HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-010RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL f }iVELOPME:NT ACT, MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 474, AND THE JOINT POWERS ACT, MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 471.59, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL, AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, AND APPROVING THE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT i WHEREAS, the welfare of the .State of Minnesota (the "State ") requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound Industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and it is the policy of the State of facilitate and encourage action by local government units to prevent the economic deterioration of such areas to the point where the process can be reversed only by total redevelopment through the use of Local, state and federal funds derived from taxation, with the attendant necessity of relocating displaced persons and of duplicating public services in other areas; and WHEREAS, technological change t-ias caused a shift to a significant degree In the area of _opportunity for educated. youth to processing, transporting, marketing, service and other Industries, and unless existing and related industries are retained and new Industries are developed to use the available resources of the City of Prior Lake (the "City "), a large part of the existing investment of the community and of the State as a whole In educational and public service facilities will be lost, and the movement of talented, educated . personnel of mature age to areas where their services may be effectively used and compensated and the lessening attraction of persons and businesses from other areas for purposes of industry, commerce and tourism will deprive the Clay and the State of the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental services and facilities for the remaIningrpopuIatIon; and WHEREAS, the increase In the amount and cost of governmental services requires the need for more Intensive development and use of Land to provide an adequate tax base to finance these costs; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 (the "Joint Powers Act ") the City is authorized to enter Into a Joint Powers Agreement to provide for the' Issuance of revenue bonds jointly by the Cities of Apple Valley, Big Lake, Chaska, Little Canada, Waite Park and other_ entities to be Identified In the near future (the "Cities "); and WHEREAS, the City has been advised of the desire to jointly establish a fund with the Cities from the proceeds of the Issuance by the Cities oi"" Securitized Development Revenue Bonus In the aggregate principal amount of $330,000,000 to finance revenue - producing projects for purposes consistent with the Act, said projects to consist of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and /or Instalietlon of comnarclal, Industrial or retail f ac: tIitIes in the Cities (the "Pro,Ject"); and 1- f WHEREAS, the ex I stence of the Project In the C1ty wIII contribute to more l ntens i ve deveiopmient and use of land. to increase the tax bass of the City ,and overlapping taxing authorities and maintain and provide for an 'increase In opportunities for employment for residents of the C1ty, Including economically disadvantaged or unemployed Individuals; and WHEREAS, the City has been advised that conventional, commercial financing "to pay the capital cost of the Project is available at such costs of borrowing that the econors c feaslblltty of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, and, therefore, the City fl'nds that but for the aid of municipal financing, and the avalIabIIIty of other' municipal' assistance In connection therewith,. the Project woul.d not be, economtically feasible; and 'WHEREAS, this Council has been adv °l.sed that, on the basis of Information suball.tted to them and their discussions with representatives of area flnanclal instItutIons and other potential buyers, jointly Issued Securltized Development Revenue Bonds of the Cities, could be Issued: and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance thel Project;' and WHEREAS, the City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to issue Its, revenue bonds to finance the cost, 1n whole or in part, of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement or extension of capital projects consisting of properties used and useful In connection with a revenue - producing enterprise,. and the issuance .,of such Donds by the City pursuant to. the J"oint,Powers Agreement withi. the Cities would be a substantial Inducement to revenue- producing enterprises to construct such facilities In tho and WHEREAS, on the bases of Information given I -the City to date, it appears that it would be in the best ,interest of the City to jointly issue the Securitized Development Revenue: Bonds with the Cities under the provisions of Chapter 474 and Section 471.59 to finance the Project In an amount presently estimated' not to exceed = (330,000,000., NOW0,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT. L The Project Is hereby given prelm (nary approval by the City and- the Issuance of the I revenue bonds for such purpose and In such amount is prolia.l *narily approved, subject to approval of the. Project by the Minnesota Department of Energy' and Economic Development and to the mutual agreement of this body, the Cities and the intti.al purchaser of the bonds as to, the detalits of the bonds and provisions' for their payment.; In alt events, t.t IS understood, however,, that the bonds of the City shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance Iegal or equttabl,o upon any property of the ;City except the Project,; and, the bonds,, when, as and t"f issued shawl recite In substance that the bonds,. Including Interest thereon, are payeb"le solely from the revenues: received f roML the Project and property pledged, to, the payment tMreof, and she I I not Wonstl.tute a debt of the City. Y eZ_ 2.. to accordance rith Mfrinesota- Statutes, Section 474.01,. Subdivision 7a,, j the Mayor of "*, I's hereby authorized and directed to, subm the proposal < for ` the Project to the Mi nnesota' Wpartmant of Energy - and Econowl,c Development for approval of the• Project.. The Mayor and other officers,. °employees and agents of the.' City are hereby . authorized to provIOw the- "Mlnnesofa Department of Energy and-. E:snowic. DevalopmWt with any peel- Amfnary Information needed for this purpose, an& the Ci Attorney /is authorized' to Init and, assist in the preparation of such documents a& ma be appropriate to the Pr if 1t' Is, approved by the Minnesota Department of Energy < and Economic Dev .l opme►t�. 3. Irv 'accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, the Joint Powers, Agreement between' the Cities,) is hereby approved:` substantlally the formQ on f11• with the City. The Mayor and City Manager of the Ci are hereb authorized and di rected. to ex ecut e and del`i'ver the Joint Powers ..AgrA_enent, , with such. changes, amendments or additions as she i bo approved. In' their discretion. 4. The• 1 aw. f i rw of Hol ass 3 Graven, Chartered, I authorized, to. act as Bond Counsel and: Juran d Moody,. Inc. is hereby appoi as exclusive Unenrwriter for tti�: bonds, and Bond Counsel and the Underwriter are hereby authorized' to assist in the preparation and review of necessary documents rotati to the Project and, bonds Issued'' In connect therewith. The Mayor,: City Attorney, and cAher officers, employees and agents- of the City are- hereby author Ized� to assist Bond' Counsel and the- Underrrlter In the preparation of such documents.` ' S. In accordant with Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivisi 1i, the! City Mansg•r - and other officers, emp and agents of the Ci are hereby, authorized and directed to encourage ati participants In the f I nanc I ng 'to. be prov l did ,, by the Project to provide ea�p l oyment opportuniti to ecaniSwlcally 4 or unemployed lnd.lviduals.. Such ind`lvtdual way be- identified by such mechanisms as area avol1 to the City., including, a f agreement. In which the participant Woos to use a designated State emp foywent office as: a f Irst source for employWnt� `ricruIi1Mt,, referral,, and placement. Y?' It 3 A -3`- t .may; rtt % tl i CERTIF OF MINUTES Pun I -cipa ity , City, of Prior Lake, Minnesota. : Govarnl :ng body: City Councils. { Meeting:, A meeting of the Ci Count 1 i of" the: City of Pr i be Lake, Minnesota, held on the 9th day of March, 1,987, at 7t3D p.m. at 4629 Dakota Southeast, Prior Lake, Minnesota. : n Members present: Andrea, >ritzgerald Larson, Scott and, , filtite . t Members absents Noae Documents.: A copy of a reso l`ut l on, adoptid by.:; the City Counc i I of the F 1 City of Prior Lake, M l nnesota at so I; d meet I ng. � Cart t f Icat i on: U Dev* ' Unmacht;; Assistant Manger of the C of Pr I or Lake, `MI nnesota, do hereby certify the foi low i ng; Attached.hereto is a true` correct copy of 'O resolution on file and of r record` in tli. off Ices of the Manager,, Which resa►l;uirion Was adopted by the Ctty } Council , ,at the meeting referred to above. Said meeting was a regu I 4ir ■ met I ng of the City CouncI L, was open to the pub1 I „ and was held at the ;tips and P l ace at which matt rigs, of the C l ty, ' Count, it are, , regularly held, Member Scott coded, the adoption, of the, attached resolution. The ...' motion for ° i or;' of the attached; reso ut t.on Was seconded by Member hracn .; A. vale l» i ng -, takery 'on the mot I on, ttie to l i ow. I ng: va ivd T i it favor of +he- reso l u,• i on : Andrea �} Fitzgerald s Larson $cost � , tititate _ and 1fia.:foi I erri voted n9, age l nst the. �esoj ut I on a 0 : Whereupon said resolutlon was dW wOd duly passed and adopted. The attached resolution is In fu °I farce t `ffect and no action has been taken by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, which would. In any way alter or amend the attached resolution. Witness any hand off IcIaIIy as the Assistant, Manager of the City of Prior Lfkaj Minnesota, this 9th day of Mar 1987. e Jnwaght o t City; Manager /Economic Development Di