HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 04 1985I e CITY OF PRIOR LA AKA .f f pp `g'd° November 4, 1985 CRU TO ORD6tt , 7:30 PM r, 1. Pledgee of Allegiance,' 2. Minutes of the Previous fleeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payment .' on Mnsday, Nwwber 5, 1985 y' 3. Omm der Nystrom let Addition Preliminary Plat 8:00 pa. 4. Public Hearing - Oontinuation of Too Steffens Road and Utility ` _ Easement Vacation, 5, Consider Fasolution 35-27 Regarding Federal- Permits for Stocu Water. Outfall U 31 6. Set Date for Special Council Meeting to canva8$ Ballots 1• Other 'Business a. b , a ce . v 8. Annwncasents and a. Next Council Meeting - 11:esc3ny, 1 4e'aber 12, 1985 at 7130 p.m. b. a t c. 9 Adjournment i 1814, 4470 AIM DAKOTA sTREET 3.E. P.O. SOX 350 PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA 56172 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL November 4, 1985 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, � November 5, 1985 at 7:30 PK in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, City EnginEmer Anderson, City Attorney Kessel and Assistant City Manager/ Economic s Development Director Uimacht. i Mayer Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The - minutes of the October 28, 1985 meeting and the invoices .scheduled for M & peymsnt on Tuesday, November 5, 1985 were reviewed by Council. Mayor Johnson infor,�r? the Council that Change Order 41 for the City Hall Addition to Mahowald Builde,:=, Inca in the amount of $5,931.28 was included in the list of imroices schedu''`?d for payment. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Soott, to approve the iifiuces and invoices as submitted and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. The nest item on the agenda was to consider the Nystrom lst Addition Preliminary Plat. City Planner Graser presented the plat explaining that the applicant was requesting preliminary plat approval for this 2.39 acre conventional plat containing five parcels located directly southeast of the intersection of Fairlawn Shores Trail and 150th Street. Mr. Graser pointed out that Lot 4 did' not have sewer and water stube and would have to share with Lot 5 and that the Parks and Recreation Director recommended a perk dedication fee and an access to the 'park. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 17, 1985 and recommended approval with continge-ncies. Staff is in agreement with the Planning Commission recommendation. Mfrs. Nystrom was available to answer ' questions. Discussion by the Council and staff followed. Motion way? made by Thorkelsan, seconded by Busse, to approve the Nystrom 1st Ilytram lat Addition Preliminary Plat contingent upon submission of dedication of a ten foot Addition park access adjacent to the east property line, the lot lines be ; opriately FmUmin"y ' adjusted to accoma Wate this dedication, the plan document the drainage Fut easement, the services, for Lot 4 be at the expense of the developer, and park dedication fee be $1,282.00. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The Council then reviewed Resolution 85-27 Regarding Federal Permits for Storm z wodter Outfall. City Engineer Anderson rA ted that the Environmental Protection Agency is considering requiring all municipalities to obtain a permit for each stone water outfall. Mr. Anderson further stated that the Department of Natural (612) 447.4= 409 DAKOTA STREET S.E., P.O, BOX 3sY PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 r 3 s 4 . The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, � November 5, 1985 at 7:30 PK in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Johnson, Councilmembers Busse, Schweich, Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, City EnginEmer Anderson, City Attorney Kessel and Assistant City Manager/ Economic s Development Director Uimacht. i Mayer Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The - minutes of the October 28, 1985 meeting and the invoices .scheduled for M & peymsnt on Tuesday, November 5, 1985 were reviewed by Council. Mayor Johnson infor,�r? the Council that Change Order 41 for the City Hall Addition to Mahowald Builde,:=, Inca in the amount of $5,931.28 was included in the list of imroices schedu''`?d for payment. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Soott, to approve the iifiuces and invoices as submitted and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. The nest item on the agenda was to consider the Nystrom lst Addition Preliminary Plat. City Planner Graser presented the plat explaining that the applicant was requesting preliminary plat approval for this 2.39 acre conventional plat containing five parcels located directly southeast of the intersection of Fairlawn Shores Trail and 150th Street. Mr. Graser pointed out that Lot 4 did' not have sewer and water stube and would have to share with Lot 5 and that the Parks and Recreation Director recommended a perk dedication fee and an access to the 'park. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 17, 1985 and recommended approval with continge-ncies. Staff is in agreement with the Planning Commission recommendation. Mfrs. Nystrom was available to answer ' questions. Discussion by the Council and staff followed. Motion way? made by Thorkelsan, seconded by Busse, to approve the Nystrom 1st Ilytram lat Addition Preliminary Plat contingent upon submission of dedication of a ten foot Addition park access adjacent to the east property line, the lot lines be ; opriately FmUmin"y ' adjusted to accoma Wate this dedication, the plan document the drainage Fut easement, the services, for Lot 4 be at the expense of the developer, and park dedication fee be $1,282.00. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The Council then reviewed Resolution 85-27 Regarding Federal Permits for Storm z wodter Outfall. City Engineer Anderson rA ted that the Environmental Protection Agency is considering requiring all municipalities to obtain a permit for each stone water outfall. Mr. Anderson further stated that the Department of Natural (612) 447.4= 409 DAKOTA STREET S.E., P.O, BOX 3sY PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 r Resources and the local watershed districts already have permitting processes and this would be a duplication. Resolution 85-27 would urge the :Minnesota delegation in'Washington, D.C. to suspend the requirement for cities to obtain a permit. r-isc ussion by Council followed. _ Motion was made by Thorkelson, seconded by Busse, to approve Resolution 85-27 Ras. 85-27 with the addition of a clause stating that Cie State and local watershed StomWkteri districts' regulations currently exist and the addendum that those states Outfall already halving adequate control be exempt from this legislation. -Upon a vote Pendts i taken, the motion was duly passed. City Manager McGuire was asked to provide the proper rewording to the resolution g and forward it to the Minnesota delegation in Washington, 16. C. The next item on the agenda was to set a date for the Special Council Meet City Manager McGuire explained the xpl purpose of the meeting is to canvass the ballots after the general election. t Motion was made by Scott, seconded by Busse to have a Special Council Meeting on NKK to November 6, 1985 at 6 :00 p.m., and upon a vote taken, was duly passed, t ow Ballots Assistant City Manager Urrmacht stated that at the last mee adopted the Mutual Aid Ambulance, g the council Agreement with the City of Burnsville contingent upon the amount of liability insurance being changed to $600,000. In researching this, Staff found that the City of Prior Lake currently has only $300,000 coverage. Staff recommended amending the decision made last week and adopt the agreement based on $300,000 liability insurance. Discussion by Council followed. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Scott, to amend the agreement as presented Mt. Aid to the City of Burnsville and accept the clause under item 5 (b) " . .. with A*Wame coverage of at least $300,000;00 combined single limit. ", and upon a vote taken, Agrammt was duly passed. w Mayor Johnson asked Staff to look into the costs of increasing the City's liability insurance coverage to $600,000.00. City Attorney Ressel reported to the Council that the FCC plans to take action on a proposed rule for amateur .radio antennas within the next two Weeks. The proposed ordinance on antennas was to be brought back to the Council on November 18, 1985, and City Attorney Kessel recommended postponing this until the FaC ruling is received. It was the consensus of the CounciL to bring the proposed antenna ordinance back to the council on December 16, 1985. Mayor Johnson has received correspondence regarding the antenna ordinance and asked Staff to make copies of this borrespondence available to the other Council members. The continuation of the public hearing for the Tan Steffens Road and Utility Easement Vacation was called to order at 8:00 p.m. City Pianner Graser recapped the activities that lead to this continuation and read for.the record a letter from Tm Steffens to the Willow Beach Association proposing a revised plan and read a letter of response from the Willow Beach Association rejecting the plan.`' Discussion was opened to the audience and oddments were made by the developer's representative and members of the Willow Beach Association. (The tape will be -2- A i �i kept on file in the Offioe of the City Manager as the off ^ial record of the public hearing.) Discussion by the Council followed. It was the consensus of 'the Council to retain a 50-60 foot right-of-way for the public walkway from Wilii Beach Trail so that people using it will not feel they�are walking'through sank els private Property. further eoimients from the audience indicated the Wbt\ow Beach Association did not want any lots less than 100 feet wide. Motion was made by lftrkelson, recorded by Busse, to vacate the right�c`�f -wmys T's Stweri l contingent upon the approval and signing of the hardshell which is to inchiide a Vaatttac, 50 foot right- of- way,to be used for utilities and a public walkway approximately where the- Willow Beach Trail extension was proposed. There was further discussion by the Council and audience. Upon a vote taken, the nation was dulp N, passed. Motion was made Thorkelson, seconded �y by Scott, to adjourn the public hearing, � and upon -a vote taken, was duly passed. , \ r A ten minute recess was then called. \'z Mayor Johnson called the meeting back to order at 9:20 p.m. City Engineer Anderson reported to the Qouncil that he had received one bid for l the paving of the City Hall parking lot from McNamara Vivant Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $7,706.00 on a unit basis for the blacktop and $125.00 per hour for tolerancing of the subgrade and class five. Plans are to put dawn one layer of blacktop this � oP year and a second . layer next spring. Discussion by the Council followed. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Scott to approve the bid of MdOmmara ft'ha GLV Vivant Contracting. Inca for paving the City Hall parking lot in" the amounts as specified by City Engineer Anderson, and upon a vote taken, was'dulY pawed• The next Council meeting will be Tuesday;,, November 12, 1985 at 7 :30 p.m. � There be ing no further business, a motion was made by Thorkelson, seconded by F Scott to adjourn the meeting, and upon a vcte taken, was duly passed: r A Michael A. Motuire City Manager " Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary r: -3- THE FCLIMING LIST OF INWI(2;S ARE SCIDIII.EU FI0)t PAYMENT ON TUES. 147f /. 5r 1985 } State Treasurer' City Share FICA State Treasurer Delta Dental Plan City Share PERA Creative Graphi �cs Insurance Printed Supplies 776.00 345.00 Shakopee Oil Co. Equipment Rental 50.00 ., Soott Rice Telephone Co. Fuel Telephone Service 1.065.34 704.99 Prabani Enterprises Creative Graphics Liquor License Refund 2,633.00 ` ` Center f��r Urban policy Research Printed Supplies Reference Hook 15. 00 M i S Floor Cleaning. City Hall Ruq Cleaning 24.95 60.00 Optimist Club COPY Products Dues Copier 'A tal & Supplies 'Cleaning 219 ' f Water Products City Half Parking Lot Oonstruction 250.00 28.50 r American Cast Iron Pipe Prior Lake Electric 0% Parking, 'Lot Om traction Parking Lot ftistruction 764.27 , 4 Elk River.Ooncrete;Products Parking Lot Oanatruction 146.47 8,54S'.59 H.B.H. Construction C.R. Brasier. Inc. Parking Lot Ognstruction 6.552.;10. Bohnsack &«Aeren Parking Lot Construction Parking Lot Construction 6.271.25 8,463.75 88LIC UPliforms Unlimited Supplies 107.85 A, 1)' J a D Sporting Goods Supplies 3.14 Brad Leff Robert McAllister` Vehicie;Maintenanoe Animal:Cbntrol 40.00 i X63.02 b Metro Fone, ;,Inc. Siegler Tire Co. Rental Tire Pepe f r 26.00 17.50 MOM am Bev Slow. Kris LOP. Pa rk Program Refund 7.00 ry Clare 16samry Park Program Refund Park Program Refund 13.00 15.50 Marilyn Freirak Lawrie - Straley Park Program Refund Program 15.50 Mickie rms park Refund Park Program Refund 7.00 3.50 Iris Pe ter C�enhassen Dinner Theater Park Program Refund Park Program 9.00' ' David ,Coker 270.00 195.97 r reen�-J_andorf g Ir Supply Plaimbursement 40.00 Klitgber9 Bus, 00.' Senior•Citizens Coordinator Park Program Bus Charter 75.00 185.00 ; Jack Zilch l�lorthlvyd, Saws & Stoves Park Program Instructor Repair Supplies 96.00 t 4 . ; MidWast Nholeaale Tire Inc. _ Tire Repair Supplies 2.25 44.10 ury.. ` . " .r "` u y „ �yy�b0.4RW&YA1 0.+4W7} yylct,5t��, yvr� y. _