase Dog Control
Discuss Improvements to Lakefront Park- (r
Fred ,Schweich - Discuss Plans for "Freddies on the Lake"
Discuss Ordinance 85 -3, RE: Antennas
Richard Xvanbeck - Bequest Clariiication'on "Minor Auto Service" in 9-1
Consider Request for Variance from Sign'Ordinance'for Camp Kiciyapi
Consider Request for Refuse Hauling Permit from Dana's Boo Services
Other, Business
a) ist Quarter Budget Report
b) Finance Report for the Month of March Fo
c) Police Report for the Month of March
d) Fire & Rescue Report for the Month of March -
e) Dog� Report for the Month of March
f.) Building Permit Report for the Month of 'March
Announcements i Correspondence °
a) Next Council Meeting - Monday, May 13, 1983 1 7:30 PM
May 6, 1985:
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session; on Monday,
May ti, 1985 at 7 :30 PM in the City Council Chambers, Mayor Johnson called the
meeting °to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich,
Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Parks "S Recreation
Director Mangan, Police, Chief Powell and City Attorney Gary Gengel,
Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance.
The minutes for the meeting of April 15, 1985 were 'reviewed by Council.
!litvbtiB -'
Motion b Busse to
y approve the minutes of April 15, 1985 as submitted., seconded
by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The minutes for the meeting of April 22, 1985 and the list of invoices scheduled
for payment on Tuesday, May 7, 1985 were reviewed by Council,
14iniOesda Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of A•pr'l 22,- 1985 and the list of
invoices scheduled for °payment on Tuesday, May 7, 1985 as submitted, seconded by
Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The first_ item on 'the agenda was to consider a request to increase dog control
within the City.
Qeborah Jursich and Cathryn Konat commented to the Council regarding their
request. They had told the Council of the problems that loose dogs have been'
creating within the City.
Dog „Catcher Bob McAI'listor and Police Chief Powell responded to the co mm ents
which the two residents "made.
After a lengthy discussion by Council, Staff and Ms, Jursich i Ms. Conat, Mayor
Johnson directed
staff to look into the different ways in which the City could`
better control the dogs running at large within the pity.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss improvements to Lakefront Park.
Parks i Recreation Director Mangan commented on this.
Parks t Recreation Director Mangan reviewed the options that the City could go
with, He stated thkt there are several options that would be available to the
Council that would involve ",an expenditure of 05,000.00:
1. Put in an asphalt pad, for basketball with 2 goals (15000.00), a
volleyball court ($400:00)
2, Put in ;a small basketball court with '^1 goal ($3000.'00), 2 volleyball
court and add l paddle boat for Matsl's Beach.
3. Put up<`a play structure for all ages by the picnic shelt4 x(05000.00).
4. Buy 3x''paddle boats and 2 canoes for Matsl's Beach (15000.00)
He then stated that he would recommend Council approval of option 11.
Mayor Johnson read for the record a letter from Mss Becky Durrenbuger.
There was a general discussion by Council and Staff.
Wmfnm>rct Park
After a lengthy discussion, motion by Thorkelson to follow through with Staff's
recommendation by approving Option e1 as the improvements to be done at
lakefront Park, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly gassed.
The next item on the agenda was a discussion on the plans for Freddies on the
Lake. Mr. Fred Schweich was present to comment.
Mr, Schweich reviewed the changes / _f1h i at he wanted to make to the plans that John
Schumacher had `submitted for (Culti's on Prior lake) Freddies on the Lake.
Has far
There was a lengthy discussio/yreg,arding the changes and the due date' for the
FrukHe's the
original improvements that w's set at a previous Council meeting.
It was the consensus of the Council that Mr. Schweich meet with City Planner
Graser, and that Mr. Grazer report back to the Council at that time.
There was then -a general discussion as to Mr. Schweich using his boat launch
facilities. The Council agreed that Mr. Schweich could have up to two summer
and three winter activities, with prior approval of the City Manager.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss Ordinance 85 -3,, regarding antennas.
City )Attorney Gengel commented on this item.
City Attorney Gengel commented on a packet that was ma_il.ed to Lommen, Nelson,
Sullivan d Cole regarding the FCC's proposed rulemaking.
There was a general discussion by Council and Staff.
It was the consensus of the Council that Staff should continue working on the
ordinance going by the FCC's guidelines, report back to the Council on June i7th
and bring the preliminary ordinance before the Council on July 15., 1985.
Mayor Johnson then called -a recess, The meeting was called back to order at
9:30 PM.
The next item on the agenda was a request from Richard Xvanbeck asking that a
clarification be given on Minor Auto Service in B -1 Districts. City Planner
Griser commented on this item.
Mr. Xvanbeck requested a
q poll of the Council ,regarding their feelings on the
R. Knobec� lieq.
changes to the Zoning Ordinance amendment.
There was a general discussion regarding the amendment to the zoning ordinance.
an Mnac Auto Stavlce
311 H- 1Aiat.<
It was the consensus of the Council that the amendment go back before the
Planning Commission, that they hold the public hearing and then bring it back to
the Council.
The next item was to consider the request for a conditional use for a sign for
Camp Kiciyapi. City Planner Graser commented on this item.
City Planner Graser stated that the Planning Commission heard this application
on April 4, 1985 with the following recommendation to the Council. He stated
that the Planning Commission approve& the Conditional Use contingent upon.
1. The face of the sign be rio larger than 3' x 4'.
2. The sign be supported by two 4' x 4's minimum.
3. The sign be painted an earth `tone color.
4. The lettering on the face of the sign be routed,
5, The sign be placed out of the right of way at right
angles to Pike Lake Trail.•
61 The bottom of the sign be off the ground to comply with
the Sign Ordinance.
He stated that it would be Staff's recommendation to approve the permit
contingent upon the Planning Commission's action.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Camp Xiciyapi
contingent upon the PIannifig Commissions recommendation, seconded by Busse,
There were further comments by Council and Staff.
Councilmember Thorkel =on asked that two additional points be made to the
planning Commission's'recommendation
1. That the Sign be built and installed by professionals
2. That the Sign, be made of cedar, redwood or any other durable wood.
li*Wt: fW S4P
These amendments wort accepted to the motion.
` Ord. VWismC
frmC*Kj Johnson called the question on the motion and upon a vote taken it
duly passed.
The next 'item on the agenda was to Consider Bequest for Refuse Hauling Permit
from Dana's Eco Services. City Manager McGuire commented on this item.
City Manager McGuire stated that the request is for 2 trucks from Dana's Eco'
r Servict.
The fee of 1125,00 has been paid and all the insurance and bond,.
information has been submitted: He s'tated that it would be his recommendation
that this permit be approved.
Motion b Busse t o a
Y pprove the Refuse Hauling Permit for Dana's Eco Service,
., petdt
seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on th•e agenda was to review the monthly reports (March),
1st Qtr al*t
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Motion by Thorkelson to approve the ist Quarter Budget Report as submitted,
seconded by'Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
ration by Busse to approve the Finance Report for the Month of March
submitted, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Police Report ' for the Month of March as
submitted seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
FiMIReSCUeftofttior: by Scott to approve the Fire- 6 Rescue Report for the
Month of March
submitted, seconded by Thorkeison and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
DDg CBtchw's
Motion by Busse to approve the Dog Catchers Report for the
Month of March' as
submitted, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
Bn7diM AC[Qt
Notion by Thorkelson to approve tht Building Permit Report
for the Month of
March as submitted, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
With no other business, motion by Scott to adjourn, seconded
by Thorkelson and
upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 10:20 PM.
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Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
Jakki K. Menk
Recording Secretary
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