HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-042CrrY OF PRIOR LAKE RNMurim e7-42 RESMUMN APFRWM PIMS AND SPECIVICIUMNS AW 0104RIM AMW&ISMW POR BIDS WTI611 BY PTri SBOOMED BY NEMME WMM, pursuant to Posolution,,87-25 which the City Council adopted on May 18 1987, the Oonovlting Engineering Fi► of rLbltz, King, Duvallp Anderson & Associates, Inc. has prepared plans, and specifications for the isproyment to Construct Mnicipal Ill No. S. (Project No. 87-13) and has presented such plans ad specifications to the Council for approval: BE IT RZ9MVHD- BY THE MAYOR AND CITY O"M OF PRIOR LAKE, 1. ft:h plane and specifications, a Q?W of which is attached hereto and ake a part herut, are hereby )�WcvW. 2. Mw City Manager shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the I A&LIgtin an adveXtimement for bids upon the ,wking of such improvennt under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published not less than 21 doyeprior to bid opening, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City until 1000 A.M. an Saptember 14, 1987, sit which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Ombers of the city gall by the- City Engibeer will then be tabul ated , and will be considered by the Council at a future Council heating in the Oxmcil Chambers of the City Hall. kV bidder whom responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be.,given an opportunity to address the Council an the imam of responsibility. No bids will be owSidered unless sealed and filed with the , City Manager and acomqxmied by, a cub deposit, cashiere's ' check,, bid bord, or cortifiW check payable to the City 'cf Prior I&ke for 5 per cant cf 4w:*x* of such, bid. 01E] "7-0= 00 DAKOTA STREET SAL PABOX'SM MORILAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 `" l , 4 r Passed and aftpted, this nth dsy of h" 1987. Andran JL .11ndren FitMprald ,L.. Fit gerald Larson -X- Larson eoott .Y . soott *rite Write A id J. UhwAht y Nr y of Prior Lake r CITY OF PRIOR LAKE RESMUTIM 87-42 APPROVM .,. RESOLUTION PLMS At+ &S jt IQITMNS ?iND o xc PiWE[i�ZS11 NT POR BIDS MOITIO1 BY Fhi'SCERAM SECONDED BY WHITE' WHMREAB, pursuant to Resolution 87-25 Which the City O xUrAl adopted on May 18. 1987, the Gbnsulting Engineering Fizz of 7bitz King, Duvall, Anderson Inc. has prepared" plans``and specifications for the construct MUnieipal Well `Mo. 5 (Project No.. 87 13), and has !:Own nted "such plans and specifications to the.OaunciI for approval " t , NN 79MUWM BE IT RPiPC'LVED BY WE MWOdt !9ID CITY DOQ19rII, OF PRIOR LAM � - x r { a 1. Such plans and'specifieations, a copy of which is attached hereto and make a part herd, are hereby approved. c 2. The City Manager shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the mnalructicpp an adve�rtisaeent " for bids upon the peaking of such ixWoveeent under such - approved glans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published" not lees than 21 days prior to specify bid opening, shall fy the work to be done, small state that bids will be reoeived by the City until 10:00 A.M. on September 14, 1987, at which time they wi]1 be publiclY opened in the Qm ncil Chambers of the City Hall by the } City Engineer; will' then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Owuncil at a future Douncil Meeting In the Qxnwil Qnaibers of t the City hall. Any bidder whose responsibility is gaeietioned during 'given ' consideration of the bid will be an opporttpnity to addimm the ODMx31 on the issue of responsibility. Na bids ' will F be oansdered unless sealed and' filed with the City Metnager and « ` ace°■parliea by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid boird. or o c : „ certified check payable fo the City of Prior Lake for 5 per cent of the am=* of such bid. w. i (e11M 447.4299 4M DAKOTA STREET S.E., P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55572 &'`` u, Passed and adopted this 17-th day of hMAL , 1987, 0 a a l ndren _]L Andren f,. Fitzgerald . L Fitzgerald Larson `: Larson u Scott JL Scott. _ White .1L mite —_ t id J. tuacht ty of Prior Lake 414 1� �5 4 7 J ; jj y l � 4 N ' fl c � 3 �[3 a V �� _ C='V' i�} 5 � •?�.. i S .. &r v=. : � _• // r a ".