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LIaT, 'RESMUTION5 MR 1975 RATE` DE. �JXPTCN !. 75-1 Hunger Day r. 2/17/75 75-2 Federal" Revenue sharing 3/3/75 75• -5 " Easements for Sewe7e, watetmains. Storm, 3/17/75 Drains '75-6' open Meeting &pia 1 3/17/75 1 15-8 Scott:-Rice , telephone Co. gt 3/17/'75 "G G' 75 - 9 RR �& Telephone Gross Earning Taxes to 14/7/75 Cities ;> 4a75 -1t� Opposing Equ : 14ghts Amerdwift e 4/7%i5 ; U 7-5-08 =�.- Memorial Park Hrani�& Head` Southeast �. 6/`12,/75 75-11 orderly Annex4tion spring hake Tavnsh p 6 /16/75 j 's �pgrtion)' , - 75 -12 Upgrading County Bridge at "l rows" in. 6/23/75. Prior Lake 75-13 Removal of Assessment paid by Richard 7/21/75 y Ryan, 75-14 County Participation in Pathway _Along 7/2],/75 CSAH 44 , Wet Suit Equipment and Personnel 12/15/75 75-16 Acquisition of;sand;Pointe Beath 12/15/75 75-17 „ Establishing IKunicipai State Aid, Streets 12/22/75 ` t 75`-18 Grant to Acquire C)pen 46$ `e i2/15/75 x� •n r, t , a ,