HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-040i CITY OF PRIOR LAKE REOMM7M 87-40 ` RESCLLMON SUPPORrM 70 RZXXTION IN SPEED LIMIT AM QJUBN'Y ROAD 12 NXMN BY LNRSM SHOOMED BY SMTr WAS, the residents along damty Road 12 have sutmitted a petition to reduce the speed limit along certain. portions of County P"d 121 and ik WMWM,, the Police Department has reviewed the petition and analyzed the speed of traffic along certain sections of Oounty Aoad 12; and WE9 MEM r proper consideration of the petition by the Opw*y and State may "require a City reaction to the petition request NOR THMMTM BE IT RESOLVED BY ME KVW AND CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MM!EB M'6 that the City of Prior Lake hereby concurs with the petitioners that the speed limit on County pond 12 should be studied anslyssd and reduced to a miles per hour that Mould increase pedestrian and vehicular safety in the area. rE IT XWMM BE RMMVED, that this Resolution together with the petition be submitted to the County Engineer' `a office for his action. Passed and adopted this nth day of Auauat o 1987. Andren JL Andren Fitzgerald JL Fitzgerald Larson -1L Larson Scott JL eoott white it J „,: CITY OF P'� R LAKE c RI:W.OPBZT 87- "RESML PIOSJ R crroer IN �EJ� L� A R� 12 ITZON BY LAR.90N `31 B y Y 7„ o SAS, the residents along CDUnty Read 12 have submitted a petition to reduce the speeu limit'ong certain portions of County Road 12= 4 WHEREM the Police - "Department has, reviewed the petition and, analyzed the a. n speed o traffic along certain 'sections of County Road 12= and WHMRW proffe aonsiaeraticn of the petition by 'the County., and ?tate may •rgai re a City reactioxi to the petition ragas t r” . 51 ., NON TWIM IM BLS IT' RE MVED By; THE NUOR Alm CITY COUMIL OF, IWOR ?.ARE; „ ► that the City of Prior Lake hereby concurs with the petitioners 1` ;' tlaafil sped" limit On C01:111ty' ;Road 12 shOUl be studied, '. analyzed an `xr F uoed to a,Ri]es r pe hour that would increase pzdestrian and Vehicular = safety in the atea. {, „ y` >$ IT BE RESMVE0 r hat` this Resolution together with the petition �r .:. be submitted to. the Coun ty ;Engineer ° s office for his' action. I Passed and &bpted this � �th day of A�iauat , 1987 ... ti - :i aZ 4 c W ""� aw }` Fitzgerald t Fitzgerald- tC L U _ , — r. S ao . Cite `' �� � "Cit �s a I f CI. - f � \ ■ ` /,� \Y/ 7 0 t �( id J. M Y 11Y11 ht ` TLL Mena � gear Cy of Pri6r Lake , n 417�4Z 0 4626'DAKOT*� STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 959 PRIOf,> LAKE, MINNKSOTA 56373 ic ,WE f e'