HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-015, a A ° f CITY OF PRIOR LAKE RESOLUTION "81.15 A Resolution Commending Cindy Westerhouse ' Motion by;: Watkins Seconded by: Thork.lsnn MMEREAS. Ci ndy Wast or been the Executive Secretary for the Ci +� WMtREAS,,Cindy Westerhouse has proved herself outstanding in her capabilities and skills as a Executive Secretary: { MNEREAS,, the Mayor, City Council and Staff wish to commend her for t done for the, Cit of Prior Lake.,, NOIf, THEREFORE wo It I t RE c� r SOLVED THAT the Mayor, City Couneii and a Staff of the City of Prior Lake wish to express their gratitude f ta++ards Cindy Westerhouse and wish her success in every endeavor t }, sib eo es up". P6486I and adopted this 2g;h day of July, 1981. �= yES a, No Oe16 i noJ, stock X Stock i4 n tt �x Sissonatt x .. Busse r7hhNirl olson X Thorkd i son Watkins Watkins a r , 0 / Waitir A. Stock May iit' of Michael A. McGuire Cit Prior Lake,,, >I ' y City of Prior Lake y Mina 0 er ' Zvi— .•.. r. �.. • A "': )' —` I'..". t : "^ S,r 'a .131'.:1.;. -.? .. C � , RESOLUTION RE UESTING 1980 -81 LOCAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE pISCRETIONARY GRANT FUN QS FR)M 7HE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.RS2- 473,80, required that the city of Prior Lake Prepare and submit a comprehensive plan to the Metropolitan Council; anJ WHEREAS. the Metropolitan' Council and the city of Prior Lake have entered into a contract numbered '7753 dated November 18, 1977 was subsequently amended on June 21. 1979; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has allocated.S512.o0 to the city of Prior Lake in additional grant funds for 1980 -81; and 4HEREAS, the city of Prior Lake has completed the planning program required of it the Metropolitan Land Planning Act; and by q WHEREAS, the'actual total cost of the required planning activities was as' documented by the final progress report attached hereto; and WHEREAS. the Metropolitan Council has established a discret of,,financial resources; and ionary fund from which to make awards to local units demonstratng,;a need for additional funds and haying a lack WHEREAS, the city of Prior Lake belie ves that it is qualified to received discretionary ,funds. as demonstrated on the attached application form, and WHEREAS, the total / rants from the Metropolitan .Council of $15,300,00 not exceed 7S percent of the total actual cost of carrying out the required p:anning; and ° L � MHi11t1:AS Y Y , grant funds from other sources, plus Metropolitan , { ounct1 , grants, will not exceed 160 percent of the- actuar planning cost. NOM 71IEREFORE, the city of Prior Lake requests $6,336.00 in 1 81'diacret ono;; refsrenfunds a on e authorizes Michael McGuire to y grant execute the Agreeftnt Amendment+ to the above- -' c Its behalf. , Adopted by C ity Counct1/ a _ this 17 t winy of Au at 1 19 81 By Tftle Walter A. Stock. Ma City of PFFo taa A ttat- M ;r 6 (C Title. Michael A. McGuire, ClW manager, City of prior Lake r� mll 3 `i ' t t 9. Second, priority All with other disarotionaryy fund requests will be considered respect to the following: i 1. Timeliness - Date ;on which the application was - i - id reee. and the data on which the review oj the local unit's plan was completed. Earlier dates will receive higher priority. - 2 9 DZmonstr &d nl* for funds, including 'especially those local units that have MA to revise their plans to\be consistent with systems plans that the Council may have amended prior to July 1. 1980. r 3. Available fingacisl resources including the "VeLative wealth- of t the _ocal unit and other sources of funds available to the local unit. 40 Consistency and Conformit - Degree to which the - uni t's plan s consistent with all Council plans, and in conformity with Council system plans. S. procedures Satisfied - Degree to which the local unit s con orme o the procedural requirements of the Act. J„ 6• �a ords Adequacy of local unit's financial records to ocument actual costs. The Council will conaidoe the application submission date in its ranking of e�; : :plioations. P28OWTIONe!��.ctech the !U ds. a sesolrution from the governing body requesting (se Appendix for 9 sample resolution.) y !' S. r n t'. APPENDIX 1980 -81 Discretionary rand Appl cation'form- (Revised 5/14/81) s Name of Local Unit City of Prior Lake Name of Local Contact Person Michael McGuire Address tak e, Minnesota Telephone Numbe _ DRBCAIPT20N# Briefly describe below the specific basis for the local units request for disacetionary,funds. ?he cost of the Planning Program wits higher than expected °due to extensive work in the area of utility planning and land use policy. " AMOUNT REOv=STEOt = 6 336.00 Note: Total grants � i;j'Zouncil may not exceed 75 percent � of the actual cost of carrying out the requirements of the NetropolitanLand Planning Act, as documented by the final - Progress report. Pastheseore, total grants from the Council plu r grants from other &wee** (3100 701, Cosa# Critical Areas CSTA) may,not exceed 100 percent of the actual cost. „4! o AiLi MN881P TO AMWD CRI'1' ZA The award criteria to be used by the Council are provided below. On the reverse aid*# explain how the local unit's request relates to these criteria. A. rir�sio �< Requests from local units that will receive first priority consideratin are those that were preallocated little or no 1910 -11 funds due to r.,�ts funding limits based on the ch . original east estimates it turned out�ta be less than the actual Maio. Under this first priority status., a local unit may be awarded an amount�equsl to the' additional amount it would have been preallocated under the 1980 -81 formula if " ,n�� limitations were imposed. Thts amount (called the guideline amount):,may be obtained by contacting i.inda Temaselli, Grants Coordinator, at 391 -6517. A 1960 -81 Amended Mork Program,(Appendix 8A of the grant 'guidelines) must be prepared and attached to this application. If the grant request exceeds this quideline amount award, the excess will be considered alonj, with the second priority requests. - 42 D A #41AW .. �� Maori LOA llfall itaN et Ca�wisy Os Co asri Local CensNs pess"i AddsMa + dfi31 nalce a street ToicMoo. 3•usber I prior Lake Minnesota i�.._�.. Wank ssoasar ' wu s assns • , Osi�levi I aaf•d an •aswi Comet ; i Coas' -- Dato - miter ?Affika aand tats att•d Coat Caoolasfd/Oast • Land us* Plas 1 x. tnva�sesr I s. 0•volepseag et i telieico A" P&G"$ j `� Land the :. I i 1000 ' i 1 3000 March 198 !. sset•ttion i 250 I 12SO March 1981 3• "qw 1000 1S00 March 1981 Ctnoid•sasioea Z � It* >?ae1141149 run < �J �►. trvneosy � ! � � f • owelopims of !` ` � 1' Ttata/NSBas<•tt , 1500 2000 i March 1981' sew: him = 3000 SS00 March 1981 � � pas" and OMn i8aca , S00 = =efisafsod >fUO�fa� 900 i March 1981, Aa ><mnetesr r •. Oevelap t of r / 3,8001409 a Oateosrtieat, Otftlai CeASSS3a �' !.. Cnktai t+�psr oeei, 1506 1500 J my 1981 �� �a 1. Owai ! IS00 st, =pirMtatiea l 3000 ! March 198'1 tY. rt it,es awll Adt�aicn •t, 750 750 x " March 1981 . v Q,t ><olai CMtfolo, ; . 1000 1000 ; December 1981 SaNl, CNS 48, seMt lrofsa0 112, 000 1 20,400 7 I ; ttMMloi AaMtNaato Other " t11M Cewtil OUs"@ t ttra f01• >)•1Ma�tl�llf :aft y' , 12 Ooo 211,4011 r , u , f� _