HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 18 1985OF P RIOR LAKE WMIL Agenda Monday, November 18, 1985 ` CALL . 70 OMER � a 7:30 PM 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Minutes of the November 12, 1985 meeting, and Invoices Scheduled' �I : for Payment on Tuesday,. November 19 1985 4 _ i 1 7 :35 pm 3. Public Hearing - Rollie Haas Alley Vacation Request ` 4. Doug Krohn - Consider Request for Street Light at Bounty Street (E and Itasca Avenue § 5. Consider Feasibility Report fdr Project 86 -11, Street Overla y 6. Consider Feasibility Y Report far Project 86 -12, Cates Street 7. Consider Feasibility ty Report for Project 86-13, Green eights Trail 8. Review Change Order #1 for Project 85-11, Street Overlay 9. Consider Offer from Insurance Caapeny for Partial pa yment of =° Attorneys Fees for North Shore Law Shit 10. Other Business a) Police Report <' b) Fire and Rescue Report c) Dog Catcher's'Report' d) Building Permit Report o e) Treasurer's Report f) November lot Budget Report h) kumnoements and Correspondence. a) Next Council Meet 9 Y - b) g ' Monday. Movember 25, 1985 at 7 :30 p m. 12. Adjournment (612) 4474= 4d2Y`pAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 563M i., L F x CITY p CITY OF PRIOR LAKE , MINUM OF THE CITY alUNCII, November 18, 1985 City of Prior Lake not in regular session on Monday, i PM in the City Council (�arobers. Mayor Johnson called Present were Mayor Johnson, douncilmembers Busse, lson, City Manager Mo(aiire, City Planner Graser, City ant City Manager/Eo�namic Development Director M mncht,. oney and City Attorney Kessel., ane to rise for the pledge of allegiance. Z, 1985 meeting and the invoices scheduled for i, 1985 were rev by Council, Payment Minutes 180n,; Notion was made by � Invoice ap prove the minutes and the invoices scheduled and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. were reviewed by the Council. sane seconded by Scott, to approve the Pblioe Report Police s submitted, and upon a vote taken, was duly Passed. Report sm seconded by Busse, to approve the Fire and Rescue Fire's its, and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Rescue seconded by Scott, to approve the Report Dog Catcher s Report Dos and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Catcherls Report seconded by Thorkelson, to" approve the November 1, Treasurer submitted, and upon a vote taken, was duly pawed. Report Celson, seconded by Scott,. to approve the November lst Byd6et r and upon a vote taken,, was duly ; Passed. Report recorded by Thorkelson, L to approve the Building Permit Bldg.' on a vote taken, was duly passed. Permit Rollie Haas Alley Vacation Report Mayor Johnson. City Planner Graser stated that the e vacation of half the all 'abut �' tin9 his property in Sing Lake. The alley is unimproved and 'has no need. Staff felt the vacation would be in the best. Mr. Rollie as Ha wasp Present in the audience. Moved. iEET S.E. P.O. BOX 3561 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56a7R 0 W a (x x r Discussion was opened to the audience. Doug Krohn and Steve Johnson, residents in the area, addressed the Council citing several instances of vandalism and disturbances. They felt a street light would help to reduce the number of instances in the area. Discussion by the Council followed, MW support of Staff's denial based upon the established criteria and were is residents in this area could start a neighborhood crime a private light. watch program or8pu�t t p Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Thorkelson, to deny the request for a Street street light at Bounty Street and Itasca Avenue, and upon a vote taken,-was duly Light at passed. Bounty St Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Scott, to approve Resolution 85-31 Res 85 -31:. Resolution Providing for the Vacation of the Alley in Block 35 in the Rbwnsite Rollie Of Spring Lake, and upon a vote taken, was duly passed. Haas Motion was made by Scott, seconded passed. Busse, to adjourn the public hearing, and Alley Vac' upon a vote taken, was Next on the agenda was.to consider the request from Doug Krohn to install a street light at the intersection of Bounty Street and Itasca Avenue. Cit Engineer Anderson informed the Council that based upon the poll adopted City Council in 1976, the request was denied because the intersection not rsection isy the heavily traveled and there are no unusual.circumstaa light. oes that warrant a street Mayor Johnson directed staff to have the Police � Itasca r in the future. Department patrol this area more The next item on the agenda was to consider the Feasibility Report for Pr oject 86-11, Street overlay. City Engineer Anderson presented the report the Project is for the bituminous overl Circle, ay and curb installatio on explaining Hidden Oaks Circle,. Huron Street, Luther Road, Millers Circle, Santee Circle, 1'inmbe: view Street, Wildwood Circle, and Woodside Road= bituminous surfacing and curb and gutter installation on Memorial Trail, Mem Mark Parking Lot and the Peaking Lot from City Hall to the Library; on Bayview Circle, Boudin Street, Creekside Circle, Cove Avenue seuth of Krmfsey's Street, Denese Street, Estate Avenue, Euclid. Avenue, Flandrau Circle, Fulbright C ircle , Glendale Avenue, Grayling Circle, Green Oaks Trail, Indian Ridge Circle,.. Kneafsey's Street, Lois Avenue, Lori Road, Maple Trail, Meadow ' Avenue, Nataaie Road, Oak Ridge Circle, Oakland Peach Avenue southeast of KnOafesy's Street, orchard Circle, Pixie Point Circle, - Rustic Road, i�t Trail gers Street, Shady Beach , Timothy Avenue, Water east of Green oaks'Trail. The estimated, cost for Trail and 150th Street uding any right-of-way purchases. The assessment rate�f t pr�'j8e t, would per foot for Oakwoodr Hills, Hidden Oaks, Luther Road based' on the assessment policy that overlaid streets are assessed at 60% of the actual mount. The assessment rate for Memorial Trail would be $53.67 per foot. Discussion by the Council followed eonoeraing including Erie Avenue in this project. -2 ,i N i Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Thorkelson, to a .� Pprove the Feasibil ity�3. 86.11. Report for Project No. 86 -11, Street Overlay, as submitted with the addition ofi'Street s bituminous surfacing and curb and gutter installation on Erie Avenue, and upon ai`Overlay vote taken, was duly passed. Motion was then made by Thorkelson, seconded Public hear j by Busse, to set the date for the h.H. , 5, at 8:3D hearing for Pro No. 86 -11 on December 9 198 .m., and u A�vote taken, was duly passed. P ponl,'ro 86-11: The next item on the agenda was to consider the Feasibility Report for Project,�� No. 86-12, Cates Street P Councilmember Schweich excused himself from the Council. k" k City Engineer Anderson presented the Feasibility Report for Project No. 86 -12, Cates Street explaining hat this 9 Project was for the bituminous Surfacing and installation of curb, gutter and watermain on Cates Street from Lakeside Estates east to the, project.is $82 365 - ' right-of-way • .00 end. The estimated cost of the excluding `any ri 9h y purchases. The assessment rate for the project would be $114.40 per foot. The discussion was opened to the audience and comments were made. Discussion by the Council followed. lotion, was made by Busse, secondeed by Scott, to approve the Feasibility Report Proj. 8642 for Project No. 86-12, Cates Street as bubmitted, and upon a duly passed. vote taken, was Cates St. Motion was made by Thorkelson, seconded by Busse, to schedule the public hearing for Project No. 86-12, Cates Street for December 9 1985 at 8:15 a vote taken, was duly p•m., and upon f. Y Passed. Cuuncilmember Schweich then returned to the Council. The Council then reviewed the Feasibility Report for Project No. 86 -13, Green Heights Trail. City .proi. 86.13 y �9r Anderson explained that this project is for the bituminous surfaci and installation of curb and i t gutter on Green Heights Green Trail. The estimated cost of the project is $79,150.00 excluding any Heights right - of - way acquisitions. The assessment rate for the Project would be $93.56 Trail Discussion by the Council followed concerning the fact that the petition for i of Green Heights Trail was signed by only two residents. It was the consensus of the Council to table this item until next week so that City Engineer Anderson can contact the people who signed the there was still an interest in in�ovement this Petition and see if . Councilmember Thorkelson then made the motion to amend his previous motion and P.H. w schedule the public hearing for Project No. 86-12. Cates Street for 8 :00 p.m. on dates December 9, 1985. rThe motion was seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, four Street "' F ayes, one abstention by Schweich, it was duly passed. TM Mxt Street Oven° on the was to review the Change Order #1 for P. oject 85-11, ay. y Engineer Anderson explained that due to '`the lack of k easements and unanticipated items, this was needed to complete the change order in the amount of $16,486.04. project. No other change orders will be needed for this Project and Staff was recommending its approval. Discussion by Council followed. Motion was markelson, by Tho for Project 85 -11, Street Overly in seconded the�amountoft$16a�g, Order 1 Y taken, was duly passed. upon a vote Chance Order #1 21* text item was to consider the offer from the insurance X3.85 =i1 St' OvedW! payme o f attorneys' any for partial expla ined rneys' fees for the North Shore Law Suit. City Manager MtoGuirle that the City's insurance compgkny, International Su , has Offered to pay 70% of the Ci s atto r Nort Lines S:it. The tY rneys fees relating to the North Shore atto Law settlement. t re X3,666.00 and 70! would result in ,a $23,566.20 y rney lfessel indicated this settlement was the lengthy result of a negotiation with the insurance 0C%Mny and he felt he maY even be able to get a higher percentage. Discussion to J Council fallowed. io 1 l to was made by Thorkelson, seoortled by Bosse, to authorise City Atto negotiate a settlement with the 1 International Surplus Lines fora partial payment of attorneys' fees for the North Shore Law Suit for an amount no less than 70% of the total fees. North Shore Law Upon a vote taken, the motion Was duly pa wed. `Suit indi cated MY Council that ger NeGuire informed the ; th e Scott County En they were going to re- evaluate the need for a street li Roads 42 and 21 and would have their results in a couple of weeks. Therefore Staff was recommending and the Council agreed, that a letter from the Council not be Bent until these results are received. "W next Council meeting will be Motday, November 25, 1985 'at 7:30 p .m. There being no further business, the motion was made by 1'horkelson, seconded by Scott to adjourn the meeting. and upon a vote taken, Was duly passed. The meeting adjourned at.9:19 p.m. n Michael A. McGuire r, City Manager Loretta M. Lane Recording Secretary i ff e . ME FainaNG LIST OF _INVO' ES ARE SCHEMJM FOR PAYMENT ON TUES.`X3V. 19, 1985 �`.• ��- gip' b ._ >� State Treasurer State Treasurer City Share -FICA City Share PERM 1,725.81 Bankers Life " - 2.690.15 Quill C orp . Insurance ffice Supplies 458 .t 'f The Reliable Co Ames Office Supply Office Supplies office 136. 78.87 ` Carlson CK Hardware Misc. Sum es 29.58' • Northern States Powrer Minnegasco Utilities 15.50 5,501.73 MN Valley Electric Co-op. Utilities Utilities 279.32 � Snyder Drug Shakopee pee Oil;tb. Misc. Supplies 720.97 64.29 C.H. Carpenter Umber Co. Charles Tooker Fuel Misc. Supplies 2,,605.06 45 11 Chest to Coast Stores Planning Consultant Misc. Su supplies 700.00 Radenmacher Fed ,Owl Farts Dept Inc. Misc. Su pplies 112.94 89.61 ,« .. Prior Lake CarQuest Mi sc. Supplies 30.42 •'. Holiday Station Stores Misc. supplies 142.58 r 27.81 Maxor and Council Michael McGuire Salaries 1,350.00 Ralph Taschner Car Allowance Car Allowance Horst Graser City of Shakopee Car Allowance 75.00 75.00 75.00 Prior Lake Awrican Legislative Committee Expenses Publishing 127.00 Michael. McGuire CiCity of a Grave ICN& Conference Reimbursement 185.78 373.98 Nkk Kopp Deposit Reimbursement 41.50 • Lake Supply Reimbursement Mileage 7.50 Prior Rotary Club Dues 13.60 Vickie Jaspers Prior Lake ° 8ake=y Magazine Subscriptions 179 98.75 'Xieftiah Judges 8leation Supplies Salaries 36.25 Laur ectaei Mileage II 2,098.00 Su ies 17.00 � L in•, N�lsan� ,, Sullivan a tole Plackagsd Cosputfar 81atems Attorney F {� Computer S�►upplies 12. 00 3.877.84 Atrk Iittonal Bank Computer 11918.00 , Minnetek Payment 2 714.14 X 701 Hauser MR DwOl d Tlelcam Can�uter 14intensnce Supplies �� Tlelephorye 00 108.81 ; R R Ca &ervice ��9 Maintenance 64.36 American Linen service Building 40.50 d BaDr>olrg► Dictation- Systehe Mai��tenanoe Bquipment AeFwir IN �keY Ccnckw*ti0n b=Missioner 75.90 idY Joachim Condemnation 66940 Connie Ordeaiann Commissioner Condemnation Coaai desioner 530.59 526.68 a Law Enforcement Systems. Inc. Printed Supplies .. Noll's Hallmark State Treasurer- Document Center Photo Finishing 47.80 49.90 y J & D Sporting Goods Directory Supplies 15.25 LOMM", Nelson, sullivan & Cole G. 8efeawn Attorney Fees 52.24 2,813.00` G. Simon Firemen pay Pa y ; 184.00 P: C. Weber B. Slipher Firemen y 16.00 7.42.00 k L. Anderson Fireaens; pay Firemen Pay 552.00 B. Mertens - R. Johnson Freaens Pay 544.00 814..00 G. Muelken Firemen Pay Pa 412.00 •. L. Johnson y 8. Peterson Play 712.00 712.00 264.00 ' G. Tang S• Firemen Pay Firemens Pay 438.00 Freebie B Aohbs Firemen Pay 712.00 480.00 ` !! Inman Fi Fireaens Pay 340.00 a L Kerkar B. Weber Piranns pay 618.00 210.00 A Borchardt Firemen pay Fireaens Pay 48.00` K- Mingberg u . T Muelken Firemeus Pay 578.00 224.00 4D RMXW ke Fi=eaiens Pay 316.00 J Moelken Firanens <Aay Firemens -pay 338.00 8: Silfverston " J. 0 16eefe Firemen Pay 320.00 356.00 . .. D. Bnwain Firmens Pay Firmens Fla 680.00 °J. Pre hal R. ldubi sewek Fib pay '618.00 9x.00 t ,Bothaf Firemen Pay 652.00 J. fthowy Firemens Any Fireaens pay 354.00 ry ' M. Lyn Be ' 8awn Pi .mans Any 758400 480.00 J.,' l4rniu des Firemen Any Fireens,pa 936.00 > C:.8cbniat n J• 'Clams Fire men y 574.00 364.00 8.; Jainson Fireaens Pay Firawms Pay 508.00 W Ai n Wielding Supplies 974.00 Richard P 11m Repair Supplies 9`692 79.00" " Robert NAl.lister ' , Car Allo Animal Control 150.00 363.02 861.ZC.,16185& x� State Trees. -Hd. of Engineering J. L. 8hely Co . Membership Pies ��- 100.00 Street Maintenance Supplies Street Maintenanoe Supplies 117.64 x 8�ptsd 1Graeiaer &Sons ?3 Muailmr &� °r Street Nikintenence �wies ! 5,690.79 38.08 Joti�son Street. Maintenance Stf�Lies 286.05 ��• T+r y A Berson Ca _ 18.73 Brice loo Itasaaipeent �?� Car Allowanoe 150.00 150.00 .� Pepnr Supplies 58.00 �,, _ -. ^ex'Sr.Y�!nuL.ksi_.,, ,; : r , n' • ..;e ° ° ' . . , _, , - ....,. .,.. s . Dolores Berens �t Res Bros, Sons Library Cleaning 75.00 l M il�� Iaarkinq Lot Car AllowAnce 1,029.00" ' Jack S Mari Weldon � Instructor 150.00 9,6.00 R. v snaners Instructor Instructor 80.00 f,: Maureen Jandorf Jackie Dunham Instruc 22.00; 738.00 Medicine Lake Line Kitt Jabot Charter Bus 16.00 1.120.00 3f JWW Refund Deb Nbi�e� Pt nis vinje Refund 27.50 9.50 . ' ShOkope Public Utilities utilities 11.00 Prior Lake Aggregate Park Maintenance 17.43 WN 2,221.62 Vhn Waters Serco & Chemical Supplies a Lab Analysis 207.90 24.00 l MNOC ANOC SAC Charges 14,736.25 Wald' or PUMP . Sfcn ader B1odc Cb. Installment v 36;692 4,025 00 ,l h r Tri - state Ptaip a Control wping p :# 78.00 312.18 _ Prior Ban State Hank -pi Bautie at. Paaul Library 36,582,60 Ts �� k Bank 11p1s Pa� �nt Charges 16.076.25 6.00 Valley Asvinq &M BentgM i Sons Estimate No 5.,` 39,151.49 Las■�sn,. tetlaan, Sullivan i Cole ZrAtont Tastin Calmut Ave.: Attorney Pees (� 1 Cb. g o r Professional Services 1,236.50 2.131.30:.; I supplies z 142.93 .Its6T- 81i[6iIL�'�Pt�ID First Trust Ca. `qf st Paul NorWVt Bonk tats. Debt Servi 62,037.50 Debt service. 99,567.7,.0 * AV H21p it hirst 'Frost A. Paul Bond Fees 545.00 } v