HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 15 1985�. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL JULY 15, 1985 The C Wn Council of the City of Prior Lake met: "; in regular session on y 15, 1985 at 7:30 PM in the City Council call" the ;Chambers. Mayor Johnson meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Counc2membe re Schweich, Scott, 7horkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson; , City Planner Graser. an �r Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of July 8, 1985, were reviewed by Council, Mayor Johnson asked if there were any additions or corrections to be made to the minutes. e; Mayor Johnson recommended that the following change be made to the Jul 8 1985 minutes: Y . ; p} PAGE 1 PARAGRAPH. 11 IIdART City Planner Horst Graser requested that the Council Mayor Johnson asked if there were:.any other additions or corrections to be made. There were none. ; Motion by Busse to accept the „ minutes of July 8, 1985 , al Minutes & approval for the list of invoices scheduled for �9 with payment T1�e , JAY 16, Invoices 1985. SeootYled by Scott and upon a vote taken it duly was passed. Second item on the agenda was to consider the final Draft of the Zvirbulas purchase agreement. City Park Director Mangan reviewed the Purchase �_ agreement and the changes the fo touncil wanted made in the Purchase Agreement. City Park Director Mangan asked oval of the Purchase. Agreement as t preAented to the Council so the City could set-a cl osing date. Mayor Johnson asked if there were Agreement. �Y comments concerning this Purchase There was discussion by Council and Staff. (612) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O, BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Zwirbulas Property z Motion by Thorkelson to accept Purchase Agreement as submitted and to enter into Purch. Aart the purchase of the property with Mr. and Mrs. Zvirbulis. Closing date, will be September 4, 1985. Seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it - was duly passed•� *A next item on the agenda was to review the Preliminary Plan for Freddie's on the Lake. City lanner Graser reviewed last ' P ,1 ty year's Conditional Use Permit from Freddie Is on the Lake and discussed the extension requested by Mr. ° Fred P� Scbweich to present to the Council a different alternative for the parking lot fr; and the 'Phase III Plan. U` P Mr. Charles Wood, Conrltant to Fred Schweich, further commented on the t` alternatives for Freddie's on the Lake. At this point, Mayor Johnson opened the meeting to the audience for questions { a and comments. Mr. Richard Busse from 3931 Green Heights Trail Caarmentad. The two will be kept on file in the City Manager'a office as the official ` transcript of the meeting... Mayor Johnson asked that this item be tabled temporarily because of a scheduled meeting at 8 :00 with the North Shore residents. Item tabled until after North Shore meeting. Mayor Johnson asked to move on to the ne# item which was to discuss options for North .± project 82-3 - North Shore. Shore City Engineer Anderson elay there were two neighborhood n brought up that Saturday Sewer a 'Water meetings. one meting had to do ,.with the road width on Shore Trail. It. was conicluded that from the intersection of Shore Lane to the Bast, Mould be 30 feet _wide and fray that intersection to the lit, should be 24 feet wide. E.� y the plans for Pine Road shared it as a "public :. road:. though it is curr�eutly < private; and that the rood Mould be 22 feet wide. City nVinser w. �ku3arsonomsaenbsd',ttat there was no dissension from the neighborhood on wither aE these issues. City'ftinser Anderson stated that the other neighborhood meeting concerned ,scams street. n Cityl mtgierer Anderson\ concluded that Sanitary Sewer should be constructed on the ib\rtherly alignment and"that a Box Method be utilised. Also, that a sever line` 'ibcAdd be installed as a Gravity 8ystemm vs. a Lift Station. City Engineer Anderson also auggasted to the residents that staff would support a uppo position to the Omftil that a reduction of $4.96 per foot be given to all the residents within th► project area. �� _ -2- ' The next item cowered in the neighborhood meeting by City Engineer Anderson was whether the road would become public or remain private., City Engineer went on to review the votes from the residents. The votes are listed on the summary sheet presented to City Manager McGuire by 'City Engineer Anderson. Mayor Johnson suggested that the items be discussed one at a time and opened the a floor to the residents for oamnents and questions. Several people ooa■iented Mayor Johnson then asked if there were any comments from the Council on this issue. There was discussion from Council and staff. Further coments were made by aambers of the audience. Approximately one of the residents supported private and one-half supported a public road. It Was the :'consensus of the residents that the Council should makd the final decision. t Motion by Scott to make Beach Street a public road, seconded upon a vote taken it Was duly y Schweich, and Reach St.' y Pas. Public Rd. . Ntxtr there was discussion as tho whether the additional cost of the Gravity System sbould be paid by the City as a whole and not be assessed isn I ($4.96 "per,. foot). t the projact. lbtioe by Schweich that the City will incur the cost of the Gravity Station. Gravity seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote it was duly p� Station _ sad., . ( Motion by 2horkelsoa that the Engineers prepare the final plans for submitting Paid b744►t to the council an August 12,_ aase 985, seconded by H and upon a vote taken it Prepare' was duly posed' • Final Plan lryor Johnson called a 15 minute xaoess at 9:25. for .No.9ne* r 2M meeting was called, back to orc� at 9140 PM. Mayor JChrAM suggested the continuation of the item concerning Freddie'a on the .Lake; MY�o"r Johnson asked if there were any further oomomts or questions frm the audience. re Waft. noes, l NIWr Johnson then asked if there Were anYj questions or oaa■ients fran the Council or Staff. There was general dissuasion on the issue. i f 3 Motion by Thorkelson to give "approval to the preliminary `sight plan for Freddie's on the Lake, contingent upon the follewirg: 1) That the parking Pre. Plan +{ be brought to a maximua of 4t grade, 2) that the 1 tot Approval �. �9h 9 P�9 plan be submitted to Freddiee to staff for discussion and final approval, 3) that some planting and lighting on the Lak schame be iMlemented for the interior portion of the parking lot, 4) that ;a solution be found for the water run off and the proper permits acquired frcm the Watershed and the DNR, 5) that the plans be brought in for squaring off of the building to be discussed at the Conditional Use hearing and 6), that there should be a minumum of 2 feet of level ground maintained from the curb line before the slope toward the parking lot. Seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The next item on the agenda was to discuss the Storm Sewer overlay Project. City Angineer Anderson discussed the project concerning a lot in the Willows urea. The Council and Staff asked questions and made comments. Mr. Anderson stated that Mr. Dick Menke had agreed to pay $3000.00 toward the cost of the r Storm Bear. Motion by Busse that the City be authorized to install the Storm Seeger to'Stora Seer resolve the drainage problem contingent upon acquiring an easement of thate for Overl property owner in the Willon. Seconded by Soott and upon a vote taken it was Project . duty .passed: " Mlgw Johnson asked if there was further discussion. $3000.00? from property owner. , 2M next item on the,agenda was an update on the - Antenna Ordinance and F.C.0 Antenna Aiding. City Attorney Kassel commented on this and suggested it be continued on Ordinance November 18 to be able to review the final F.C.C. rules. t Mayor Johnson asked for c ments and questions. There were none. � Mext itsm on the was to discuss therr �l�gsrdai aappointment of three of the Planning da■ mission members. Mayor Johnson commented on this. >' Motion by Boott to reappoint TM Delve Aoseth and Chuck Arnold to the Appoint Ilannin Co■iaion for t:a year terms seconded by Busse and upon a vote takenPlannins it 'duly passed. Commission TM next item on the Agenda was to consider the Ordinance Membera( teas of office. - 9 the lelror s Mayor Johnson invited the public to comment on this. There were comments by the audience. .n , Mayor Johnson then asked if there was any further discussion frcm the Council. The Owzcil the four . supported year terse of Mayor. Mbar Johnson suggested that changes be made in the Ordinance so that the beginning date of 2/1/86 be added. Other changes will be shown on the Ordinance and Mill be available for,,public review. J I x Notion made by 'Tliorkelson to aRwove Ordinance 85-6 Of office from a two year period to,•a four n9 the Mayors tens Ord. Amend year period co®encing Janu&rY 1986, seconded by Scott and upon a vote taken it was duly • Mayor's y Term "M next item on the a s Benda was to consider the Or3nance 85-7 amending the Mnyor's and Council's salaries. !Mayor Jobnson asked if there was any comments or questions from the audience. There were some coeaents fres the audienoe. 4 4 Mayor Johnson asked it there were any aomaents fraaa the C Uouncilnenebers •sde their oomwents. City Attorney !(easel suggested that on sentence be eliminated. Ord. Amend Motion by usse B to adept Ordinance 85-7 as amended, �� Mayor a upon a vote' taken it was duly passed. by Sctweich and " Council the; next item on the agenda was to consider a request for a 3.2 t bee eelairea • eapon this • license from eee ow the Softball Association. ; City Manager MoGurre oeented on this' and reommanded . approval Motion made by ftorkelson to approve request for t on, seconded by Scott and uPorY beer license for the Temp.' Beer Softball Associati p upon a vote taken it was duly License Softball the°rmt its on the 'agerda Was the monthly reports. Assoc. a vobee taken it was � ypas Dog Catcher's Report, seconded bs, Busse and upon Dos catrbel Report 'me Prior 'Lake Police Report was Drought up for approval. to am t Motion made by Busse Police it the report admitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken Report Y passed. ,c Mtnet the ' Building PU Report was brought up for approval. Motion welds Build �. "Wrs�n to accept th* report, seconded by Sch"ich and was duly passed upon a vote taken it Report kel NOW Johnson asked if there were any other coswents. City ftgineer Andarson commented that ha had received the f • cd'+s funding for the Lo • Street Bridge Project and asked if there could be a feasibility study done'at the Project. Motion by Busse to here a ftasibili tY Report done on the Lords Street Bridge Feasibility ` Proj4Lt• seoondsd by ftOrke and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: report for Lord' a St. Bridge -5- j _ 1 c =1 City Engineer , ,then ooa®ented on the additional need for water because of the dryneRm . Pier storage (buncilmember Thorkelson commented on the need for street l Of County Roads 21 and e2. li ghts on the corner # ODUncilse tuber Thorkelson than commented on the rk on in the parking lot across from the <. e anon 76 station on gighhamy 13�1tmat There Mat dissuasion. Thorkeltan, Brent on to comment about the that , paper had baen lit b the `Boy y 800uts on Walker Ave. � " City ldewtgar McGuire reimirded' everS<one about the r at 7:00 PM. �V on July` 17 1985 > NIM Jo commented on Lakefront Days and commended Park Director " ' Mmmgan a nd ing a escallent jab. " Motion by Thorkelton,to adjourn the upon vote taken the Mas `of July 15; 1985, scomrdad by 800tt " and = adjourned . at :50 PIL t , n ,th � } Y� 1 \ \ i A c., r THE FOMMNIG LIST,0F INVOICES ARE SCHEDUUM FOR PAYMENT ON'TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1985 MISC. DEPTS.: ' '!�,�te Treasurer Surcharges 2,809.43 barlson OK Hardware misc. Supplies 91-05 Parts Dept'. Inc. Misc. Supplies 20-57 Ij SnyderDrug misc. Supplies 50-94 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 27-00 Delta De tal Dental Insurance 1,373-30 Bankers Life Insurance 4,410-61 Hausers IGA Misc. Supplies 33-67 NK Valley Zlec. Utilities 10201-14 n. Shakopee oil Co Fuel 1 140.85' $cott Rice Telephone Phone Service 83S.14- ST-Paul Book & Stationery, Supplies 80-36 Midnegasco, Utilities 168.60 Prior IAke CarQuest Repair Supplies 318-59 Charles Tooker Consultant Fees 1,415-OV Lommien Nelson Sullivan & C61e Attorney Fees S,77Z.'92- "GINUAL GOTUNMT: y6r,& Vouncil Salaries 1,050.06 Car Allowance 27S.00 Ralpk, Wachner Car Allowance 75-00 Nbrat Cramer Car Allowance �5.00 A06'r 'Li I kke Aimerican Ptiblishing 14543k Im"A.'. Itar Ad, 110.00 Mileage 11.20 of W? Cities �Dues 3 00 3,0 8� AbOr'i Planning Anon Dues n6.do Dues 20.00- an, Or T Co.. , -z� �Supplies 37-50" Pirogramix Fee ng 42S�-. Bldg. Repair & Maint. (P 64-07 Telephone Service K93 A- Car'D'et Service Repair &'Naint'. Bldg. 27:00 PUNIC: SOM iAhirty ice "Ooeratizig Supplies, 107.22 Photo4inishing 49-72 7-Zar Allowance 150-00 N leage 18.80 *r liake "rvic e Center V­Vihicle Repair 113-77 $ervice Vehicle Repair 288 Ap-,4, '"A"" tor Vehicle Repair S&vlS Rod am Vehicle Maintenance 1 St ftmts 06d Center rAood Alcohol Te�!t *56 ftrL46 4 Flora Flowers 16.50 Radios 989.80 -a volding 6.00. iep '63.23 "Conway Fire, & Safe Supplies 97.20 - Robert Mister Animal control 43& �11 Flowers 26.00 Pa 163.70 Metro Alarm Contract Woo .> Duatcoating Dust Control 1,802.00 PARKS & RECREATION:' West Weld Repair Supplies . Z4�?9 Metro Alarm Contract 2479 T.J. I s Toying ? Repairs 45.00 Prior Lake Blacktop Blacktop Basketball court 2,450.00 Pepsi Concessions 215.80 Nor Coastt,toyCoas 132.60 Ready M3 Supplies 1 139.48 NW'Bell Telephone Telephone Service �1 0.08 -- Shakopee Public,Uiilities- Utilities 2.65 Mnn�sots Twins: Park Program 230.00 Kokeah We ;, Supplies 1. 07.14 Jena .Wahl Instructor.Fee 93.80 ' > s Nee Instructor Fee 369.25 t ine L ake Lines 't Park Program 472.50 ' Pia. Bi dle� . Refund 11. 11. Cindy Dyoos Refund 22.00 Sue , sertoson Refund 4.00 s Car Allowance 1 a1 Library Cleaning 0, �i00l10iRC ,DpEZd!l111i C ��. Yal1eT Sign Co. Signs 47.75 Frans E+eeerimg Supplies 562.53 Wood River 2 S Lakefront Days 500.00 Scott Coon 7 RICA Professional Services 8$6.40 r Wi M UTILITY � s _'Waters, E Rogers Chemicals 7, 23, 90 Water Products Co: Supplies 181.50 Servo Lab Analysis 24.00 SEMER UTILITY � .I C. :J. Lanier Repairs 871.004' � W j Lldor Pump Repair Supplies 189.00 4 Installment 30, 692. SAC Charges 9,677.25`-, OONTn eaftt s North Country Roofing Final Estimate -. Library Roof' 4,037.00' ti\ PUBLIC ions L Larry Anderson i i Car Allowance 1 150.00 { {` ;. B VAM Meld S CAr Allowance 1 150.00 r Surveying Inatruments S plies 4 48.65 N J L. Shiely Co. S Sand &Gravel 1,176.84. ' 1 WN. Mueller & sons Sand A Gravel 1 1,220.48.- Ziegler Tire Service R Black dirt 1 115.00 DEBT'SERVICE - GENERAL - FUND: : VA -st Bank St. Paul 7 r Lake State Bank Debt. Service 943.75 Debt Service 6 4 ,343.75 PRIOR LAKE OONSTRUCTION FUND: il Valley Paving ValleT Est. N0. 1 En6ineering buss% Electric Engineering Services 10,822.11 2,871.50 M G Rehbein Bros. Wiring Est: No. 8 322.60 S.M. Rentses:& Sons Est. No. 3 2,800.30 Jake's Stump Removal Stumps Removed 76,855.20' Scott Coun Hi t1 � Y �Pt• City Share of CSM 21 30.00 152,828.29 DEBT SERYICS FUND: First Trust St. 'Paul ` First !dank SL: Paul Administration Fee 206•27 Debt Service 5 SE1iIR1F A VAT= FU ND: `Commissioner of Revenue Sales Tax 24.76 .r ,� z "I ow