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• � ° . ,,. �],.fs... s..:J w.�- ir�a.< +�.�kS3b.i" hF,.. ksxaea ��.• 4�" A� .ia1aE�F.'�� `�.'+�'."Y6f: 5960 \� EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MELM NC OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, AINNESOTA HELD: August 17, 198`7 Pursuant to duo call and not ics thereof, neeting of 0'%� City Council of ,,the` of Prior Lake,' „Minnesota , was du held at. , y the Cit�!,�Nall in said City on• the f° 17th„ day of August, 1987,E at , _j_ T ire ,followin , • ring. members were present: My►0 r Andyn. Council ' NssOsr= Pi ttoerai d, Larton..Scott and Mhi to .� and t he k were absent: Nona Men"r intcjoducsd -. the follow- ; Inq resolution and' v6d, its'a opt on: RESOLUTION N0. i 87 - 44 `. W=LUTI'ON' PRO!VIDINV FOR 'PUBLIC :SALE >" O!",'-_$1, so 000' GENERAL OBLIGATICH MATER REVp!IUL° BONDS= OF 1987 BE IT RESOLVED, 'by thi C "i ty Counc °1 of tl a City o`f Pr ioc Lake,' Ninnesota, as •follows a It is hereby.,Eound> determined and declared. that this �. City .should i.ssue.,$C,580,000, Csneral Obl gation water Revenue " Bonds of 1987 to provide money °to "� finance improvements' to the i municipal water system in the City. a 2. This Council sha1,1° meet at the t ime and place F .' jt e e ,. specified in the fern of no ice "hereinafter contained for the x ; purpose of opening and cons saa "lid bidi for, and award - ihq the sale of S 1 500`; A00 Gen `ra 1 Obligat ' waster Rfvenue ` So nds o! 9ff7 of s'` id City.`"`` ., S. ?hi. City `Mlansgwc..is hecsby author, sod and directed to cause notice of the ins,, piece and . •purpop# of so id'me .inq `niwspapec to _be published in the official of the City' and in commercial West not less than ten days in advance of date of � S b L . } rw � .l u - ; .b•' Yuuu, w .,rKU3 i sale. ` as provided. by law:, wh=ich not ice s,ha 11 be 6 n substantially t Fore set„ for th: in •Exhib=it . A attached; herdao.,` 4: ?he Corms and, conditions, of satid bonds and the 0414 Hier of are. fully sst, forth in t he "Of` Lcii 'berme: of flood. U e ," ottadhed hereto as Cxhibi t "9, and: incorporatod hbreita nrefe • The bott f 't hs, adopti,on the Eoregoinq resolution Was dully asconded b weeboc and upon a vote "1091 taken ,klNrson;, the_ tol owing v in b or thereof: Md. Ge11 llri�es F1t�Td. Larson. SGOt�t and llhits and. tt►s iollei�+;sq voted ,against' the sase:. NaN rvhecdupon said. re lu font was: siaclared 'duly passed, and < r adopted. ` ( >t t. 3 4 \ y I C. � [,: 1 596U � EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEE 'P1NC OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF # PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA° HELD: August 17, 1987 { h- n Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, meeting of the City Council of 'the City of Prior Lake, }5 Minnesota, was duly held at the`'City , ;H_all in said City on the' 17 day f August, 19$:7 Y at ,J:� a' :lock p : M. s The following. members were present: Mayor Andrea.' . � 41 MMebers r Pi t=geral d, Larson, Scott gild White ' and the following were `absent: Nona * ` Mamber a Wh1te 4 "� introduced the follow - .ift resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 87_44 RESOLUTION PROVIDING TOR PUBLIC SAL$' r OF $1,500,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION ". WATER REVENUE BONDS OF 1987 :z BE IT RESOLVED by the City 'Council of the City of Prior ' Lake, Minnesota, as follows: .� 1,. �It is hereby found, determined anr� dEClared that this City mould issue Obligation Water Revenue Bonds of'1987 to provide money to finance improvements to the municipal water in system the City. '2. This Council stall meet at the time and place �. specified in the'form of notice hereinafter °contained, for the 719� 'purpose of opening and; sealed bids for, and ,award- ing .the sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds of 1987 of said Citya. „ 3. The ,City Manager .`I� hereby authorized and directed .. I� to cause notice of -the time place and purpose of said mveL•ing 4. ` to b published in the,of fi',c is i newspaper of the City and' in �I Commercial West not °less ,th'an ten ,days in advance. of d,a'*e of f o p. © •' y r° , U sale; as' provided by law, which not ice sha4 i be n substantially the form set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. 4 The terms and conditions oEsald bonds and the sale thereof are fully set forth in` the "Official I rerills ' u of Bond ,Sale" attached hereto, as Exhibit a and incorporated herein by reference. The4mot - ion for the adoptiSor of the Eoregoing'resol.ution was duly seconded�by member `Scott and upon.a vote being taken thereon, the following- voted in Favor thereof:. Mieyor Andren, Council Members Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and,, White. and the Following voted Rsgainst the same: None- Whereupon said resolution was declared duly' passed, and U adopted,. ° Ai kf- r. J ^ t V v\ fJ Y r '. l f✓ Fd i i1ky. r t � 4( s _ t e . d. i n o