HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-019CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ItF,. M T 1014 8.7 -19 RESCLU TION OF APPRRCINION AW COMMUMT1014 FOR MIMM A. M0= M E ��p r CITY R CF PRIOR, IAIM - lDTICN BY FITZGERAM SE+DBb By SCOTT WAS, Michael A. Md(b re has been employed. with the City of Prior Lake for fourteen years beginning in May of 19731 and Wes. Michael A. MaGuire has held three: positions'' with the .City; those being Clerk Administrator (1973 -74); Administrator (1974 -75)= and City Manager (1975-1981); and e WMWM, Michael A. MoCuire, throughout his years of service, has shoran true dedication, oommitwnt:and leadership in serving the needs of the public; and WHMMA Michael A. lire has diligently and generously served and supported he past and current locally elected officials; and IMEWM, Michael A._MWuire has participated and been active in a variety of local clubs and organisations= and WHEW, Michael A. McGuire has accepted a position with the City of Maplewood effective May l= 1987. INCK =FZFOW BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and the City Cotmil of the City of Prior Lake. Minnesota that: Michael A. moire is hereby voaamended for his fourteen years of service to the community of Prior Lake, Minnesota, BE IT FURER FMMVED. that all past and present elected officials, appointed, officials and City Staff do hereby thank Mike for his tine, talent and friendship. BB IT FIRMER FMMVED that all the best wishes and sincere thoughts go to Mike and his family in their move. to Maplewood, Minnesota. _ (01a) 4474= 4029 DAKOTA STRgET &L P.O. EOXJU- PRIOR LAKE, WIN ESOTA 8i3M 0 Passed and ,:adopted;, this 20th day of AMil. 1987. ; Andren X lvndren fttzgerala Larson► ritzger4d x Larson; >t�ooi- x 8aott , ate _7L_ White f AI•L ��� fi x; LydA Andres r (SEAL) City of Prior Lake - a # ;qr v o rk' � CITY OF PRIOR SAKE ,.. .' RPSMUPICH 87 - RESCLUTICH Op APPRMIATION ACID MMMOMTICN FOR MICHRM A. MCGJIRE r j a CITY MATAOER OF PRIOR LNM [rDTICN BY - FLU9 Spppt,p BY SmR•r WBS, Michael A. McGuire has been employed with the City of Prior Lake for fourteen years beginning in May of 1973; and WEEREAS, Michael A. McGuire has held three positions with the city; thus Clerk Administrator " (1973 -74); Administrator (1974 -75); and Cityy 1 (1975 - 1987); and WH1S, Michael A. McGuire, throughout his of service, has shown true dedication, commitment and leadership in serving the needs of the . � � public; and WHBAS,, Michael A. McGuire has diligently and generously served and supported the past and current locally elected officials; - and ° r Wf1E WS, Michael A. McGuire has .local clubs and organizations; local and been active in a variety Of '$ WWM, Michaal-A. McGu has ac cepted a position with the City of Maplewood effective may 1, 1987. t , NOW Mmmon BF IT RE90LLv'ED > the by Mayor and the City Council of ctt ti�ity of Prior Lake. Minnesota that:, Q hereby commended for his fourteen s J -. Michael A. McGuire is he service to A' the community of Prior Lake, Minnesota. r r BE IT FIRMER RgSMVID` that all past and present elected' officials, appointed n 1 officials and City Staff do hereby thank Mike for -his time,,. «talent and) = friendship., o a BE IT FUMM RESMVED that all the best wilehes and sincere thoucghts`"ga.to Mike 0 .° and his family in their more to Maplewood, Minhe6ta. ° low 447•42M 46U DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 35W PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA *55372