HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-057.. ... ... ...... .u...s..,. ,.., ..... r ... .._,.. .. .. <x,. »..a.x.... _.c a �..- .w�- .4..:.,�_ w.aw,.i.. a..- .e..kaP 'n , ..�vv .... G CITY OF PR m m, L t° IMSMU mN 87 -57 A REkLUr= M7MMZIFG C MMT ALMM= TO LBW TAXESs Q IM CZM= BCO IS E8 PAMMA IN 1988 7 NDI M 173 Z O�iJl i Bi $ ism, the City hes issued the folla tinti general ouigation bonds: 5 General CMI.gation . m 1 11 -01 -73 Cameral Obligation 1a0t9a4■it * 109 11 -01 -73 Gweral Cbtigation- Maier Re"MU 77 07 -01 -74 General Migation Tm It 2.122,000.00 07 -01 -74 Geraral Cbligot Qwl' aQrovesrrft 575 10; -01 -74 :v- - Gmrat Cilati 280,000000 12 -01 -74 General Cb.ligation ilbter ROOMM. 95.000.00 04 -01 -76 00mral. i+"W'tian ]kWoae ih 2,370,000.00 10-01 -76 (1 Cameral Miget on Parks l 280.000.00 10 -01 -77 (2) General Mligation "mW" 2.425.000.00 10-01 -77 (2)� General Migation 1 03- 01-78 General „Bmtove■ont Migstion'IeQravaaient 1400 000.00 06- 01 -78, Gmral datigWc,n Ts�proveml 220.000.00 05 -01 -79 �- General C bli 3.025400:00 10 -01 -79 Goraral C>b►tigatian_ 3leproveeet�t L42S 000.00 07 -01-80 amral Cbligatiae:' rapco se: t 110 000 OQ 02- 01-82 Gmerat Cib1i4i ion 2' ' %PW�nt 300 02 -01-83 General Catigatfonproweent 150,000.00 09- 01 -83: , Gmersl C>aligationn 295.000.00 04 -01-84 < General C ligatian Equi 'pint C attificabs 175:000.00 04 -01-84 'General C>blign 1Bprc!w�eer�k. 09 -01-84 General Cialigation Zapr%6"0 183000,000.00 04- 01-85; k , General Migation 30! 3 02 -01-86 ` Gsnaral C bligation ZWovownt 2.700.000.00 04 =01-87 (3)` goveral C bligation sgniprat certificates 300,000.00 07 -01-87 QmrAl Mligation INpc 225.000.00 09 -01-87 ` W1 S the reolutians authorising the instance a! 'the bo levied upon all of the taxable property in the CLty a direct a - 1 ad valorem tax which � D shall. tit: sprNd upon the tax calls. (1) AdvanOrd refunded, dated 10-01^ 6 (2) adeabbid Aefund--.d, dated 1.0 -01 -77 (31 Advanced iWmWed, dated '04-01 -87 � oAKOT� Igr81417 8Q fM§ffr S.E. �.0 SOX iM Mli tAKE„�`EMi1NIO7A iNM Y CITY i O PR IOR LAKE PZSM 87 -57 A RES(LUTION AmonzING 07fJm AmiTa , TO LEVY TAXES FOR CERMM BCND ISSUES PAD ZE IN 1988 ° IUD' 7m BY: SCOTT SHt70NDED BYr " i WHITE WEERMAS, the Cit issued the following ng general obligation bonois: t ;f General Obligation .�nprovea�ent n; 155,004.00 General Obligation' �►roveeent 108,000.00 11 01 -73 '- General Obligati`on,WAter Revenue 77.000,00 0 -74 General Obligations xWcoveoent 2,122,000.00 Generate' Obligation, Ispravenent -01 07 -01 -74 575.000.00 General Obligation . Parks, 280,000.00 10 -01-74 1201 -74 General Obligation Water Revenue 95,000.00 General Obligation 1r*,proveaent 04-01-76 ;2 #370,000.00 General Obligation Parks 280,000.00 10-01 -76 <1) General, 04139stf[Oa� Tmpcggjpent 2,428,000.00 ( leneral Obligation Improvement "1,900,000.00 1�01 77 (2)� General Obligation raaixovement , z, 3.,400,000.00 03- 01 -78I 06-01 -78 taeneral Obligation I raveaeent 220,0`00.00 (oral Obligation Improv nt 05 =01:79 _ 2,025,000.00 Gleneial Obligatioa� IfiWeveaient 11,425400.00 10 -01 49 07s01 =80 Val Wigation Impraveaent , 4, �� 110,600.00 � lion. IaKovenent 0201 -82 , 300,000.00,x/ Ca}neral Obligation ftcovement . 150100000 02 -01 -- 83 09-Q1 83 s Gu�eral ligation Mre ., 295,000.00' WHO to Obri gation BquigAent C7ertificates 175,000.00 04 -01 -84 04 -01-84 g 4r:�ra1 Oblgaition, ]ypcoeeent 1,0804000.00 u�eral Obligation Imp�rc!v�ent 09 -91 -84 1,300,000.00 ,Gie�eral Obligation IeQrow�eoent 3,450,000:00 Gaiera O&igafiion 04- 01 -85" 02 -01 =86 . Iaapca(aaent 2,700,000.00 , nerail Obligation 9quiaent Certificates 300,004,00 04 -01 -87 07 -01.87 (3 Gtenerai Obligation 1Wcoment 225,000,00; 09 - 01=87 SAS, the reeolutiom authorizing the ° issuance of the bonds leviedi upon all of the taxable property in the Cityv,a direct, annual ad valorm tax which shall be spread upon the tax rolls.,; (1) Adganced ftfftW 16-01 76 .dates ` (2)' A&anmd AefwxUd, dated 10 (3) AdvancScl AefmxUd, dated W01 -87 (612) 4474= 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE MINNESOTA 66572 NGW, �EREFawI IT R VE6 by the Mayor and City Council that the City Manager -is ,hereby authorized to °'tecertify to 'the ODunty Auditor of SCOtt Cbunty, the ;. following tax ]�evies for the�,ayment of debt service on the bonds to be spread upon ' . the tax Trolls for 1907, payable, in the year 1988; . S " 155,00040 General' Obligation improvements of 1972 109,000.00 General Obligation Improvements of 1912 g 77,000.00 Ganer "al:Obligation Water Revenues of 1973 ... 5 S +� 2,122,000.00 General`Obfigation `Imprbiaments of 1973" 575, 000.00 General Obligation improvements of 1973 8 280,000.00 General Obligation Parks of 1973 ... 20,585.00 ' 95,000.00 GleneralObligation Water Revenues of 1975 ... 7,550.00. $ ;� 2,370,000.00 General Wigation Improvments of 1976 1 280,000.00 General Obbi+3ation Parks of 1977, .:; 19,485.00 2,425, 000.00 Generaii' Obligation Impromments of 1977 a ' $ 1,900,066.00 General Obligation Improvements of 1977 � 8 Y.,406,0 00 General Obligation Improvements of 1977 $ 220,000:00 txal,Obllgation improvements of 1978 2,025 Geherpl Obligation mprovements of 1978 $ '1,425,000 .,00` Glener Obligation imps cents of 1979 .e = 110,000.00 Gea�ral Obligation Impravements'of .1981 S.' 300,000.00 Gral , of 1982 $ 150,000.00 Clweral ;`Obligation'Improvements of 1983 $' ;, 295,000.00 Gener'a1 Obligation Fire of 1984 ... 41,100.00 f ' 175, 000,00 General Obligation Bquipeent,Cert of 1984 .. 53,625.00 0 1 1 f General`Obligation Improvments of 1981 P e 11300,000.00 Ciirral Obligation Uprommients of 1985 e 3, 450, 000,00 , :General Obligation' Improvements of 1986 ... 150,000.00 $ 2,700,000.00 General Obligtion Improvements of 1987 .. 100 8 306',000.00 .General Obligation Equipment Cart'of 1987 .. 83,785000 1 1 - 8 2251 ,00000 C�erreral Cbligation ��aprr events of 1987 ,.. 29,000.00 x , II 511,0700000 Psaaed And adapted this nth day of October , 1987. 1Snareri ,. L ' Andren _ Fftageraid ,, Fitzgerald _ Larson Larson � - �. Scott � soot o NOite AL. Mite id . 'tlmacft � y' Manag4r {gam} ty of Prior Lake _ Q r! o