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Resolution Adopting-Records Retention Schedule "
Motion by: Bissonett Seconded by - :, Thorkelson
WHEREAS, M.S. 138.163 reads, as follows; "it is the'policy,of the Legislature
that the disposal an "a preservation of public r, 'c
that con tro'Ited
exclusively by Chapter 138,and,by Laws 1971, Chapter "529, thus, no .
,prior, special or general statute shall be construed to;_aut,horize:,
or pervent the disposal -of publ ic. records at a,time or in a manned"
different than prescribed, by such-chapter or by Laws 197 1,x Chapter
529 and no general or special statute'anacted subsequent to
ChappeT >'529 shall 'be construed to authorize or ; the-
d1- -?oSal of *public records at a time or, in'a manner i fferent than
prescribed in this chapter or .in Laws 1971, Chaptef 529 unless it
expressly exempts such records fram'the;Provisi.ons of sugh chapter u
: „.
, v and Lags 1971, Chapter S29 by �specviral 'referance -to thi s sect i on ";.
WHEREAS. theM unici P al Clerks and Finance Officers Association of Minnesd`ta
have developed a standard °records retention schedu.la for. records
common to most Minnesota munic +pa.lities which has been approved by
a the Minnesota Department of Administration, the 'Minnesota Historical
Society, the Minnesota State ;auditor and'the Minnesota Attorney
General.; and
"WHEREAS, the classification of records as herein described, are in4tuded in the
above mentioned Records Retention Schedule; =�
HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOUEk THAT. the Ci of Prior Lake C i` y Council 'does i
hereby adopt the,approved`°Records Retention °Schedu,le developed by the - Municipal
Clerks and Finance'Officers Association of Minnesota as, follows: (Please find
9 ,f
"BEAT FURTHER RESOLVE!? THAT a copy of this resolution be submitted to Xhe;Minn.
nesota HisEorical Society.
Adopted by the Prior Lace City Council on this 25th day
` 4\
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(612) 441- 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAO, MINNESOTA,'�5372
mum" 1110
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Resolution Adopting Records Retention Schedule
Motion by:, Bissonett !f Seconded by: Thorkelson
WHEREAS, M.S. 138.163 reads as follows: "It is the p6licy of the Legislature
records be controlled
that the disposal and preservation of public
exclusively by Chapter 138 and by Laws 1971, Chapter 529, thus, no,
prior,, special or general f "statute shat 1 be construed to authorize
or pervent the disposal of, records at a time or in a manner v
d i f fe�ent than prescribed by such cha.pt°�� by Laws 1971, Chapter
to Laws
529.and no general or special statut4i anacted subsequent
1971, Chapter. 529 shall be construed to ,authorize or prevent the
disposal of public records at a time or in a manner different than
prescribed in this chapter or in Laws 1971', Chapter unless it
expressly exempts such records from the .,provie)ions of such chapter
y s
and Laws 1971 , Chapter'529 by spec=i.aJ_,reference to this section
and r,
WHEREAS:.. P fihe, Municipal Clerks and Finance-'Officers Association of' Min n
fia e` developed a standard records retention schedule for records
common to- most'Minneso.ta municipalities which has been approved by
the Minnesota Department of Administration, the Minnesota'
State Auditor and the Minnesota Attorney
Society, the Minnesota
General; and
WHEREAS, the classification of records as here in °described. are incFluded in the
above mentioned Records Retention Schedule;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Prior Lake City Council does
the approved Records Retention Schedule developed by the Municipal
hereby adopt
Clerks nd Finance Officers Association of Minnesota as follows; (Please find,;
dE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of.this resolution be submitted to the "Min°
: -'
nesota.Historical Society. =
Adopted by the Prior Lake City Council on this 25th day of,„ August 1:980•
Al '
{612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINldESOTA' 55372