HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-034' RESOLUTION 4 793 RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COAuL AUTHORIZING THE- 0.` SCOTT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS10NERS • TO UNDERTAKE A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ,�r = WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF PRIOR LAKE iY11EREAS, there is a need in the City of Prior take for o— a }lousing Assistance progra'sn to be efit low and moderate in" ome .. ,homeowners t and.� WHEREAS, a'pordi;ng to Minnesota Special Law 479, 1974,. the Prior Lake Oxty" .Courlcil must ;approve the operation and Iocation r, =o' Community Development•` Block Grant program to be i ndertaken by the Scott County'�Housi,ng and Redevelopment Authority 'within the V boundaries ff thi s''` city and WHEREAS'''` the SGOtt {County Board of Commissioners , will. submit an i; application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban " Development for funds under the Housing and Community Development Act 1/ "e of 1977 and cooperation between the Scott: County Board of Commissioners ° and"tho is ,essential to effect the implemen- A x Cation o, the proposed Community Devcl= opmcnt Block Gri3nt Program, within 'this Cit r � oa' h . i NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,, by' th'e Cif Council of Prior Lake ;. at follows : Q r£ 1. The Community pcvelopmentrBlock Grant Program for a� HAP Implefinenation to be u`hdcrtaken by the Scott u � 3 County Board' of Commissioners is, approved and supported. 2. The Prior Lake City Catami lhereby; approves" the attached .'" cooperation agreement and authorizes its execution by the , Mayor and Administrator 1 a�nc wall cooperate with the Scott County"Baard of Commissioners ° in all aspects of'the Community Development 'Block Program Q a L . activity iq such lsiwful .,c or ways as the CUUnty end the Gi:ty of Prior Lak e_M M f %nd ncGassary. fhe Scott Count "Housing and Redcvclopmcnt Authority is hereby authorized to undertake within'the Citv of !'rior. La j( " "''' 4 such programs; at. such locations as provided in the a Development Block Grant Program of the Scott County. of Commissioners. On motion Councilman Busse Seconded by Councilc P .T Adopted by this 100, -day 0. I RESOLUTION 79-34 t � a RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL AUT11OR1"I.TNG THE RESOLUTION SCOTT COdNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS a TO UNDERTAKE A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLACK GRANT PROGRAM r, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF PRIOR LAKE 10IEREA5; ttaere is a need in the City of Prior Lake for a 11ousing Assi��tance program to benefit low and moderate income homeowners, and a WHEREAS, according to Minnesota Special Law 479, 1974, the, �' 3 Prior bake City C ouncil must approve the operation and location of a Community 1)e Block Grant program to be undertaken by , the Scott County housing and Redevelopment Authority tioithin the bound�airies-- of thi - s� city; and IIEREAS, the Scott'County Board of Commissioners will submit an applicAion to the United States Department of Housing and Urban . Aeve1ppment for fund`s under the Housing and C ommunity Development Act of 1977 andzeooperat`ion between the Scott County Board'of Commissioners an4; the r, Mrs of prii r - t.akP; _ is essential to effect the impl emen- taition of 'the pxoposcd t`ummunity DevelopTncnt Block Grant-. Program within this City NOW, THEREFORE BE�IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Prior Lake r ,' as follows: , 1. The Community Development Block Grant Program for HAP Implemenation to be undertaken by the Scott 7` County,Board of Commissioners is approved and supported. #° J'i 2. The Prior Lake City Counai lhereby approves_ the. attached cooperation agreement and authorizes its by the Mayor .. and Administrator. } f ann,,will cooperate with the Scott County Board of Commissioners in all aspects of the Community Development Block.Program �activity 341 such lawful acti6n' or ways as the County and the ' City of Prior L may `fi neccss;tpy.,. 3. The Scott County !lousing and Redevelopment Authority is hereby authorized'to:> undertake within -the City of Nrior Lake such programs at such locations as provded`in the Community .Development Block Grant Program of the Scott Cobhty Board j of Commissioners. ..I Councilman Busse Seconded by �uncilman Watj On motion Co Adopted, b this 10th day o Ss+ , 1979. Ado p Y f ptembar i> 1 J �� t�esolut�on �q - �« RESOLUTION'BY THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE SCOTT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO UNDERTAKE A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ?' WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF PRIOR LAKE � 8 1 - - R ^ WHEREAS - ,'there is a heed In the City of Prior Lake for a Housing Assistance program to benefit low and moderate income homeowners; and WHEREAS, aceording.to Minnesota Special Law 479,- 1914, the Prior Lake Council " must approve the operation'`and location' ' o a Community Development Block Grantk� program to be undertaken by the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority within the boundaries of'this city; and h , WHEREAS, the Scott!County Board of Commissoncrs will submit an application to the, United States DepartmenV Housing and Urban Development for funds under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977, and 000p`eration between the Scott County Board of Commissioners >' and the'. �,' is essential to effect the impleme'n- ° tation of the proposed Community Development Block Grant Program within this City NOW, THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council'of Prior Lake ` as follows: .a. 1. The Community Development Block Grant Program for HAP Im lemenation to, be undertaken by the Scott;., County Board o, Commissioners is approved and supported: Prior Lake City Counci lhereby`'approves= the attached cooperation agreement and authorizes its execution by the, . [ Nayor sand Administrator 2 atr a#d will cooperate with the Scott County Board of commissioners in all aspects of the Vommunity Development Block Program activity in such lawful action) or ways as the County and the Cii w of Prior >Lite maw find,, neces`sary. _ fife a 3'. T-ho` Scott County and Rede Authority is hereby 14* :, authorized' to undert, . wi the C'tX Qf` Prior Lake' tb such programs at such locations as provided im the Community - D'evelopmeilt Block Grant Program of the Scott County Board of Commissioners. C @,` ' & On motion _� ._ Seconded' adopted 'by this d lPf ! ?'� —�rj ,t . 1979. .� -r Ayes: :Nays': Q APproved: Mayor Attest: p \ G o g- r o G`` 4