HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 23 1985F � , CITY OF PRIOR LAKE w September 23, 1985 OIL TO ORDER 7 :30 PM F 1 Pledge of Allegiance ` 2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Consider:,Request from 3eanette Gast for Of'frSale Liquor License rr 4. " Discuss Downtown Redevelopment Area 5. Consider Final Plans for City Hall Parking Lot and lioad 6. Consider Hardehell for Harbor 5th Addition k 7. ODns arrdehell and Developer's Agreement for Sand Pointe 19ddit 8. Consider Aesolution 85.-23 Regarding Debt Levy rr -� 9. Other Business r -, a. b. C. 10. Annoursoements and Correspondence zi � a. Next Council b.. Meeting - October 7, 1985 at 700 p.m. c. 11. Adjournment (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372_ f \� _ gyp i CITY OF PRIOR LAKE S }g MINfITES OF THE CITY CWWII, September 23, 1985 The Common 'Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, September 23, 1985 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnsion a called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Ttiorkelson, City Manager, McGuire, Attorney Peterson, . Adninistrative As D eve l opment Graser, City Director tAmacht, City Planner ty Engineer Anderson, and Consulting Planner Tooker. Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the 'September 16, 1985 Mee Motion was made �9 were , reviewed by Council;. Munbes' submitted, and upon Bum` seconded by Scott, to approve the minutes as pon a`,ote taken, was duly passed. The next iteo on the agenda was to consider the applications of Jeanette Gast for an off - ale, Intoxialting and Off: Sole Non - intoxicating Liquor Licenses and a cigarette license. City Manager McGuire reported that this was a request for a' transfer from Bearden s Mine and Spirits. The Liquor Camaittee had considered they request and was r econwding approval Jeanette and Floyd Gast were present is the audience to answer any questions. Motion\\ \ was made by Schweich, seconded by Thorkelson, to approve the transfer of Jamem the e Intoxicating Liquor License, the Off -Sale Non- Intoxicating Liquor lust Uquw License aid the Cigarette License, and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Liarne The next itam on the a ,,} discussion' of the Downtown Redevelopment Aria and the agenda wa the e final draft of the Market Stu !lanagewent Seri Be ice Economic Development y Study Prepared by Wilson opment Director U macht introduced the Dmrnt mm report and addressed the administrative recommendations of establishing on -going t eomwounication between the City and the business community, initiating a program cl ean- UP City Property, cOmPlying with laws on on -sale liquor operations, coW lying with codes and ordinances to general up -keep of all cwwrcial areas, building high density r, lands° downtown area, and surfacing and aP�9 P4rk'in9 lots. Mr. Unaacht also Presented several implementation strategies for each of the items addressed. Consulting Planner Tooker addressed the land use portion of the study and commented on zoning and sign ordinances, County Road 12/21 intersection with H19hw►aY 13," Dakota Street closing, and frontage roads connecting the three business district areas. (612) 447.4230` - 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 D iscussion bYthe audience keeping D Street open and Coum- followed Concerns were expressed for (right on, right off) as long as there are viable businesses there, in stalling too many traffic lights on Highway .13, arid"having E the Counc and Staff work closely with the City plam Commission and the 'Concmic DeveloPment C=N in developing the future Plans. A fifteen minute recess was then ca ll e d . M ayor Johnson called the�'meeting back to order at 9:25 p.m. WallY Stock, Prior Lake's representative to the Scott County Governiment Stud C=MisaiOnr gave a brief report on the activities of the commissi indicated that the commission considered all alternatives and were recoutnaWin no change at,,- ime Mr. Stock' this t A written report will be given t th c and townships and t* will be asked to review and comment on it by October 15, 1985 whi ch is the d&t:4 that activity b th C mussion 0ea Strmudl, another member of the c omm i ss i on, also commen se mr . Mark t he Commission. Discussion by ted on the activities of the audience and I rg concern for the lack of time to properly review the r Counci. followed expressi.. eport. y Busse, to have the City Manager draft fttwz�= Motion was mm&'bY Thorkelson, seconded b a resolution an d f orward it to Mr. Rod Krass, Qlairm of the COmmission, for Swtt requesting an extension of time to review the Interim aeport of the Scott OD. Sb* County Study Cmdesion because there is i nadequate time for the council t c=w properly review��thi reocimmendations of the Commission. Discussion followed. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly Passed. City Manager McGuire was also asked to contact the other cities and township i Scott County to inform then of the Council's support for an4xtension of ti and urging their support. Th next ommission meet ing will be October 2 and the Council was invited to attend. Tha next item on the agenda was the consideration of the final pi City Hall Parking Lot. Consulting Planner Tooker presented ans for the the revised plans showing additional parking South of the new addition and allowing traffic flow frcm Arcadia Avenue to Main Avenue. Mr. Tboker indicated the preliminary cost for a water feature, in front of the building as previously discussed would be apPr0ximately-$ls,000. , .�,,Discussion by the audience and (�xmil followed. Motion was mad b Thorkelsm, seconded by soott, to approve the parking.lot Civ H1111 And landscape plan for City Hall as presented with the exception of chang the P4 rkhg lot *ate; feature to a landscape feature, and upon a vote taken, was duly pag Bed. & Phm AWu* , next item on the agenda was to consider the Hardshell for Harbor Sth Additio�,. City Planner Graser pre indibated,Staff reoccowided esented the Plan for nine WAtm9g and , Council followed. approval of the hardshell. Discussion by the Motion wag Made by Bugger seconded by Thorkelson, to approve the Hardshell for %U*6�41 the Harbor 5th Addition contingent upon the Payment of the $400 park ded,ca Hutw,.9th fee, and Upon a�vote taken, was duly passed. tion Add. ARr. Next on the agenda was the consideration of the Hardshell and Developer's Agreftent for SWW Pointe 5th Addition. City Planner Graser presented the hardshell for 45 lots indicating it was consistent with the preliminary p.U. P0 Plan and Staff recommended its approval. City Engineer Anderson presented the a have pen s Agreement. At the present time tt+e City's water system does not adequate pressure to handle the development ot- is area. City Engineer Anderson pointed out that a clause had been added to the Developer's Agreement until that this addition could not be connected to the City's water system inpravements have been mace and the developer cannot obtain a'bus Permit until a contract has been let for construction and water system. A lengthy discussion followed. impco ement of the Motion was made by Schweich, seconded by Soott, to approve the Hardshell 'for Send Pointe 5th Addition as submitted. City Manager McGuire indicated that the Hardahell and Developer's Agreement should be acted upon in the same motion, therefore, Councilmember ScIweich withdrew his motion. There was further } discussion by the Council and Staff. Motion was made by Sdweich, seconded by Busse, !to approve the Hardshell for Sand Pointe 5th Addition and the Developer's Agreement as submitted with the He+dabeil contingency that the landscaping preliminary P. U.D.. pion. cap g be completed in the development as per the Dw• �fe• Upon a vote taken, 4 ayes, I nay by T'norkelson, the motion carried. Sth The next item on the agenda was the consideration of Resolution 85-23 regarding am. 8� Dft debt levy. lotion was made by Thorkelson, seconded by ° Busse, to approve 19% Aesalut on 85-23 authorizing the Cou.ty Auditor to levy taxes for certain bonaimy issues payable in 1986, and capon a vote taken, was duly passed. The Treasurer's Report for was made September 1, 1985 was reviewed by Council., Motion T� wa mi b y S ut• Winded by Busse, to approve the Treasurer's Report asp rt pon a vote taken, was duly passed. City Manager McGuire stated that he received a letter from Ramona Hennen regarding problems with the Windsong, Inc. developer. Discussion followed. This item is to be scheduled on the agenda at the October 15, 1985 meeting. The developer and the Hannan will be asked to attend that meeting, Mayor JOWWW informed the Council that he and City Manager gar MoG� would be attending the meeting with Bill Frenzel on September 24, The next .Council meeting Will be Monday, October 7, 1985 at .7;.30 p.m. There being no further business, the motion was made by Thorkelson, seconded by 900tt, to adjourn the meeting, and upon a vote taken, was duly peseed. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. � { Michael A. MoGuire City 'Manager Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary