HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-023RESOLUTION -23 y RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE SCOTT COUNTY BOARD OF CO*IISSIONERS TO UNDERTAKE A CO*iUNITX DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF PRIOR LAKE �7 WHEREAS, there is a need in the Prior take< a }lousing Assistance program to benefit low and moderate income homeowners; and 14HEREAS, according to iminnesota Special Law 479, 1974, the City of Prior Lake must approve the operation and location of a Community Development Block Grant. program to be undertzl en:, -,by the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority within the' boundaries of this city; and IMEREAS,, the Scott County Board of Commissioners will submit an application to the States Depar =tment of Housing and 'Urban Development for funds under the Housing and Community Development Act ' of 1977 and cooperation between the Scott - County Board of commissioners Nc and the Ci 3y council of Prior"? Lake is - essential to effect the implemen - tation of the proposed Community Development Block Grant Program within this city NOW, 4HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City,of Prior Lake as follows: ,r I. The Community Development Block Grant Program! for to be undertaken the ) Scott b' City of. Prior. Lake Y ° County Board of Commissioners is approved and supported.. 2. The I City of Prior hereby approves the attached cooperation agreement and authorizes its execution by the Mayor .' and : City Clerk/Administrator, and will cooperate with the Scott C ^aunty Board oftCommissione'rs ,'in all aspects of the Community Development Block Program activity in such lawful action or ways as the=County and the City of Prior`Lake may find necessary,. _ 3. The Scott%County Housing Redevelopment Authority is hereby authorized to undertake within the City of Prior Lake such programs at such locations as provided in the Community o Development Block Grant: Program of the Scott,County Board . of Commissioners. motion Thorkelson Seconded by Busse Adopted by this 3rd day of Novemlicr 0 01980. , j _ Ayes: Mayor Stock Nayes: Absent; Councilman Watk „ihs Councilman Busse' Councilman Thorkelson P Approved: nt:Councilman Watkins } b Mayor Attest: Wal ter,,A. Stock „ Michael A. McGuire, City Manager 4 ' ;v v 1.9 10$0 CITY OF ,` f PRIOR ILAK �• Thy }r COUNTY OF'SCOTT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1981 JOINT COOPERATION AGREEMENT I. PARTIES _ 1. The parties to this; agreement are government units of.the State of Minnesota. This agretment.,,is made pursuant to Minnesota a ` Statutes„ Section 471.59, ,as amended by Laws 1,973, Chapter „431. 2. The parties to this agreement are the County of Scott and the Gity/mc nsh ? of Prier Laki: 3. In consideration• of the mutual covenants and promises contained in this agreement, the parties mutually agree to „the terms•of the conditions contained herein. i n 4. Each of the parties hereto understands and agrees that Scott o County is the applicant under the 1981 Small Cities Community s° Development'Block Grant grogram and will be responsible fore.: all the work to be performed under said,grant and will'be the recipient of all administrative fees arising under said grant. , pr.,ogram. Q ; DEFINITIONS ` -Ior 1. purposes of this a�reement, the.terms defined iin this � 1 section have meanin,.`.�en them..- J f \ Community Dev,elopment�)�� a.� "The Act” means the Housing an Act of` 1974', as amended. b. Regulations °t means the rules and regulations pro -, mulgated pursuant, to the Act. «; � ' co '-'IiU ll means, the United States Department of Housing and ; j urban Development. �. d. "Co aerating City means .,any -unit of general local, government j in this county which has entered into a; cooperation' agreement Which,is substantially identical ,to this agreement. l k 2. The definitions` contained in Section .102 of this Act and Section' i 570.420(c) of the Regulation are incorporated by reference j a • in this agreement and made a part hereof. r , 11 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to authorize Scott County to cooperate with the'City /- T-orns rig of Prior Lake in the submission of a preapplication and full:,application fort Federal grants under Subpart F of the Regulations, and in undertaking or assist in undertaki,ng� essential eommuriity development and housing assistance activities, specifically pur- suant to Community Development Block Grants as authorized by the Act and n the Regulations. IV. SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES 1. Scott County agrees and will contract to undertake, and contract to out within the terms of this agreement, certain projects involving one or more of the essential, activities eligible for funding under the Act. % 2. Scott County agrees in the undertaking of such essential activities to provide the following -services: a. Scott County will have prepared a grant preapplication and, if ` . invited by HUD, a grant application, forJunds in behalf of the Coopl'rating_City in accordance with the provisions of Subpart F �, of the Regulations. ` b. County will .submit, or have submitted, its preapplication' ,,Scott and, if invited by HUD, its application for funds in behalf of 'the - �64qperating City to HUD in such form and with such certi- fications as are required.,. 3. The parties' mutually agree to cooperate fully in the preparation of, he preapplications and the application for, a grant. 4. Tge parties mutually agree to comply with all 'applicable requiremants of the Act and the Regulations in the use of grants, the Community Development Program and the Housing Assistance submitted pursuant ­ .. 'to 'to the Act and the Regulatio 5. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to lessen or :abrogate Scott Count's responsibility'to assume Alf obligations of an appli - '.cant under the Act, including'the of the Housing a Assistance Plan, the Community.,Develop6pnt Program, and certifica- tion to. be signed by it; provided,_ however, that the Housing Assistance 'a?lan so developed> shall relate to each Cooperating City in which - Activities are,,to be,carried -out, shall,be adopted by the governing body of each .Cooperating City, and ` shall. -be consistent with any other Housing Assistance Plan application tothe County and Coopera- ting Cities.' ` V. ALLOCATION OF BASIC GP.AXT A_ TS t. . Up to tea percent of'the total grant received under the Act shall be retained for the purposes of defraying administrative and �. other costs in performing services for - Cooperating es, in under — r" taking essential activities as such terms are'defined by the Act'' o and the Regulations. „ 2. The balance of the 'basic grant .mount; received under ",the Act "shal`1 •3 he, allocated as described in the application. VI j sti �yiPECIAL " PROVISION City of Prior Lake and ' County mutually agree `'to indemnify , u ". -.and hold harmless, party from any c]aims, losses, cots, expenses L or damages °` «resuilting i'romm the ' acts or osni ssioris ". of theirs respective to'activit,es conducted by officers„ ragents.., and 5 eployees re]atig either party under this agreement, the Act, or,the Regulations. �1 r - 6 ' � � ` It • rr � 4 H 'VIII FINANCIAL hL4TT t,RS 1. n All fiends, received ]y Scott County under the Act shall• •be deposited in a special fund !�, ` 2. 'Scott; county agrees'l,to maintain, or have maintained, financial and other records ;and accounts�•in accordance with the requirements of the Act,.and ReguTat,i,oni, Such records and accounts will be in such form as to permit reports required by'the Act or Regulations to be n prepared therefrom and to per m it, the tracing of funds' to final r expenditure. 3, Scott, County agrees to matte available total-1 reasonablt' to Federel�i,fi s.' City and County aut}iorized personnel, and authorized all records and a ccounts respect to matters covered'by this agreement. Such records shall be retairjed as provi -ded by law, but in n o event f o r =a period,,of �ess -than three �!enrs from the effective date of 'this agreement:.. 4. Scott County agrees: to perform, or have - performed ^ °all necessary audits of funds red eve i from HUD and d, to "make available such audits to kUD at such`" time's as may 'by necessary to' comply with a. it requirements under, the Act and Regulations. a �� 4 , fir V11, TERMINATION The ''term this" agreement is for a period „eo,�encing on its effective date Anil;, en in year after the awardih o'f the rant by BUD, or ,unt3 the grant is expended, 'whiche� =ez• oecurs�'7 Ater. p 0 4 s If no grant is awarded by HUD, t@is agree -gent shall i;,anediately terminate.. . IX. EFFECTIVE DATE 1., This agreement shall be executed by)the appropriate .officers of :City of Prior Lake and Sc #ott County pursuant to J authority''granted them cby their respective governing bodies, frr/ and a copy of the authorizing resolution and executed agreement shall be Iriled promptly by the City In the Office of the County Administrator. t 2. This agreement is effective-:on the date when the cooperation agreement has been filed as provided in Section 1 of this`Article. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed b duly authorized officers and delivered on its behalf, this "3rd d of Nove 1980. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE o , By a ter - ck, ay r ' And z Michael A. McGujrej Ci Manager COUNTY OF SCOTT , STATE OF MINNESOTA t 1, -= B Y � � w an Scott County Board) And istant County Administrator) 0 Q , �A