HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-0456 , 596U 5`960 EXTRACT OF �MYNUTES OF A `,MEETING - OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MIN4kSOTA HELD; August 17, l �t987 rPursuant to due call' and notice thereof, a _ meet4no of the City of the Ciiy of Prior Leke, Scott Country, Minnesota, wis duay : held at Lhe City ,Hall in said City ,on,MonalAy;• the 17th day of Auqust, 19$7, it 7: o'clock E.M. o,c the purpose ins autho ' h i ssuance of, P, p part of eutho. ' L and•awiiding the sale of, $225,000 General Z?blioation Improvement Bonds of of the City. Ther followinq,.members were present:' ` Mayor Andrsn. Council 1itxBereld, Larson, Scott and White and thefollowfnq were .absent: None 3 a Member introduced the follow no resolution - i ts moved is a�ptIon RESOLUTION NO. 81 -45 {; RESOLUTION pROVI`DING tOR THE 15UANCZ AND SALE OF $225,000 GENERAL OH IMPROVEMENT. ° BONDS 00 1987,r AND LEVYING A -TAX FOR TAE THEREOF WHEREAS, The City Council the City of Prior Lake,` Minnesota (the "City "), has heretofore determined and declared that it'is,. ndcesaary , and expedient to issue $22S 000 General Obligation Iieprovemint. Bonds of 19$7 of the ; City, pucsuan't to Minnesota Statutes,. Chapters 4�9 and•4;75, to finance tha 0 construction of various improvements in the City ( r:ferred to as thw 1*0rovementb")i and WHEREAS,�No other ob140 ibns-have been sold pursuank to a pr, *'sale within the twelve l'12'1 •calendar months Qf, the date..heroof wNj6h when eo binad with thiis issue would, „exceed the $1,.7O0 U00 Yimitat,ion,,on 4 . . r, �� ,,. o a - ' I ,. '"• ri., ri.� �f; s ,. 'h �F • i ? The City ;shall o44" ids ' b6st ortorts to coa p'ly with any federal t , proeedoa2 r` ;uieiwents' which aui a ! my -order .to e[lactuate. i y PP Y �. the d+ si 09% Ah- ' wade by this paragraph., Tat Prior:ResQlution of Cit Hera Baton Twproven+t Bonds the y govern +�9 0, # `c! 1486 !`und. is hortsby s 1'eoerited to. the extsht necessary to :provis hs - ar rah t to' the o ot_paigp 1S o>' this i' i .oive'e�"t+ reooxbtion ;.: X 25. t f any f section, , paragraph or provi iq� °at this TO ut on sha ll boi to be, invalid or ,held un4nfocc+ble hoc any rsazn; the invalldiYty oc ;4n�rn;isrcoabilit'ty io! soch soctic�n paragraph or rovision shill rua� ahfec any of °Eho. ~:rat_ri9 p.roviaions of this resolution. Z6 . HOW not Headings in this res�oluton. are'; for eonvev of r�f�rence' only and are not a part, ; included r h, ane! sboll not ' -JOLt the weam inq of any _ r Pro iion hareot 'The�isation tor,'th�t adoption. of the tore9oin9 resolution wai duty seconded by Nwaiber '' "' and, y �it�c a toll A ocussi+ar► thereof and upan. ng to on theY6on, the - ' ollgvinq votod in avoc theroot; Ni, or�llndre�n.' f ,w '`� Cou�tt 1MnpRr� : F1ls;1.0.;.iacsar, 3c�tti.aAt "'•Mh1te 5 _ antl goliok`rtq aga.n No J, �resol�+C:Ion waa� �red ly pgaood `rs Whiceupon� id du U „ sa ` hnd bdop,t d. s f 8 .i t 1� f 1 b f - 1 D '? R ♦ ' t $ 't ' r f o- t XL J v..' . �a,.,a,•:,w:.,-.5.. ,.._ : .. !h o v ,. 3 ., 5.. b -.e.� u .,t3 . ,r '.r.�',€�dE ktl..:e..,_. :,�s, H.7h., �,. a. ., a c am z ' 6A ry ° 596U f \ # EXTRACT OF- ,MINUTES OF_A MEETING OF THE p CITY COUNCIL Of' THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 0 HELD: August 17, '1987 i J q Pursuant to:due call and notice thereof, a r egular " meeting of, the City Coyncil'of' the Ci °ty of "Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota,, was duly _ held } >aL Lhe City, ball in said City; on Monday', the 17th day of August'', 1987, at 7:30 r, oclock' 4 . � s P.M. for the purpose, in part of authorizing " issuance of and awarding the sale of, $225,0.00 General,Obligation o "' Improvement Bonds - of 1 ,1987 of the City. o J Q The following members were` present: Mayor Andres, Council Members F#zgerald, Larson, Scot White 1 .*and f .. r'. and,' the following were absent: None Member Scott introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption :, y n' RESOLUTION-No. 87 =45 R£SOLU'r�I(QN PROVIDING FOR THE ' *" ISSUANCE AND SALE'�OF $2,25','000 GENER�AL'OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS 'OF 19s� AND °LEVYING A TAX fQR THE PAYMENT THEREOF t WHEREAS,oThe City Counci of the City of Prior Lake,' Mi.nrte:ota (the City ". ) , has is eretofare determined and declared 0aient j a, necessary and eft Obligation Improvement Bohc� to issue= $225, 000 General of 1987 of the City, to pursuant Minnesota Statutes, Chapters,; 429 and 475, to finance the " canstr�ct=ion of various `improvement in the'City (hereinafter ree,rred to as the` >" Improver' ts'� )'; and , WHER +E'A ° °$', ° °eNo other oblibations have be n *Q pwr , the last, twelve ;uart5t ;to a private'sale within (12) calendar month 0f the date hereof which when combined with th`ia. i'ssUe O.Ou -ld, exceed - the 20000 . 0 i .`l mutation` on , � , • i •t.. ,�,'7 f a �pJM G p _ �"b'MMa`YrMw.M' Mrt. . 111. 1•. � l � A � JY. '`` �+fR+�♦A'#'.I.R�l1''NR tt[�(ih { Ili The City shall use its best efforts to comply with any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effecLua�te the-designation made by this paragraph. 29 Supplemental Resolution The Prior Resolution of the City; governing the General Obligation improvement Bonds of 1986 Fund is hereby supplemented to the extent necessary to give effect to +the provisions of paragraph 15, of this resolution;. 6 25. SeyerabilitV if any section, paragraph or provision of this resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for.�any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution. 26. Headings Headings in this resolution are' included for convenience of reference only and' are" not :a hereof, and shall not limit or,def,ine the meaning of "any prov'i'sion• •hereof . The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member t ld and, °� fter a full discussion thereaE and upon, vote °" eing taken t Hereon, the following voted in f thereof Mayor ghdren, Coun�i�l Members Fitzgerald,. Larson, `Scott.'and White 4 0 c and th'6jol,lowing voted against the same: - None . a G Whereupon said resolution was declared duly.passed and adopted. r G , , 0 , M 22 J l.'�