HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 02 19859 f- 2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE r f M MMMM Y A - Mornaay, December 2, 1985 CALL 70 OROER 7.30 p.m, 1. Pledge of All- -Jianoe y ' 2 . Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payuent on 2besday, December 3, 1985 3. Mr. Jack Oakes - General Discussion on Rural Prior Lake 4. Consider Bob Brown P.U.D., ° 5. Mr. Wall y Langtarst - C ontinue Discussion on Lift Station '6* Discuss Upcoming Referendum on Optional Forms of County Gaven uent - � 7• Consider Authorization to Start Cor�snnation .I> r` Process Proj for North Sho 80 Status Report of Priorwiood Development U ry 9. Consider Request from St. Michael's for Um Year's Sve rarY 3.2 Beer License for " 10. Appoint Deputy .Health Inspector' 11. Repo from City Manager Review Committee 12. Other Business �. a k l - n rd =: by 13. c) Announcements and G , a) Next Council b) Meeting - Monday, December 9, 1985 at 7 :30 p.m. � a -= 1 11. J � k (612) 4474= IM DAKOTA "STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, E, MINNESOTA 568M, j a . 1 v . R 4 V � ' CITY OF PRIOR LA K E MINMW or n CITY CWWIY, ' December 2, 1985 The OMM0n Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on calm 1985 at 7:30 p.m, in the City Council Chamb Monday, Mayor Johnson 'i meeting to order. Scott, Thorkelson, City Manager iyc( ire, City Mayor Planner Gr and members City Atto ` Nae8el. Conncilmsmber Schweich arrived at 7:35 p.m.' < , Mayor Johnson asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. g The minutes of the November 25, 1985 mee and the invoices scheduled for PaYt on may. December 3 1985 were reviewed Minutes by Thorkelso�, seconded by Busse, to a the 'council. Motion was made & Inoxces ,+ ccept minutes and approve the invoices 00 st"itted,-and upon a, vote taken, was duly passed. Mr. Jack Oakes addressed the ` Council regarding g issues such as ordinances antennas, mill rates, assessed valuation and fire and pol protection for rural Prior Lake. Discussion by the Council and audience f 011000 d regarding the me for distinguish Cskee Asked that he be allowed to address the co«u rural and urban areas. Mr January, 1986. �i1 on these issues again in The next item on the a genda was to consider the Bob Brown P.U.D. City Plane Grayer indicated that Mr. Bob Brown contacted ' him and asked that this item `be P.U.D tabled for one Week. It was the consensus of the council to table the item until a future date to be determined. ' Next on they agen& Was to continue discussion of the Wail ; City Manager McGuire indicated Mr. a esngtwrst Lift Lanahorst sus of r had requested item be tabled for. one week. It was the consensus the Council to that this Lift table this. station item until December 9, 1985. The next iteea on the agenda was to discuss the upcom forws' of county government. City Manager McGure presented on optional „ presented Resolution 85-32 encouraging support of the Gowen nnr_nt Study C7oeenissirn � will be only two options on, the ballot at the AeOO ations. There 1985 and City Menmger McGuire S1?ecial Election on December 17, Con t options. Di Pointed out that Resolution 85-32 was changed to scussion by the Council and audience followed. a Con expressed. that information regarding,"the Commission recommendations MWWWr McGuire spe cial election was not being made available to.the public. city Qocrren�eent tad that copies of the Final Report of Scott County at City;Hft Study Caamission would be made available in the Library and ce,' w»o 1629 DAKOTA STREET S.E: P.O. SOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Motion was made by Thorkelson seconded by Busse, to adopt Resolution 85- 32Res.85 -32 °= Encouraging the Voters of the City of Prior Lake to Vote in Favor of theRE Special Government Study Caemission Recommendations, and - upon a vote taken, was dulyReferendui. :Psd.. !} The .next item on the agenda was to consider authorization to begin the condemnation process for the North Shore Project. City Manager McGuire reported that the easement descriptions for the pro have been be opened on December 3, 1985. In order for the ct to b ed and bids will year and to insure that easements will be available o l 1 1 99 6, next condemnation process should begin now. City Managerr mire explained the ed that property owners, will be contacted for the signing of the easements and upon the " signing of the easements, their name will be removed from the condemnation Process. Discussion by the Council followed. k Motion was made by'Thorkelson, seconded by Scott, to authorize Staff to initiate No. Shore condemnation procedures for Project 82 -3, North Shore Trunk Sewer Project, upon a vote taken, was duly passed. and Conde. Process City Planner Graser informed the Council of the ,status of the Priorwoae�D %orwood Developant.�w� raser indicated that the bsackt �- parking lot and the final grading have been d to th the treat and the D�svelop. Staff. The 1 completed to the satisfaction of Ping will be completed next year. Oc - Z, issued Within the next ten days.'' 1�enmits ,will be \ City Manager moire Presented to the Council a request from the Church of St. Michael for a t ` . emporary 3.2 beer license for their New Year's Bv►' Mr. McGuire indicated that the application fee had been paid and the certificate of liability insurance was being acquired. Motion en was made by Buase, seconded licse for St. Michael's contingent se by, Scott, to approve a temporary 3.2 beer Temp 3.2 insurance, and upon receipt, of the certificate of Beer Lic. upon a vote taken, was , duly Passed._ St. Mich. City Manager McGuire informed the `Council that Dr. Olaf Lukk, Inspector for approximately the past fifteen years, d f r o Health Position and a r has resigned fray that replacement needs to be followed. appointed. Discussion by the Council Motion was Made' by Thorkelson, seconded by Busse, to direct Staff to prepare and Deputy u send a, resolution to Dr. Olaf Lukk thanking him for his Deputy Aealth Inspector, and upon a vote taken, was duly ears ass of service as Health y Ped. Inspector Motion was made by= Scott, seconded by Busse, to . Park Nicollet Clinic as Deputy Health appoint vo Don Lynch s" the passed._ Inspector, and upon a vote taken, was" Next on the agenda was the report from the City Manager Review Committee. Johnson exPlainsd�P at each CouncJlmember Mayor completed an evaluation form of the City Managerr. and the Review Committee. consisting of Mayor Johnson and Clmmilmem6er Scott, met with Mr. McGuire on results of the review. November 25, 1985 t report the Mayor Johnson read the report of the. Review Coaemittee for the record. City ty Manager McGuire was rated outstanding l in almost al categories of the review,bbut the following areas needed continued work: l continue to improve staff dealings with the public; (2) it was reopamended that -2- accrued vacation time off i Mr. McGuire should take more - " , Jn the Vissatiew to enthusiasm and avoid p � potential nce 1 variances, etc. It Wes the recommendation of the Review Casnittee that his permits, Of $/6,200 be increased by 8•� ( (53 p allowance, to $300 per month. Discussion by the audience and Oouneil followed. Mayor J Johnson further explained that the percent of "increase` was determined by the positive res ponse review and r r c Y a a . Noti was Manager F �, eeeonded by 1larkelson, o f Y age r to approve the salary se increa re by 8.54 and increase h his automobile and general ,City allb to $300 per month based upon a very positive Muisaer wanoe ' u Council ar 2horkelson reported that the street lights. on Highway 13 particularly at'the traffic lights, g go out for short periods of time. r r The next Council meeting will be Monday, December 9, 1985 at 7:30 pm. . There being no further business, the motion was made A A `" } THE FMIZWING LIST OF INVOICES ARE SC HEM FOR PAYMENP ON TOES. DEC. _ 03, 1985 ' State Treasurer State Treasurer City Share - PIC# 1,898.86 Clary Business Machines City Share - FERN Office Svppiie+s 2,576.87 Shakopee Oil Co. Machine Rental Meter Charge 104.00 Prior Lake 0760 Frans Engineering Fuel Vehicle Repairs 726.75 Supplies 162.92 Potty "Qwh Davies a Davies Agency P ro fessi onal 87.62 FARM w< COW Ming Products City Bull Cleaning Dopier Rental s.SUpp�les 280.00 250. 237.67 ,Pitne Ltt Mlefllaur '\ Machine Rental 125.50 Trail Tit and Padio Shack Mil eage Equipment !laintenanoe 18 %MWil'JoL Printing i office Supply Rieard lbwell, Printed lbrss 153.54 Clothing Allaw ce �0� • Deeinis Clothi ng AilaManoe 0 ; •. AWenort Clothing Allowenoe Clothing Allawrrme 222.00 rs ., '. Bug,rw! 8�ith Clo 222.00 � . Robert soe Clo thing _AllaMSnce Clothing Allowrnoe 222.00 222.00 •\ llarben: Photo 8exvicx Clothing All aiwnoe "ma iias 148.00 ��. J D sporting Goods M1ehoold Mlobors 107.30 3:50 :,: Gordon C. Anderson Whicle Training 14;.00 \ s 80.00 Creative Grapi = dmargenC.y' Medical Products Printed aq*ies' 34.45 4 ' lebulanoe 8upp�ti sa 152.76 ftt4 . Su Yi9 Instruments Inc. } , 9uppl as 201.% Zi �a hMc r Ita�caet Repair 8lappilies `' fir dies 2,670.20 4 C i.E Lean i Marine Inc. Seall T 161.77 l8RlkersoMi s 1 961141. Wigging 14 i DquiPent Vlehicle Repairs 276.86 1,435.08 ` % tt Co.- 8utwoyors Office Engineering Fees Pla 150.00 29.00 Metro low Iiie Action Lighting tal�es Repair Sbpplies 26.00 58.15 ;I NOda. Rop M Grinnell Senior Citizen 75 00 J.L. Shiely Bdwmck EkluiPmt Maintenance SuWies Parking 26:74 & Hennen Ndiwara Contracting C6. Lot Parking Lot Bill Mangan Parking, Lot 1,137.50 50,358.96 Md rog The IbiNbursament for Conference 102.25 Medicine Lake Lines amerk," Park Progrm Chartor Bus 98.75 _ 'llis: V inje Instructor 176.0 0 Both Dahl Aefund, Flefund 35.00 3.00 J110 Batch Sales co. 7.00 Pragtw Liviber co. 84*1148 Park MRint. SuWies 216.67 V, 54.18 %t*r ftOdUCt8 CD. Mxio Petro-am I Motor motors ChURICals 401.29 swtt County T QMUrer f CIO" Associates Tax" Professional Services 659-03 Vila 4,4".19 DM*Ant Tisting Co. Nagihmering roes 807.38 ChVin Publishing Cb. ftefessiamal Services, %8 90 Did Wishing 4,