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. ��^�c i,++waa:w»r a, :ai'�+.a;.ww%wiw+a.x�� ..�a. r' =yr;�yuar Cr cr�`,ai� . :,i:.� _ _ d © CY � , r C. The statute provides that no such improvements shall � y = be made until the council shall have held a public hearing on' such improvements following mailed notice and two. publications �he'reof in the official newspaper, "stating time ,and place of . the „ gearing,, the general nature of,, the , improvement, the estimate costs thereof, and the area propose& - �to be assessed, in n accordance' with law; NOW THEREFORE`, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council, of the o s City of�-Prior Lake, Minnesota, as follows: IV 1 • � The City Council y 1 hereby find,,, determines and declares °- � that ,the Combined Improvements_, of 1984' ,.. shal °'i be. instituted and conducted as ° a single combined improvement'!in accordance -with t, `Minnesota. Stat!qtes, , Chapter 429. 011 2. A public-. fiearing will .,be held` at the time . and'. lace set forth' in the Notice of Hearing ,hereto attached to consider - t said-pr, sed improvements. 1! The `nature. of," the imprweme4ts' , ,the estimatdd cost of ; each�majoi portion thereof, and the areas proposed t�Q_'be 3 Y., assessed therefor are .described iri;the forte. of 'Not i 'e of: ring hereto attached.,, 4.. f Vhe notice, of said' public hr;ar�ng'sha1.1 be an u substani)ally the form conta �i inedn the' notice hereto; attached. Y z 0 , raThe City Manager is 'he eby.auths�ried dir'z meted to cause notice of said hea to iven Iiuti'licatons xn r the okf� i ,newspaper.' Said . g two publications sta'a11 be one.;,weetc u apart; and at least-: three d'ay shall elapse �,ietween the la at E 'PuYlicati+on.,andb the- hearings. Not less than ten days before the PP hearing the Manager shal]. mail notice of the hearing to'' theGf'' n 0 wner of each parcel of',aand within" the �ar'ea sed to tae 4 . `� ' t r 1 , pr��, o asa sed as described in. the 'notice. For the purpose of . auc , maa led notice, owners shall be thoF" shown to be such on r the: records of tYie County Auditor or,'_, if the tax statements in/ 11 tri`e arounty are mai:lgd. by',jthe Gounty Treasurer,, obi they' "records 4� f the County" Treasurer. As to properties not liatec on the ecord of, the 'County Auditor or the- Coun Treasurer; the JE Manager sta>;1 ascertain t3aucYi ownershi b an = p y y practicable means t and give mailed iidtice to. such owners. : , II ( n �.. ��C' ��?' M�A7WIFe7Ls� ,'s�++�iw.i�..wrxr7�%G+ar� r:, 4 + w � , . ,, ;`U.+a....msrx:.._�.,4•�_ , .,. �I;.. The motion ;for the adoption of - the foregoing ' res t ` �t was duly.` seconded, by .member Busse and upon a. vote being taken thereon, the following voted li favor thereof m .,1 and the following voted against,thesame Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and -adopted fill a LL ' 1 } r _ 7M .� ) .r AL r x C D 4 U •I a•/ � f � ' � f iF ` a - r• ,$ T 11 � tit G ' G FII j 3{y� I 0 41 - s it c n r t a t ddb fwwwi�9Yliu.nWTttF4�� f �. „K }t t tl n. °�i '• 7 7 .. ` A hts ' �,., r " o. =t\ • r: V I lr NOTICE OF PU LIC HEARING ON, IMPROVEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TIME AND PLACE: Notice is hereby y given that the �r City Council of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chambers inthe City Nall �r = in the City of Prior Lake Minnesota, At 8,:00 P.M. on June 18a '. 198 , to consider the construction _ of the following improvements, J ib tcrwlt: , !, yN� NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTr: The construction of street, curb, J f. r gutter, storm sewer and, Appurtenant,- work in the followiq three areas f of the City: l 4 Lakes Ade Crest County Road' o t Avenue Avenue 21 p Between_ Pleasant Between County Between nc+ µ Street` and.. Eagle Road 4? anti`` ` - trees and t Creek Avenue., Shore Lane., Trunk Hi hv,ar 1,. a . •i r S ESTIMATED COSTS' The total estimated cost o� said o improvements; is, $` 56,000, Q0 ARIBA, P�LPPOSED TO BE ASSES$PDa- The area proposed° to be.asses$ed - ° ;: tf for such improvements is every lot, piede parcei;of -,land whin' the City of Prior Lake';`bsnefited by t' n' 0 said improvements wiiethex Abatting thereon or . not, rba 4 . 6 ed o:i �bene'f its r 'receiVed and without regard�ko cashn � valuation. The City does not presently�,:ntn3 to assess aga�►st,''' r . property owners any ,po "rti of the w v� �, " costs -of the improvements on County ` Road,' 21. � ;AUTHORITY, i Thy : Council proposes 'to procaed under °r the authority granted /by ''Chapter ` X - 39 M:�S.A. � w '"7 77 �"! � � � � � \ � � ) � � ] » :x» . waw m <v � �. »» :mom w: . .< ... . . � :_ ::» «: . � :>y� � >.� � � y� w» <� « � � ; y <2i2 a y . . . . � © � » »« %\2 »wz... � . �: \ .z. ,_� ° » »� � . :«. . 2 <m«..??�m©